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simon and garfunkel - strana 48

Počet nájdených inzerátov SIMON AND GARFUNKEL : 1000 - strana 48

Bridge of Clay
Markus Zusak - Bridge of Clay Cena + poštovné (v závislosti od hmotnosti). V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email. Mám na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty. *** A lost typewriter. A dead dog. The bones of the snake that killed it. Matthew Dunbar, eldest of five brothers, is on a journey to find them all. Only then can he tell the astonishing story of his family, rocked by tragedy and a long-buried secret. He will learn of a mother who crosses continents for a new home; of a father searching for love in the keys of an old piano; and, finally, of a brother named Clay, who will make the most challenging journey of them all, and change their lives for ever.
The Twelve Lives of Samuel Hawley
Hannah Tinti - The Twelve Lives of Samuel Hawley Cena + poštovné (v závislosti od hmotnosti). V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email. Mám na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty. *** After years spent living on the run, Samuel Hawley and his daughter Loo finally settle in Olympus, Massachusetts. Hawley takes up fishing, while Loo struggles with friendship and first love, and tries to piece together the puzzle surrounding her mother's death. Haunting them both are the twelve scars Hawley carries on his body, from twelve bullets in his criminal past - a past that is about to spill over into Loo's present, with explosive consequences.
Predám direct drive gramofón Sony PS-T1
Predám direct drive semi-auto gramofón Sony PS-T1. Bez prenosky, typ prenosky napr. Audio-technica AT-VM95E. V dobrom stave, kryt bez prasklín. Rok 1979, Made in Japan. Drive system: direct drive Motor: DC servo controlled (brushless and slotless) Platter: 313mm aluminium alloy Speeds: 33 and 45rpm Wow and flutter: 0.04% wrms Signal to noise ratio: 68dB Automatic system: arm return, reject Tonearm: statically balance universal type Pivot to stylus length: 216.5mm Overhang: 16.5mm Headshell weight: 7.5g Cartridge weight range: 4 to 10g Dimensions: 445 x 140 x 375mm Weight: 5kg
On a Night Like This - Lindsey Kel
Predam uplne novu knizku, necitana. Povodna cena 11,50€, predam za 7€. O knihe: Get ready for a night like no other . . . Within days of wishing she could change her life, Fran Cooper is working for a celebrity, on a yacht, and en route to a tiny Italian island and the glittering Crystal Ball. When she - quite literally - bumps into a handsome American called Evan the magic really begins. He makes her a promise: no last names, no life stories, just one unforgettable night. But Evan belongs at the ball and Fran is a gatecrasher. Their lives are a world apart - unless, on a night like this, everything can change forever..
warehouse / production site
Large industrial area with backgroud of the town with long term industrial tradition, industrial high school and available work force. Industrial area (17.654m2) is within industrial complex of Vihorlat Snina, which is protected by security service. On top of that industrial area has own fence and is covered by CCTV. parking is available within. electricity gridwork potential of 3MW. Hall A, B, C, D are heated with floor heating (modern boiler using wood chips from local wood producer). Railway station is 5 minutes away, carrying capacity of the floors is 80MPa/m2. Area: A - 1078m2 B - 4090m2 C - 740m2 D - 1376m2 Hall I - 547m2 Hall II - 547m2 Social and administrative building - 600m2 We will be happy to prepare quote on request for You.
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+, zdroj, microSD 16Gb
Predám Raspberry Pi 3 B+ plne funkčné. K tomu pridám originálny Raspberry zdroj 5.1V pre napájanie, microSD kartu 16Gb a krabičku. Broadcom BCM2837B0, Cortex-A53 (ARMv8) 64-bit SoC @ 1.4GHz 1GB LPDDR2 SDRAM 2.4GHz and 5GHz IEEE 802.11.b/g/n/ac wireless LAN, Bluetooth 4.2, BLE Gigabit Ethernet over USB 2.0 (maximum throughput 300 Mbps) Extended 40-pin GPIO header Full-size HDMI 4 USB 2.0 ports CSI camera port for connecting a Raspberry Pi camera DSI display port for connecting a Raspberry Pi touchscreen display 4-pole stereo output and composite video port Micro SD port for loading your operating system and storing data 5V/2.5A DC power input Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) support (requires separate PoE HAT)
Anglický jazyk a literatúra Pedagogická fakulta UK
Repka, R.: An introduction to English language Pavlík, R. : Exercises in English Phonetics and Phonology Pavlík, R. : Elements of Sociolinguistics Kvetko, P. : Exercises and Tasks in English Lexicology Kvetko, P. : Essentials of Modern English Lexicology Kvetko, R. : English Phraseology, A Practical Course Lightbown, Spada Nina: Ako sa učíme jazyky Vietorová, N.: Texts from American Literature - Part III Repka, R., Halušková, A. : A Course in English Language Didactics Čitateľské denníky písané mnou: Old English Literature, English Literature of the 18th and 19th century, English Literature of the 20th century, English Literature of the 20th century II, American Literature I. Všetko spolu 20 eur, príp. dohodou. Možné kúpiť aj jednotlivo V zachovalom stave s poznámkami.
cyklisticke tretry MAVIC Ksyrium Elite, velkost 39,5
Predam pekne cyklo tretry / topanky MAVIC Ksyrium elite, velkot cislo 39 1/3. Dlzka vnutornej vlozky je 25,5 cm. Super stav, cena 50 eur The Ksyrium Elite is our best seller in the women’s road bike shoe range – a classic shoe that’ll work for 90% of your riding. In terms of comfort and power the balance is just right. The Endofit™ tongue surrounds your foot, giving you what we call The Glove Effect. And the soles of your feet are perfectly supported by our Ergo Fit 3D Ortholite® inner soles. Outside, the Ergo ratchet system locks the foot in place, while the composite outersole gives you the same levels of power transfer as much more expensive shoes on the market. They look good too: thin straps, white soles and two classic colour combinations – black with a textile feel or white leather-look – mean you can stay elegant while still riding hard.
[TOP] Hry na Playstation 3 (2+1 ZDARMA)
KONTAKT ▲ ▲marko.inzeraty@ ------------------------------ Zdravím. Ponúkam na predaj originálne hry pre Playstation 3. Ideálny typ na vianočný darček? Spoločná zábava s hrou. Hrou ako darček na Vianoce nič nepokazíte! ■ ZOZNAM + CENNÍK HIER SÚ NA FOTO Č.2 - FOTO Č.10 ■ ■ ZOZNAM + CENNÍK HIER SÚ NA FOTO Č.2 - FOTO Č.10 ■ ■ ZOZNAM + CENNÍK HIER SÚ NA FOTO Č.2 - FOTO Č.10 ■ ■ AKCIA 2+1 hra (do 7€) zadarmo ■ ■ AKCIA 2+1 hra (do 7€) zadarmo ■ ■ AKCIA 2+1 hra (do 7€) zadarmo ■ ------------------------------------------------------------ Ponúkam na predaj všetky žánre: Detské, tanečné, športové, závodné (pretekárske – autá, motorky), akčné, strieľačky, bitkárske, dobrodružné, hry pre dvoch a viacerých hráčov, hry pre chlapcov a dievčatá ------------------------------------------------------------ Zoznam hier, ktoré ponúkam: Assassin Creed, After Hours, Army of Two, Anarchy Reigns, Alien Isolation Battlefield, Beyond Two Souls, Band Hero, Batman, Borderlands, Brothers in Arms, Blazing Angels, Burnout Paradise Call of Duty, Call of Juarez, Colin McRae Dirt, Crysis Doom, Devil May Cry, Dishonored, Driver San Francisco, Dead Island, DJ Hero, Dungeon Siege, Diablo, Dragon Age, Disney – UP / Cars / Epic Mickey, Duke Nukem, Darksiders, Dead Rising, Def Jam, Deus Ex, Dynasty Warriors, Dance, Dead Space FIFA, Far Cry, F1 (Formula), Farming Simulator, Fallout, Final Fantasy, Fast and Furious, Fight Night Gran Turismo, Grand Theft Auto (GTA), God of War, Guitar Hero, Grid Harry Potter, Heavy Rain, Heavy Fire, Homefront inFamous Just Dance, Just Cause, Journey Killzone, Kingdoms of Amalur, Kane and Lynch LEGO – Marvel / Star Wars / Batman / Movie, Lost Planet, Lair, Little Big Planet Minecraft, Midnight Club, Medal of Honor, Motorstorm, Mafia 2, Mindjack, Mass Effect, Mirror Edge, Madden NFL, MotoGP, Mercenaries, Metal Gear, Move Fitness, Modnation Racers NBA, NHL, Need for Speed, Naruto Shippuden Operation Flashpoint, Overlord Pro Evolution Soccer, Payday, Pure Football, Prototype, Plants vs Zombies, Prince of Persia Ratchet and Clank, Red Dead Redemption, Resistance, Resident Evil, Red Faction, Ridge Racer, Rocksmith, Remember Me, Rocket Sports Spiderman, Silent Hill, Singstar, Shadow of Colossus, Saints Row, Sniper Ghost Warrior, Skate, Sacred, Superbike, Shrek, Skylanders, Sports Champions, SEGA The Godfather, The Last of Us, The Walking Dead, The Lord of The Rings, The Fight, The Orange Box, The Evil Within, The Club, The Darkness, Tomb Raider, Turning Point, Top Spin, Turok, Time Crisis, Test Drive, Transformers, Tiger Woods, Tom Clancy – Splinter Cell / HAWX / Endwar / Ghost Recon / Rainbow Six Uncharted, Unreal Tournament, UFC Trainer Virtua Tennis Watch Dogs, Wonderbook, Warhammer XCOM, Yakuza, Zumba
LG ovladac AN-MR19BA
Predam ovladac k LG televizorom model AN-MR19BA. Prakticky uplne novy, iba rozbaleny. Dovod predaja - bol nespravne pribaleny k novsej TV a dostal som nahradu. Kompatibilny s: LG OLED: W9, E9, C9, and B9 Series LG NanoCell: SM99, SM95, SM90, SM86, and SM81 Series LG 4K UHD: UM80, UM75, UM73, UM71, and UM6970 Series Osobny odber BA alebo na dobierku +3.50€.
Classic Army M15A4 Airsoft
Classic Army M15A4 Airsoft. Latest measures showed 340-360 fps. Quite accurate gun with a great range. Classic Army is a big name on the market, their products usually serves a great value. For this reason alone, could be a great starting gun in this sport. It has a great potential to be improved, it only requires creativity and patience. I had it for more than 7 years, had great games. The battery lasts around 2-3 games. Sadly I lost the buttstock's cover on a game which holds the battery in place. I was looking for a spare part, but shops only sell the whole buttstock. It's been in workshop for repairs and improvements. Wiring is changed and new, the metal body fixed. Weight is around 3.5 kg. Can be listed as a DMR in the games (at least in Hungary). The FPS can be improved to 400-450 as I was told. Accessories: - scope, with a plexiglass as protection. - 1 Hi-Cap magazine (300 BB, I think) - 2000 mAh Li-Po battery, without charger - 1 foregrip - 2 pcs of plastic sights - 1 pipe cleaner stick - 1 muzzle brake - 1 silencer (cosmetic piece) - Adjustable buttstock Free shipping with Packeta from Hungary. Any questions(xspeediex@ len po anglicky), I am glad to answer.
Asus DSL-N14U Router
Dobrý deň ponúkam na predaj router značky ASUS model: DSL-N14U, router je nový nepoužívaný bol zapojený a odložený späť do krabice k zariadeniu je komplet balenie so všetkým čo k nemu má byť, preferujem osobný odber v Bratislave ale je možnosť zaslať aj na dobierku Slovenskou poštou pri platbe 5€ dopredu na účet. Parametre a špecifikácie: Štandard siete: IEEE 802.11b, IEEE 802.11g, IEEE 802.11n, IPv4, IPv6 Wi-Fi prenosová rýchlosť dát: 802.11b: 1, 2, 5.5, 11Mbps 802.11g: 6,9,12,18,24,36,48,54Mbps 802.11n: až do 300Mbps Rýchlosť xDSL: ANSI T1.413i2 ITU G.922.1 (G.dmt).ITU G.922.2 (G.lite) ITU G.922.3 ADSL2 (G.dmt.bis) ITU G.922.4 (G.lite.bis) ITU G.922.5 (G.dmt.bisplus) ADSL / ADSL2 / ADSL2 + multimode Annex, AnnexB compliant ADSL 2/2 + 24Mbps downstream Support Annex A / B / I / J / L / M anténa: 2 × 5 dBi antény LED dióda: Napájanie, ADSL, Internet, WLAN, LAN × 4, USB x 1 tlačidlá: Tlačidlo WPS, tlačidlo Reset, tlačidlo napájania, tlačidlo bezdrôtová sieť zapnuté / vypnuté porty: 1 × RJ11 pre ADSL 4 × RJ45 pre 10/100 BaseT pre LAN USB Porty USB 2.0 × 1 USB aplikácie: tlačový server FTP server Download Master Špeciálne funkcie routeru: AiCloud, Printer server, Download Master, AiDisK, Multiple SSIDs, Parental Control Prevádzková frekvencia: 2,4 GHz Prevádzkové kanál: 13 Európa (ETSI) Operačná pamäť: 64MB DDR / 16MB Flash zabezpečenie: 64-bitové WEP, 128-bitové WEP, WPA2-PSK, WPA-PSK, WPA-Enterprise, WPA2-Enterprise, Dosah s 802.1x, podpora WPS Brána firewall & riadenie prístupu: NAT and SPI (Stateful Packet Inspection) Firewall - Enable / disable WAN ping - Allow access from WAN - Log of accepted and dropped filtering: - Single Port and Port Range - URL based - MAC Address - DoS protection správa: Webová konfigurácia grafického používateľského rozhrania Vylepšenia firmvéru, nahrávanie a sťahovanie konfiguračných dát prostredníctvom webového používateľského rozhrania Automatické zisťovanie VPI / VCI Záloha a obnovenie konfigurácie diagnostika Funkcia protokolu a trasovanie Pomocné programy: ADSL Setting Wizards Device Discovery firmware Restoration Printer Setup Utility podpora VPN IPSec Pass-Throuth PPTP Pass-Through L2TP Pass-Through PPTP server Napájací adaptér: AC vstup: 100 ~ 240 V (50 ~ 60Hz) DC výstup: 12 V / 1 A Certifikácia: CE Rozmery: 123 × 190 × 35 mm (Š x H x V) hmotnosť: 314 g
COMMENCAL Supreme DH V4.2 Essential 650B black 2018, L
FRAME: 2018 SUPREME V4.2 650B alloy 6066 hydroformed 220 mm travel SHOCK: ROCK SHOX VIVID R2C, 267 x 89 mm, rebound, compression (250 lbs on S, 300 lbs on M, 350 lbs on L, 400 lbs on XL) FORK: ROCK SHOX BOXXER TEAM, 200 mm travel, compression, rebound, (soft on S and M, medium on L and firm on XL) HEADSET: RIDE ALPHA, semi integrated, COMMENCAL standard STEM: RIDE ALPHA DH Direct Mount, 50 mm, 31.8 mm BAR: RIDE ALPHA, Alloy 7075, double butted, 30 mm rise, 780 mm, 31.8 mm GRIPS: RIDE ALPHA, ergonomic grips, plastic one lock, super soft compound BRAKES: SRAM GUIDE RE 200 mm / 200 mm SHIFTERS: SRAM X5, 9 speed CHAIN GUIDE: E13 LG1+ WideGuide, Alloy REAR MECH: SRAM X7, 9 speed BOTTOM BRACKET: E13 Pressfit BB 92 CRANKSET: E13 LG1, 34T CHAIN: YABAN S9 CASSETTE: SRAM PG 950 RIMS: E13 LG1 Alloy 32h, 30 mm inner width HUBS: FORMULA DH, 32 holes, sealed bearings SPOKES / NIPPLES: PILLAR Spokes, Stainless steel, 2 mm Black / brass nipple 12 mm black Nylock TYRES: MAXXIS MINION DHF 27.5" x 2.5" WT, 2 compound DH Casing front and MAXXIS MINION DHRII 27.5" x 2.4" WT 2 compound DH Casing rear SEATPOST: NEW RIDE ALPHA DH, 31.6 mm, no offset, 300 mm SADDLE: RIDE ALPHA 245 mm saddle, CrMo rails WEIGHT: 17.5 kg Funkčnosť bicykla je v perfektnom stave, stačí len nasadnúť a jazdiť.Na bicykli bolo robené odvzdušnovanie bŕzd a sú menené brzdnové doštičky. Čo sa týka estetickej stránky sú tam drobné škrabance ale nič čo by udieralo do očí.Jazdilo sa na ňom veľmi málo a znesie oveľa náročnejšie zjazdy než som mu doprial ja. Dôvod predaja je že nemám na to už toľko času ako by som chcel a je škoda aby zapadol prachom.
A Game of Thrones (George R.R. Martin)
Predám knihu A Game of Thrones (Autor: George R.R. Martin). A GAME OF THRONES is the first volume in the series. Summers span decades. Winter can last a lifetime. And the struggle for the Iron Throne has begun. As Warden of the north, Lord Eddard Stark counts it a curse when King Robert bestows on him the office of the Hand. His honour weighs him down at court where a true man does what he will, not what he must ... and a dead enemy is a thing of beauty. The old gods have no power in the south, Stark's family is split and there is treachery at court. Worse, the vengeance-mad heir of the deposed Dragon King has grown to maturity in exile in the Free Cities. He claims the Iron Throne. Stav - ako nová Cena - 7€. Osobný odber Žiar nad Hronom alebo + poštovné
Netgear D7000 Ac1900 router WiFi, VDSL..
Predavam tento zánovný router (kupovaný 17.3.2021 ) z dôvodu prechodu na O2LTE sieť. Tech. údaje vid nižšie. Tento DSL modem je vhodný jako VDSL modem v ČR a SK. Není zpětně kompatibilní s ADSL. Product Number :D7000 WiFi Technology: 802.11ac Modem: DSL Modem—Compatible with VDSL, VDSL2, ADSL, ADSL2, & ADSL2+ WiFi Performance: AC1900 (600 Mbps + 1300 Mbps)† WiFi Range: Very large homes WiFi Band: Simultaneous dual band 2.4 GHz & 5 GHz Number of Ethernet Ports: Four (4) 10/100/1000 Mbps—(4 LAN) Gigabit Ethernet ports Number of ADSL Ports: One (1) DSL port, supports ADSL/ADSL2/ADSL2+ and VDSL/VDSL2 Number of USB Ports: Two (2) USB ports Key Features Extreme WiFi speed—Up to 1900 Mbps† Powerful dual-core processor Fast DSL modem for fibre broadband Compatible with ADSL/ADSL2/ADSL2+ and VDSL/VDSL2 VPN support—Secure access to your home network ReadySHARE Vault—Software for automatic PC backup to USB hard drive connected to the router NETGEAR genie® App—Enjoy more of your connected home Security Customized free URL to set up personal FTP server VPN support—secure remote access Guest network access—separate & secure WiFi Protected Access® (WPA/WPA2—PSK) Double firewall protection (SPI and NAT) Denial-of-service (DoS) attack prevention Physical Specifications Dimensions: 11.22 x 7.26 x 1.97 in (285 x 185 x 50 mm) Weight: 1.65 lb (750 g) Package Contents Nighthawk AC1900 WiFi VDSL/ADSL Modem Router (D7000) Ethernet cable Phone cable DSL filter Quick start guide Power adapter, localized to country of sale Standards Two (2) USB ports One (1) VDSL/ADSL port IEEE® 802.11 b/g/n 2.4GHz + 256 QAM support IEEE® 802.11 a/n/ac 5.0GHz Four (4) 10/100/1000 Mbps—(4 LAN) Gigabit Ethernet ports System Requirements VDSL/ADSL broadband Internet service** Gigabit Ethernet WAN provides broadband connectivity options to cable, DSL or fibre modems Microsoft® Windows 7, 8, 8.1, Vista®, XP®, 2000, Mac OS®, UNIX®, or Linux® Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 5.0, Firefox® 2.0, Safari® 1.4, or Google Chrome™ 11.0 browsers or higher
SP single +LP stare platne
predam stare single 7x HANA ZAGOROVÁ, rozne 40ks =cena 2,50eur/kus ponukam LP M.Žbirka, I.Bartošová, Dalibor Janda/predane, J.Korn = á 8eur Mireille Mathieu, Olivia N.John,Louis Armstrong -Lucerna 1965, Glenn Miller-Pure Gold =á 10eur LP ABBA 15eur George Gershwin Rhapsody in Blue/ An American in Paris = predana LP Baccara, Opus 1978=5eur LP Asoc.HAGAW and A.Rosiewicz /PL 1975=3eur LP Baden, Baden = 4eur LP Barry Manilow-BARRY/Arista1980=4eur LP Barry Manilow-I wanna do it with you/Arista1982=4eur LP Barry Manilow-Manilow Magic/Arista 1983=4eur LP Barry Manilow- 2:00AmParadiseCafe=4eur LP Linda Ronstadt/Supphon1981= 4eur LP Rudolf Schock singt /Eterna1963=2,50eur LP Stars on45/Opus1981 Stars on45/vyd.1982=3eur/každá LP Success-Get up and Boogie/Opus 1977=3eur LP Superstars GreatestHits-2album, Canada1980 = cena8eur 1/ LP Drobnosti majstrov, Opus 1973=2eur LP Hudba pro harfu/Music for Harp, Panton 1973=2eur LP Romantický klavír J.Maláska (3), Panton 1980 =2eur MC Rasťo Piško-Rodina Adamsovcov 2.diel=2,50eur CD Biblia-nový zákon 1+2 slov.herci čítajú 31príbehov = 2eur/kus 2DVD-25ROKOV SKUPINY TURBO V PLZNI=2,50eur CD Barry Manilow LiveonBroadway=17eur CD Barry Manilow GreatestHits vol.1 vol.2= cena 14eur /kus CD Barry Manilow summer of´78=13eur DVD EURYTHMICS SWEET DREAMS 1983 =cena 2eur DVD DESTINYS CHILD LIVE IN ATLANTA =2EUR DVD PET SHOP BOYS 1997 LIVE =2EUR CD PIESNE Z JUHOSLAVIE = 2EUR CD LIONEL RICHIE -Just For You. =cena 8eur Na osmém sólovém albu se Lionel Richie dal dohromady s producenty Paulem Barrym a Markem Taylorem, kteří stojí za hity jako "Believe" od Cher či "Hero" Enriqua Iglesiase a 7 Aurelius (Mariah Carey, Ja Rule, Ashanti). Album se částečně natáčelo v Londýně, kde se Lionel setkal také s Danielem Bedingfieldem, který pro něj napsal funkovou věc "Do Ya", a částečně v Miami, kde se Lionel zase potkal s Lennym Kravitzem a společně si spolu udělali 2 písničky. Jedna z nich "Road To Heaven" se objevuje na tomto albu, druhá na novém albu Lennyho. Není to výhoda mít slavné kamarády. MC Irish Favourites, vol.1 2=spolu 4eur MC Scotland the Brave, vol.1 2=spolu 4eur CD The Drums and Pipesof Scotland =9eur CD LASICA&SATINSKY Pred popravou(OPUS2011) =5eur
TipTop Pupil´s book
Jednoduchá učebnica angličtiny pre deti. V cene je zahrnuté poštovné. Building up a grasp of the structure of English. Introducing a wide vocabulary for recognition, coupled with a more restricted vocabulary for production. Promoting conceptual as well as language development; Encouraging the child to use English in activities which belong naturally to his/her world. TIPTOP presents and practices language through: A realistic storyline based on the adventures of Mark, Angela and their friends; A “fantastic” storyline revolving around Count Horror and Boris the cat
Scars Like Wings
Erin Stewart - Scars Like Wings Cena + poštovné (v závislosti od hmotnosti). V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email. Mám na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty. *** Everyone has scars. Some are just easier to see... 16-year-old Ava Gardener is heading back to school one year after a house fire left her severely disfigured. She's used to the names, the stares, the discomfort, but there's one name she hates most of all: Survivor. What do you call someone who didn't mean to survive? Who sometimes wishes she hadn't? When she meets a fellow survivor named Piper at therapy, Ava begins to feel like she's not facing the nightmare alone. Piper helps Ava reclaim the pieces of Ava Before the Fire, a normal girl who kissed boys and sang on stage. But Piper is fighting her own battle for survival, and when Ava almost loses her best friend, she must decide if the new normal she's chasing has more to do with the girl in the glass-or the people by her side. The beautiful, life-affirming debut from Erin Stewart that's being called the YA answer to Wonder. Perfect for fans of Jandy Nelson, Nicola Yoon and John Green.
Food advantures
Introducing Your Child to Flavors from Around the World... In 100 recipes from all over the world, this book takes us from first spoonfuls to first schooldays, exploring and adapting dishes that children are encouraged to try as soon as they're old enough to sit up and take notice. Elisabeth and Frances also come up with ideas to keep children interested, transforming mealtime from that old familiar battlefield into a playground where everyone can join the fun. Baby food is, after all, not just for the early years-it's the first step towards a lifetime of enjoyable food.
Musical Fidelity M1CDT CD Transport
Predané. Ďakujem. PC: 699,-€ moja: 199,-€ Viac info: Fotky doplním. CD transport je aktuálne odpojený, zabalený a uložený v sklade. Sťahujem sa. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte cez mail. Ďakujem.