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pneumatiky all terrain - strana 2

Počet nájdených inzerátov PNEUMATIKY ALL TERRAIN : 1000 - strana 2

All-Terrain pneumatiky Nexen Roadian AT 4x4 205/70 R15
Predán nové all-terrain (celoročné) pneumatiky Nexen Roadian AT 4x4, rozmer 205/70 R15. Dve pneumatiky boli na vyskúšanie obuté a prejdených max 5km.
Cybex Priam KOI, podvozok All Terrain, 3- kombinácia
Dobrý deň, predám úplne najúžasnejší kočík (trojkombináciu), aký si pre Vašu ratolesť môžete prestaviť. Cybex Priam podvozok All Terrain+športová časť + vanička + autosedačka KOI, vhodný pre dievčatko aj chlapčeka. Úžasná manipulácia, skladanie jednou rukou a autosedačka s najlepšími crash test hodnoteniami. Krásny design, pohodlie bábätka a podvozok do každého teŕenu určite oceníte. Všetky informácie o kočíku sú uvedené nižšie Kočík je po jednom dieťati, minimálne známky používania. V prípade záujmu ma prosím kontaktujte a na cene sa určite dohodneme. Podrobné informácie: Podvozok ALL TERAIN+HlBOKÁ VANIČKA+Športová sedačka Cybex Priam a AUTOSEDAČKA CLOUD Q KOI ŠPORTOVÁ ČASŤ:Túto otočnú športovú nadstavbu možno vďaka svojej dômyselnej konštrukcii úplne sklopiť a je tak použiteľná už od narodenia dieťaťa. Je vybavená rozšíriteľnou XXL slnečnou strieškou s UVP50 + ochranou pred slnkom, pohodlnú vložkou, ktorá poskytuje užitočnú podporu. Kočík je možno používať aj ako stoličku. Opierku nôh je možné nastaviť do niekoľkých pozícií a pásy sú vybavené extra mäkkým a príjemným polstrovaním. Vlastnosti: Možnosť použitia po i proti smeru jazdy XXL slnečná strieška s UVP50 + Pohodlná vnútorná vložka. Madlo z napodobeniny kože s možnosťou otvorenia do strany. Polstrovanie pásov Vr. pláštenky Od narodenia do 17 kg (cca 4 roky) HLBOKÁ VANIČKA: Cybex Priam Carry Cot Pohodlná a útulná vanička pre kočík PRIAM je štýlovým miestom pre spánok detí už od narodenia. Je vybavená rozšíriteľnou XXL slnečnou strieškou s UVP50 + ochranou pred slnkom. Vanička samotná je vyrobená z príjemných kvalitných látok a jej extra mäkký matrac má funkciu pamäťovej peny. Vlastnosti: Štýlový vzhľad Rozšíriteľná XXL slnečná strieška s UVP50 + Od narodenia do 9 kg (cca 6 mesiacov) Vrátane pláštenky Rozmery: Dĺžka / šírka / výška: 92/45/30 cm Vnútorná dĺžka / šírka / výška (vrátane matraca): 76/30/20 cm Váha vr. striešky, nákupného koša: 4,7 kg VAJÍČKO/ AUTOSEDAČKA: CLOUD Q Kolekcia Cybex Fashion KOI autosedačku je v skutočne jedinečnom a zaujímavom dizajne. CLOUD QSk. 0+, 0 - 13 kg, od narodenia až do cca 18 mesiacov. Nová definícia luxusného cestovania Pásom pripútaná autosedačka Cloud Q sa v skupine 0+ stala víťazom testu 06/2015 nemeckej organizácie Stiftung Warentest. Bola jedinou detskou autosedačkou, ktorá získala v kategórii bezpečnosti známku "veľmi dobré". Prémiová autosedačka sama vyniká ako dokonalá symbióza neobyčajné ochrany a nového druhu cestovného systému s výnimočnou bezpečnosťou mimo aj vo vnútri vozidla. - Ergonomická pozície ľahu mimo vozidla.- Vyberateľná novorodenecká vložka pre predčasne narodené a veľmi malé deti.- 11 pozičná výškovo nastaviteľná opierka hlavy s integrovaným systémom pásov.- Teleskopický lineárny systém ochrany pri bočnom náraze (L.S.P. Systém).- Integrovaná XXL sklápacia slnečná strieška.- Ako cestovný systém nielen s kočíkmi CYBEX spĺňa dodatok 7 normy ECE R-44/04.
Bf Goodrich All terrain T/A
Predam pneumatiky BF Goodrich All-Terrain 245/70 R17 KO2. Offroad, terenne pneumatiky, vhodne na L200, pajero, jeep...
Pneumatiky 33x12,5 R15 BF Goodrich All Terrain
Predám pneu 33x12,5 R15 4ks + 1ks aj s diskom. Jedná sa o BF Goodrich All Terrain. Pneumatiky nie sú nové, predávam ich na dojazd, mne len zavadzajú. Ďakujem.
BF Goodrich All-Terrain T/A 225/65/17
Ponukam na predaj zanovne pneumatiky BF Goodrich All-Terrain T/A v rozmere 225/65 r17. Dezen jako u novych pneumatik. Minimalne znamky pouzivania. Mal som ich na Grand Vitare ale nakolko su nevyuzite tak ich posuniem dalej. Pneumatiky nemaju ziadne poskodenie a nikdy nebol na nich defekt. Cena novych bola 730€. V pripade seriozneho jednania mozna rozumna dohoda. Disky na predaj niesu. Suzuki Grand Vitara Toyota Rav4 Honda CRV Ford Kuga Mazda CX5 a podobne…
All Terrain pneumatiky
Predám komplet 4 All Terrain pneumatiky na diskoch značky Pirelli Scorpion ATR v rozmere 235/70/R16 jazdené na Jeep Cherokee KJ. Hĺbka dezénu cca 5 mm. Cena za vďetky 4 pneu aj s diskami všetko spolu za 80€.
GT Avalanche Elite
Predám ako nový horský bicykel značky GT oranžovej farby s doživotnou zárukou na rám. Bližšie info cez e-mail. Veľkosť kolies: 27,5" Rám: Hydroformed & Butted Speed Metal™ Aluminum (TT/DT) Frame, w/ Triple Triangle™, Replaceable Derailleur Hanger, Disc Brake Mounts, and Zerostack 1 1/8" Head Tube, 27.5 Design Vidlica: SR Suntour XCR 32 RL DS w/ 100mm Travel, Magnesium Lowers, 32mm Cr-mo Steel Uppers, w/ Post Mount Disc Brake, W/ Remote Lockout, W/Rebound Adjust, For 27.5 Kľuky: FSA Alpha Drive CK-725STT, 42/32/24T Stredové zloženie: Tange Sealed Radiace páčky: Shimano Deore, SL-M610 Kazeta: Sunrace CS-MS1, 11-36T, 10-Speed Reťaz: KMC X10 Prešmykač: Shimano Deore FD-M610 Prehadzovačka: Shimano Deore Shadow, RD-M610-SGS Ráfiky: All Terra Double Wall, 32H 27.5, disc specific Náboje: (F) All Terra Alloy Disc, W/ Quick Release, Center Lock / (R) All Terra Alloy Cassette Disc, W/ Quick Release, Center Lock Pedále: GT Slim Line Flat Pedal, Cast Alloy Brzdy: Shimano BR-M355, Hydraulic Disc, W/ 160mm Rotor SM-RT30 Predstavec: All Terra 1 1/8" Threadless, 3D Forged, 4-Bolt W/ CNC Face Plate, 6° Rise, 31.8mm Clamp Hlavové zloženie: Kore 1B-1 1 1/8" Threadless, Zerostack Riadítka: All Terra Riser, Butted, 710mm Width, 15mm Rise, 31.8mm Clamp Brzdové páky: Shimano Hydraulic Disc Brake Lever Drôty: 14G Stainless Plášte: (F/R) Schwalbe Rapid Rob 27.5X2.25" with K-Guard Sedlo: WTB Silverado Sedlovka: All Terra Alloy Micro-Adjust, 30.9mm Veľkosť: M
Hokejove kartičky UD 2020-21 Extended
Predám hokejove kartičky,cena za karty All Star je 40 centov, ostatné sú po 20 centov za kus. 519 Joakim Nordstrom - Calgary 551 Tyson Barrie - Edmonton 553 Slater Koekkoek - Edmonton 581 Andreas Johnsson - New Jersey 582 Janne KuoKkanen - New Jersey 583 Dmitry Kulikov - New Jersey 584 Michael McLeod - New Jersey 585 Ryan Murray - New Jersey 590 Scott Mayfield - Islanders 596 Josh Brown - Ottawa 668 Nico Hischier - All Star 677 Leon Draisaitl - All Star 678 Mark Giordano - All Star 687 Matthew Tkachuk - All Star 696 Brady Tkachuk - All Star
Amigurumi bee toy, hand-made toy
Hello and glad that you are interested in my toys:) All toys were created by me at home with the amigurumi technique. All my toys are unique, you can't find the same one, because it's hand made, they might slightly be different from one another. I pay a lot of attention to every detail, to do all toys only with the best quality material! All my toys are made with love and care, so by buying this toy you can be sure it will bring you only positive emotions. 100% hand-made produced with the best quality and big love Package: All toys are packed in the box. We can add a congrats card with any content that you wish:) Washing: You can wash it in the washing machine in Delicate mode and dry it in the air. Delivery: We have global delivery to any country. The toy will be sent the next day after confirming the order. All taxes due in your country will be paid by you. Also if you have any questions please contact us, we will be happy to answer them!
Amigurumi cute duck toy, hand-made duck toy
Hello and glad that you are interested in my toys:) All toys were created by me at home with the amigurumi technique. All my toys are unique, you can't find the same one, because it's hand made, they might slightly be different from one another. I pay a lot of attention to every detail, to do all toys only with the best quality material! All my toys are made with love and care, so by buying this toy you can be sure it will bring you only positive emotions. 100% hand-made produced with the best quality and big love Package: All toys are packed in the box. We can add a congrats card with any content that you wish:) Washing: You can wash it in the washing machine in Delicate mode and dry it in the air. Delivery: We have global delivery to any country. The toy will be sent the next day after confirming the order. All taxes due in your country will be paid by you. Also if you have any questions please contact us, we will be happy to answer them!
Cute amigurumi owl, hand made toy, owl
Hello and glad that you are interested in my toys:) All toys were created by me at home with the amigurumi technique. All my toys are unique, you can't find the same one, because it's hand made, they might slightly be different from one another. I pay a lot of attention to every detail, to do all toys only with the best quality material! All my toys are made with love and care, so by buying this toy you can be sure it will bring you only positive emotions. 100% hand-made produced with the best quality and big love Package: All toys are packed in the box. We can add a congrats card with any content that you wish:) Washing: You can wash it in the washing machine in Delicate mode and dry it in the air. Delivery: We have global delivery to any country. The toy will be sent the next day after confirming the order. All taxes due in your country will be paid by you. Also if you have any questions please contact us, we will be happy to answer them!
Lalafanfan boy duck, amigurumi toy duck, hand-made
Hello and glad that you are interested in my toys:) All toys were created by me at home with the amigurumi technique. All my toys are unique, you can't find the same one, because it's hand made, they might slightly be different from one another. I pay a lot of attention to every detail, to do all toys only with the best quality material! All my toys are made with love and care, so by buying this toy you can be sure it will bring you only positive emotions. 100% hand-made produced with the best quality and big love Package: All toys are packed in the box. We can add a congrats card with any content that you wish:) Washing: You can wash it in the washing machine in Delicate mode and dry it in the air. Delivery: We have global delivery to any country. The toy will be sent the next day after confirming the order. All taxes due in your country will be paid by you. Also if you have any questions please contact us, we will be happy to answer them!
Lalafanfan Amigurumi cute girl duck, hand-made toy
Hello and glad that you are interested in my toys:) All toys were created by me at home with the amigurumi technique. All my toys are unique, you can't find the same one, because it's hand made, they might slightly be different from one another. I pay a lot of attention to every detail, to do all toys only with the best quality material! All my toys are made with love and care, so by buying this toy you can be sure it will bring you only positive emotions. 100% hand-made produced with the best quality and big love Package: All toys are packed in the box. We can add a congrats card with any content that you wish:) Washing: You can wash it in the washing machine in Delicate mode and dry it in the air. Delivery: We have global delivery to any country. The toy will be sent the next day after confirming the order. All taxes due in your country will be paid by you. Also if you have any questions please contact us, we will be happy to answer them!
Amigurumi bunny, hand-made toy cute bunny
Hello and glad that you are interested in my toys:) All toys were created by me at home with the amigurumi technique. All my toys are unique, you can't find the same one, because it's hand made, they might slightly be different from one another. I pay a lot of attention to every detail, to do all toys only with the best quality material! All my toys are made with love and care, so by buying this toy you can be sure it will bring you only positive emotions. 100% hand-made produced with the best quality and big love Package: All toys are packed in the box. We can add a congrats card with any content that you wish:) Washing: You can wash it in the washing machine in Delicate mode and dry it in the air. Delivery: We have global delivery to any country. The toy will be sent the next day after confirming the order. All taxes due in your country will be paid by you. Also if you have any questions please contact us, we will be happy to answer them!
Amigurumi fish, toy fish, blue fish , hand-made
Hello and glad that you are interested in my toys:) All toys were created by me at home with the amigurumi technique. All my toys are unique, you can't find the same one, because it's hand made, they might slightly be different from one another. I pay a lot of attention to every detail, to do all toys only with the best quality material! All my toys are made with love and care, so by buying this toy you can be sure it will bring you only positive emotions. 100% hand-made produced with the best quality and big love Package: All toys are packed in the box. We can add a congrats card with any content that you wish:) Washing: You can wash it in the washing machine in Delicate mode and dry it in the air. Delivery: We have global delivery to any country. The toy will be sent the next day after confirming the order. All taxes due in your country will be paid by you. Also if you have any questions please contact us, we will be happy to answer them!
Amigurumi cute girl duck lalafanfan , hand-made toy
Hello and glad that you are interested in my toys:) All toys were created by me at home with the amigurumi technique. All my toys are unique, you can't find the same one, because it's hand made, they might slightly be different from one another. I pay a lot of attention to every detail, to do all toys only with the best quality material! All my toys are made with love and care, so by buying this toy you can be sure it will bring you only positive emotions. 100% hand-made produced with the best quality and big love Package: All toys are packed in the box. We can add a congrats card with any content that you wish:) Washing: You can wash it in the washing machine in Delicate mode and dry it in the air. Delivery: We have global delivery to any country. The toy will be sent the next day after confirming the order. All taxes due in your country will be paid by you. Also if you have any questions please contact us, we will be happy to answer them!
Amigurumi chicken, chicken toy, hand-made toy
Hello and glad that you are interested in my toys:) All toys were created by me at home with the amigurumi technique. All my toys are unique, you can't find the same one, because it's hand made, they might slightly be different from one another. I pay a lot of attention to every detail, to do all toys only with the best quality material! All my toys are made with love and care, so by buying this toy you can be sure it will bring you only positive emotions. 100% hand-made produced with the best quality and big love Package: All toys are packed in the box. We can add a congrats card with any content that you wish:) Washing: You can wash it in the washing machine in Delicate mode and dry it in the air. Delivery: We have global delivery to any country. The toy will be sent the next day after confirming the order. All taxes due in your country will be paid by you. Also if you have any questions please contact us, we will be happy to answer them!
BFGoodrich ALL-TERRAIN T/A KO2 285/70 R17
Predám celoročne pneumatiky BFGoodrich ALL-TERRAIN T/A KO2 285/70 R17 Pneu sú v dobrom stave DOT 36/19
BF Goodrich ALL TERRAIN Radial 235/85R16
Predám 2ks jazdené pneumatiky BF Goodrich ALL TERRAIN LT 235/85R16 120/1160 M+S. Jedna pneumatika je jednostranne zodratá viď foto. Majú viditeľné známky používania. Vhodné na dojazd alebo na nejakú samodomo vlečku a pod.
Bf Gooddrich all terrain KO
Predám pneumatiky na dojazd značky BFGooddrich all terrain hĺbka dezénu 5-6mm rozmer pneu 245/75 R16. Cena 90eur za celú sadu.