plant vs zombies ps4 - strana 40
Počet nájdených inzerátov PLANT VS ZOMBIES PS4
: 1000 - strana 40

Predám knihy, raz prečítané, zachovalé/ako nové a niektoré dokonca ani nečítané.
1 Assassin's Creed: Odhalení-9€
2 Město malérů-6€
3 Kapitán Flint Je Zase In-5€
4 Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare-Predané
5 Pes Baskervillský-7€
6 StarWars:Jediská Akadémia-Predané
7Já, Jůtuber(1->3)-kus:10€ všetky:25€
8 Mladí Titáni do toho: PÁRTY, PÁRTY!- 10€
PRI KÚPE VŠETKÝCH: 59€(samostatne všetky 72€)
SK: 3,4,6; CZ-1,2,5,7,8;

Predam hernu konzolu Microsoft Xbox One X s 1TB alebo s 2TB SSD diskom v originalnom baleni vratane prislusenstva (aj na 1. fotke).
1TB HDD je nahradeny rychlim 1TB alebo s vacsim 2TB SSD diskom!
(SSD ulozisko maju aj najnovsie series S a X)
Konzola aj ovladac boli vycistene, skontrolovane - su plne funkcne.
Obsah balenia:
ovladac (controller)
napajaci kabel
HDMI kabel
Ku konzole si mozete vybrat hry (zoznam je len informativny)
2 hry z uvedenych:
Agony (HU)
Alien - Isolation
Assassin's Creed - Black Flag (CZ, HU)
Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition
Dragon Age - Inquisition
Final Fantasy XV
For Honor
Gears of War 4
The Evil Within + DLC
The Evil Within 2
Tom Clancy’s The Division (CZ, HU)
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege (CZ)
Broken Sword 5
Liftoff Drone Racing
Plants vs. Zombies - Garden Warfare
Assassin's Creed II
AC Brotherhood
CoD Black OPS
Call of Juarez - The Cartel
Dante’s Inferno
Halo - Combat Evolved Anniversary
alebo 1 hru z uvedenych:
Assassin's Creed - Syndicate (CZ, HU); Unity (CZ)
Battlefield V
BioShock - The Collection
Borderlands - The Handsome Collection
Call of Duty - Black OPS III, 4
CoD - Ghosts
Dead Island (Definitive Collection)
Devil May Cry 5
Doom UAC Pack; Eternal
Dragon's Dogma - Dark Arisen
Far Cry Primal (CZ)
Halo - The Master Chief Collection
L.A. Noire
Metal Gear Solid V - The Phantom Pain
Metro 2033 Redux (CZ)
Monster Hunter - World
Mortal Kombat X
Overwatch - Origins Edition
Rage 2
Redeemer - Enhanced Edition
Resident Evil VII Biohazard; Revelations 2
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Star Wars Jedi - Fallen Order
The Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim (Special Edition)
The Surge 2
The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt (CZ; HU)
Thief (Limited Edition) - Bank Heist Mission + ArtCards
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint (CZ); Wildlands (CZ)
Tomb Raider - Definitive Edition
Warhammer 40;000 Inquisitor - Martyr (HU)
Wasteland 2 (Director's Cut)
Watch Dogs 2 (CZ; HU)
Wolfenstein II - The New Colossus
PES2020 (eFootball)
Steep Winter Games Edition
Bendy and the Ink Machine
Dragon Ball FighterZ; Ball Xenoverse
Ghostbusters the Video Game Remastered
Batman - Arkham Origins
Gears of War
Prince of Persia
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell – Blacklist
* * *
V pripade zaujmu mam:
- Microsoft Xbox One Kinect Sensor s ADAPTEROM -90€
- originalny microsoft "Xbox Play & Charge Kit" (1 akumulator + 1 kabel) - 12€
- 1 akumulator (+ kabel) -10€
- headset - rozne v ponuke
- nastavec k headsetu s 3,5mm jack
![[TOP] Hry na Playstation 3 (2+1 ZDARMA)](
Ponúkam na predaj originálne hry pre Playstation 3.
Ideálny typ na vianočný darček? Spoločná zábava s hrou.
Hrou ako darček na Vianoce nič nepokazíte!
■ AKCIA 2+1 hra (do 7€) zadarmo ■
■ AKCIA 2+1 hra (do 7€) zadarmo ■
■ AKCIA 2+1 hra (do 7€) zadarmo ■
Ponúkam na predaj všetky žánre:
Detské, tanečné, športové, závodné (pretekárske – autá, motorky), akčné, strieľačky, bitkárske, dobrodružné, hry pre dvoch a viacerých hráčov, hry pre chlapcov a dievčatá
Zoznam hier, ktoré ponúkam:
Assassin Creed, After Hours, Army of Two, Anarchy Reigns, Alien Isolation
Battlefield, Beyond Two Souls, Band Hero, Batman, Borderlands, Brothers in Arms, Blazing Angels, Burnout Paradise
Call of Duty, Call of Juarez, Colin McRae Dirt, Crysis
Doom, Devil May Cry, Dishonored, Driver San Francisco, Dead Island, DJ Hero, Dungeon Siege, Diablo, Dragon Age, Disney – UP / Cars / Epic Mickey, Duke Nukem, Darksiders, Dead Rising, Def Jam, Deus Ex, Dynasty Warriors, Dance, Dead Space
FIFA, Far Cry, F1 (Formula), Farming Simulator, Fallout, Final Fantasy, Fast and Furious, Fight Night
Gran Turismo, Grand Theft Auto (GTA), God of War, Guitar Hero, Grid
Harry Potter, Heavy Rain, Heavy Fire, Homefront
Just Dance, Just Cause, Journey
Killzone, Kingdoms of Amalur, Kane and Lynch
LEGO – Marvel / Star Wars / Batman / Movie, Lost Planet, Lair, Little Big Planet
Minecraft, Midnight Club, Medal of Honor, Motorstorm, Mafia 2, Mindjack, Mass Effect, Mirror Edge, Madden NFL, MotoGP, Mercenaries, Metal Gear, Move Fitness, Modnation Racers
NBA, NHL, Need for Speed, Naruto Shippuden
Operation Flashpoint, Overlord
Pro Evolution Soccer, Payday, Pure Football, Prototype, Plants vs Zombies, Prince of Persia
Ratchet and Clank, Red Dead Redemption, Resistance, Resident Evil, Red Faction, Ridge Racer, Rocksmith, Remember Me, Rocket Sports
Spiderman, Silent Hill, Singstar, Shadow of Colossus, Saints Row, Sniper Ghost Warrior, Skate, Sacred, Superbike, Shrek, Skylanders, Sports Champions, SEGA
The Godfather, The Last of Us, The Walking Dead, The Lord of The Rings, The Fight, The Orange Box, The Evil Within, The Club, The Darkness, Tomb Raider, Turning Point, Top Spin, Turok, Time Crisis, Test Drive, Transformers, Tiger Woods, Tom Clancy – Splinter Cell / HAWX / Endwar / Ghost Recon / Rainbow Six
Uncharted, Unreal Tournament, UFC Trainer
Virtua Tennis
Watch Dogs, Wonderbook, Warhammer
XCOM, Yakuza, Zumba

Predám tieto dve hry v nadpise nepoužívané v dobrom stave ale nie sú tam návody takže predám len obal a hry.

Hry za 5e :
- Verdict day armored Core:ps3
-Defiance :ps3
-Bian lara 2007 pressure play:ps2
-SpaceMarine :ps3
Hry za 7e
-Killzone 2 platimum :ps3
-battlefield hardline :ps3
-heavenly sword :ps3
Hry za 8e
-haze :ps3
-nhl 11 :ps3
-wolfenstein the new order :ps3
-plants vs zombies Garden warfare online :ps3
-xcom enemy unkown :ps3
-harry potter and the deathly hallows part 2 :ps3
-resistance fall of man :ps3
Hry za 10e
-xcom enemy within :ps3
Hry za 15e
-harry potter and the order of the phoenix :ps2
-the house of the dead overkill extended cut bez papierových okuliarov :ps3

Predám Xbox One 500GB + Kinect + 2 ovládače + hry Dance Central Spotlight, Kinect Sports Rivals + ZOO Tycoon (Token). Všetko v top stave, ako nové, deti ho takmer vôbec nepoužívali. To je aj dôvod predaja. K tomu za zbytkovú cenu posuniem aj 5 ďalších hier v pôv. hodnote 220€ – FIFA15, Minecraft, Watch Dogs 2, Need For Speed Rivals a Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare. Cena spolu s hrami 250€.

Prodám kompletní balíky včetně man. Balíky jsou poskládané k hraní a myslím si, že i vyrovnané k hraní proti sobě. Na prodej celkem 10 balíků (prodám jako celek nebo nejméně 6 balíku). Každý balík obsahuje 60 karet. Humans, Elementals, Squarels, Elfs, Vampires, Dragons, Wolfs, Disturb, Artefact, Zombies. Cena 33 + doprava, za vše. Obsahuje C,U,R. Zdarma přidám tokeny. Pro více fotek mi dejte vdědět. Bez obalů.

Predám hry na XBOX ONE:
Plus poštovné

Predám rôzne knihy v angličtine.
The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy And Other Stories - 6€
Artemis Fowl - 5€
Vampires, Zombies, Werewolves and Ghosts - 3€
V prípade záujmu ma prosím kontaktujte na mail.

Predávam použité hry pre PS3 herné konzoly.Všetky hry sú otestované,niektoré obsahujú minimálne škrabance ale sú plne funkčné.
Záruka - 12 mesiacov
Stav - bazár
007 Quantum of Solace-8€
A.Creed 2 GOTY-5€
A.Creed 3 CZ/HU-8€
A.Creed 4 Black Flag CZ/HU-9€
A.Creed Brotherhood-7€
A.Creed Revelations-6€
A.Creed Rogue-10€
Aliens Colonial Marines-9€
Angry Birds Trilogy-39€
Armored Core Verdict Day-9€
Army of Two-8€
Battlefield 3-6€
Battlefield 3CZ-10€
Battlefield Bad Company 2-7€
Battlefield Bad Company-7€
Beijing 2008-5€
Binary Domain-5€
Bioshock 2-8€
Blitz The League 2-9€
Borderlands 2-5€
Borderlands The Pre-Sequel!-8€
Brothers in Arms Hell´s Highway-10€
Call of Duty Black Ops-9€
Call of Duty Ghosts-5€
Crysis 2-7€
DanceStar Party Hits-10€
DanceStar Party-7€
DeadRising 2 Off the Record-5€
Deus Ex Human Revolution-5€
Dragon Age 2-7€
Dragon Age Inquisition-9€
Dragons Dogma-5€
Dungeon Siege 3-5€
F1 2011-5€
Fallout 3-8€
Fallout New Vegas-10€
Far Cry 2-7€
Far Cry 3+Far Cry 4-15€
Far Cry 3-8€
FIFA Street 3-10€
FIFA Street-9€
Final Fantasy XIII-2-8€
Final Fantasy XIV Realm Reborn-5€
GTA 5-15€
GTA Episodes from Liberty City-12€
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix-15€
Heavenly Sword-5€
Heroes Over Europe-9€
Just Cause 2-10€
Kane&Lynch:Dead Men-8€
Killzone 2-6€
Killzone 3-8€
LEGO Batman The Videogame-15€
LEGO Disney Pirates of the Carribean-30€
LEGO Harry Potter (Years 1-4)-15€
LEGO Harry Potter (Years 5-7)-15€
LEGO Star Wars The Force Awakens-14€
LEGO The Lord of the Rings-15€
Mafia 2 CZ-35€
Mass Effect 2-6€
Mass Effect 3-5€
Medal of Honor Warfighter-9€
Mercenaries 2 World in Flames-5€
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection-13€(bez obalu)
Mini Ninjas-9€
Mirror´s Edge-5€
Mon Coach Personnel-Club Fitness-15€
MXvsATV Supercross-10€
Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3-15€
NHL 15 CZ-25€
NHL 16 Legacy Edition CZ-35€
Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising-5€
PES 2015-10€
Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare-15€
Quantum Theory-5€
Rayman Origins-13€
Resistance 2-4€
Resistance Fall of Man-9€
Risen 2 Dark Waters-5€
Komplet zoznam na mail...
> Kontakt:
> Tel. číslo :
> E-mail : gamingbazarsk@
> Alebo dole cez formulár

Predam hry na xbox one
Disky su neposkodene a plne funkcne

Predam hernu konzolu Xbox One X HyperSpace Special Edition vratane prislusenstva (aj na 1. fotke).
Konzola aj ovladac boli vycistene, skontrolovane - su plne funkcne, v TOP stave.
Zaruka skoncila 17.5.2022.
Obsah balenia:
ovladac (controller)
napajaci kabel
HDMI kabel
Ku konzole si mozete vybrat hry,
2 hry z uvedenych:
Agony (HU)
Alien - Isolation
Assassin's Creed - Black Flag (CZ, HU)
Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition
Dragon Age - Inquisition
Final Fantasy XV
For Honor
Gears of War 4
The Evil Within + DLC
The Evil Within 2
Tom Clancy’s The Division (CZ, HU)
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege (CZ)
Madden NFL 19
Broken Sword 5
Liftoff Drone Racing
Plants vs. Zombies - Garden Warfare
Project Highrise - Architect's Edition
Assassin's Creed II
AC Brotherhood
CoD Black OPS
Call of Juarez - The Cartel
Dante’s Inferno
Halo - Combat Evolved Anniversary
alebo 1 hru z uvedenych:
Assassin's Creed - Syndicate (CZ, HU); Unity (CZ)
Battlefield V
BioShock - The Collection
Borderlands - The Handsome Collection
Call of Duty - Black OPS III, 4
CoD - Ghosts
Dead Island (Definitive Collection)
Devil May Cry 5
Doom UAC Pack; Eternal
Dragon's Dogma - Dark Arisen
Far Cry Primal (CZ)
Halo - The Master Chief Collection
L.A. Noire
Metal Gear Solid V - The Phantom Pain
Metro 2033 Redux (CZ)
Monster Hunter - World
Mortal Kombat X
Overwatch - Origins Edition
Rage 2
Redeemer - Enhanced Edition
Resident Evil VII Biohazard; Revelations 2
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Star Wars Jedi - Fallen Order
The Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim (Special Edition)
The Surge 2
The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt (CZ; HU)
Thief (Limited Edition) - Bank Heist Mission + ArtCards
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint (CZ); Wildlands (CZ)
Tomb Raider - Definitive Edition
Warhammer 40;000 Inquisitor - Martyr (HU)
Wasteland 2 (Director's Cut)
Watch Dogs 2 (CZ; HU)
Wolfenstein II - The New Colossus
PES2020 (eFootball)
Steep Winter Games Edition
Bendy and the Ink Machine
Dragon Ball FighterZ; Ball Xenoverse
Ghostbusters the Video Game Remastered
Batman - Arkham Origins
Gears of War
Prince of Persia
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell – Blacklist
* * *
V pripade zaujmu mam:
- Microsoft Xbox One Kinect Sensor s ADAPTEROM -90€
- originalny microsoft "Xbox Play & Charge Kit" (1 akumulator + 1 kabel) - 12€
- 1 akumulator (+ kabel) -10€
- headset - rozne v ponuke
- nastavec k headsetu s 3,5mm jack

Predám tieto české CD:
Support Lesbiens - Tune da radio - 4€
The Prostitutes - Hometown Zombies - 5€
Experti - soundtrack - 4€
Marijáš - výberovka (Plexis, Hudba Praha, Wohnout, ...)- 3€
Nejlepší mladé kapely - 2€
Filter Best of 2006, 2007 a 2008 - po 2€
Aprílová jízda - obsahuje poľskú verziu hitu Jožin z bažin - 2€
Indie rocks - (Sunshine, The Switch, ...) - 2€

Predám tieto hry na X BOX ONE , FIFA 17, FIFA 19, STAR WARS BATTLEFRONT , PLANTS VS ZOMBIES , cena dohodou , aj jednotlivo

Ponúkam na predaj hry na X-BOX ONE:
Battlefield 1,Call of Duty Black Ops 3,
Call of Duty Advanced Warfare,Mafia 3,
Battlefield 4,NHL 16,Plants vs. Zombies GW 2,
Watch Dogs 2
Vsetky sú originály a v bezchybnom stave.

Predam tieto hry na xbox 360
Gmail- chochol.oliver@
Tel. Čislo-
HALO4- 10€
Call of duty modern warfare 2-5€
Call of duty modern warfare 4-5€
GTA 5-10€
Ghost recon future soldier - 10€
Crysis 3-10€
Plants vs zombies garden warfare- 8€

6€ za kus ak kupujete viac ako 2 tak 5€ za kus
Kinect adventure!
Splinter cell conviction
Fable 2
Plants vs zombies garden warfare
Halo 4