saty only - strana 19
Počet nájdených inzerátov SATY ONLY
: 1000 - strana 19

Hello and glad that you are interested in my toys:)
All toys were created by me at home with the amigurumi technique.
All my toys are unique, you can't find the same one, because it's hand made, they might slightly be different from one another.
I pay a lot of attention to every detail, to do all toys only with the best quality material!
All my toys are made with love and care, so by buying this toy you can be sure it will bring you only positive emotions.
100% hand-made produced with the best quality and big love
All toys are packed in the box.
We can add a congrats card with any content that you wish:)
You can wash it in the washing machine in Delicate mode and dry it in the air.
We have global delivery to any country.
The toy will be sent the next day after confirming the order.
All taxes due in your country will be paid by you.
Also if you have any questions please contact us, we will be happy to answer them!

Hello and glad that you are interested in my toys:)
All toys were created by me at home with the amigurumi technique.
All my toys are unique, you can't find the same one, because it's hand made, they might slightly be different from one another.
I pay a lot of attention to every detail, to do all toys only with the best quality material!
All my toys are made with love and care, so by buying this toy you can be sure it will bring you only positive emotions.
100% hand-made produced with the best quality and big love
All toys are packed in the box.
We can add a congrats card with any content that you wish:)
You can wash it in the washing machine in Delicate mode and dry it in the air.
We have global delivery to any country.
The toy will be sent the next day after confirming the order.
All taxes due in your country will be paid by you.
Also if you have any questions please contact us, we will be happy to answer them!

Hello and glad that you are interested in my toys:)
All toys were created by me at home with the amigurumi technique.
All my toys are unique, you can't find the same one, because it's hand made, they might slightly be different from one another.
I pay a lot of attention to every detail, to do all toys only with the best quality material!
All my toys are made with love and care, so by buying this toy you can be sure it will bring you only positive emotions.
100% hand-made produced with the best quality and big love
All toys are packed in the box.
We can add a congrats card with any content that you wish:)
You can wash it in the washing machine in Delicate mode and dry it in the air.
We have global delivery to any country.
The toy will be sent the next day after confirming the order.
All taxes due in your country will be paid by you.
Also if you have any questions please contact us, we will be happy to answer them!

Hello and glad that you are interested in my toys:)
All toys were created by me at home with the amigurumi technique.
All my toys are unique, you can't find the same one, because it's hand made, they might slightly be different from one another.
I pay a lot of attention to every detail, to do all toys only with the best quality material!
All my toys are made with love and care, so by buying this toy you can be sure it will bring you only positive emotions.
100% hand-made produced with the best quality and big love
All toys are packed in the box.
We can add a congrats card with any content that you wish:)
You can wash it in the washing machine in Delicate mode and dry it in the air.
We have global delivery to any country.
The toy will be sent the next day after confirming the order.
All taxes due in your country will be paid by you.
Also if you have any questions please contact us, we will be happy to answer them!

Ponúkam na predaj krásny kabatik béžovej farby značka Only zips zlatej farby a veľká kapucňa top stav bočné vrecká v prípade záujmu premeriam cena 18 eur

1.Meč Kill Billovej nevesty.Replika z filmu Kill Bill.Dĺžka meča: 106 cm.Stojan na meč so znakom nevesty.
2.Budova Katana.Masívna Katana z filmu Kill Bill, ktorú Bill daroval bratovi Budhovi, profesionálnemu vrahovi, členovi DVAS jeho brata Billa. Rovnako ako zvyšok tímu útočí a takmer zabije svoju kolegyňu Beatrix Kiddo (Bride). Obal z čierneho lakovaného masívneho dreva so zlatými rytinami. Čepeľ je celá z nehrdzavejúcej ocele s vygravírovaným venovaním, ktoré Bill urobil pre svojho brata "TO MY BROTHER BUDD, THE ONLY MAN I EVER LOVED" "" TO MY BROTHER BUDD, THE ONLY MAN I HAVE LOV LOVE ".
3.Billova Katana,Katana Kill Bill Bill meč, krotiteľ hadov, s diablom vyrytým na čepeli a na pošve,replika meča z filmu Kill Bill.
Meče sú nové,rôzne stojany. 38€/ks
Pozrite moje inzeráty.

Predám novú,nenosenu,ešte s visačkou parku zn.Only Lorca Canvas žltej farby vo veľ.M.Dôvod predaja nesadla mi veľkosť.PC:49,90.V prípade vážneho zaujmu ma kontaktujte e-mailom.Cena je už s poštovným.

uplne nove nenosene!
Materiál vonkajšej textílie: 85% polyester, 15% bavlna
Návod na starostlivosť o výrobok: Nežehliť, nesušte v bubnovej sušičke, pranie v práčke pri teplote 30 °C
velkost M

Predám 3x oblečený prechodný kabát značky Only veľkosti 34. Kabát je podšitý. Celková dĺžka je 114cm.

Úplne nová nenosena Koženka značky ONLY, objednávané cez internet Pôvodná cena je: 39,90eur-Teraz 19 eur plus poštovné. Veľkosť 38. Kontaktovať telefonicky alebo SMS nie mailom. Na mail neodpovedam

Predám dámsky veľmi teplý kožuch zn.Only, veľkosť M. Je v dobrom stave, akurát na krku zozadu sa šúcha.

nová dlhá bunda ONLY Lalina X-Long
- ľahká a priedušná tepelná izolácia Sorona
- zvýšený golier, celoprepínací, dvojcestný, krytý légou na cvočky
- pružné manžety
- 2 predné vrecká s fleece podšívkou na cvok
- možno prať v práčke
- fotené na postave 163 cm/56 kg
- XS/34, sadne aj na S/36
PC: 89.90 E
---52.30 E---
Možný osobný odber v LM. NEPOSIELAM NA DOBIERKU. NEMÁM ZÁUJEM O VÝMENU. Účtujem si BALNÉ 0.10 E.

Čierna tenká parka vhodná na prechodné obdobie zn.ONLY, top stav, bez poškodení, farba sýto čierna nevyblednutá, v skutočnosti krajšia ako na foto.
Veľkosť L.
Dĺžka - 72 cm
Šírka cez hrudník - 53 cm

Minimálne nosená koženková sukňa ONLY. Rozmery:pás 74cm,boky 90, dĺžka 45,5 cm. Osobný odber Košice. Na dobierku neposielam.

Predám modernú dámsku bledoružovú bavlnenú mikinu ONLY veľ. L, nová, ešte s visačkou, nie je uteplená, dĺžka mikiny 66 cm, šírka pod pažami 62 cm, dĺžka rukáva od krku po koniec patentu 74 cm, kúpená za 25 eur, teraz 17 eur + pošta.
Predám modernú dámsku ružovo- marhuľovú bavlnenú mikinu LAB veľ. L, mikina je jemne uteplená, má vypchávky na ramenách, len opratá a 1x oblečená, čiže nová, dĺžka mikiny 66 cm, šírka 57 cm, dĺžka rukáva od krku po koniec patentu 72 cm, kúpená za 25 eur, teraz 15 eur + pošta. Pri odbere spolu dohoda možná.
Na dobierku nezasielam, osobný odber je možný.