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popit among us - strana 6

Počet nájdených inzerátov POPIT AMONG US : 125 - strana 6

Hry na PlayStation 4
Dobrý deň, mám na predaj/výmenu hry na ps4/ps5 vo výbornom stave, dve dokonca úplne nové, ešte zabalené v pôvodnom obale. Je možná aj výmena za akékoľvek iné hry (ps4/ps5/nintendo switch) The Last of Us Remastered - 12€ (úplne nová, zabalená) obsahuje aj cz titulky - PREDANÉ Ratchet & Clank - 12€ (úplne nová, zabalená) Uncharted the Nathan Drake collection (obsahuje tri hry - Uncharted Drake’s Fortune, Uncharted 2 Among Thieves, Uncharted 3 Drake’s Deception) - 10€ obsahuje aj cz titulky - PREDANÉ InFAMOUS Second Son - 10€ Fifa 20 - 7€ V prípade záujmu prosím kontaktovať mailom alebo sms.
PlayStation VITA OLED + krabica
Predám konzolu Sony PS VITA. TOP stav, ako nová. Mám na predaj aj: Hry: Assassin’s Creed III: Liberation 25€ Legends of War 20€ Ridge Racer 20€ Fifa Football 15€ God of War Collection 45€ Uncharted: Golden Abyss 20€ Killzone: Mercenary 20€ ModNation Racers: Road Trip 15€ Unit 13 20€ Fifa 13 15€ Fifa 14 15€ Fifa 15 20€ Football Manager Classic 2014 20€ MLB 12 The Show 20€ Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham 20€ Injustice: Gods Among Us: Ultimate Edition 20€ Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time 25€ The Sly Trilogy 25€ P4G: Persona 4 Golden 25€ Metal Gear Solid HD Collection 30€ Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster 20€ Dungeon Hunter: Alliance 20€ Lumines: Electronic Symphony 20€ Virtue’s Last Reward 20€ Reality Fighters 20€ Minecraft: PS Vita Edition 20€ Angry Birds: Star Wars 20€ PlayStation All-Stars: Battle Royale 20€ Little Deviants 20€ PlayStation Vita Pets 20€ Little Big Planet 15€ Lego Harry Potter 20€ Lego The Hobbit 20€ Lego Jurrasic World 20€ Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes 20€ Fifa 15 Legacy Edition 20€ Virtua Tennis 4 World Tour Edition 15€ Resistance: Burning Skies 25€ Borderlands 2 30€ The Ratchet & Clank Trilogy 25€ The Amazing Spider-Man 25€ Call of Duty Black Ops: Declassified 20€ Mortal Kombat 30€ Sonic: All Stars Racing: Transformed 25€ Lego Ninjago: Nindroids 20€ Lego Ninjago: Shadow of Ronin 20€ Lego Marvel Super Heroes: Universe in Peril 20€ Soul Sacrifice 20€ Wipeout 2048 20€ Rayman Origins 20€ Rayman Legends 20€ Need for Speed: Most Wanted 20€ The Jack and Daxter Trilogy 25€ Phineas an Ferb: Day of Doofenshmitz 20€ Lego: The Movie Videogame 20€ Lego: Marvel Avengers 20€ Nickelodeon: SpongeBob Hero Pants 20€ Looney Tunes: Galactic Sports 20€ WRC: FIA World Rally Championship 4 20€ WRC: FIA World Rally Championship 5 20€ Asphalt: Injection 20€ Everybody’s Golf 15€ Gravity Rush 25€ Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two 20€ Tetris: Ultimate 20€ Tearaway 20€ Smart as... 15€ Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2+ 30€ Spy Hunter 30€ MUD: FIM Motocross World Championship 30€ Lego: Lord of the Rings 20€ Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate 25€ Invizimals: The Resistance 20€ Lego Chima: Laval’s Journey 20€ F1 2011 25€ Street Fighter X Tekken 25€ Farming Simulator 18 30€ Super Monkey Ball Banana Splitz 35€ MotoGP 13 35€ The Walking Dead 35€ New Little King’s Story 35€ Kód na 3 skvelé AR hry: Cliff Diving, Fireworks, Table Football + AR kartičky 20€ Pamäťové karty: 4GB 15€ 8GB 25€ 16GB 35€ 32GB 60€ Púzdro na hry 5€ Púzdro na Vitu Sony 15€ Tvrdené púzdro na Vitu 20€ VITA + krabica 115€
PLAYSTATION 4  hry.        ps4
Hry na predaj na ps4, Možnosť poslať. Ghost of tsushima NOVE ZABALENE- 19 eur Mafia trilogy-19 eur Mafia definitive edit-13 eur Mortal kombat xl-12 eur Hustle king VR -12 eur Crash bandicoot nsane trilog-19eu Marvel avangers-15 eur Ratchet clank- 8 eur fifa 21 cz-10 eur God of war-8 eur Tom clancys The division-8 eur Dirt rally Vr-14 eur Resident evil biohazard VR GOLD EDIT-14 EUR BEE simulator -18 eur cars 3 Disney-13 eur deus ex-7 eur Elex - 8 eur Diablo-12eur Death stranding-14 eur Farming simulator 17 platinum edit-13 eur Spider man -15 eur Knack -8 eur gran turismo SPORT STEEL BOOK-20 eur Nhl 17 cz-7 eur Dishonored 2-7 eur Nba 2k 14- 6 eur The last guardian-12 eur Concrete genie VR-11 eur RUSH blood Vr-11 eur Destiny 2 steel book-17 eur Fifa 16-5 eur Playstation VR WORLDS-14 eur Dreams-15 eur Tomb raider definitive edition-14 eur Homefront the revolution-8 eur Star wars Jedi fallen order-14 eur Farpoint VR-14 eur everybodys golf-12 eur Days gone cz-14 eur Red dead redemption 2-18 eur Zaklinac divoky hon edicia hra roku-17 eur Just dande 2019-13 eur Fahrenheit-19 eur Sleeping dogs definitive edition -16 eur Horizon zero dawn-8 eur fifa 17 cz-7 eur steep-12 eur Farming simulator 19 platinum edit-14 eur Team Sonic racing- 17 eur Lego avangers-13 eur Ping pong Vr-11 eur Drive club vr-12 eur Risen 3: Titan Lords (Enhanced Edition)-17 eur Gran turismo sport Vr-9 eur Need for speed-12 eur the crew 2-12 eur driveclub-9 eur Unravel-15 eur ufc2-10 eur Injustice: Gods Among Us-13 eur rayman-13 eur medievil-14 eur Tony hawks pro skater 1+2-19 eur Tennis world tour-19 eur Asterix obelix -XXL 3 -18 eur Lego the incredibles -14 eur spyro-18 eur real heroes firefighter-18 eur Assassins creed origins delux edit-24 eur Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune (Remastered)-10 eur fallout 4 goty-7 eur fifa 19-8 eur pes-2020-7 eur The Elder Scrolls Online: Elsweyr-10 eur the last of us-9 eur the last of us part 2 NOVE ZABALENE-19 eur faloout 4-6 eur nioh-8 eur Metro redux-13 eur anthem -7 eur unchatrted- 8 eur until dawn-9 eur hidden agenda-10 eur Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor-9 eur Uncharted: The Lost Legacy-9 eur watch dogs -8 eur tom clancys ghost recon breakpoint-16 eur watch dogs 2 cz-11 eur fifa 20 cz-10 eur fifa 22-19 eur assassins creed valhalla-17 eur uncharted 2-8 eur kill zone shadow fall-8 eur fifa 18-8 eur xcom 2-7 eur assassins creed origincz cz -13 eur metro exodus-16 eur for honor-8 eur shadow of mordors-9 eur assassins creed syndicate-9 eur injustice 2-10 eur
Oculus quest 2
Predám oculus quest 2 kúpený 17.januara 2023 Spolu s elite headbandom v hodnote 60eur A platenými hrami among us,box, golf,ping pong v hodnote 70eur Cena 450e SMS alebo mail
hry na PS3
Dobrý deň.Predám hry na ps3. Gran tusimo 5 prologue Bioshock Fifa 10 Formula f1 2011 GTA Battledield Need for speed shift Metalgearsold- neni Battlefield bad company Farcry 3 Uncharted frakes fortune Uncharted among thievec Dirt Volať po 13:00 cena 60€.
CD Heavy/Power/Prog 7
Metallica Kill'em all 7,00 € Metallica Metallica 7,00 € Metallica Load 7,00 € Metallica Reload 7,00 € Metallica Death magnetic (digipak) 6,00 € Metallica self-destruct (digipak,2CD) 7,00 € Michael Schenker's Temple Of Rock Spirit on a mission (special edition,nový) 9,00 € Michael Schenker Fest Resurrection (nový) 9,00 € Mob Rules Among the gods 8,00 € Mob Rules Radical peace (digipak,nový) 5,00 € Molly Hatchet Devil's canyon 8,00 € Molly Hatchet Silent reign of heroes 8,00 € Morifade Domination (digipak,nový) 5,00 € Motörhead Overkill 8,00 € Motörhead Bomber (digipak,2CD,nový) 10,00 € Motörhead Ace of spades 8,00 € Motörhead Iron fist (nový) 9,00 € Motörhead March ör die (nový) 7,00 € Motörhead 1916 6,00 € Motörhead 1916 (nový) 7,00 € Motörhead Overnight sensation 8,00 € Motörhead Snake bite love 8,00 € Mötley Crüe Dr.Feelgood 8,00 € Mr.Big Lean into it 7,00 € MSG In the midst of beauty 8,00 € Mundanus Imperium The spectral spheres coronation 5,00 € Mustasch Powerhouse 5,00 € Mystic Prophecy Savage souls 8,00 € Neal Morse Sola scriptura 10,00 € Neal Morse ? 10,00 € Neal Morse One 10,00 € Neal Morse Momentum 10,00 € Neal Morse Sola gratia (digi,CD+DVD,nový) 12,00 € Neal Morse Band Innocence & danger (2CD,nový) 10,00 € Nightwish Angels fall first 7,00 € Nightwish Oceanborn (nový) 7,00 € Nightwish Wishmaster 6,00 € Nightwish Wishmaster (nový) 7,00 € Nightwish Century child 6,00 € Nightwish Century child (nový) 8,00 € Nightwish Over the hills and far away (nový) 7,00 € Nightwish Dark passion play (digipak,2CD) 8,00 € klikni na meno a pozri ponuku
CD Death/Black/Thrash 1
Amon Amarth With Oden on our side 8,00 € Amon Amarth Jomsviking 8,00 € Anathema Eternity 8,00 € Anathema Judgement 7,00 € Anathema A natural disaster (nový) 8,00 € Anathema A fine day to exit (nový) 8,00 € Angelus Apatrida The call (nový) 6,00 € Annihilator Alice in hell (nový) 6,00 € Annihilator Never,neverland (nový) 6,00 € Anthrax Spreading the disease (nový) 8,00 € Anthrax Among the living (nový) 9,00 € Anthrax State of euphoria 7,00 € Anthrax Persistence of time 9,00 € Anthrax Stomp 442 9,00 € Anthrax Greater of two evils (digipak,2CD) 9,00 € Anthrax Worship music 8,00 € Apollyon Sun God leaves (and dies) 5,00 € Arch Enemy Anthems of rebellion 8,00 € Arch Enemy Rise of the tyrant (CD+DVD,slipcase) 10,00 € Arkona Od serdca k nebu 8,00 € Arkona Chram 8,00 € Artillery Legions (nový) 9,00 € Artillery Penalty by perception (nový) 9,00 € Asphyx Deathammer (nový) 9,00 € Asphyx Death...the brutal way (nový) 9,00 € Asphyx Incoming death (Mazzar,nový) 9,00 € At The Gates At war the reality (mediabook,nášivka) 9,00 € Atrophy Violent by nature (CD-Maximum) 15,00 € Atrophy Socialized hate (CD-Maximum) 15,00 € Bal-Sagoth The chthonic chronicles ( NuclearBlast) 9,00 € Batushka Litourgija (digipak,nový) 12,00 € Batushka Hospodi (digibook,nový) 9,00 € Behemoth The satanist (nový) 10,00 € Behemoth I loved you to your darkness (digibook) 10,00 € Be'lakor Vessels (nový) 15,00 € Be'lakor Coherence (nový) 15,00 € Benediction Organized chaos (digipak,Metal Mind,numbered,nový) 15,00 € Benediction Killing music (CD+DVD) 9,00 € Benediction Scriptures (nový) 10,00 € Black September Into the darkness, into the void (nový) 5,00 € Bolt Thrower War master (digipak,nový) 9,00 € Bolt Thrower The IVth crusade (digipak,nový) 9,00 € Borknagar Winter thrice (Mazzar) 9,00 € klikni na meno a pozri ponuku kontakt: zaxas@
CD Overkill & Anthrax & Testament
od Overkill sú k dispozícii CD v zozname (nie na fotke): Overkill - Ironbound (digipak) 13,00 € od Anthrax sú k dispozícii CD v zozname (nie na fotke): Anthrax - Spreading the disease (nový) 8,00 € Anthrax - Among the living (nový) 9,00 € Anthrax - State of euphoria 7,00 € Anthrax - Persistence of time 9,00 € Anthrax - Stomp 442 9,00 € Anthrax - Greater of two evils (digipak,2CD) 9,00 € Anthrax - Worship music 8,00 € od Testament sú k dispozícii CD v zozname (nie na fotke): Testament - The legacy (nový) 8,00 € Testament - The new order 7,00 € Testament - Practice what you preach (nový) 8,00 € Testament - The ritual 6,00 € Testament - Low 7,00 € Testament - Live in London 6,00 € klikni na meno a pozri aj ďalšiu ponuku kompletný zoznam CD/DVD na predaj (cca 1400 ks) pošlem do mailu
Pop it Fidget toys antistresové hračky
Dá sa kúpiť aj osobitne. Pop it zajac žltý - predaný Logická hračka zeleno - biela : 2 € Squshi mochi narval zvieratko : 0,90 € Pop it Jednorožec dúhový - predaný Pop it peňaženka dúhová : 2,30 € Mini Pop it jednorožec ružový : 1,30 € Mini Among Us fialovo - biely : 1,50 € Mini Mikuláš Pop it : 1,30 € Mini Vianočný Zvon Pop it : 1,20 € Pop tubes normálna veľkosť - červený alebo modrý - 1 ks : 1€ Monkey noodles naťahovacia anti-stresová hračka jednorožec - modrý alebo žltý - 1 ks : 1 € Stress ball Antistresová lopta duhá : 2 € Mini Pop it chobotnička : 0,90 € Cena + poštovné Príde do maximálne 3 dní ZDARMA Príde s malým bonusom / cukríkom
LP platne-Single 12" Hip Hop ,Rap ,Dance.......
všetko spolu 120e 58 ks pri odbere na kus cena uvedená pri titule 1.Ali & Gipp‎– Go 'Head-NM 8e 2.Freddie Foxxx/Bumpy Knuckles -Turn Up The Mic-EX 10e 3.Monsta Flow -Conway-NM 8e 4.Akon-Lonely -VG+/EX 10e 5.Dassen 3 -Bachillka-VG+/EX 10e 6.Eternal -Pover of a Woman-EX 5e 7.Lumidee -Never Leave You-NM 5e 8.Jagged Edge -He cant love u-VG+ 5e 9.Mystikal ‎–Shake Ya Ass-NM 5e 10.Mr.Cheeks –Crush on you/The wire-NM 5e 11.Mack 10 -Connected for life-VG+/EX 7e 12.Freddie Foxxx/Bumpy Knuckles -Konexion-NM 10e 13.Next –Jerk/Featuring 50 Cent-EX 5e 14.Underwolves ‎–Under your sky(Remixes)-VG+/EX 5e 15.Paul Glazby -Hostile/PH4-EX 5e 16.Bubba Sparxxx –Deliverance-VG+ 5e 17.Yasmeen -Blue jeans-EX 5e 18.Nas –Chizzled-VG+ 5e 19.Ruff Ryders –Dirrty-EX/NM 5e 20.B.G.aka B.Gizzle –Move Around-EX 5e 21.Foxy Brown -Stylin-EX 5e 22.N.O.R.E. ‎–Hang, Hang VG+ 5e 23.Siamese -Tha bomb-VG+ 5e 24.Nicholas Orbie -Feeling volume 1-VG+ 5e 25.Womack & Womack –Teardrops-VG+ 5e 26.Hev-D –Never Did it before/What am i supposed to do-VG+/EX 5e 27.backstreet boys -i want it that way/eve-EX 10e 28.112 ‎–Love you like i did-NM 5e 29.Dennis Taylor -Enough is enough-NM 5e 30.Tony Sunshine featuring P.Diddy and Dirtbag –Oh my god-NM 5e 31.Majestic 12 -Superstar-EX 5e 32.Tweet featuring Missy Elliott ‎–Thugman-EX 5e 33.Xscape-Do you want to-VG+/EX 5e 34.Midnight creeperz -Free your soul-NM 5e 35.Busta Rhymes-Party is goin on over here-EX 5e 36.YAZ-ODE(An ON-USound Science Fiction Dance Hall Classic)-VG+ 5e 37.Awa Band –Timba-2 x Vinyl-NM 8e 38.The brand newheavivies-You are the universe-2 x Vinyl-EX 8e 39.46th Street -SOS/Sweet-VG+ 5e 40.Kirk /The pharcyde-NM 5e 41.Jazze Pha & Cee-Lo Green –Happy Hour-EX 5e 42.Jin –So afraid /Señorita-EX 5e 43.Tokyo black star –Reincarnation-VG+/EX 5e 44.Mary J Blige -Be without you-VG+ 5e 45.Don Yute –Row da boat-VG+ 5e 46.Chaba Fadela & Cheb Sahraoui/The Winners –N'Sel Fik/Get ready for the future-EX 5e 47.Microphone pager-Rino-EX 5e 48.M.V.P. -Roc ya body Mic check 1,2 VG+ 5e 49.TS –Take me home / Let them things go-VG+/EX 5e 50.OutKast Featuring Killer Mike & Joi ‎–The Whole World-VG+ 5e 51.Lloyd Banks –On fire /Warrior-VG+ 5e 52.Ross Allen -Abstract funk theory-2× Vinyl-NM 10e 53.Mix Factor (August 2004)-2 x Vinyl-EX/NM 8e 54.Ian Pooley -900 Degrees-VG+ 5e 55.Satoshi Tomie -Inspired-VG 5e 56.Little Tempo –Latitude-VG+ 5e 57.Elements i m among-white chalk part II-still shinin-papparazzi-EX 5e 58.Wesley 2 Play –Got Me Wrong-bez obalu NA SMS NEODPOVEDáM- bližšie info mailom predaj75@-alebo telefonicky-pozri aj dalšie inzeráty
Predám Hry na playstation 4
hry na playstation 4 GTA V 14eur predane call of duty modern warfare 20eur until dawn 8eur predane among us crewmate edition 15eur uncharted the lost legacy 8eur the evil within 8eur predane Hitman the complete first edition steelbook 13eur predane Darksiders 2 (Deathinitive Edition) 8eur predane heavyrain collection(beyound+heavy rain) 8eur subnautica 14eur predane uncharted collection 8eur uncharted 4 7eur nhl 19 8eur detroit become human 8eur asassin creed unity 7eur predane little big planet 3 7eur death stranding 8eur doom eternal 10eur predané deus ex 7eur nhl 20 10eur wolfenstein 2 the new colossus 10eur predane ghost of tsushima 15eur killzone shadow fall 6 eur evil within 2 9eur predané bloodborne 8eur the outer worlds 12eur predsne mass effect andromeda 8eur mass effect legendary edition 16eur predane the last of us part 2 16eur predane the last of us part 1 remastered 7eur predane metro exodus 14eur predané resident evil biohazard 12eur predane resident evil village 20eur resident evil 2 14eur predané god of war 7eur god of war remastered 7eur predane god of war ragnarok 37eur predané horizon zero dawn 7eur red dead redemption 2 15eur predané rainbow six extraction 7eur predane south park 11eur hidden agenda 7eur wolfeinstein alt history collection 14eur spiderman 12eur predane witcher 3 wild hunt 13eur predane gran turismo sport 8eur ratchet clank 8eur no man sky 14eur metal gear solid the phantom pain 7eur predane days gone 11eur predane homefront the revolution 6eur predane call of duty black ops 3 12eur predane far cry 4 complete edidtion steelbook 12eur predane minecraft 16eur predane assassins creed origin 10eur assassins creed black flag 8eur driveclub VR 7eur fifa 20 6eur watch dogs 2 9eur predané star wars jedi fallen order 9eur mortal combat xl 9eur predané need for speed payback 13eur battlefield 1 revolution 9eur battlefield 5 9eur valkyrie VR 7eur ghost recon wildlands 9eur far cry 4 limited edition 8eur star wars battlefront 7eur Journey collection 7eur predané just cause 5 8eur predané street fighter V steelbook 15eur predané dark pictures anthology 3 hry steelbook 20eur predané for honor steelbook 12eur call of duty infinite warfare steelbook 12eur
Sony PlayStation VITA OLED + krabica
Predám VITU. TOP stav, ako nová. Na predaj aj: Hry: Assassin’s Creed III: Liberation 25€ Legends of War 20€ Ridge Racer 20€ Fifa Football 15€ God of War Collection 45€ Uncharted: Golden Abyss 20€ Killzone: Mercenary 20€ ModNation Racers: Road Trip 15€ Unit 13 20€ Fifa 13 15€ Fifa 14 15€ Fifa 15 20€ Football Manager Classic 2014 20€ MLB 12 The Show 20€ Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham 20€ Injustice: Gods Among Us: Ultimate Edition 20€ Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time 25€ The Sly Trilogy 25€ P4G: Persona 4 Golden 25€ Metal Gear Solid HD Collection 30€ Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster 20€ Dungeon Hunter: Alliance 20€ Lumines: Electronic Symphony 20€ Virtue’s Last Reward 20€ Reality Fighters 20€ Minecraft: PS Vita Edition 20€ Angry Birds: Star Wars 20€ PlayStation All-Stars: Battle Royale 20€ Little Deviants 20€ PlayStation Vita Pets 20€ Little Big Planet 15€ Lego Harry Potter 20€ Lego The Hobbit 20€ Lego Jurrasic World 20€ Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes 20€ Fifa 15 Legacy Edition 20€ Virtua Tennis 4 World Tour Edition 15€ Resistance: Burning Skies 25€ Borderlands 2 30€ The Ratchet & Clank Trilogy 25€ The Amazing Spider-Man 25€ Call of Duty Black Ops: Declassified 20€ Mortal Kombat 30€ Sonic: All Stars Racing: Transformed 25€ Lego Ninjago: Nindroids 20€ Lego Ninjago: Shadow of Ronin 20€ Lego Marvel Super Heroes: Universe in Peril 20€ Soul Sacrifice 20€ Wipeout 2048 20€ Rayman Origins 20€ Rayman Legends 20€ Need for Speed: Most Wanted 20€ The Jack and Daxter Trilogy 25€ Phineas an Ferb: Day of Doofenshmitz 20€ Lego: The Movie Videogame 20€ Lego: Marvel Avengers 20€ Nickelodeon: SpongeBob Hero Pants 20€ Looney Tunes: Galactic Sports 20€ WRC: FIA World Rally Championship 4 20€ WRC: FIA World Rally Championship 5 20€ Asphalt: Injection 20€ Everybody’s Golf 15€ Gravity Rush 25€ Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two 20€ Tetris: Ultimate 20€ Tearaway 20€ Smart as... 15€ Ninja Gaiden Sigma + 30€ Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2+ 30€ Spy Hunter 30€ MUD: FIM Motocross World Championship 30€ Lego: Lord of the Rings 20€ Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate 25€ Invizimals: The Resistance 20€ Lego Chima: Laval’s Journey 20€ F1 2011 25€ Street Fighter X Tekken 25€ Farming Simulator 18 30€ Super Monkey Ball Banana Splitz 35€ MotoGP 13 35€ The Walking Dead 35€ New Little King’s Story 35€ Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 45€ Kód na 3 AR hry: Cliff Diving, Fireworks, Table Football + AR kartičky 20€ Pamäťové karty: 4GB 15€ 8GB 25€ 16GB 35€ 32GB 60€ Púzdro na hry 5€ Tvrdené púzdro 20€ VITA + krabica 115€
Dobrý deň.Predám hry na ps3. Gran tusimo 5 prologue Bioshock Fifa 10 Formula f1 2011 GTA Battledield Need for speed shift Metalgearsold- neni Battlefield bad company Farcry 3 Uncharted frakes fortune Uncharted among thievec Dirt Volať po 13:00 cena 60€.
CD Death/Black/Thrash 1
Amon Amarth Fate of horns 8,00 € Amon Amarth With Oden on our side 8,00 € Amon Amarth Twilight of the thunder god (nový) 9,00 € Amon Amarth Jomsviking 8,00 € Anathema Eternity 8,00 € Anathema Judgement 7,00 € Anathema A natural disaster (nový) 8,00 € Anathema A fine day to exit (nový) 8,00 € Angelus Apatrida The call (nový) 6,00 € Annihilator Alice in hell (nový) 6,00 € Annihilator Never,neverland (nový) 6,00 € Anthrax Spreading the disease (nový) 8,00 € Anthrax Among the living (nový) 8,00 € Anthrax State of euphoria 7,00 € Anthrax Persistence of time 9,00 € Anthrax Stomp 442 9,00 € Anthrax Greater of two evils (digipak,2CD) 9,00 € Anthrax Worship music 8,00 € Apollyon Sun God leaves (and dies) 5,00 € Arch Enemy Anthems of rebellion 8,00 € Arch Enemy Rise of the tyrant (CD+DVD,slipcase) 10,00 € Arkona Od serdca k nebu 8,00 € Arkona Chram 8,00 € Artillery Legions (nový) 9,00 € Artillery Penalty by perception (nový) 9,00 € AS I Lay Dying And ocean between us 6,00 € AS I Lay Dying The powerless rise (digipak,nový) 7,00 € AS I Lay Dying Awakened 6,00 € Asphyx Incoming death (Mazzar,nový) 9,00 € At The Gates At war the reality (mediabook,nášivka) 9,00 € Atrophy Violent by nature (CD-Maximum) 15,00 € Atrophy Socialized hate (CD-Maximum) 15,00 € Bal-Sagoth The chthonic chronicles ( NuclearBlast) 9,00 € Batushka Litourgija (digipak,nový) 12,00 € Batushka Hospodi (digibook,nový) 9,00 € Behemoth The satanist (nový) 10,00 € Behemoth I loved you to your darkness (digibook) 10,00 € Be'lakor Vessels (nový) 15,00 € Be'lakor Coherence (nový) 15,00 € Benediction Organized chaos (digipak,Metal Mind,numbered,nový) 15,00 € Benediction Killing music (CD+DVD) 10,00 € Benediction Scriptures (nový) 10,00 € Black September Into the darkness, into the void (nový) 5,00 € Bolt Thrower War master (digipak,nový) 9,00 € Bolt Thrower The IVth crusade (digipak,nový) 9,00 € Borknagar Winter thrice (Mazzar) 9,00 € klikni na meno a pozri ponuku kontakt: zaxas@
CD Overkill & Anthrax & Testament
od Overkill sú k dispozícii CD v zozname (nie na fotke): Overkill - Ironbound (digipak) 13,00 € od Anthrax sú k dispozícii CD v zozname (nie na fotke): Anthrax - Spreading the disease (nový) 8,00 € Anthrax - Among the living (nový) 8,00 € Anthrax - State of euphoria 7,00 € Anthrax - Persistence of time 9,00 € Anthrax - Stomp 442 9,00 € Anthrax - Greater of two evils (digipak,2CD) 9,00 € Anthrax - Worship music 8,00 € od Testament sú k dispozícii CD v zozname (nie na fotke): Testament - The new order (nový) 8,00 € Testament - Practice what you preach (nový) 8,00 € Testament - The ritual 6,00 € Testament - Live in London 6,00 € klikni na meno a pozri aj ďalšiu ponuku kompletný zoznam CD/DVD na predaj (cca 1400 ks) pošlem do mailu
Sony PlayStation VITA OLED + krabica
Predám VITU. TOP stav, ako nová. Na predaj aj: Hry: Assassin’s Creed III: Liberation 25€ Legends of War 20€ Ridge Racer 20€ Fifa Football 15€ God of War Collection 45€ Uncharted: Golden Abyss 20€ Killzone: Mercenary 20€ ModNation Racers: Road Trip 10€ Unit 13 15€ Fifa 13 8€ Fifa 14 15€ Fifa 15 20€ Football Manager Classic 2014 20€ MLB 12 The Show 20€ Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham 20€ Injustice: Gods Among Us: Ultimate Edition 20€ Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time 25€ The Sly Trilogy 25€ P4G: Persona 4 Golden 25€ Metal Gear Solid HD Collection 30€ Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster 20€ Dungeon Hunter: Alliance 20€ Lumines: Electronic Symphony 20€ Virtue’s Last Reward 20€ Reality Fighters 15€ Minecraft: PS Vita Edition 10€ Angry Birds: Star Wars 20€ PlayStation All-Stars: Battle Royale 15€ Little Deviants 15€ PlayStation Vita Pets 20€ Little Big Planet 15€ Lego Harry Potter 20€ Lego The Hobbit 20€ Lego Jurrasic World 20€ Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes 20€ Fifa 15 Legacy Edition 20€ Virtua Tennis 4 World Tour Edition 15€ Resistance: Burning Skies 25€ Borderlands 2 30€ The Ratchet & Clank Trilogy 25€ The Amazing Spider-Man 25€ Call of Duty Black Ops: Declassified 20€ Mortal Kombat 25€ Sonic: All Stars Racing: Transformed 25€ Lego Ninjago: Nindroids 20€ Lego Ninjago: Shadow of Ronin 20€ Lego Marvel Super Heroes: Universe in Peril 20€ Soul Sacrifice 20€ Wipeout 2048 20€ Rayman Origins 20€ Rayman Legends 20€ Need for Speed: Most Wanted 15€ The Jack and Daxter Trilogy 25€ Phineas an Ferb: Day of Doofenshmitz 20€ Lego: The Movie Videogame 20€ Lego: Marvel Avengers 20€ Nickelodeon: SpongeBob Hero Pants 20€ Looney Tunes: Galactic Sports 20€ WRC: FIA World Rally Championship 4 20€ WRC: FIA World Rally Championship 5 20€ Asphalt: Injection 20€ Everybody’s Golf 15€ Gravity Rush 25€ Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two 20€ Tetris: Ultimate 20€ Tearaway 20€ Smart as... 15€ Ninja Gaiden Sigma + 30€ Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2+ 30€ Spy Hunter 30€ MUD: FIM Motocross World Championship 30€ Lego: Lord of the Rings 20€ Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate 25€ Invizimals: The Resistance 20€ Lego Chima: Laval’s Journey 20€ F1 2011 25€ Street Fighter X Tekken 25€ Farming Simulator 18 30€ Super Monkey Ball Banana Splitz 35€ MotoGP 13 35€ The Walking Dead 35€ New Little King’s Story 35€ Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 45€ Kód na 3 AR hry: Cliff Diving, Fireworks, Table Football + AR kartičky 20€ Pamäťové karty: 4GB 15€ 8GB 25€ 16GB 35€ 32GB 60€ Púzdro na hry 5€ Tvrdené púzdro 20€ VITA + krabica 115€
Hry na Playstation 3
Predám originál hry na PS3. (Playstation 3) Terminator Salvation (2009) 5€ - PREDANÉ Watch Dogs (2014) 10€ Prince of Persia (2008) 8€ Need for Speed Undercover (2008) 5€ - PREDANÉ Injustice Gods Among Us (2013) 6€ - PREDANÉ Všetky hry sú funkčné a disky bez škrabancov.
Blitzwolf Bw wa5 100w bluetooth
Nový len odskusany 100w bluetooth repro podpora SD karty ,equalizer...Poslem po dohode aj poštou +8e. .100W Powerful Output, Punchy Bass-- Indulge yourself in concert-like feast filled with deeply enhanced bass and sense rich details. Three EQ Modes-- Switch among three modes(Standard, Light, Heavy Bass) by pressing EQ button for catering to your musical taste. True Wireless Stereo Sound-- Pair 2 speakers wirelessly for double fun. 5000mAh Huge Capacity-- Built-in powerbank, give your devices boost. IPX6 Waterproof-- Save component from water corrosion. Portable to Carry-- Equipped with detachable shoulder strap, take it anywhere you go.
hry pre ps3
Dobrý deň.Predám hry na ps3. Gran tusimo 5 prologue Bioshock Fifa 10 Formula f1 2011 GTA Battledield Need for speed shift Metalgearsold- neni Battlefield bad company Farcry 3 Uncharted frakes fortune Uncharted among thievec Dirt Volať po 13:00 cena 60€.
Hry pre PSVITA
Predam originalne hry pre Sony PSVITA : Need For Speed MOST WANTED INJUSTICE Gods Among US Ultimate Edition WIPEOUT 2048 Len vsetky spolu, nepredam samostatne ! Na dobierku posielam az po platbe dohodnutej zalohy vopred ...