inzercia, predaj, predám, bazár

shimmer and shine - strana 46

Počet nájdených inzerátov SHIMMER AND SHINE : 1000 - strana 46

Predám metalové a rockové DVD
TYPE O NEGATIVE - After Dark (Gothic Metal, Roadrunner Records 2000, Super Jewel Case, DVD aj booklet ako nové, plastová Jewel Case trochu ošúchaná) - 20€ Obsahuje 7 videoklipov kapely + veľa ďalšieho bonusového materiálu: - commentary by the band and Slitzy - band and individual member biographies - discography - photo gallery - Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound - 2 rare audio tracks: ""12 Black Rainbows"", ""Black Sabbath"" TYPE O NEGATIVE - Symphony for the Devil (Gothic Metal, Steamhammer 2006, Super Jewel Case + Cardboard Box, DVD/CD/obal s bookletom nové, kartónová slipcase VG) - 12€ Obsahuje DVD+CD, live záznam z koncertu + nezverejnené audio skladby a množstvo bonusového materiálu: - behind the scenes - an exclusive never before seen interview with Type O - photo gallery - audio commentary - biographies ISIS - Clearing the Eye (Progressive Metal/Sludge/Post Metal, Ipecac Recordings 2006, DVD a obal ako nové, kartónová slipcase VG+) - 10€ Obsahuje live záznam z koncertov v USA, celý koncert v Austrálii plus množstvo ďalšieho bonusového materiálu: - In Fiction - videoclip - gallery/photos by Isis and associates - credits & Contact - discography atď. REFUSED are fucking dead (Hardcore/Punk, Burning Heart/Epitaph 2006) - 4€ Obsahuje dokument ""Refused are fucking dead"" opisujúci koniec kapely počas turné v USA po vydaní albumu The Shape Of Punk To Come. Celý album ako live koncert plus 2 videoklipy. MONSTERS OF DEATH - The Ultimate Death Metal Compilation (Nuclear Blast 2006, 2 DVD, disk č.1 má po obvode jeden škrabanec, ale  normálne všetko funkčné, druhý disk ako nový) - 8€ Obsahuje bezmála 50 videoklipov známych metalových kapiel, live skladby z koncertov, audio skladby. Na dobierku zasielam len po uhradení sumy za dobierku (4€) vopred na účet. Alebo suma za daný titul plus 2€ za poštovné vopred na účet. Možný aj osobný odber v CA.  Kontakt cez e-mail alebo sms. Ďakujem. Pozrite aj ďalšie moje inzeráty kliknutím na moje meno.
Soonish. Ten emerging technologies that'll improve and/or r
Soonish. Ten emerging technologies that'll improve and/or ruin everything. Kelly and Zach Weinersmith kniha o technológiách ako výťah na mesiac. príjemné čítanie
Am I Normal Yet?
Holly Bourne - Am I Normal Yet? Je ako nová. Cena + poštovné (v závislosti od hmotnosti). V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email. Mám na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty. *** All Evie wants is to be normal. And now that she's almost off her meds and at a new college where no one knows her as the-girl-who-went-nuts, there's only one thing left to tick off her list... But relationships can mess with anyone's head - something Evie's new friends Amber and Lottie know only too well. The trouble is, if Evie won't tell them her secrets, how can they stop her making a huge mistake?
PC komponenty
Predávam nasledovné GPU: GV-NX96T512H (9600gt): Supports PCI Express Microsoft DirectX 10 and OpenGL 2.1 support Integrated with the industry's best 512MB GDDR3 memory and 256-bit memory interface Supports SLI and PureVideo HD technology Features dual DVI-I / D-sub
Parkovacie miesto v Urban Residence
Prenajmem kryté parkovacie miesto v Lokalite Račianske Mýto, Račianska, Šancová, preferujem prenájom dlhodobý osoby alebo aj firma. Cena je final aj s poplatkom. Možná zľava pri rýchlom jednaní. Jedna sa o cisto nove a najbezpecnejsie parkovisko. Parkovisko je chranene najmodernejsim kamerovym systemom kde je aj 24h/7 sukromna SBS spolocnost, ktora fyzicky strazi vstup aj podzemne poriestory na parkovanie. V pripade akehokolvek problemu vedia hned zakrocit. Prenajmem 1 miesto na parkovanie so službami v cene. (Zaujemca bude mat presne vyhradene miesto na parkovanie.) LOKALITA: Bratislava - Centrum mesta - Urban residence - oproti zástavke Ursínyho na Račianskej ulici. It is purely new and safest parking. The parking lot is protected by the most modern camera system where there is also a 24h / 7 private SBS company that physically guards the entrance and underground parking spaces. In case of any problem they can take action immediately. Rent 1 premium parking space with services included. (The interested person will have a reserved parking space.) It is a premium wide space for comfortable parking even with a car - there is no need to worry that someone will damage your car, because parking is a physical barrier and parking is separated from standard places comfortably get off. LOCATION: Bratislava - City center - Urban residence - opposite Ursiny's stop on Racianska street. PRICE: 160€ / month MAIL: karol.voltemar@ CENA: 140€/mesiac MAIL: karol.voltemar@ SLUŽBY V CENE: Najmodernejší kamerový systém Automatické rozpoznávanie evidenčného čísla Vyhradené parkovacie miesto Čipová karta na použitie v prípade poškodeného alebo znečisteného evidenčného čísla Nonstop bezpečnostná služba (na vrátnici) Deratizácia priestorov Elektrická energia garáže Elektrický požiarny systém Garážová brána/Rampa Havarijná služba garáže Požiarna ochrana Upratovanie garáže Vzduchotechnika Zrážková voda
PC Intel najnovšej generácie i5-12600 ES
Rozpredam hráčske PC poslednej generacie intel MB: 88€ ASUS PRIME B660M-A D4 CPU: 149€ Intel Core i5-12600 ES Chladič na CPU: 29€ vezovy s 120mm ventilatorom RAM: 79€ DDR4 16GB/2x8GB/ 3200 Mhz GPU: 89€ Serverova AMD Radeon Instinct Mi8 4GB HBM SSD: 29€ Apacer 240GB Nvme HDD: podľa výberu 1TB HDD + 30€ 2TB + 40€ ZDROJ: 29€ ATX 750W CoolerMaster V750 SKRINKA: 39€ Game max Draco OS: 15€ Windows 10 Pro elektronická licencia Pocitac pri beznej prevadzke nepresahuje teplotu 60°C, pričom výkonom presahuje i9-9900K a i9-11900. Za priplatok, grafika podla dohody. Možnosť zostavenia počítača na mieru. Dobierka + 10€ Špecifikácie inžinierskeho procesora: I5-12600 es QY50 6 jadier 12 vlákien, základná frekvencia 2,6 GHz, Max turbo 4,6GHz, turbo na všetky jadrá 4,2 GHz, 65w, 10nm, stepping 4 revízia g0, integrovaná grafika UHD770 Podpora základných dosiek s chipsetom 600 (B660 a Z690) Podpora pamätí ddr4 3200 MHz/ddr5 4800 MHz Grafická karta sa vkladá do druhého resp. posledného pcie slotu Poznámka: 1. slot pcie 5.0 nerozpoznáva grafickú kartu; V súčasnosti sú niektoré základné dosky kvôli biosu a grafické karty pcie5.0 nie sú vydané. Ak používate samostatnú grafickú kartu, pri použití prvého slotu pre grafickú kartu pcie nebudete môcť zobrazovať. Nie je problém využiť ďalšie sloty pre grafickú kartu! 2. Frekvencia radica pamäte garantuje DDR4 3200. V tejto entry i5-12600ES cene mate k dispozicii na chipe aj najlepsiu doterajsia vstavana grafika Intel: UHD770. Tato i5 12.generacie je vykonovo lepsia ako i7-11700 a pritom ma nizsiu spotrebu. Špecifikácie grafiky: The Radeon Instinct MI8 IS professional graphics card by AMD. Built on the 28 nm process, and based on the Fiji graphics processor, in its Fiji XT variant, the card supports DirectX 12. The Fiji graphics processor is a large chip with a die area of 596 mm² and 8,900 million transistors. It features 4096 shading units, 256 texture mapping units, and 64 ROPs. AMD has paired 4 GB HBM memory with the Radeon Instinct MI8, which are connected using a 4096-bit memory interface. The GPU is operating at a frequency of 1000 MHz, memory is running at 500 MHz (1000 Mbps effective). Being a dual-slot card, the AMD Radeon Instinct MI8 draws power from 1x 8-pin power connector, with power draw rated at 175 W Tagz: Materská doska MB CPU GPU quadro rtx gtx xeon mechanika Grafická karta Procesor Epyc Intel AMD Ryzen Sapphire pentium celeron core quad core duo amd fx Machinist Workstation Acad i5 r3 r5 r7 r9 b450 b75 Thread ripper Herný systém Herný PC Výkon Monitor HD zalman gigabyte msi asus hp dell lenovo alienware razer logitech benq hyperx kancelársky pracovný herný na intrnet lacno lacný čierny tichý radeon
Pilea na predaj.
Krasne rastlinky maju 2-5 mesiacov. Kvetinac je zahrnuty v cene a taktiez instrukcie, ako sa o pileu starat. Bude vam rast celorocne a dorastie pokojne aj do 40 cm. Cena zalezi od velkosti pilei a najmensie stoja iba 3€. Vsetky ceny najdete v obrazkoch. Osobne vyzdvihnutie v Bratislave alebo postou + 6 €. Pilea for sale. Beautiful plants are 2-5 months old. The pot and how-to instructions are included in the price. Pilea will grow nicely all year round and can easily grow to 40 cm in height. The price depends on the size. The price depends on the size of the plant and the smallest ones start from 3€. (Please Check the price from each picture) Pick up in Bratislava or get it delivered + 6€.
Gramofonové platne LP 15
Platne sú vyčistené ULTRAZVUKOM ............................................. Louisiana Cajun: Special no,1" 5€ Balfa Brothers: Arcadian memories 10€ Neil Sedaka: A song 5€ Neil Sedaka: Live at the Royal fest.hall 8€ Neil Sedaka: Let's go stady again 5€ Alan Price: Rising sun 5€ Alan Price: Between Today and Yesterday 3€ Velvet waters - 18 instrumentals 5€ Group 64: Various artist 1964(mono) 3€ Temptation: Masterpiece 4€ Eddy Arnold: Turn the world around 6€ Jack the Lad: It´s...Jack the lad 6€ Jack the Lad: Rough Diamonds 6€ Suite for Flute and Jazz Piano 6€ Slim Whitman: 25 anniversary concert (2xLP) 6€ Pat Boone: the Lord's prayer 6€ Paul Robeson: Songs of my people 4€ And Thus They Went Along: Skladby autorov ZSSR naspievane hebrejsky (1969) EMI pharlophone sp31002 3€ New Seekers: Together again 5€ New Seekers: Look what they...6€ New Seekers: Circles 5€ New Seekers: We´d like to teach 5€ New Seekers: Hide&seekers 1964(mono) 4€ New Seekers: We´d like to teach 5€ Platne sú v dobrom až vynikajúcom stave,Sú vyčistení ULTRAZVUKOM. Možnosť zaslať na Dobierku,aj osobný odber,aj v Rk,Dk,Mt.Viac info a kontakt mailom... Pokial odomna nedostanete odpoved do 24 hodín,prezrite si aj Spam kôš...niekedy to tam hádže odpovede. Pozrite si aj dalšie moje inzeráty gramofonových platní ... Ponúkam tiež ČISTENIE platní ULTRAZVUKOM prípadným záujemcom. ............................................................................................................
Predam original LP v novych antistatickych obaloch
Predam original LP v novych antistatickych obaloch a oprane -vsetko povodné a orig. vydanie, 33-otackove,vinyl, Pia Zadora-Lets Dance Tonight,DMM MADONNA-Im Breathless Olivia Newton-John-Physical Barbra Streisand-Guilty Diana Ross-Ross Diana Ross-Why Do Fools Fall In Love Laura Branigan-Hold Me Jennifer Rush-Movin Jennifer Rush-International Version NENA-Nena NENA-Fragezeichen The Pointer Sister-The Best Of ,JUMP ABBA-I Love ABBA-Vyber ABBA-The Visitors Pet Shop Boys-Introspective Culture Club-Colour By Numbers Culture Club-Kissing To Be Clever Vangelis-Chariots Of Fire Commodores-United Demis Roussos-Forever and Ever Elton John-Sleeping With The Past Julio Iglesias-Momentos,LP High-End CX encoded recor. Stevie Wonder-The Woman in Red Talking Heads-Little Creatures New Kids On The Block-Step By Step New Kids On The Block-Hangin Touch PAUL YOUNG-No Parlez Jason Donovan-Ten Good Reasons BROS-Push Kaja Goo Goo-White Feathers LIMAHL-Dont Suppose Joe Jackson-Night And Day Rod Stewart-Foolish Behaviour Hot Chocolate-XIV Greatest Hits Shakin Stevens-Greatest Hits Santana s-Greatest Hits Ultravox-Rage In Eden Matt Bianco-Whose Side Are You On Level 42-Standing In The Light Level 42-Running in the Family Lionel Richie-Cant Slow Down Deep Purple-Machine Head Bon Jovi-New Jersey Nick Kamen-Move Until We Fly Supertramp-Breakfest In America Flying Pickets-Blue Money CHICAGO-Chicago XI The Alan Parsons Project-Tales Of Mystery And Imagination KUSCHEL ROCK 3-3XLP ,super stav KUSCHEL ROCK 4-3xLP,super stav,rozny interpreti HAIR-Original Soundtrack Recording,2xLP Saturday Night Fever-Bee Gees,The Original Movie Sound Track,2xLP STEREO a la carte- phase 4 stereo 20-kanal-Aufnahme, S 16800-P HIFI –STEREO –FESTIVAL 2 ,109578 PHILIPS-Super 88143DY Cena dohodou od poctu kusov a titulu od cca.6€.../ks,niektore su ako nove,BA-
Zaujímavé knihy vol.57 + SP PLATNE
Mnoho životov mnoho majstrov 101 praktických rád - Narodenie dieťaťa Drago Jancar - Stavitel/mýtus o Daidalovi/ Ryby v kuchyni/rybárska a kucharska kniha/ Jiri Cingros - Sám sobe doktorem Barbara Woodova - Duhovy had Enviromentalna Ekonómia Metodický materiál k predmetu Eticka výchova Trh práce a manažment ľudských zdrojov SP PLATNE: Petr Novák Elan Miro Žbirka Boney M. Michal David a Kroky Františka Janecka Dalibor Janda 2x Pussycat Zana/Chorvatsko/ Jiri Schelinger Dean Read Yvetta Simonova Mathieu Mireille Olympic Jana Kratochvilova SP PLATNE bez povodnych obalov Peters and Lee The Sensational Alex Harley band Modus John, Spot and Muff on Holiday Glenn Miller Laurel and Hardy Cool Breeze The Fatback Band David Essex Mud Smokey A este jedna ruská + SP obal Zbirka/Klaun z domu c.6/V slepých ulickach/
Reproduktor Yorkville élite E168
Prodám 4ks reproduktoru. Cena za 4ks. Více info na telefonním čísle. 160w, 10-inch / 1-inch Speaker Based on the E160, this trapezoidal two way, 8 Ohm cabinet can be easily arrayed with other E168's for added sonic reinforcement. Its equipped with a 60x40 degree horn for improved coupling characteristics. The custom design ABS wave guide horn puts sound where you need it most and minimizes comb filtering and phase cancellation. The E168 is perfect for portable use or for permanently installed systems, and can be combined with élite subwoofers for an ultra compact, full-range Front Of House system appropriate for use in smaller venues.
Behringer B2030A Truth
100% stav. Malo hrane. V povodnom obale a prislusenstvom. 6 3/4” Bass speaker and 3/4” tweeter Two built-in power amplifiers (70 W bass, 35 W high range frequency) Extremely linear frequency range (50 - 21,000 Hz) Separately controlled limiter for bass and treble Magnetically shielded Servo-balanced inputs on XLR and jack sockets
Dvouhlavá zvaracka Murat Kč 258 k výrobě okien
Stroje z roku 2007, ale je nepoužitý, zabaleny v bedně . Doprava SK +540 eur Cena bez dph Strongly welds two corners of PVC profiles with single operation. Fixed left head allows welding at variable angles between 60° - 180°. Welds both colored and white profiles with 0,2 mm. welding seam restriction. Manually movable right head welds 90°. Movable head is moved to the desired position manually and fixed by pneumatic brakes. All operations are controlled by the digital touchscreen display. Long lasting heating plates distribute heat homogenously. Ability to clean the heater plates easily. Long lasting Teflon usage and easy change by special Teflon system. Practical welding fixture changing system
Hry na ps1 a ps2
Predam nasledujuce originalne hry na PLAYSTATION 2 v dobrom stave (Cena za 1 kus 25€ +dobierka) Ratchet and Clank 2 PREDANE Ratchet and Clank 3 PREDANE Ratchet Gladiator PREDANE (Cena za 1 kus 20€ +dobierka) Crash Bandicoot 2 PREDANE Crash Bandicoot TwinSanity PREDANE Spyro a Hero's tail Spyro a New Beginning (Cena za 1 kus 15€ +dobierka) God of War PREDANE (Cena za 1 kus 12€ +dobierka) Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Tekken Tag Tournament Tomb Raider the Angel of Darkness (Cena za 1 kus 10€ +dobierka) Black the Lord of the Rings Two Towers Killzone (Cena za 1 kus 5€ +dobierka) Snooker PREDANE (PS3) Assasin's Creed Brotherhood PS1 HRY CENA ZA KUS 30€ Crash Bandicoot Crash Bandicoot 2 Cortex Strikes Back Crash Bash Spyro 2 Spyro Year of the Dragon AKTUALNE DO ZMAZANIA!!!
Okuliare Bertoni AF79D Antifog
Čisto nové, nepoužívané okuliare. Kúpna cena bola 45€ 100% UV ochrana, váha 30g, tónovaný 2.2mm polykarbonát (flexibilný) s ventiláciou proti zahmlievaniu Posledné dve fotky je iný, lacnejší model s čírym sklom, za 5€. Info v angličtine: Goggles with antifog lenses made in polycarbonate anticrash. The strap is adjustable and the lenses are covered in neoprene, that make the goggle completely windstop and comfortable. Hyperventilation holes have been applied in the lenses in order to increase the antifog properties. The version AF79D has smoke lenses with an external gold mirror, recommended for optimal visual conditions. Sport goggles with antifog lens 100% U.V. protection Windstop lens made by 2.2MM polycarbonate anticrash Hyperventilation holes system Adjustable strap and comfortable inside foam made in neoprene Sports related: motorcycle-ski-paragliding-horse riding
Hifi systém Onkyo CS-725
Predám Hi-Fi systém Onkyo CS-725 V top stave málo používané. Reproduktory sú z lakovaného dreva v nepoškodenom stave. Pri rýchlom jednaní sa vieme na cene dohodnúť Samostatné označenie reproduktorov je model D-N10BX Špecifikácie reproduktorov: vBasový reproduktor 13 cm-OMF Monocoque 3 cm krúžok radiátor výškový „Aero Acoustic Drive“ ponúka výkonnébasy "V-Line Edge" zabraňuje nechcenej rezonancie membrány Magneticky tienené Impedancia: 4 Ω Maximálny výkon: 70 W Frekvenčný rozsah: 45 Hz-100 kHz Rozmery: (Š x V x H): 167 x 298 x 247 mm Hmotnosť: 4.2 kg Samostatné označenie Receivra je CR-725 Specifications General Power Supply: CR-725: AC 220-230 V, 50/60 Hz CR-725DAB: AC 230 V, 50 Hz Power Consumption: 42 W Stand-by Power Consumption: 0.38 W Dimensions (W × H × D): 205 × 116 × 338 mm (8-1/16" × 4-9/16" × 13-5/16") Weight: CR-725: 5.1 kg (11.2 lbs.) CR-725DAB: 5.2 kg (11.5 lbs.) Audio Inputs Digital Inputs: CR-725DAB: 1 (optical) Analog Inputs: 4 (LINE1, LINE2, MD/TAPE, DOCK/CDR) Audio Outputs Analog Outputs: 2 (MD/TAPE, DOCK/CDR) Subwoofer Pre Outputs: 1 Speaker Outputs: 2 Phones: 1 Amplifier Section Power Output: 50 W + 50 W (4 Ω, 1 kHz, 1% THD) THD (Total Harmonic Distortion): 0.5% (Power Rated) 0.08% (1 kHz, 1 W) Damping Factor: 50 (Front, 1 kHz, 8 Ω) Input Sensitivity and Impedance: 150 mV/50 kΩ (LINE) Output Level and Impedance: 150 mV/2.2 kΩ (REC OUT) Frequency Response: 10 Hz–60 kHz/+1/–3dB (LINE1) Tone Control: ±6 dB, 80 Hz (BASS) ±8 dB, 10 kHz (TREBLE) +8 dB, 80 Hz (S.BASS) Signal to Noise Ratio: 100 dB (LINE1, IHF-A) Speaker Impedance: 4 Ω–16 Ω Tuner Section FM Tuning Frequency Range: 87.50 MHz–108.00 MHz Usable Sensitivity: Stereo: 22.2 dBf (IHF) Mono: 15.2 dBf (IHF) Signal to Noise Ratio: Stereo: 67 dB (IHF-A) Mono: 73 dB (IHF-A) THD (Total Harmonic Distortion): Stereo: 0.5% (1 kHz) Mono: 0.3% (1 kHz) Stereo Separation: 40 dB (1 kHz) DAB (CR-725DAB only) Tuning Frequency Range: 174.928–239.200 MHz Frequency Response: 20 Hz–20 kHz Signal to Noise Ratio: 94 dB THD (Total Harmonic Distortion): 0.09% CD Frequency Response: 4 Hz–20 kHz Audio Dynamic Range: 96 dB THD (Total Harmonic Distortion): 0.005% Wow and Flutter: Below threshold of measurability Audio Output/Impedance (Analog): 1.3 V (rms)/1 kΩ
Predam zbierku CD
Predam osobnu zbierku CD vo vybornom stave, citlive zaobchadzanie. Konecna cena bude klesat od poctu CD a druhu skupiny. Celkovy zoznam aj s coversheet obrazkami zaslem na dopyt. Alan Parsons Project ~Stereotomy Aloof ~Seeking Pleasure ~Wish you were here (Maxi) Amos Tori ~Boys For Pele Apollo Four Forty ~Electro Glide In Blue Blue Chip Orchestra ~Bolero, Suite Booth Tim, Angelo Badalamenti ~Booth and the Bad Angel Brand New Heavies ~Shelter Clannad ~Magical Ring Depeche Mode ~Condemnation/paris mix Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft ~Gold Und Liebe Dolby Thomas ~Premium Gold Collection Don Dorsey ~Bachbusters Doors ~A Film by Oliver Stone Dubstar ~Disgraceful Durutti Column ~Fidelity Everything But The Girl ~The Best of EBTG Farmer Mylene ~L'autre Fila Brazillia ~Luck Be A Weirdo Tonight Flock of Seagulls ~I Ran Garbage ~Garbage ~Version 2.0 Genesis ~Genesis ~Abacab Geneva ~Further Heaven 17 ~Penthouse And Pavement ~The Luxury Gap Human League ~Dare! ~Secrets Indochine ~Unita Japan ~Assemblage ~Tin Drum Kajagoogoo - Limahl ~Too Shy - The Singles And More Kosheen ~Kokopelli Laika ~Sounds of The Satellites Madonna ~Ray Of Light ~Something to Remember Mandalay ~Empathy ~Instinct Minogue Kylie ~Impossible Princess Morcheeba ~Charango ~Charango (Instrumental) ~Dive Deep ~Who Can You Trust? Mulu ~Smiles Like a Shark Nena ~Nena ~?(Fragezeichen) Ohm Square ~Ohmophonica Prefab Sprout ~A Life Of Surprises Republica ~Republica Roxy Music ~Flesh + Blood ~Heart Still Beating Simple Minds ~New Gold Dream ~Real to Real Cacophony Sleeper ~Pleased To Meet You Sneaker Pimps ~Becoming X Soft Moon ~Zeros Sparks ~Kimono My House Support Lesbiens ~Tune Da Radio Tante Elze ~Hmota Thompson Twins ~The Collections Trio ~Triologie - The Best Of Ultravox ~Systems Of Romance White Barry ~The Unlimited Love Collection White Town ~Women in Technology Yes ~The Very Best of Yes
Shooting range
operate the biggest indoor shooting range 20 minutes from Bratislava center, 40 minutes from Vienna, offering full power experience with military weapons and big calibre ammunition. Enjoy safe but stunning entertainment with legendary AK47, variety of assault rifles and submachine guns, heavy kick tactical shotgun Benelli M3 or sniper rifle SVD Dragunov or just waste a bunch of ammo with light machinegun RPK and many many more. Interested in WW2 history? Add Nazi MP40, Soviet PPS41 or US Army Thompson 1921 as extras to your package.
Pôvodná cena 19,99€. VINYL SIMPLE MINDS - NEW GOLD DREAM/81-82-83-84. 1 Someone Somewhere (In Summertime) /2 Colours Fly and Catherine Wheel /3 Promised You a Miracle /4 Big Sleep /5 Somebody Up There Likes You /6 New Gold Dream (81/82/83/84) /7 Glittering Prize /8 Hunter and the Hunted /9 King is White and in the Crowd Odkaz YouTube :
HP 90W Docking Station (A7E32AA)
4 USB 3.0 ports (3 Always-On - nabíja USB zariadenie, 1 powered), Audio and Ethernet ports, Line-in jack, headphone jack, Mouse, keyboard, serial and parallel connectors, 1 Monitor Stand, 1 DisplayPort 1.2, 1 VGA, and 1 DVI-D connector. AC adapter connector with light v balení: HP 90W Smart AC Adapter, kompatibilita: HP EliteBook 2170p, 8460p, 8470p, 8470w, 8560p, 8560w, 8570p, 8570w, 8760w, 8770w, HP ProBook 6360b, 640, 6440b, 645, 6460b, 6465b, 6470b, 6475b, 650, 6540b, 6545b, 655, 6550b, 6555b, 6560b, 6570b