scoot and ride kolobezka - strana 23
Počet nájdených inzerátov SCOOT AND RIDE KOLOBEZKA
: 1000 - strana 23

The Cambridge English Course 1 Students Book, Michael Swan and Catherine Walter, Cambridge University Press, SNP 24-02-14/2, ISBN 80-04-55047-9, ISBN 80-0425920-0
The Cambridge English Course 1 Praktice Book, Michael Swan and Catherine Walter, Cambridge University Press, SNP 2312013, ISBN 80-04-26-396-8
The Cambridge English Course 2 Students Book, Michael Swan and Catherine Walter, Cambridge University Press, SNP 2-61-69/1, ISBN 80-04-55035-5, ISBN 80-04-25924-3
The Cambridge English Course 2 Praktice Book, Michael Swan and Catherine Walter, Cambridge University Press, SNP 2-61-70/1, ISBN 80-04-55035-5, ISBN 80-04-25925-1
The Cambridge English Course 3 Students Book, Michael Swan and Catherine Walter, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-27879-1
The Cambridge English Course 3 Praktice Book, Michael Swan and Catherine Walter, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-35788-8
cena:dohodou, osobní jednání

Jak nové. výborný stav, raz pustené
2 BR + 2 DVD + CD
Svieža a nadrozmerná earbook (28 x 28 cm) vr. 2 BluRay + 2 DVD + 1 CD. Ich koncerty vo Wackene a na festivale v ich rodnom meste vo Falune boli veľkými vrcholmi turné »Heroes«, a preto sa kapela rozhodla nahrať tieto vystúpenia do masívneho živého balíka DVD/CD s názvom »Heroes On Tour«! Basgitarista Pär Sundström povedal: „Vždy sme sa snažili byť kapelou, ktorú ľudia radi vidia naživo, a to z jednoduchého dôvodu, prečo radi hráme naživo. Dúfame, že s týmto DVD/Bluray vydaním sa s vami podelíme o niečo z tohto pocitu. Nahrali sme dve relácie pre prípad, že by vám jedna nestačila!“
Švédski heavymetaloví hrdinovia Sabaton nahrali naživo na festivale Wacken Open Air v Nemecku v roku 2015. Basgitarista Par Sundstrom sa vyjadril: Vždy sme chceli byť kapelou, ktorú ľudia radi vidia naživo, a to z jednoduchého dôvodu, prečo radi hráme naživo. Dúfame, že s týmto vydaním sa s vami podelíme o nejaký ten pocit.
Cd skladby:
1. The March To War
2. Ghost Division
3. To Hell And Back
4. Carolus Rex
5. No Bullets Fly
6. Resist And Bite
7. Far From The Fame
8. Panzerkampf
9. Gott Mit Uns
10. The Art Of War
11. Soldier Of 3 Armies
12. Swedish Pagans
13. Screaming Eagles
14. Night Witches
15. Primo Victoria
16. Metal Crue
Blu-ray 1 / Dvd 1: Wacken 2015
1. The March To War
2. Ghost Division
3. To Hell And Back
4. Carolus Rex
5. No Bullets Fly
6. Resist And Bite
7. Far From The Fame
8. Panzerkampf
9. Gott Mit Uns
10. The Art Of War
11. Soldier Of 3 Armies
12. Swedish Pagans
13. Screaming Eagles
14. Night Witches
15. Primo Victoria
16. Metal Crue
17. Noch Ein Bier
18. The Art Of War-with Bohemian Symphony Orchestra Prague
19. The Final Solution-with Bohemian Symphony Orchestra Prague
Blu-ray 2 / Dvd 2: Sabaton Open Air 2015
1. The March To War
2. Ghost Division
3. To Hell And Back
4. Carolus Rex
5. Panzer Battaliony
6. Wolfpack
7. Attero Dominatus
8. 7734
9. Unioin
10. The Art Of War
11. Saboteurs
12. Coat Of Arms
13. En Livstid I Krig
14. Resist And Bite
15. Swedish Pagans
16. Night Witches
17. Primo Victoria
18. Metal Crue

5 izbový exkluzívny byt v lokalite Palisády pri Prezidentskom paláci, plocha bytu je 193 m2, byt sa nachádza 3 poschodí zo 4, priestranný veľkoplošný byt, dispozíciu bytu tvoria 4 priestranné izby a obývacia izba, samostatná kuchyňa vybavená všetkými zabudovanými spotrebičmi s jedálenskou časťou, 2 kúpeľní s WC, šatník a práčovňa. Byt je po celkovej nadštandardnej rekonštrukcii. Byt je nezariadený a jeho súčasťou je klimatizácia, alarm, krb v obývacej izbe, vstavané skrine v spálni, pračka a sušička v práčovni. K bytu patrí aj priestranná pivnica. Byt sa nachádza v príjemnom prostredí v tesnej blízkosti Prezidentskej záhrady a ponúka kompletnú občiansku vybavenosť a infraštruktúru. Cena 2 450 €/mesiac + energie 200 EUR.
5 bedroom exclusive apartment in the Palisady location near the Presidential Palace, the area of the apartment is 193 m2, the apartment is located on the 3rd floor without elevator, spacious flat, 4 spacious bedrooms and living room, separatly kitchen equipped with all appliances with dining area, 2 bathrooms with WC, wardrobe and laundry. The flat is after complete reconstruction. The apartment is unfurnished and includes air conditioning, alarm, fireplace in the living room, built-in wardrobes in the bedroom, washing machine and dryer in the laundry. The apartment also includes a spacious cellar. The apartment is located in a pleasant environment close to the Presidential Garden and offers complete amenities and infrastructure. Price 2 450 € / month + energy 200 EUR.

Ponúkam na prenájom kompletne zariadený 4 izbový rodinný dom v Bratislave – Záhorská Bystrica, Brumovická ulica.
Samostatne postavená novostavba RD skolaudovaná v roku 2015 so slnečnou terasou, udržiavanou záhradou a miestom na parkovanie na pozemku.
Podlahová plocha RD 159 m², obytná plocha 107 m². Výmera pozemku 550 m².
Vybavený alarmom, vnútorným krbom, záhradnou sprchou. Prízemie má podlahové kúrenie, na poschodí sú ohrevné telesá. Väčšia časť interiérového zariadenia nová. Vybavenie kuchyne nové.
Prízemie: vstupná hala, WC, kuchynská časť prepojená s obývacou izbou, špajza, hosťovská izba s vlastnou kúpeľňou so sprchovým kútom a WC, dielňa/technická miestnosť, schodisko. Z obývacej izby a hosťovskej izby vstup na vonkajšiu terasu.
Poschodie: 2 spálne z toho jedna s obytnou časťou, kúpeľňa s vaňou a WC.
Pripojenie na mestskú vodu, na pozemku sa nachádza aj studňa. K dispozícií TV a internet/wi-fi cez optické pripojenie Orange. TV a wi-fi router v obývacej časti súčasťou prenájmu. K dispozícií práčka, vybavenie kuchyne novými riadmi, terasové sedenie so slnečníkom.
Tento rodinný dom sa prenajíma na dlhodobý nájom. Domáce zvieratá (pes, mačka) nie sú povolené.
Cena nájmu 1 650 €/mesiac + energie 250 €/mesiac. Pri počte viac ako 4 osoby doplatok za energie 40€/osoba/mesiac.
Obhliadky možné po dohode.
Voľný ihneď.
Nájomca platí vratný depozit 1 900 EUR. Zmluva priamo s majiteľom, bez provízie realitnej kancelárie.
Kontakt: mobil: , mail: antalekova@
We offer for rent fully equipped 4 room family house in Bratislava - Záhorská Bystrica, Brumovická street.
Separately newly built family house schooled in 2015 with a sunny terrace, a well-kept garden and a parking spot on the property.
The floor area of the family house is 159 m², the living area is 107 m². Plot area is 550 m².
Equipped with alarm, indoor fireplace, garden shower. The ground floor has underfloor heating, the 1st floor is equipped with heating devices. Part of the interior equipment is new. Kitchen equipment is new.
Ground floor: entrance hall, toilet, kitchen connected to the living room, pantry, guest room with own bathroom with shower and toilet, workshop/technical room, staircase. Access to the outdoor terrace from the living room and guest room.
1st floor: 2 bedrooms, one with a living area, bathroom with bathtub and toilet.
Connection to city water, there is also a well on the property. TV and internet/wi-fi via Orange optical connection available. TV and wi-fi router in the living room included in the rent. Washing machine, kitchen equipment with new dishes, terrace seating with parasol available.
This family house is rented for a long-term lease. Pets (dog, cat) are not allowed.
Rent €1,650/month + energies €250/month.In case of more than 4 people living in the object, an extra charge for energies is €40/person/month.
Tours possible by arrangement.

Typ: Vila
Ulica: Calvia
Obec: Palma de Mallorca
Leaders&Partners reality pobočka Bratislava Vám ponúka
na predaj
vila v Portals Nous, Calvia na ostrove Mallorca .
Priestranná dvojpodlažná vila v štýle Ibizian s 3 spálňami, orientovaná na juh, so záhradným pozemkom s rozlohou 855 m2 , s garážou a bazénom so slanou vodou.
Slnečná obývacia izba a jedáleň s veľkými oknami, ktoré vyťažia maximum z vynikajúceho prirodzeného svetla.
Dvere vedú na terasu s výhľadom do záhrady a bazéna. Kuchyňa je kompletne vybavená. Dom je na 2 poschodiach a má tri spálne a tri kúpeľne.
Vila je fantastickou príležitosťou na rozvoj v špičkovej lokalite v Portals a je vynikajúcou investíciou do nehnuteľností v bezkonkurenčnej lokalite.
Pozrite si video :
For Sale in Portals Nous,(Calvia) Mallorca Spacious Ibizan-style semi-detached Villa with 3 Bedrooms, Facing South, with a 855 m2 garden plot with Garage and Saltwater Pool. Excellent opportunity in this luxury location with a short walk to Portals and the beach. Sunny living/dining room with large windows that make the most of the excellent natural light. Doors lead to the terrace with views of the garden and pool. The kitchen is completely equipped. The house is on 2 levels and has three bedrooms and three bathrooms. The villa is a fantastic opportunity to develop in a prime location in Portals and is an excellent property investment in an unbeatable location.
Status: aktívne
Vlastníctvo: osobné
Stav: po rekonštrukcii
Celková plocha: 855 m2
Úžitková plocha: 302 m2
Plocha pozemku: 855 m2
Počet podlaží: 2
Počet izieb: 4
Počet kúpeľní: 3

Typ: Vila
Ulica: Baleary
Obec: Palma de Mallorca
Leaders&Partners reality pobočka Bratislava Seberíniho Vám ponúka
na predaj
vilu nachádzajúcu sa na Costa de La Calma (Calvia) na ostrove Mallorca. Krásna vila orientovaná na juh so záhradou a bazénom, ako aj terasa pri bazéne s verandou a letnou obývacou izbou, kúpeľňa a posilňovňa, na hlavnom poschodí sa nachádza hala, 3 veľké spálne a dve.kúpeľne, jedna z nich v spálni so sprchovacím kútom a veľkou vaňou, obývacia izba so vstupom na terasu, garáž pre dve autá na prízemí. Dom je na pozemku o rozlohe 1 322 m2 a dom má podlahovú plochu262 m2.
If what you are looking for is tranquility, this is your home, a villa located in Costa de La Calma (Calvia), a beautiful south-facing villa with a garden and pool as well as a pool terrace with porch and summer living room, bathroom and gym, on the main floor there is a hall, 3 large bedrooms and two bathrooms, one of them en suite with a shower and a large bathtub, a living room with access to the terrace, a garage for two cars on the ground floor. The house is on a plot of 1,322m2 and the house has 262 m2 built.
Status: aktívne
Vlastníctvo: osobné
Stav: po rekonštrukcii
Celková plocha: 262 m2
Úžitková plocha: 262 m2
Plocha pozemku: 1322 m2
Typ: exteriérový
Terasa plocha: 100 m2

Predám BMW Z4 E85 3.0 i 170kw, motor M54B30, 6 valec. 6st manuálna prevodovka, prvá registrácia 2005, dovoz. Originál 207000 km, STK EK do 3/2025. Servisná história, motor netečie a nežerie olej. 3 kľúče, všetko funkčné. AAA, špekulanti a voziči ani nepísať, len seriózny záujem. Auto predávam na oranžových diskoch zo samostaného inzerátu (nie style 78) a pridám aj znižovacie Eibach Pro-Kit pružiny, tiež zo samostatného inzerátu.
Editions And Packages
S711 M Sports Seats
Comfort And Interior Equipment
S423 Floor Mats Velours
S428 Warning Triangle And First Aid Kit
S459 Seat Adjustment, Electric, With Memory
S493 Storage Compartment Package
S494 Seat Heating Driver/Passenger
S601 TV Function
S609 Navigation System Professional
S640 Preparation F Tel.Installation Universal
S672 CD Changer For 6 CDs
S676 HiFi Speaker System
Driver Assistance And Lightning
S502 Headlight Cleaning System
S508 Park Distance Control (PDC)
S520 Fog Lights
S521 Rain Sensor
S522 Xenon Light
S534 Automatic Air Conditioning
S540 Cruise Control
S548 Kilometre Speedo
Wheels And Drive
S224 Driving Dynamic Control
S230 Extra Package, EU-Speciifc
S249 Multifunction F Steering Wheel
S255 Sports Leather Steering Wheel
Environment And Safety
S302 Alarm System
S313 Fold-In Outside Mirror
S345 Chrome Line Interieur
S380 Hardtop-Preparation
S387 Wind Deflector
S399 Softtop, Electromech. All-Autom.
S863 Dealer List Europe
S8SP Control Unit CO2
Other Equipment
S1CA Selection Of COP-Relevant Vehicles
S925 Dummy-SALAPA

Ponúkam na PRENÁJOM plne vybavený - úplne nový GOLDEN APARTMENT
LUXURY GOLDEN APARTMÁN, Mlynská Bašta, Košice staré mesto
Ponúkam do prenájmu úplne nový, klimatizovaný, priestranný a kompletne zariadený 2 izbový byt ( 55 m2 ) s balkónom a výhľadom na centrum mesta .
Veľmi tichý byt /vnútroblok/ s vlastným parkovacím miestom.
štýlový a kompletne zariadený 2 izbový apartmán
nábytok vyrobený na mieru
obývacia izba s veľkou rohovou sedačkou a 160 cm 4K NanoCELL TV
kompletne vybavená kuchyňa, s modernými zabudovanými spotrebičmi.
chladnička s mrazničkou, Indukčná varná doska, rúra na pečenie, mikrovlnná rúra, umývačka riadu
samostatná spálňa s pohodlnou posteľou 200 x 180 cm s prémiovým matracom, úložným priestorom, vstavanými šatníkovými skriňami s veľkým zrkadlom a nočnými stolíkmi
kúpeľňa je vybavená vaňou, WC je oddelené
chodba so skriňou rolldoor s veľkým odkladacím priestorom
videovrátnik, klimatizácia LG
súkromné parkovacie miesto v podzemnej garáži
Byt je veľmi tichý, nakoľko sa nachádza vo vnútrobloku.
Byt je Pet friendly.
8OO,- EUR - vrátane energie a klimatizácie,+ 50 EUR- vlastné kryté garážové státie hneď vedľa vchodu do obytného domu.
Požadovaný 1 mesačný depozit ( bude vrátený pri ukončení nájmu )
LUXURY GOLDEN APARTMENT, Mlynská Bašta, Košice old town, for rent NOW AVAILABLE
We offer for rent a brand new, air-conditioned, spacious and fully furnished 2 rooms apartment (55 m2) with a balcony and a view of the city center.
Be the first tenants in this modern apartment in a sought-after location right in the pedestrian zone.
stylish and fully furnished 2 bedroom apartment
custom-made furniture
living room with large corner sofa and 160 cm 4K NanoCELL TV
Fully equipped kitchen, with modern built-in appliances. Refrigerator with freezer, Induction hob, Oven, Microwave, Dishwasher
separate bedroom with a comfortable bed 200 x 180 cm with a premium mattress, storage space, built-in wardrobes with a large mirror and bedside tables
The bathroom is equipped with a bathtub, the toilet is separate
corridor with rolldoor wardrobe with large storage space
Wfree wi-fi, video entry phone, air conditioning LG
private parking space in the underground garage
The apartment is very quiet, as it is located in the courtyard.
The apartment is pet friendly.
800, - EUR/per month is including energy, internet and air conditioning, + 50 eur /per garage parking space.
Required 1 month deposit (will be returned at the end of the lease)
More informations on:

Ponúkam na PRENÁJOM plne vybavený - úplne nový GOLDEN APARTMENT
LUXURY GOLDEN APARTMÁN, Mlynská Bašta, Košice staré mesto
Ponúkam do prenájmu úplne nový, klimatizovaný, priestranný a kompletne zariadený 2 izbový byt ( 55 m2 ) s balkónom a výhľadom na centrum mesta .
Veľmi tichý byt /vnútroblok/ s vlastným parkovacím miestom.
štýlový a kompletne zariadený 2 izbový apartmán
nábytok vyrobený na mieru
obývacia izba s veľkou rohovou sedačkou a 160 cm 4K NanoCELL TV
kompletne vybavená kuchyňa, s modernými zabudovanými spotrebičmi.
chladnička s mrazničkou, Indukčná varná doska, rúra na pečenie, mikrovlnná rúra, umývačka riadu
samostatná spálňa s pohodlnou posteľou 200 x 180 cm s prémiovým matracom, úložným priestorom, vstavanými šatníkovými skriňami s veľkým zrkadlom a nočnými stolíkmi
kúpeľňa je vybavená vaňou, WC je oddelené
chodba so skriňou rolldoor s veľkým odkladacím priestorom
videovrátnik, klimatizácia LG
súkromné parkovacie miesto v podzemnej garáži
Byt je veľmi tichý, nakoľko sa nachádza vo vnútrobloku.
Byt je Pet friendly.
8OO,- EUR - vrátane energie a klimatizácie,+ 50 EUR- vlastné kryté garážové státie hneď vedľa vchodu do obytného domu.
Požadovaný 1 mesačný depozit ( bude vrátený pri ukončení nájmu )
LUXURY GOLDEN APARTMENT, Mlynská Bašta, Košice old town, for rent NOW AVAILABLE
We offer for rent a brand new, air-conditioned, spacious and fully furnished 2 rooms apartment (55 m2) with a balcony and a view of the city center.
Be the first tenants in this modern apartment in a sought-after location right in the pedestrian zone.
stylish and fully furnished 2 bedroom apartment
custom-made furniture
living room with large corner sofa and 160 cm 4K NanoCELL TV
Fully equipped kitchen, with modern built-in appliances. Refrigerator with freezer, Induction hob, Oven, Microwave, Dishwasher
separate bedroom with a comfortable bed 200 x 180 cm with a premium mattress, storage space, built-in wardrobes with a large mirror and bedside tables
The bathroom is equipped with a bathtub, the toilet is separate
corridor with rolldoor wardrobe with large storage space
Wfree wi-fi, video entry phone, air conditioning LG
private parking space in the underground garage
The apartment is very quiet, as it is located in the courtyard.
The apartment is pet friendly.
800, - EUR/per month is including energy, internet and air conditioning, + 50 eur /per garage parking space.
Required 1 month deposit (will be returned at the end of the lease)

Salman Rushdie - Quichotte. Je ako nová.
Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email.
Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty.
In a tour-de-force that is a modern masterpiece about the quest for love and family, Booker Prize-winning, internationally bestselling author Salman Rushdie has created a dazzling Don Quixote for the modern age. Inspired by the Cervantes classic, Sam DuChamp, mediocre writer of spy thrillers, creates Quichotte, a courtly, addled salesman obsessed with television, who falls in impossible love with the TV star Salman R. Together with his (imaginary) son Sancho, Quichotte sets off on a picaresque quest across America to prove worthy of her hand, gallantly braving the tragicomic perils of an age where 'Anything-Can-Happen'. Meanwhile his creator, in a midlife crisis, has equally urgent challenges of his own. Just as Cervantes wrote Don Quixote to satirize the culture of his time, Rushdie takes the reader on a wild ride through a country on the verge of moral and spiritual collapse, with the kind of storytelling magic that is the hallmark of his work. The fully realized lives of DuChamp and Quichotte intertwine in a profoundly human quest for love and a wickedly entertaining portrait of an age in which fact is so often indiscernible from fiction.

GNU | model: MULLAIR C3 (pro-model Nico Muller) | typ snowboardu: directional | prehnutie: CAMBER | veľkosť 159cm wide | set-back: 25.4mm (1 inch.) |šírka stredu: 260mm | šírka špičky: 30.9cm | šírka päty: 30.1cm | taper: 8mm | stance: 51.44 - 63.5cm | radius: 8.0m | flex: 7 | dop. váha jazdca: 70 - 106kg | drevené jadro C3 | sintrovaná sklznica | MAGNE-TRACTION hrany | BIAX a TRIAX laminovanie. V záruke do 03/2022. Pôvodná cena snowboardu 599.95
Je to špičkový all-mountain - freeride snowboard, má plytký sidecut umožnujúci úzke a dlhé oblúky, setback a širšiu špička VS päta (tzv. tapered) pre fantastickú jazdu v hlbokom snehu, špička sa nesie nad snehom s minimom úsila.
Osobný odber v Poprade, možné poslať kuriérom (platba vopred, alebo dobierka (poštovné a balné +10€).
Inzerát platný do zmazania.
Nicolas Müller can’t promise you anything, but if you strap in on the Müllair it will sure help you ride more like him, and isn’t that what we all want? Methods to the moon, nose butters for kilometres and blown up powder muffins, that’s what you get with this stick. The Gnu crew and Nicolas worked together to create this dream snowboard for soulful powder surfing and boosting out of transitions.

Predám nové, nepoužité Renault Megane 4 IV RS -20mm Eibach Pro-Kit Lowering Springs.
Nie je vhodný na trophy.
This Eibach PRO-KIT spring kit for the Renault Megane 4 RS, fits without modifications, on both OEM or performance shock absorbers, in order to lower the ride height by 20mm at the front and by 20mm at the rear. Combining comfort and efficiency, this TUV approved progressive spring kit, offers an optimal lowering for a more aggressive look and a great handling.
Direct bolt on
Sold as front and rear kit
Progressive design
Dropping range : -20mm FR / -20mm RR
Match with OEM or performance shocks absorbers
TUV approved
5 years warranty
Made in Germany
- Doesn't fit Trophy -

Zabalené - Nové !!
Orig.Album Classics (5xCD): à 15€
BONEY M 2011
FALCO 2015
PEARL JAM: On ten Legs (Live) 2011 8,5€
HELLOWEEN: Ride the Sky (Best Of 1985-1998) 2CD 2016 13€
BLACK SABBATH: The Ultimate Collection 2CD 2016 12,5€
THE BLACK CROWES: Greatest Hits 2000 (1990-1999) 8€
DREAM THEATER: When Dream and Day Unite 1989 7€
PHILOSOPHOBIA: Philosophobia (prog) 2022 17€
MEGADETH: Endgame 2019 9€
SLASH & M.Kennedy:World on Fire 2014 9€
BRUCE DICKINSON: Accident of Birth 2CD 2005 12€
COLDPLAY: Ghost Stories - Live 2014 2CD 10€
ARTHEMIS: We Fight (Andrea Martongelli) 2012 11€
OPETH: In Cauda Venenum (Swedish alb. Version) 2019 9€
BRAND X: Morrocan Roll 1977 (Phil Collins) 8€
ERIC CLAPTON: Happy Xmas 2018 8€
GUNS N' ROSES: Appetite for Destruction 2018 8€
PINK FLOYD: Delicate Sound of Thunder 2CD 2020 15€
Prog rock:
PINK FLOYD: Echoes - the Best Of 2CD 2016 11,5€
SOUND OF CONTACT (S.COLLINS): 2013 Dimensionaut 6,5€
JON ANDERSON/ROINE STOLT: Invention Of Knowledge 2016 7€
MARIANA SEMKINA (IamTheMorning): Sleepwalking 2020 15€
DEPECHE MODE: Exciter 2007 10€
DEPECHE MODE: 101 2CD 1989 14€
NIGHTWISH: Highest Hopes (Best) 2005 8€
NIGHTWISH: Walking in the Air 2011 (The Greatest Ballads) 7,5€
NIGHTWISH: Oceanborn 2015 8,5€
DE/VISION: 6 Feet Underground 2004 9€
THE ART OF NOISE: In No Sense? 1987 Nonsense 10€
YELLO: You Gotta Say Yes To Another Excess 1983 11€
YELLO: Baby 1991 9€
YELLO: The New Mix in One Go 80-85 1986 10€
MARK KNOPFLER: Sailing to Philadelphia 2000 7€
SCORPIONS: Best Of Rockers N' Ballads 1989 7€
THE CARS: Just What I Needed 2CD 1995 11€
SMOKIE: The Collection 1992 (jzp) 5,5 €
BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN: Wrecking Ball 2012 7€
WISHBONE ASH: Pilgrimage 1991 5€
TED NUGENT: Very Best Of 1991 (jzp) 4€
JIMI HENDRIX: Cornerstone 67-70 1990 7€
ROLLING STONES: No Security Live 1998 5€
T.REX: The Slider 1997 (1972) 6€
EAGLES: Very Best 2001 6€
MARILYN MANSON: The High End of Low 2CD 2009 9€
VOODOO CIRCLE: Whisky Fingers 2015 8€
GUS G.: Fearless 2018 (podpis+trsátko)13€
BILLY COBHAM: Rudiments 2CD 2001(jzp) 9€
DIANA KRALL: Love Scenes 1997 6€
DIANA KRALL: Quiet Nights 2009 6€
KATE BUSH: The Kick Inside 1978 6€
IAN DURY & THE BLOCKHEADS: Sex and Drugs and Rock'n'Roll 2CD 2004 9€
EMPTY TREMOR: Eros and Thanatos 2000 7€
ALAS: Absolute Purity (+ plagát) 2001 (Morbid Angel/Therion) 8€
BLACKEYED BLONDE: We do Ya 1991 6€
HERBIE HANCOCK/CHICK COREA: A Jazz Hour - Piano Fiesta 2005 5€

The Offspring Ixnay on the hombre 6,00 €
The Offspring Conspiracy of one (japan,+OBI) 6,00 €
The Offspring Splinter 5,00 €
The Outpatience Anxious disease 8,00 €
The Parlor Mob And you were a crow 8,00 €
The Prodigy Experience 6,00 €
The Prodigy Music for the jilted generation 6,00 €
The Prodigy Always outnumbered,never outgunned 6,00 €
The Prodigy Invaders must die 6,00 €
The Prodigy The fat of the land 6,00 €
The Prodigy The day is my enemy 5,00 €
The Prodigy The day is my enemy (nový) 7,00 €
The Rolling Stones Voodoo lounge 5,00 €
The Rolling Stones Bridges to Babylon 5,00 €
The Rolling Stones A bigger bang 5,00 €
The Rolling Stones A bigger bang (CD+DVD) 7,00 €
The Who Ultimate collection (digipak,3CD) 9,00 €
Thunder Back street symphony 8,00 €
Thunder Behind closed doors 7,00 €
Thunder Laughing on judgement day 4,00 €
Thunder Giving the game away 7,00 €
Thunder Bang! 8,00 €
Thunder Rip it up (nový) 8,00 €
Tom Petty Let me up (I've had enough) 6,00 €
Tom Petty Full moon fever 6,00 €
Tom Petty Into the great wide open 6,00 €
Tommy Lee TommyLand: The ride 5,00 €
Toto IV 6,00 €
Toto The seventh one 6,00 €
U2 War 6,00 €
U2 The unfogettable fire 6,00 €
U2 The Joshua tree 6,00 €
U2 Rattle and hum 5,00 €
U2 Achtung baby 6,00 €
U2 Achtung baby (nový) 7,00 €
U2 Achtung baby (digipak) 6,00 €
U2 All that you can't leave behind 5,00 €
U2 How to dismantle an atomic bomb 4,00 €
U2 18 singles (superbox) 7,00 €
U2 The best of 1980-1990 5,00 €
U2 The best of 1990-2000 6,00 €
Under Suspicion Under Suspicion 7,00 €
Unruly Child Can't go home 8,00 €
Ultravox Quartet 5,00 €
Uriah Heep Salisbury 7,00 €
Uriah Heep Demons and wizards 7,00 €
Uriah Heep The magician's birthday 7,00 €
Uriah Heep Firefly 7,00 €
Uriah Heep Innocent victim 7,00 €
Uriah Heep Into the wild (Irond) 8,00 €
Uriah Heep Living the dream (Irond) 8,00 €
Vangelis 1492 Conquest in paradise 5,00 €
Vangelis Oceanic 8,00 €
Velvet Revolver Contraband 6,00 €
Visage Visage 6,00 €
Voodoo Six First hit for free (nový) 6,00 €
Whitesnake Come and get it 6,00 €
Whitesnake Live.. In the heart of the city 6,00 €
Whitesnake Restless heart 8,00 €
Whitesnake Good to be bad (box,2CD,poster,foto,sticker,nový) 8,00 €
ZZ Top Eliminator 5,00 €
ZZ Top Afterburner 5,00 €
ZZ Top Recycler 6,00 €
Y&T Down for the count 10,00 €
klikni na meno a pozri ďalšiu ponuku

The Mission God's own medicine 7,00 €
The Mission Children 3,00 €
The Mission Carved in sand 3,00 €
The Mission Grains of sand 5,00 €
The Mission Neverland 6,00 €
The Mission Masque 6,00 €
The Offspring Ixnay on the hombre 6,00 €
The Offspring Conspiracy of one (japan,+OBI) 6,00 €
The Offspring Splinter 5,00 €
The Outpatience Anxious disease 8,00 €
The Parlor Mob And you were a crow 8,00 €
The Rolling Stones Voodoo lounge 5,00 €
The Rolling Stones Bridges to Babylon 5,00 €
The Rolling Stones A bigger bang 5,00 €
The Rolling Stones A bigger bang (CD+DVD) 7,00 €
The Sisters Of Mercy Vision thing 8,00 €
The Sisters Of Mercy Greatest hits volume one (A slight case of overbombing) 6,00 €
The Who Ultimate collection (digipak,3CD) 9,00 €
Thunder Back street symphony 8,00 €
Thunder Behind closed doors 4,00 €
Thunder Laughing on judgement day 7,00 €
Thunder Rip it up (nový) 8,00 €
Thunder All the right noises (digipak,nový) 8,00 €
Tom Petty Let me up (I've had enough) 6,00 €
Tom Petty Wildflowers 6,00 €
Tom Petty Full moon fever 6,00 €
Tom Petty Into the great wide open 6,00 €
Tommy Lee TommyLand: The ride 5,00 €
Toto IV 5,00 €
Toto The seventh one 5,00 €
Toto Isolation 7,00 €
Toto Kingdom of desire 6,00 €
Toto Tambu 7,00 €
U2 War 6,00 €
U2 The unfogettable fire 6,00 €
U2 The Joshua tree 6,00 €
U2 Rattle and hum 5,00 €
U2 Achtung baby 6,00 €
U2 Achtung baby (nový) 7,00 €
U2 Achtung baby (digipak) 6,00 €
U2 All that you can't leave behind 5,00 €
U2 How to dismantle an atomic bomb 4,00 €
U2 18 singles (superbox) 7,00 €
U2 The best of 1980-1990 5,00 €
U2 The best of 1990-2000 6,00 €
Under Suspicion Under Suspicion 7,00 €
Unruly Child Can't go home 8,00 €
Ultravox Quartet 5,00 €
Uriah Heep Demons and wizards 7,00 €
Uriah Heep The magician's birthday 7,00 €
Uriah Heep Firefly 7,00 €
Uriah Heep Innocent victim 7,00 €
Velvet Revolver Contraband 6,00 €
Whitesnake Come and get it 6,00 €
Whitesnake Restless heart 8,00 €
ZZ Top Eliminator 5,00 €
ZZ Top Afterburner 5,00 €
ZZ Top Recycler 6,00 €
klikni na meno a pozri ďalšiu ponuku

The Mission God's own medicine 7,00 €
The Mission Children 3,00 €
The Mission Carved in sand 3,00 €
The Mission Grains of sand 5,00 €
The Mission Neverland 6,00 €
The Mission Masque 6,00 €
The Offspring Ixnay on the hombre 6,00 €
The Offspring Conspiracy of one (japan,+OBI) 6,00 €
The Offspring Splinter 5,00 €
The Outpatience Anxious disease 8,00 €
The Parlor Mob And you were a crow 8,00 €
The Rolling Stones Voodoo lounge 5,00 €
The Rolling Stones Bridges to Babylon 5,00 €
The Rolling Stones A bigger bang 5,00 €
The Rolling Stones A bigger bang (CD+DVD) 7,00 €
The Sisters Of Mercy Vision thing 8,00 €
The Sisters Of Mercy Greatest hits volume one (A slight case of overbombing) 6,00 €
The Who Ultimate collection (digipak,3CD) 9,00 €
Thunder Back street symphony 8,00 €
Thunder Behind closed doors 4,00 €
Thunder Laughing on judgement day 7,00 €
Thunder Rip it up (nový) 8,00 €
Thunder All the right noises (digipak,nový) 8,00 €
Tom Petty Let me up (I've had enough) 6,00 €
Tom Petty Wildflowers 6,00 €
Tom Petty Full moon fever 6,00 €
Tom Petty Into the great wide open 6,00 €
Tommy Lee TommyLand: The ride 5,00 €
Toto IV 5,00 €
Toto The seventh one 5,00 €
Toto Isolation 7,00 €
Toto Kingdom of desire 6,00 €
Toto Tambu 7,00 €
U2 War 6,00 €
U2 The unfogettable fire 6,00 €
U2 The Joshua tree 6,00 €
U2 Rattle and hum 5,00 €
U2 Achtung baby 6,00 €
U2 Achtung baby (nový) 7,00 €
U2 Achtung baby (digipak) 6,00 €
U2 All that you can't leave behind 5,00 €
U2 How to dismantle an atomic bomb 4,00 €
U2 18 singles (superbox) 7,00 €
U2 The best of 1980-1990 5,00 €
U2 The best of 1990-2000 6,00 €
Under Suspicion Under Suspicion 7,00 €
Unruly Child Can't go home 8,00 €
Ultravox Quartet 5,00 €
Uriah Heep Demons and wizards 7,00 €
Uriah Heep The magician's birthday 7,00 €
Uriah Heep Firefly 7,00 €
Uriah Heep Innocent victim 7,00 €
Velvet Revolver Contraband 6,00 €
Whitesnake Come and get it 6,00 €
ZZ Top Eliminator 5,00 €
ZZ Top Afterburner 5,00 €
ZZ Top Recycler 6,00 €
klikni na meno a pozri ďalšiu ponuku

The Mission God's own medicine 7,00 €
The Mission Children 3,00 €
The Mission Carved in sand 3,00 €
The Mission Grains of sand 5,00 €
The Mission Neverland 6,00 €
The Mission Masque 6,00 €
The Offspring Ixnay on the hombre 6,00 €
The Offspring Conspiracy of one (japan,+OBI) 6,00 €
The Offspring Splinter 5,00 €
The Outpatience Anxious disease 8,00 €
The Parlor Mob And you were a crow 8,00 €
The Rolling Stones Voodoo lounge 5,00 €
The Rolling Stones Bridges to Babylon 5,00 €
The Rolling Stones A bigger bang 5,00 €
The Rolling Stones A bigger bang (CD+DVD) 7,00 €
The Sisters Of Mercy Vision thing 8,00 €
The Sisters Of Mercy Greatest hits volume one (A slight case of overbombing) 6,00 €
The Who Ultimate collection (digipak,3CD) 9,00 €
Thunder Back street symphony 8,00 €
Thunder Behind closed doors 4,00 €
Thunder Laughing on judgement day 7,00 €
Thunder Rip it up (nový) 8,00 €
Thunder All the right noises (digipak,nový) 8,00 €
Tom Petty Let me up (I've had enough) 6,00 €
Tom Petty Wildflowers 6,00 €
Tom Petty Full moon fever 6,00 €
Tom Petty Into the great wide open 6,00 €
Tommy Lee TommyLand: The ride 5,00 €
Toto IV 5,00 €
Toto The seventh one 5,00 €
Toto Isolation 7,00 €
Toto Kingdom of desire 6,00 €
Toto Tambu 7,00 €
U2 War 6,00 €
U2 The unfogettable fire 6,00 €
U2 The Joshua tree 6,00 €
U2 Rattle and hum 5,00 €
U2 Achtung baby 6,00 €
U2 Achtung baby (nový) 7,00 €
U2 Achtung baby (digipak) 6,00 €
U2 All that you can't leave behind 5,00 €
U2 How to dismantle an atomic bomb 4,00 €
U2 18 singles (superbox) 7,00 €
U2 The best of 1980-1990 5,00 €
U2 The best of 1990-2000 6,00 €
Under Suspicion Under Suspicion 7,00 €
Unruly Child Can't go home 8,00 €
Ultravox Quartet 5,00 €
Uriah Heep Demons and wizards 7,00 €
Uriah Heep Firefly 7,00 €
Uriah Heep Innocent victim 7,00 €
Velvet Revolver Contraband 6,00 €
Whitesnake Come and get it 6,00 €
ZZ Top Eliminator 5,00 €
ZZ Top Afterburner 5,00 €
ZZ Top Recycler 6,00 €
klikni na meno a pozri ďalšiu ponuku

The Mission God's own medicine 7,00 €
The Mission Children 3,00 €
The Mission Carved in sand 3,00 €
The Mission Grains of sand 5,00 €
The Mission Neverland 6,00 €
The Mission Masque 6,00 €
The Offspring Ixnay on the hombre 6,00 €
The Offspring Conspiracy of one (japan,+OBI) 6,00 €
The Offspring Splinter 5,00 €
The Outpatience Anxious disease 8,00 €
The Parlor Mob And you were a crow 8,00 €
The Rolling Stones Voodoo lounge 5,00 €
The Rolling Stones Bridges to Babylon 5,00 €
The Rolling Stones A bigger bang 5,00 €
The Rolling Stones A bigger bang (CD+DVD) 7,00 €
The Sisters Of Mercy Vision thing 8,00 €
The Sisters Of Mercy Greatest hits volume one (A slight case of overbombing) 6,00 €
The Who Ultimate collection (digipak,3CD) 9,00 €
Thunder Back street symphony 8,00 €
Thunder Behind closed doors 4,00 €
Thunder Laughing on judgement day 7,00 €
Thunder Rip it up (nový) 8,00 €
Thunder All the right noises (digipak,nový) 8,00 €
Tom Petty Let me up (I've had enough) 6,00 €
Tom Petty Wildflowers 6,00 €
Tom Petty Full moon fever 6,00 €
Tom Petty Into the great wide open 6,00 €
Tommy Lee TommyLand: The ride 5,00 €
Toto IV 5,00 €
Toto The seventh one 5,00 €
Toto Isolation 7,00 €
Toto Kingdom of desire 6,00 €
Toto Tambu 7,00 €
U2 War 6,00 €
U2 The unfogettable fire 6,00 €
U2 The Joshua tree 6,00 €
U2 Rattle and hum 5,00 €
U2 Achtung baby 6,00 €
U2 Achtung baby (nový) 7,00 €
U2 Achtung baby (digipak) 6,00 €
U2 All that you can't leave behind 5,00 €
U2 How to dismantle an atomic bomb 4,00 €
U2 18 singles (superbox) 7,00 €
U2 The best of 1980-1990 5,00 €
U2 The best of 1990-2000 6,00 €
Under Suspicion Under Suspicion 7,00 €
Unruly Child Can't go home 8,00 €
Ultravox Quartet 5,00 €
Uriah Heep Demons and wizards 7,00 €
Uriah Heep Firefly 7,00 €
Uriah Heep Innocent victim 7,00 €
Velvet Revolver Contraband 6,00 €
Whitesnake Come and get it 6,00 €
Zan Clan We are Zan Clan ...Who the fuck are you ??! 13,00 €
ZZ Top Eliminator 5,00 €
ZZ Top Afterburner 5,00 €
ZZ Top Recycler 6,00 €
klikni na meno a pozri ďalšiu ponuku

The Mission God's own medicine 7,00 €
The Mission Children 3,00 €
The Mission Carved in sand 3,00 €
The Mission Grains of sand 5,00 €
The Mission Neverland 6,00 €
The Mission Masque 6,00 €
The Outpatience Anxious disease 8,00 €
The Parlor Mob And you were a crow 8,00 €
The Rolling Stones Voodoo lounge 5,00 €
The Rolling Stones Bridges to Babylon 5,00 €
The Rolling Stones A bigger bang 5,00 €
The Rolling Stones A bigger bang (CD+DVD) 7,00 €
The Sisters Of Mercy Vision thing 8,00 €
The Sisters Of Mercy Greatest hits volume one (A slight case of overbombing) 6,00 €
The Who Ultimate collection (digipak,3CD) 9,00 €
Thunder Back street symphony 8,00 €
Thunder Behind closed doors 7,00 €
Thunder Laughing on judgement day 7,00 €
Thunder Rip it up (nový) 8,00 €
Thunder All the right noises (digipak,nový) 8,00 €
Tom Petty Let me up (I've had enough) 6,00 €
Tom Petty Wildflowers 6,00 €
Tom Petty Full moon fever 5,00 €
Tom Petty Into the great wide open 5,00 €
Tommy Lee TommyLand: The ride 5,00 €
Toto IV 5,00 €
Toto The seventh one 5,00 €
Toto Isolation 7,00 €
Toto Kingdom of desire 6,00 €
Toto Tambu 7,00 €
U2 War 6,00 €
U2 The unfogettable fire 6,00 €
U2 The Joshua tree 6,00 €
U2 Rattle and hum 5,00 €
U2 Achtung baby 6,00 €
U2 Achtung baby (nový) 7,00 €
U2 Achtung baby (digipak) 6,00 €
U2 All that you can't leave behind 5,00 €
U2 How to dismantle an atomic bomb 4,00 €
U2 18 singles (superbox) 7,00 €
U2 The best of 1980-1990 5,00 €
U2 The best of 1990-2000 6,00 €
Under Suspicion Under Suspicion 7,00 €
Unruly Child Can't go home 8,00 €
Ultravox Quartet 5,00 €
Uriah Heep Demons and wizards 7,00 €
Uriah Heep Firefly 7,00 €
Uriah Heep Innocent victim 7,00 €
Velvet Revolver Contraband 6,00 €
Whitesnake Come and get it 6,00 €
Zan Clan We are Zan Clan ...Who the fuck are you ??! (nový) 15,00 €
ZZ Top Eliminator 5,00 €
ZZ Top Afterburner 5,00 €
ZZ Top Recycler 6,00 €
klikni na meno a pozri ďalšiu ponuku

Ponúkam na predaj tento špičkový a krásny legendárny karbónový trail bike skladaný na objednávku v Top výbave.
Jedná sa o najvyšší model s označením Turq Lunch Ride.
Je to celo karbón vrátane zadnej stavby aj váhadla.
Jedinečný systém odpruženia Yeti
Switch Infinity Technology vyvinuté v spolupráci so značky Fox Racing Shox.
Stav nového bicykla, bezchybný, má najazdené iba niekoľko desiatok km po hrádzi inak nevyužitý a to je aj dôvod predaja.
Záruka a príslušné doklady o kúpe ako aj návod na obsluhu aj pôvodná krabica sú samozrejmosťou.
Veľkosť bicykla je M ideálne pre postavu 165cm až 180cm.
Bicykel je osadený na Top komponentoch čiže je veľmi ľahký a ideálny pre najnáročnejších užívateľov ako aj pre závodné použitie.
Komponenty jednotlivo.
Vidlica: RockShox Pike Ultimate Charger 2.1 RC2 Debon Air.
Brzdy: SHIMANO Deore XT BR-M8120 Ice-Tech 4 piestikove.
Kotúče: SHIMANO Deore XT SM RT86 Ice-Tech 203mm /180mm.
Náboje: DT Swiss 350 Straightpull Boost DBIS XD 64 Star Ratchet.
Výplet: DT Swiss Competition Race Straightpull 2 - 1,6 - 2 mm.
Ráfiky: Newmen Evolution SL A.30 - 30mm vnút. šírka.
Plášte: Michelin Wild AM Competition Line 27.5 x 2.35.
Prehadzovačka: Sram XX1 Eagle Polar Grey.
Kazeta: Garbaruk cassette 12s ultra light design orange.
Radenie: Sram X01 Eagle Polar Grey.
Kľuky: SHIMANO SLX FC-M7100.
Prevodník: Garbaruk chainring ultra light design.
Vodítko reťaze: E Thirteen TRS Race Chain Guide.
Reťaz: Sram X01 Eagle.
Stredové zloženie: SHIMANO Deore XT PressFit.
Hlavové zloženie: Cane Creek 40 semi-integrated.
Teleskopická sedlovka: Specialized command post IRCC 125mm.
Sedlo: WTB KODA Race.
Pedále: HT AE01 EVO+ BLACK.
Riaditka: Race Face Turbine R 35.
Predstavec: Race Face Turbine 35.
Gripy: Sram Dual Lockring.
Cena takýchto bicyklov v Top osadení je cca dvojnásobne drahšia.
Viď link na stránku.