inzercia, predaj, predám, bazár

simon and garfunkel - strana 43

Počet nájdených inzerátov SIMON AND GARFUNKEL : 1000 - strana 43

Pekný 1 izbový byt v centre Košíc na prenájom/ for rent
Pekné bývanie s atmosférou, v centre Košíc, výborná lokalita. Veľký, tehlový, slnečný 1 izbový byt ponúka príjemné bývanie v tichej uličke centra mesta Košíc, v blízkosti Mestského parku. Byt je na 1 poschodí, má rozlohu 44 m2, z toho priestranných 26 m2 má izba a kuchyňa 7 m2. K dispozícii je aj kúpeľňa so sprchovým kútom a predsieň. Byt je tehlový a nachádza sa v historickom obytnom dome, čo tomuto bývaniu pridáva svoju atmosféru, v celom byte sú pekné drevené parkety, stropy vysoké 3,5 m a veľké okná v izbe aj kuchyni sú zárukou, že byt je svetlý, slnečný, vhodný aj na prácu z domu. Veľkou výhodou je, že nájomca môže tráviť čas aj na priestrannom upravenom spoločnom dvore, ktorý je prístupný iba pre obyvateľov domu. Byt sa prenajíma max. pre 2 osoby. Zariadenie izby je možné dohodnúť s majiteľom, podľa vlastnej predstavy. Cena prenájmu, ktorá zahŕňa aj cenu energií je pre 2 osoby 600 eur ( podľa podmienok aj dohodou ). Depozit je dvojmesačný , resp. podľa dohody. Minimálna dĺžka nájmu je 12 mesiacov. Fajčenie v byte ani domáce zvieratá povolené nie sú. Tento byt vám ponúka viac ako len bývanie, presvedčte sa sami, v prípade záujmu o bližšie informácie ma prosím kontaktujte telefonicky a dohodneme aj obhliadku bytu. I offer for RENT a nice, large 1-room apartment with an area of 44 m², right in the center, in the Old Town on Jesenského Street. This beautiful brick apartment has 3.5 m high ceilings, is located on the 1st floor and consists of one large room, kitchen, hallway and bathroom. The tenant can use the common garden. There is also a nice City Park just a stone's throw from the historic center ,right next to it. The rental price, which also includes the price of energy, is 600 euros for 2 people. The deposit is 1200 euros. The minimum rental period is 12 months. Smoking in the apartment and pets are not allowed. The apartment can be rented furnished on the basis of an agreement or it can be furnished by the tenant. . If you are interested in more information, contact me at the phone and we will arrange a viewing of the apartment.
Sphynx Mačiatka bez PP / Sphynx kittens FOR SALE
Predám mačiatka Kanadský sphynx, čistokrvné bez pp. K odberu od 13.5. 2023. K dátumu odberu budú samostatne jesť a mať hygienické návyky (treba rátať s prípadnou korekciou dátumu, podľa vyspelosti mačiatka). Budú veterinárne ošetrené. Nieje problém zabezpečiť EU pas. Jedná sa o 3 kocurikov a jednu mačičku. Inzerát platný do zmazania. Len do dobrých rúk. :) Viac info a foto e-mail/sms. -------------------------------- The purebred Sphynx kittens FOR SALE from 13.05.2023 for 500 euros. (without pedigree - low price). Veterinary treated, vaccinated, If required with EU pass too. They will be able to eat, drink and use cat toilet. You have to be patient and to apologize little mistakes, new home new habits. You can choose from 4 (male) and 1 (female) kitten. Advertisement valid until deleted. To lovely family and to good hands only. Type e-mail, or write message /whatsapp. ---------------------------------------- ПРОДАЮТСЯ чистокровные котята канадского сфинкса с 13.05.2023 по цене 500 евро. (без родословной - низкая цена). Ветеринарное лечение, вакцинация, при необходимости также с паспортом ЕС. Они смогут есть, пить и пользоваться туалетом для кошек. Вы должны быть терпеливы и извиниться за маленькие ошибки, новый дом, новые привычки. Вы можете выбрать из 4 (самец) и 1 (девочка) котенка. Объявление действительно до удаления. Любимой семье и только в хорошие руки. Введите адрес электронной почты или напишите сообщение / WhatsApp.
Pearl Masters Maple RESERVE 22, 16, 15, 12, 10 -dohoda možná
Predám Masters Maple Reserve Series shell set v top stave : 22x18 bass drum, 16x16 floor tom, 15x15 hanging tom, 12x8 tom, 10x7 tom Možnosť kúpy 22,16,12,10 alebo 22,15,12,10 Lacquered shells Chrome shell hardware Shell made of thin 4-ply, 5 mm thick North American maple 4-Ply reinforcement rings 1.6 mm low mass fat tone hoops Opti-Mount tom holding system Evans G1 reso and G2 clear batter heads Perforated bass drum front head Kick drum mute cushion Warm and open sounding kit with balanced frequency spectrum Classic deep and round maple sound with good response and wide dynamic range Colour: Natural
IP kamery VIVOTEK IP7361
Predám špičkové kamery VIVOTEK IP7361. Pôvodná cena 800,-€/ks. teraz 2 ks za 89€!! Parametre: Vivotek IP7361 Features Max Resolution: 1600x1200 Image Sensor: 1/3.2" CMOS Day/Night: Yes Mechanical IR Cut Filter: Yes, removable IR-cut filter for day & night function Minimum Illumination: 0.1 Lux / F1.2 (color), 0 Lux / F1.2 (IR LED on) IR Illuminators: Yes, 24 Built-in IR Illuminators IR Illuminator Range: Up to 25 meters Lens Type: Vari-focal, board lens Focal Length: f=3 ~ 9 mm, F1.2 (wide), F2.1 (tele) Zoom: ePTZ Iris: Auto Focus: Manual Field of View: 31.7° ~ 93.0° (horizontal), 23.8° ~ 68.4° (vertical) Compression Styles: MPEG-4 & MJPEG Frame Rate: MPEG-4: Up to 20 fps at 1280x720, Up to 10 fps at 1600x1200; MJPEG: Up to 30 fps at 1280x720, Up to 15 fps at 1600x1200 Image Settings: Adjustable image size, quality, and bit rate, Time stamp and text caption overlay,Flip & mirror, Configurable brightness, contrast, saturation, sharpness, white balance and exposure control, AGC AWB AES, Automatic, manual or scheduled day/night mode, Supports privacy masks, BLC (Backlight compensation) Privacy Mask: Yes Built-In Microphone: No Audio Capabilities: External microphone input, Audio output, Supports two-way audio, Supports audio mute Alarm/Event Management: Triple-window video motion detection, 1 D/I & 1 D/O for external sensor and alarm, Event notification using HTTP, SMTP, FTP, Local recording of MP4 files, Tamper Detection ONVIF: Yes Security: Multi-level user access with password protection, IP address filtering, HTTPS encrypted data transmission, 802.1X port-based, authentication for network protection Users: 10 clients on-line monitoring at the same time On-board Storage: Yes, SD/SDHC card slot Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor Housing/Enclosure Rating: Weather-proof IP67-rated housing Dimensions: 83mm x 210 mm Weight: 1600 g Operating Temperature: -20 ~ 50 °C (-4 ~ 122 °F ) Operating Humidity: 90% Power: 12V DC, 24V AC, Power consumption: Max. 7 W, 802.3af Power-over-Ethernet (Class 1
Preklad- anglický a francúzsky jazyk
Dobrý deň, Ponúkam obojsmerný preklad- slovenský, anglický a francúzsky jazyk; zmluvy, abstrakty bakalárskych, či diplomových prác, články atď. Mám vyštudovanú vysokú školu druhého stupňa v odbore Preklad a Tlmočenie- anglický a francúzsky jazyk. Zameriavam sa najmä na neumelecké texty, no pri ukážke požadovaného textu sa vieme dohodnúť aj na umeleckom preklade. Cena prekladu je 10€ na normostranu (1800 znakov bez medzier). Po dohode na preklade je potrebné zaslať na účet zálohu, ktorá sa bude odvíjať od veľkosti obsahu textu na preklad ( Záloha sa po zaplatení za preklad buď vráti alebo odčíta od celkovej ceny prekladu). Záloha: 1 normostrana- 5 eur 2 normostrany- 10 eur atď. Ak máte záujem, poprosím Vás napísať mi správu alebo zavolať čím skôr, aby bol na preklad vyhradený dostatočný čas a zaručila sa tak čo najlepšia kvalita. Ďakujem a verím, že budete s prekladom spokojní. Hello, I offer a two-way translation - Slovak, English and French language; contracts, abstracts of bachelor or diploma theses, articles, etc. I have a second degree in Translation and Interpreting - English and French language. I mainly focus on non-fiction texts, but we can also arrange for an artistic translation if you show me the text you would like to be translated. The price of translation is 10€ per standard page (1800 characters without spaces). After agreeing on the translation, it is necessary to send a deposit to the account, which will be based on the size of the content of the text to be translated (The deposit will either be refunded or deducted from the total price of the translation). Deposit: 1 standard page- 5 euros 2 standard pages- 10 euros, etc. If you are interested, please send me a message or call me as soon as possible to allow enough time for the translation to guarantee the best quality. Thank you and I hope you will be satisfied with the translation.
UniFi CMR Kabel 6a utp celych 305m
Predam kvalitny UTP 6a kabel cele balenie plnych 305m Číslo je neplatné, prosím kontaktovať cez email. The U-Cable-C6-CMR is a Category 6 UTP cable that supports speeds up to 1Gbps with its 23 AWG solid copper, twisted pair conductor. The conductor's small diameter, combined with the cable's anti-crosstalk divider, isolates and protects signals from interference. The U-Cable-C6 is also a CMR cable with a fire-resistant jacket that ensures safe operation across multiple floors and vertical shafts. Category 6 Ethernet connectors are recommended to accommodate the conductor's size and optimize its performance. Box Dimensions 474 x 346 x 458 mm (18.7 x 13.6 x 18") Box Weight 14.83 kg (32.69 lb) Cable Length 305 m (1000 ft) Cable Color White Cable Type Category 6 Shielding Type UTP Flame Rating CMR Conductor Wire Gauge 23 AWG Conductor Type Solid Bare Copper Jacket Material PVC Jacket Diameter 6.0 ± 0.2 mm Bend Radius Min. 24 mm Pulling Tension Max. 110 N Storage Temperature -20 to 75°C (-4 to 167°F) Installation Temperature 0 to 60°C (32 to 140°F) Operation Temperature -20 to 60°C (-4 to 60°F) Anti-Crosstalk Divider Yes Ripcord Yes Data Rate 10/100/1000 Base-T Reference Bandwith Up to 600 MHz Standards Electrical Transmission: ANSI/TIA-568-C.2 (2009) ISO/IEC 11801 (Edition 2.2) IEC 61156-5 (Edition 2.1) Flame Test: UL 1666 (CMR) Material and Construction: UL 444 CSA 22.2 NO.214 EU Directive 2011/65/EU (RoHS2) EU Directive 2006/95/EC (LVD)
Ad Vitam Aeternam - Abstract Senses 7€ 1.Vydanie Ashes ‎– And The Angels Wept 8€ 1.Vydanie Ashen Light / Divizion S-187 – Философия Самоуничтожения / We The First - We The Last...7€ 1.Vydanie Ancalagon ‎– First Age: Entering Legenda 8€ 1.Vydanie Carpathian Forest ‎– Skjend Hans Lik Digi,1.Vydanie 10€ Cronian ‎– Terra 1.Vydanie 8€ Crionics ‎– Armageddon's Evolution Repress 8€ Celebratum ‎– Instinct 1.Vydanie 8€ Diabolical Masquerade – Nightwork,Remaster,repress digi,12€ Darkthrone ‎– Sempiternal Past (The Darkthrone Demos) 1.Vydanie 13€ Draconis Sanguis – Between Insanity And Brilliance 1.Vydanie 5€ Enslaved – Blodhemn 1.vydanie,Osmose,SPV 12€ Endstille – Infektion 1813 DigiCD 1.Vydanie 10€ Hellveto ‎– Od Południa Na Północ...1.Vydanie 8€ Изморозь ‎– Церковь, Что Горит Под Горой,Viking,Folk Metal 1.Vydanie 9€ Malice – Symphony Of Darkness Reissue 8€ Kiju – Nothing To Play For,1.Vydanie,bez predného bookletu 3€ Northern Breeze ‎– Sailing To The North,1.vydanie 8€ Ouija,Anasarca – Riding Into The Funeral Paths / God Machine 1.Vydanie 2CD 12€ My Ruin ‎– The Horror Of Beauty /Europe Vydanie 8€ Ophthalamia – A Journey In Darkness,Reissue, Super Jewel Box 16€ Patriarch "Dark World of Men" 9€ Ордалион – Чёрный Мессия,Black Metal 7€ Pagan – Oz : In Transcendence,Black Metal 7€ Pantheon I ‎– Atrocity Divine,DigiCD 1.Vydanie 10€ Pantheon I ‎– The Wanderer And His Shadow,1.Vydanie UK 9€ Pantheon I ‎– Worlds I Create 1.Vydanie 9€ Styggelse – Bland Ändlösa Fält Av Snusk Och Hor 1.Vydanie 8€ Svartpest ‎– Ved Den Drabelige Inngang Til Helvete 7€ Sammath ‎– Strijd 1.Vydanie 20€ Scaar - The Second Incision 1.Vydanie 6€ Ravendusk ‎– Shadowcast,bez zadnej strany 3€ Pagan Winter ‎– Inferos 1.Vydanie 17€ Stratuz ‎– Spirit Seduction,Death Metal 1.Vydanie 5€ Scenteria ‎– Art Of Aggression,Death,Thash Metal 1.Vydanie 6€ Scars Of Chaos ‎– Daemonic Alchemy,Black Metal 1.Vydanie 8€ Subterranean Masquerade – Suspended Animation Dreams UK Vydanie 9€ Tribes Of Cain – Retaliation DigiCD Black,Death Metal 1.Vydanie 8€ Reign Of Erebus ‎– Inversion Principle,Black Metal 1.Vydanie 8€ Svartthron - Obscure Telepathy 1.Vydanie 6€ Svartthron ‎– Bearer Of The Crimson Flame DigiCD 8€ Svartahrid – Ex Inferi 1.Vydanie 10€ Scavenger ‎– Madness To Our Method,Heavy/Power Metal 1.Vydanie 6€ Wyrd – Kalivägi 1.Vydanie 7€ Witchery ‎– Don't Fear The Reaper 1.Vydanie 9€ Die Verbannten Kinder Evas – Dusk And Void Became Alive,1.Vydanie 15€ Teurgia ‎– With True Faith,1.Vydanie 6€ Moonsorrow ‎– Viides Luku - Hävitetty,Reissue 10€ Tundra – Primordial LTD.Cover Burzum-6€ Enshadowed – Intensity 7€ Siebenbürgen ‎– Delictum 12€ Immortal – Northern Chaos Gods,1.Vydanie,Digipack 12€ Decadence – When Angels Fall 5€ Negură Bunget – Vîrstele Pamîntului,1.Vydanie Digipack 12€ Info len e-mail.
SACKit WAKEit - bluetooth RADIO budik + nabijakca bezdrotova
Plne funkcny ako novy. dobierka nieje problem. Digital Clock Radio DAB+/FM-radio Bluetooth Speaker Wake-up light Qi certified wireless charger, 10W Digital display with adjustable brightness which can be turned off completely Fabric from KVADRAT Measurements: 150x95x150 mm Weight: 700 g WAKEit does not contain a battery and must therefore be connected to power Compatibility – wireless charger Compatible with all Qi activated devices Compatible with iPhone 8 and newer iPhones Compatible with Android devices that support wireless charging Compatible with Airpods Pro and Airpods with a wireless charging case Compatible with ROCKit, ROCKit X and WOOFit Go XQ Apple Watch CANNOT be charged on WAKEit.
Programovanie, IT, software, XML, Gimp, SQL, C ...
Robert Richards: Pro PHP XML and Web Services (Books for Professionals by Professionals) - 20 Thomas A. Bruce: Designing Quality Databases With IDEF1X Information Models - 40 Brian A. White: Software Configuration Management Strategies and Rational Clearcase: A Practical Introduction (Addison-wesley Object Technology Series) - 20 Johnny Long: Google Hacking - 8 Guy Harrison: MySQL Stored Procedure Programming: Building High-Performance Web Applications in MySQL - 30 Steven Holzner: XSLT - Příručka internetového vývojáře - 10 Jakub Steiner: GIMP - ilustrovaný průvodce - 12 Josef Vybíral: GIMP Grafický editor pro Linux a Windows (bez CD) - 5 Joe Celko: Joe Celko's SQL for Smarties: Advanced SQL Programming - 25 Joe Celko: Joe Celko's Data and Databases: Concepts in Practice (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems) - 25 Neil Matthew , Richard Stones: Linux - začínáme programovat - 10 Brian W.Kernighan, Dennis M.Ritchie: Programovací jazyk C - 4 Scott W. Ambler, Larry Constantine: The Unified Process Transition and Production Phases : Best Practices in Implementing the UP - 40 Scott W. Ambler, Larry Constantine: The Unified Process Elaboration Phase: Best Practices in Implementing the UP - 40 Scott W. Ambler, Larry Constantine: The Unified Process Construction Phase: Best Practices in Implementing the UP - 40 Scott W. Ambler, Larry Constantine: The Unified Process Inception Phase: Best Practices in Implementing the UP - 40 Pozrite aj ostatné moje inzeráty
Predám BMW F31 316D Sport EfficientDynamics Edition Rv.2014 sivá metalíza najazdených 315 400km. Výbava: 4x el. okná, digitálna klimatizácia, idrive, keyless, navigácia, multifunkčný volant, fólie, elektrické otváranie a zatváranie kufra, voľba jazdných režimov, pdc, dsc, tempomat 2x kľúč atď. Na aute bolo menené pri 310 tisíc km: komplet spojková sada, nové rozvody komplet, predné aj zadné tlmiče, nové predné aj zadné brzdy kotúče aj doštičky, zánovné letné gumy Continental Runflat. Auto má upravený výkon na 105kw. Pri 315 tisíc km menený olej a všetky filtre. STK a EK platné do 6/2024. Auto bolo pravidelne servisované a je v dobrom stave. Cena je 8950eur. Prosím len volať ďakujem. Nereagujem na SMS! Comfort and interior equipment S420 Sun protection glazing S423 Floor mats velours S431 Interior mirror with automatic-dip S465 Through-loading system S481 Sports seat S493 Storage compartment package S4AE Armrest front, retractable S4AT Interior trim finishers black high-gloss S4DN Accent strips, korall-rot matt Multimedia S609 Navigation system Professional S698 Area-Code 2 for DVD S6NH Hands-free system with USB interface S6WA Instrument panel with extended scope Driver assistance and lightning S508 Park Distance Control (PDC) S520 Fog lights S521 Rain sensor S534 Automatic air conditioning S544 Cruise control with brake function S548 Kilometre speedo S563 Light package S5DC Rear-seat headrests, folding Wheels and drive S216 Hydro steering-servotronic S230 Extra package, EU-speciifc S249 Multifunction f steering wheel S255 Sports leather steering wheel S258 Tyres with runflat properties S2A6 BMW LA wheel, double spoke 392 S2PA Locking wheel bolt S2VB Tyre pressure display Environment and safety S322 Comfort access S3AA Roof railing black S854 Language version, French S881 On-board literature, French S8KA Oil service interval 24 mths / 30,000 km S8S3 Automatic locking during starting S8V1 Information plate Other equipment S1CA Selection of COP-relevant vehicles S1CB CO2 equipment S9AA Outer skin protection SA090 90 Ah AGM battery SKLED Leatherette Podobné ako: Audi A3,A4,A6 Ford Focus, Mondeo, Hyundai i30,i40, Kia ceed, Mazda 6, Mercedes Benz trieda C,E, Opel Insignia, Astra, Peugeot 207,307, Renault, Seat Exeo, Leon, Škoda Superb, Octavia, Fabia, Volkswagen Golf, Passat, Volvo V50.... atď Najazdené km: 315402
✅Titogradská ulica, KVP ✅5min drive to city centre or to universities ( Medical, Technical, Veterinary Uni ) ✅ parking without any problems ✅ high quality reconstruction designed by designer ✅2 room apt - bedroom, living room, kitchen 52m², balcony - 3m², private cellar 2m² ✅ Sunny apt, air conditioned❄️, 7th floor (lift ) - beautiful view from apt. ✅ Apt is fully equipped, you need to take only a brush and towels and you are ready to stay. ✅ High speed wifi, TV ✅ Dishwasher, washing machine, iron, microwave, fridge, freezer, TV, vacuum, espresso coffee maker is included☕️ ✅ This apartment is for 1-2 person, non-smokers and this is not every weekend party-apartment ✅Price is 735 €/month, no more extra fees. Two month deposit is needed - deposit is refundable. Contract in English. ✅good availibity of public transport MHD, big supermarket Fresh only 1 min walk. ✅ Feel free to send me a PM or take a short visit of this APT, and you can decide if you will take it or not☺️
Charles Dickens: Great Expectations (Penguin Readers: Level
Predám zjednodušenú verziu knihy Great Expectations (Veľké nádeje) od autora: Charles Dickens. Jazyk: angličtina. Simplified version (zjednodušená verzia). Séria Penguin Readers: Level 6. Ako nová. Cena: 5 eur + poštovné (osobne Prešov) Viac o knihe Classic / British English. Pip is a poor orphan whose life is changed forever by two very different meetings – one with an escaped convict and the other with an eccentric old lady and the beautiful girl who lives with her. And who is the mysterious person who leaves him a fortune? Penguin Readers is an ELT graded reader series for learners of English as a foreign language. With carefully adapted text, new illustrations and language learning exercises, the print edition also includes instructions to access supporting material online.
Priced for a quick sale, as we are leaving Bratislava Fiat Stilo 1.8 IE 2002. A cheap runaround, no major issues, but it's an old car. We have driven it around Bratislava and Austria, Hungary and Czechia with no issues. Approximately 400,000 km on the clock. TK and Ek until 9.6.2024 Has all weather tires. See photos for exterior and interior. We speak English, so please consider this before contacting us. VIN: ZFA8 Mileage: 400000 VIN: ZFA8 Najazdené km: 400000
ARRI Daylight Compact 6000 Plus HMI Fresnel
Nový, nepoužitý kus. V cene je aj nová, ešte nezaložená 6kW výbojka OSRAM HMI 6000W/SE K dispozícii aj s nepoužitým balastom 6/9 EB. Osobne v BA, pre viac info ma môžete kontaktovať telefonicky, alebo emailom. "ARRI's Daylight Compact 6000 Plus HMI Fresnel is the choice of discerning professionals who need a great deal of light at minimal weight. Its clean modular construction and IP 23 rated weather-resistant design hint at this light's carefully wrought design features. The wire-guarded 16.5" Fresnel lens is part of a hinged swing-away door with integral accessory holders that enables rapid lamp swapping. Front and back focusing knobs make beam adjustments easy regardless of placement and there's a focus position indicator so that you can easily match settings to other lights. The sturdy yoke is fitted with a 1 1/8" stud for stands and accessories with a junior receiver." Uvedená cena je bez DPH.
Predam cd v stave novyvh kusov. SUPPORT LESBIENS-Medicine man 2cd 10€ SUPPORT LESBIENS-Euphony and other adventures 6€ GUNS N ROSES-Use your illusion I 5€ GUNS N ROSRS-use your illusion II 5€ RAGA AGAINTS THE MACHINE-The battles of Los Angeles 8€ NORAH JONES - Feels like home 5€ KRAFTWERK-Man machine 8€ UFO-The monkey puzzle 10€ VAN HALEN-Women and children first 5€ YES-Tales from topographic oceans 10 € YES-The yes album 5€ AHA-Headlines and deadlines 5€ YNGWIE MALMSTEEN-Fire and ice 7€ TOTO- IV 5€ CARLOS SANTATA-Masers guitar 4€ YES-Magnification 5€ UFO-Essential 5€ OUTKAST-Idlewild 4 € SPARKS-Kimono my house 8€ RADIOHEAD-The bends 5€
A feast for crows - G.R.R.Martin - 4časť
A FEAST FOR CROWS is the fourth volume in the series. The Lannisters are in power on the Iron Throne. The war in the Seven Kingdoms has burned itself out, but in its bitter aftermath new conflicts spark to life. The Martells of Dorne and the Starks of Winterfell seek vengeance for their dead. Euron Crow's Eye, as black a pirate as ever raised a sail, returns from the smoking ruins of Valyria to claim the Iron Isles. From the icy north, where Others threaten the Wall, apprentice Maester Samwell Tarly brings a mysterious babe in arms to the Citadel. As plots, intrigue and battle threaten to engulf Westeros, victory will go to the men and women possessed of the coldest steel and the coldest hearts.
Fiat Carado CV600 Edition 15 - 5/2022
Fiat Carado CV600 Edition 15 zakúpený 5/2022 so zámerom jeho neskoršieho predaja, keďže dodanie pôvodne objednaného auta meškalo. S týmto úmyslom teda bolo aj používané - nikdy nepoužitý záchod, auto má stále zachované fólie na chladničke a sedačkách, tieto boli taktiež po celú dobu používania zakryté. Výraz "ako nové" je teda v tomto prípade viac ako výstižný. Najazdených cca 14 000km a to s ľahkou nohou na plyne :) Inštalované rádio Pionner s cúvacou kamerou v zadnom brzdovom svetle a ťažné zariadenie. Nosič na bicykle a markíza v cene. V prípade rýchleho jednania možná dohoda. Plná špecifikácia:   Druh vozidla: Obytné auto Továrenská značka, typ: CARADO CVE600 Edition15 Farba: Color Campovolo grey «676» for CV Rok výroby: 49 week 2021 Palivo: Diesel Objem: 2300 cm³ (2.3 l), Výkon: 110 kw (140 PS) Prevodovka: MT Norma: Euro 6 Počet Miest: 4-miestne, Počet Lôžok: 2 Maximálna hmotnosť: Do 3,5 t Výr. číslo karosérie ( VIN): Stav tachometra: cca 14 000km VYBAVENIE VOZIDLA: CVE600 Brand Carado Möbeldekor Pure Spring Fiat_140PS_35_MG_LD_Light_Rst.4035_KW-Hoch_2,2M/Jet_Sincom_290.B3N.8 Electric and heated mirrors Traction+ incl. Hill Descent Control Multifunction steering wheel 16 "alloy wheels Headlights with black frame Parking sensors Radio pre-wiring with loudspeakers and roof antenna (DAB) Fix & Go breakdown kit 6 Blind spot assistant 90l fuel tank Painted bumper front - color Campovolo Color Campovolo grey "676" for CV Digital speedometer Phone_Charger Chassis interior color 157 Furniture front standard Bike rack for 2 bikes (black) Insulated and heated waste water tank Wooden duckboard for the shower tray USB socket in light rail Booster Heating Combi 4 STYLE PACK Serie 8 consisting of: Leather steering wheel and gear knob in leather trim Air outlets silver (Techno Trimm) Radiator grill black gloss with chrome stripes BASIC PACK consisting of: Captain chairs with covers Shower equipment Electr. Step extendable Window at the bathroom Foldable window blinds Flyscreen Door Table extension Edition15Fiat V8 consisting of: Pre-cabling reversing camera Awning - 3.75m Upholstery Nebula Decals Carado Alternative Najazdené km: 14000
Fiat Stilo
Fiat Stilo 1.8 I.E 2002. A cheap runaround, no major issues, but it's an old car. We have driven it around Bratislava and Austria, Hungary and Czechia with no issues. Approx 400000Km on the clock. TK and Ek until 9.6.2024 Has all weather tyres. See photos for exterior and interior. Looking for 1000 euros, but will consider offers. We speak English, so please consider this before contacting us. VIN: ZFA8 Najazdené km: 400000
Resident Evil 4 Remake Deluxe PC
-Dobrý deň mám na predaj Resident Evil 4 Remake Základnú Edíciu (19e) na Počítač (Steam). -Resident Evil 4 Remake Deluxe (23e). Jedná sa o najlepšiu edíciu v ktorej máte: Gold Case, Classic Suitcase, Pistol Ammo keychain, Cartridges pistol keychain, Green Grass keychain, Leon and Ashley"'s Casual Style outfits, suits of Leon and Ashley ""Romance"", Leon costume and ""Hero"" image filter, Leon costume and ""Villain"" image filter, Leon"'s Sports Sunglasses Accessory, unique weapon “9-mm Guardian”, unique weapon ""Skullbreaker"", Expansion ""Treasure Map"". -Na Bazoši som overený predajca a hry predávám už od roku 2017, na vyžiadanie vám pošlem všetky moje recenzie. -Tiež si môžete pozrieť aj moje ostatné inzeráty. Pri kúpe viacej hier dostanete zľavu. -Ak máte dáke otázky alebo hľadáte konkrétnu hru neváhajte ma kontaktovať emailom cez formulár nižšie, cez FB GamesShopCzSk alebo cez IG @re_gamerczsk .
Predam toto neotvorene serum s vitaminom C a kyselinou mliecnou, dovod netiham spotrebovat vsetku kozmetiku kt mam doma. Objem 30 ml. Formulated with 15% L-ascorbic acid and lactic acid, this innovative formula targets discolouration in three ways: by removing over-pigmented surface cells, clearing and illuminating skin tone, and fighting against environmental aggressors to reveal a remarkably even and radiant complexion.