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saty only - strana 16

Počet nájdených inzerátov SATY ONLY : 1000 - strana 16

• Na predaj dámske rifle ONLY •
Predám dámske rifle so stredne vysokým pásom. Značka: ONLY Samozrejme originál Veľkosť: 30/32 Rozmery merané v kľude (+ - cm): obvod pásu 88cm, dĺžka 100cm Strih: SKINNY Stav: bez poškodenia, iba odskúšané a vypraté PROSÍM, POZRITE SI VŠETKY MOJE INZERÁTY, ĎAKUJEM.
Mikina ONLY a LAB veľ. L nové
Predám modernú dámsku bledoružovú bavlnenú mikinu ONLY veľ. L, nová, ešte s visačkou, nie je uteplená, dĺžka mikiny 66 cm, šírka pod pažami 62 cm, dĺžka rukáva od krku po koniec patentu 74 cm, kúpená za 25 eur, teraz 17 eur + pošta. Predám modernú dámsku ružovo- marhuľovú bavlnenú mikinu LAB veľ. L, mikina je jemne uteplená, má vypchávky na ramenách, len opratá a 1x oblečená, čiže nová, dĺžka mikiny 66 cm, šírka 57 cm, dĺžka rukáva od krku po koniec patentu 72 cm, kúpená za 25 eur, teraz 15 eur + pošta. Pri odbere spolu dohoda možná. Na dobierku nezasielam, osobný odber je možný.
Am I Normal Yet?
Holly Bourne - Am I Normal Yet? Je ako nová. Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email. Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty. *** All Evie wants is to be normal. And now that she's almost off her meds and at a new college where no one knows her as the-girl-who-went-nuts, there's only one thing left to tick off her list... But relationships can mess with anyone's head - something Evie's new friends Amber and Lottie know only too well. The trouble is, if Evie won't tell them her secrets, how can they stop her making a huge mistake?
Believe Me
JP Delaney - Believe Me. Rozmery: 111 × 180 × 31 mm Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email. Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty. *** A British drama student, in New York without a green card, Claire takes the only job she can get: working for a firm of divorce lawyers, posing as an easy pick-up in hotel bars to entrap straying husbands. When one of her targets becomes the subject of a murder investigation, the police ask Claire to use her acting skills to help lure their suspect into a confession. But right from the start, she has doubts about the part she's being asked to play. Is Patrick Fogler really a killer... Or the only decent husband she's ever met? And is there more to this set-up than she's being told? And that's when Claire realizes she's playing the deadliest role of her life.
Flipsky Dual 75100 14-84V 2x100A + BT
Plne programovateľný sínusoý kontroler pre elektrické kolobežky (bicykle skateboarde čokoľvek). Vhodná náhrada napr za kontrolery Laotie ES18 ES19 Ti30 a ktorékoľvek iné. Flipsky Dual 75100 With Aluminum PCB Based On VESC For Electric Skateboard / Scooter / Ebike Speed Controller + Flipsky Wireless Bluetooth Module 2.4G for VESC&VESC Tool Electric Skateboard Size:L107mm x W103mm x H18.5mm Voltage:14-84V (4-20S safey) Current:continuous max 100A single,dual continuous max 200A,values depend on the mounting and ambient temperature around the device! BEC:5V@1A Support BLDC square wave mode control and FOC sine wave mode Firmware: latest (firmware update supported) ERPM:150000 Control Interface Ports:USB,CAN,UART Supported Sensors:ABI,HALL,AS5047,AS5048A Input Set Support:PPM,ADC,NRF,UART Wire Size: 12AWG Programmable: Yes Regenerative Capacity: Yes Here below video and blog links FYI. YouTube: Blog: Colour: Black Material: PCB Package Contents: 1 * Speed Controller 1 * BT module Flipsky Wireless Bluetooth Module 2.4G for VESC&VESC Tool Electric Skateboard Kindly Reminder: This bluetooth module can only support Android mobile device. Used to communicating between the VESC and VESC Tool (mobile) over BLE. Note that the UART port on the VESC must be enabled with a baud rate of 115200 for this to work. The UART port on VESC can work only under 115200 baud Operating voltage: 2.0V ~ 12V Onboard Chip: NRF51822 Actual use distance: The distance to communicate with VESC is about 15 meters Frequency range: 2.4GHz 2.4 GHz multiprotololl RF receiver ARM Cortex-M0 32 bit processor 256kB flash & 16kB RAM PCB size:27mm x 13mm 2.0mm seven-pin four-wire connector length:90mm Antenna length:145mm net weight:3.5g Type: V6 Colour: Black Material: composite material Cena 360€ + poštovné. Na dobierku posielam až po prijatí zálohy(30% z ceny) na účet.
Seuss-isms A Guide to Life by Dr. Seuss
Predam novu knihu Seuss-isms, A guide to life by Dr. Seuss. Je v lahsej anglictine. Cena 6 eur uz aj s postovnym. Martinus link: Invaluable life advice from the one and only Dr. Seuss! The one and only Dr. Seuss dispenses invaluable advice about life in this splendiferous collection of his most memorable quotes.With over sixty pages of cherished Seuss art and quotes from such classics as The Cat in the Hat, Horton Hatches the Egg, Green Eggs and Ham, How the Grinch Stole Christmas!, Oh, the Places You'll Go!, and many more, this humorous and inspiring collection is the perfect gift to inspire you to live your most Seuss-ian life!
Predám luxusnú postieľku Quax Indigo 120x60cm v super stave
Predám luxusnú postieľku Quax Indigo 120x60cm v super stave. Uvedená cena je bez matraca Traumeland +50€ a mantinela Baby´s only +50€. Pôvodná cena postieľky bez doplnkov bola 800eur. K postieľke pridávam zadarmo hrací kolotoč Baby´s only. V prípade, že kúpite komplet postieľka+matrac+mantinel, bude cena 280€ Popis: Prestaviteľná postieľka Quax s nožičkami a roštom z masívnej borovice je navrhnutá tak, aby uspokojila potreby a vývoj vášho dieťatka od novorodenca až po batoľací vek. Postieľka má tri možnosti polohovania matraca a kvalitný drevený rošt. Jednu bočnici viete zložiť a Vaše dieťa môže postieľku využívať ako detskú pohovku. Praktická postieľka je dostatočné pevná a vhodná k používaniu pre deti až do 4 rokov.
Ponúkame Vám pre sezónu 2023 excelentných, charakterných, 3 mladých, zdravých žrebcov plemena paint horse pre APH a AQH, A1 nevesty. Čisté panely ✅️ Výborné povahy ✅️ Dobrá stabilita ✅️ Jemnosť a ochota práce ✅️ Blue roan tobiano 6N/N✅️ BLUE MAGIC TWO GREGGO Sire:SPARKLIN TIDE GREGGO A K S RIP TIDE - SPARKLIN BAR B Dam:MAGIC POCO LENA BEAU - BLACK MAGIC 497 - LENA MY WAY - Spirit Skip Olena Buckskin solid 6N/N✅️ Sire: SILVER CHIC OLENA TURBO CHIC SOLANO MR TURBODIESEL SOLANO CHIC OLENA Dam: MRS SKIP JULY - ST SPANISH SPRINGER ST SCOT APRIL CAROL POCO CPH Triskel Only Play Bay dun tobiano ( TROJITÝ ! HOMOZYGOT pre black, dun a tobiano) -záruka živého fľakatého žriebätka) 7N/N✅️ › ... Cph Triskel Only Play Paint - All Breed Pedigree -živý skok(pripúšťanie z ruky) -ustajnenie a starostlivosť pre vaše kobyly počas pobytu(možnosť ustajnenia do 1 sona!) Zmluva , odpočet DPH Okres PD
Only sveter
Veľkosť M. Značka ONLY. Nosený v dobrom stave.
DVI splitter Gembird - 2 portovy
Predam DVI splitter - rozbocovac Gembird / Energenie - 2 portovy Datový přepínač DVI splitter, rozbočovač 2 cesty 210900146 * Enables to split video source to 2 monitors * No software required * Perfect digital video * Can also be used as 10 meter DVI extension Features Sends the digital DVI signal to 2 monitors The digital 1.65 GHz bandwidth amplifier not only increases the transmission distance with about 10 meters but also improves quality of the signal Specifications Ports: one input receptacle, 2 output DVI-I output receptacles, 25+5 pin (only digital signals used) Interface standard: DVI v.1.0, DDC2B protocol Video formats: single link up to 1920x1200 pixels at 60 Hz of the vertical refresh rate Video amplifier bandwidth: up to 1.65 GHz Power adapter: 100-240 VAC to 9 VDC, 2 A Dimensions: 150 x 74 x 31 mm Poslem aj kurierom (3EUR), kontakt emailom, cislo je vymyslene.
Rifle ONLY
Predám rifle ONLY, veľ. 28
Predám novú vestu Only
Predám novú dlhú vestu zn.Only. Olivovozelená farba,iba odstrihnutá visačka. Veľkosť je XL ale sedí skôr na veľkosť L.
Pánska bunda Only & Sons tmavo zelená veľ. M
Predám tmavo zelenú zimnú/jesennú bundu značky Only & Sons. Málo nosená, čistá. Vnútorné vrecko, vonkajšie vrecká na gombíky. Veľkosť M. Dôvod predaja: čistím šatník
Sako only,
Predám nové sako značky Only veľ S PC 55eur
Kozenka Only
Predam v top stave kozenku,zn.Only, 2x oblecena, mne je dost volna, velk. L/40.
Čierna blúzka Only
Čierna blúzka zn. Only. Veľkosť 36. Dĺžka 69cm, šírka cez prsia 47x2cm. Nosená, v dobrom stave. Cena 3€ + poštovné. Veci nevymieňam. Kontaktujte ma iba mailom.
Dámska dlhá bunda ONLY
Predám 1x oblečenú dámsku dlhú bundu značky ONLY. Nevhodný darček. Je to veľkosť L a aj sedí na veľkosť. Možnosť vyskúšať v Bernolákove alebo v Bratislave v Ružinove.
Blúzka ONLY
Predám bielu blúzku only, veľkosť 38 / M. Osobný odber Trnava/Bratislava
Komorník princeznej Diany, Jamie Oliver
Paul Burrell 'A ROYAL DUTY', 396s, tvrdá väzba s prebalom, ako nová, v angličtine, 8 EUR. 'The untold story behind one of the most sensational chapters in the history of the House of Windsor. Paul Burrell fought to clear his own name. Now he reveals new truths about Princess Diana – and presents for the first time as faithful an account of her thoughts as we can ever hope to read. He was the favourite footman who formed a unique relationship with the Queen. He was the butler who the Princess of Wales called ‘my rock’ and ‘the only man I can trust’. He was accused of theft, then acquitted following the historic intervention of the monarch. He was the Princess’ most intimate confidante – and is the only person able to separate the myth from the truth of the Diana years. Now at last Paul Burrell cuts through the gossip and the lies and takes us closer to the complex heart of the Royal Family than ever before.' Jamier Oliver 'Happy Days with the Naked Chef', 320s, väčší formát, kriedový papier, ako nová, v angličtine, 10€. Like Jamie's first two books, Happy Days is filled with fantastic recipes for different occassions. Along with his perfect curry for a night in, Jamie gives you his version of some old favourites in 'Comfort Grub' - try his Steak and Guinness Pie or indulge in his to-die-for pancakes! And in 'Quick Fixes' he whips up some really simple, tasty dinners - just right for when you get home late from work. Plus there's a 'Kid's Club' chapter, all about catching kid's attention and getting them interested in food. It's a starting point for children, to encourage them to have a go at other things in the book with their parents. Get them squashing tomatoes, pouring olive oil, pitting olives and making bread in no time - they'll love it. So, enjoy yourself, get stuck in ... happy days!
Only rifle na traky
Rifle zn.Only, 1x oblečené, Veľkosť xs