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sk adventures - strana 3

Počet nájdených inzerátov SK ADVENTURES : 254 - strana 3

Dobrodružstvá Sherlocka Holmesa I /The Adventures of Sherlo
Dobrodružstvá Sherlocka Holmesa I / The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, rok vydania 2012, Slovensko anglický preklad, Ako nová, cena 10 eur
The adventures of Tom Sayer
The adventures of Tom Sayer, jazyk- anglický. Ako nová, cena 4 eurá
Kinect Adventures na Xbox 360
Predám používanú funkčnú hru Kinect Adventures na hernú konzolu Xbox 360. Cena 10 Eur.
Xbox 360 Kinect Hry + FIFA 21 XBOX ONE
Predam Kinect Hry na XBox 360 + FIFA 21 XBOX ONE: - Disneyland Adventures - 10Eur - Kinect Adventures - !!!PREDANE!!! - FIFA 2021 - 10 Eur (pre XBox One a Series X) - Dance Central 3 - 19Eur - Kinect Sports - !!!PREDANE!!! - Your Shape Fitness Evolved - !!!PREDANE!!!
XBOX 360 + kinect + 11 hier
Predám plne funkčný XBOX 360 s konectom pre super pohybové hry pre deti a celu rodinu. Celá zostava pozostáva z XBOX konzoly, napájací zdroj na XBOX, HDMI kábel na pripojenie k TV, kinect s napájacím káblom, 2x bezdrôtový ovládač s napajacou stanicou, 11 hier, pre menšie aj staršie deti a dospelých. Cena za kompletnú zostavu je 150€ Bez hier 80€ Hry samostatne: RAYMAN 5€, Olympijské hry 5€, Need for speed 10€, Piňata 5€, Alaskan adventures 5€, F1 5€, Mafia II 10€, Assassins 10€, Kinect Disneyland 10€, Kinect Adventures 10€, Wolfenstein 10€. Hry všetky spolu 70€. Osobný odber Martin, alebo môžem doviesť do TR, PD, ZA okresov.
Kinect hry pre Xbox 360 Kinect senzor
Predam nasledovne hry Kinect pre X360 a Kinect Sensor Carnival Game in Action - 10 € Dance Central - 9 € Dance Central 2 - 12 € Dance Central 3 - 18 € Fable The Journey - 9 € Fantasia Music Evolved - PREDANE Fighters Uncaged - PREDANE Game party in Motion - 11 € Get Fit With MelB - 12 € Just Dance 2015 - 19 € Just Dance 2016 - PREDANE Just Dance 2017 - 27 € Just Dance 2018 - 32 € Just Dance 3 - 14 € Just Dance 4 - 17 € Just Dance Greatest Hits - 26 € Just Dance Kids - PREDANE Kincet Joy Ride - 9 € Kinect Adventures - 7 € Kinect Disneylands Adventures - 12 € Kinect NAT GEO TV America The Wild - 12 € Kinect Rush a Disney/Pixar Adventure - 20 € Kinect Sports - 9 € Kinect Sports Season Two - 14 € Kinect Star Wars - 13 € Kinectimals - 10 € Michael Jackson The Experience - 12 € Motionsports: Play for Real - 9 € Puss in Boots - 21 € Rabbids - Alive and Kicking - 12 € Rise of Nightmares - PREDANE Sesame Street Once upon a Monster - 9 € Sesame Street TV Season 1 - 9 € Sonic Riders - 14 € The Black Eyed Peas Experience - 9 € The GunsTringer - PREDANE The Hip Hop Dance Experience - 38 € UFC Trainer - 9 € Winter Stars - PREDANE Yoostar 2 In The Movies - 6 € Your Shape: Fitness Evolved - 8 € Zumba Fitness - 8 € Kinect sensor - 20 € Pri kupe 5 hier, je najlacnejsia gratis. Slovenska posta 2,5€ pri platbe vopred / 3,50€ na dobierku. Packeta 3,3€ pri platbe vopred / 4,60€ na dobierku. Pozri i moje dalsie inzeraty, mozes usetrit na postovnom.
XBOX 360 Originál Videohry
Dobrý deň. Predám uvedené hry v koláži. Zľava: 2-3 hry -5% 4-5 hier -10% 6-9 hier -15% 10 a viac hier -20% Ceny nájdete na každej hre v koláži na foto. Ohľadom dostupnosti ma kontaktujte. Hry sú zoradené podľa žánrov a abecedy. V prípade záujmu pošlem aj zoznam v PDF, kde je poznačený aj možný počet hráčov na jednej konzole. Osobne BA alebo pošta(podľa váhy)/Packeta. Dobierka od+3,7€ bez dobierky od+2,7€ (Časť zoznamu, celý nevošiel) KINECTOVÉ Adventures! 10 € Carnival Games In Action 14 € Dance Central 15 € Disneyland Adventures 15 € Dr. Kawashima’s Body and Brain Exercises 15 € Fantastic Pets 20 € Get Fit with Mel B 14 € Joy Ride 14 € Kinectimals 15 € Marvel Avengers: Battle for Earth 20 € Michael Jackson The Experience 12 € Nat Geo TV: America The Wild 18 € Rabbids: Alive & Kicking 15 € Rapala for Kinect 30 € Rise of Nightmares 10 € Sesame Street: Once Upon a Monster 16 € Sports 1 12 € Star Wars 16 € The Biggest Loser: Ultimate Workout 18 € The Black Eyed Peas Experience 12 € The Gunstringer 14 € UFC Personal Trainer 15 € Your Shape: Fitness Evolved 14 € Zumba Fitness: Join the Party 16 € Zumba Fitness: Rush 18 € HUDOBNÉ, Udraw (Gitara, mikrofón, bubny, kreslenie) U Draw: Pictionary ULTIMATE EDITION 14 € Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock 10 € Band Hero 8 € Lips: Number One Hits 12 € Lips: Party Classics 14 € The X Factor 12 € Rock Band 10 € Rocksmith (All-New 2014 Edition) 14 € The Beatles: Rock Band 10 € DETSKÉ, RODINNÉ (12+) (X360) Xbox Live Arcade 8 € Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit 15 € Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z 22 € Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer 14 € Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 18 € Child of Eden 8 € LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes 13 € LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 14 € LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga 14 € LEGO Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars 12 € LEGO The Lord of the Rings 14 € Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds 16 € Minecraft: Story Mode The Complete Adventure 27 € SEGA Mega Drive Ultimate Collection 16 € SEGA Superstars Tennis 12 € The Spiderwick Chronicles 14 € Transformers: Dark of the Moon 15 € Viva Piňata 10 € Young Justice: Legacy 14 € SIMULÁTORY / STRATÉGIE Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII 15 € Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 14 € Fatal Inertia 14 € Supreme Commander 13 € Tropico 3 13 € Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 10 € ZÁVODNÉ (X360) Burnout: Paradise 12 € Colin McRae: DiRT 2 13 € FlatOut: Ultimate Carnage 15 € Formula 1 2010 10 € Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 12 € Need for Speed: The Run 12 € Race Driver GRID 12 € RACE Pro 12 € Ridge Racer: Unbounded (Limited Edition) 13 € Wheelman 12 € RPG/ FILMOVÉ (15+18+) (X360) 007: Quantum of Solace 10 € Alan Wake 12 € Aliens: C
Predám hernú konzolu Playstation 4 Slim. Konzola je vo veľmi dobrom stave, nemá žiadne vady a všetko funguje. Jedná sa o verziu s 1TB pamäte. Ovládač je takisto v perfektnom stave ako vidno aj na fotkách. Možnosť dokúpiť druhý ovládač za 45€ alebo hry z mojej zbierky: Need For Speed Heat: 23€ Project CARS 2 (Limited Edition): 18€ GTA 5 : 18€ Playerunknown's Battlegrounds: 15€ Horizon: Forbidden West: 32€ Elden Ring: 32€ Subnautica: 18€ Watch Dogs 3 Legion: 8€ Watch Dogs 2: 11€ The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt GOTY: 19€ Killzone: Shadow Fall: 8€ Days Gone: 14€ EA Sports UFC 3: 22€ Ratchet and Clank: 8€ Rise of the Tomb Raider (20 Year Celebration Edition): 10€ No Man's Sky: 14€ Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales: 27€ Marvel’s Spider-Man: 17€ UFC: 12€ The Last of Us Remastered CZ: 12€ Gran Turismo Sport CZ: 9€ Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered: 19€ Far Cry Primal: 12€ Assassins Creed: Odyssey: 14€ Assasins Creed: Origins: 12€ Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag: 10€ Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: 22€ Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare (Legacy Pro Edition): 19€ Call of Duty: WWII: 19€ Call of Duty: Black Ops 3: 15€ God of War CZ: 10€ God of War 3 Remastered: 8€ Horizon: Zero Dawn Complete: 9€ WWE 2K22: 22€ Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus: 13€ Sackboy: A Big Adventures: 22€ Driveclub: 8€ Tom Clancys Ghost Recon: Wildlands: 12€ Tom Clancys Ghost Recon: Breakpoint: 7€ Rayman Legends: 12€ Dishonored 2: 7€ Uncharted: The Lost Legacy: 12€ Uncharted 4: A Thiefs End: 9€ Uncharted (The Nathan Drake Collection): 9€ Tom Clancys The Division 2: 8€ DiRT Rally 2.0: 18€ Cyberpunk 2077: 18€ Batman: Arkham Knight: 9€ Tom Clancys Rainbow Six: Extraction: 9€ Bloodborne: 9€ Mortal Kombat X: 12€ Sackboy: A Big Adventures (Special Edition): 29€ F1 2017: 8€ inFAMOUS: Second Son: 11€ Friday the 13th: The Game (Ultimate Slasher Edition): 19€ Worms W.M.D: 12€ Little Big Planet 3: 8€ Injustice 2: 12€ Robinson The Journey: 19€ Hidden Agenda: 9€ MudRunner: a Spintires Game (American Wilds Edition): 16€ The Last of Us: Part II: 17€ Singstar: 5€ Thats You!: 5€ Jump Force: 15€ Destiny: 5€ Destiny: The Taken King (Legendary Edition): 7€ Just Dance 2020: 16€ WWE 2K18: 15€ Dead or Alive 6: 12€ Until Dawn: Rush of Blood: 11€ Farpoint VR: 12€ Just Dance 2018: 15€ Knack: 8€ Bravo Team: 10€ Hitman (The Complete First Season): 16€ Death Stranding: 10€ Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain: 15€ Shadow of the Colossus: 13€ Battlefield: Hardline: 8€ Chimparty: 10€ NioH: 8€ Monster Hunter World: 9€ ARK (Ultimate Survivor Edition): 18€ Watch Dogs: 7€ Let's Sing Presents Queen + mikrofon: 12€ F1 2018: 9€ Star Wars: Battlefront 2: 14€ Battlefield 1: 7€ Just Dance 2021: 14€ Fallout 4: 7€ NHL 21: 18€ Titanfall 2: 7€ WWE 2K20: 10€
Predám hernú konzolu PS4 Pro. Konzola je v 100% stave, nemá žiadne poškodenia a všetko funguje. Pridám ku nej všetko príslušenstvo a ovládač. V prípade záujmu sa dá dokúpiť druhý ovládač za 45€ alebo nabíjačka na ovládače za 19€. Možnosť dokúpiť aj hry z mojej zbierky: Need For Speed Heat: 23€ Project CARS 2 (Limited Edition): 18€ GTA 5 : 18€ Playerunknown's Battlegrounds: 15€ Horizon: Forbidden West: 32€ Elden Ring: 32€ Subnautica: 18€ Watch Dogs 3 Legion: 8€ Watch Dogs 2: 11€ The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt GOTY: 19€ Killzone: Shadow Fall: 8€ Days Gone: 14€ EA Sports UFC 3: 22€ Ratchet and Clank: 8€ Rise of the Tomb Raider (20 Year Celebration Edition): 10€ No Man's Sky: 14€ Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales: 27€ Marvel’s Spider-Man: 17€ UFC: 12€ The Last of Us Remastered CZ: 12€ Gran Turismo Sport CZ: 9€ Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered: 19€ Far Cry Primal: 12€ Assassins Creed: Odyssey: 14€ Assasins Creed: Origins: 12€ Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag: 10€ Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: 22€ Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare (Legacy Pro Edition): 19€ Call of Duty: WWII: 19€ Call of Duty: Black Ops 3: 15€ God of War CZ: 10€ God of War 3 Remastered: 8€ Horizon: Zero Dawn Complete: 9€ WWE 2K22: 22€ Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus: 13€ Sackboy: A Big Adventures: 22€ Driveclub: 8€ Tom Clancys Ghost Recon: Wildlands: 12€ Tom Clancys Ghost Recon: Breakpoint: 7€ Rayman Legends: 12€ Dishonored 2: 7€ Uncharted: The Lost Legacy: 12€ Uncharted 4: A Thiefs End: 9€ Uncharted (The Nathan Drake Collection): 9€ Tom Clancys The Division 2: 8€ DiRT Rally 2.0: 18€ Cyberpunk 2077: 18€ Batman: Arkham Knight: 9€ Tom Clancys Rainbow Six: Extraction: 9€ Bloodborne: 9€ Mortal Kombat X: 12€ Sackboy: A Big Adventures (Special Edition): 29€ F1 2017: 8€ inFAMOUS: Second Son: 11€ Friday the 13th: The Game (Ultimate Slasher Edition): 19€ Worms W.M.D: 12€ Little Big Planet 3: 8€ Injustice 2: 12€ Robinson The Journey: 19€ Hidden Agenda: 9€ MudRunner: a Spintires Game (American Wilds Edition): 16€ The Last of Us: Part II: 17€ Singstar: 5€ Thats You!: 5€ Jump Force: 15€ Destiny: 5€ Destiny: The Taken King (Legendary Edition): 7€ Just Dance 2020: 16€ WWE 2K18: 15€ Dead or Alive 6: 12€ Until Dawn: Rush of Blood: 11€ Farpoint VR: 12€ Just Dance 2018: 15€ Knack: 8€ Bravo Team: 10€ Hitman (The Complete First Season): 16€ Death Stranding: 10€ Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain: 15€ Shadow of the Colossus: 13€ Battlefield: Hardline: 8€ Chimparty: 10€ NioH: 8€ Monster Hunter World: 9€ ARK (Ultimate Survivor Edition): 18€ Watch Dogs: 7€ Let's Sing Presents Queen + mikrofon: 12€ F1 2018: 9€ Star Wars: Battlefront 2: 14€ Battlefield 1: 7€ Just Dance 2021: 14€ Fallout 4: 7€ NHL 21: 18€ Titanfall 2: 7€ WWE 2K20: 10€
Predám alebo vymením za Xbox Series X alebo PS4 Pro/ PS4 Slim, hernú konzolu Playstation 5 s mechanikou. Konzola je v 100% stave, nemá žiadne známky používania. Záruka platí 2 roky na Slovensku, mám aj záručný list / faktúru. V prípade záujmu sa dá dokúpiť druhý biely alebo čierny ovládač za 59€, originál nabíjačka na ovládače za 19€ alebo TV Remote za 19€. Možnosť dokúpiť hry z mojej zbierky: Dead Space: 52€ Gran Turismo 7 CZ: 28€ Stray: 26€ Horizon: Forbidden West CZ: 28€ Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2: 52€ Returnal: 28€ F1 2021: 19€ Battlefield 2042: 15€ FIFA 22 CZ: 22€ NBA 2K22: 12€ Chernobylite: 16€ GTA 5: 25€ Sackboy: A Big Adventure: 25€ Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales CZ: 28€ Hry na PS4: Need For Speed Heat: 23€ Project CARS 2 (Limited Edition): 18€ GTA 5 : 18€ Playerunknown's Battlegrounds: 15€ Horizon: Forbidden West: 32€ Elden Ring: 32€ Subnautica: 18€ Watch Dogs 3 Legion: 8€ Watch Dogs 2: 11€ The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt GOTY: 19€ Killzone: Shadow Fall: 8€ Days Gone: 14€ EA Sports UFC 3: 22€ Ratchet and Clank: 8€ Rise of the Tomb Raider (20 Year Celebration Edition): 10€ No Man's Sky: 14€ Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales: 27€ Marvel’s Spider-Man: 17€ UFC: 12€ The Last of Us Remastered CZ: 12€ Gran Turismo Sport CZ: 9€ Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered: 19€ Far Cry Primal: 12€ Assassins Creed: Odyssey: 14€ Assasins Creed: Origins: 12€ Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag: 10€ Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: 22€ Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare (Legacy Pro Edition): 19€ Call of Duty: WWII: 19€ Call of Duty: Black Ops 3: 15€ God of War CZ: 10€ God of War 3 Remastered: 8€ Horizon: Zero Dawn Complete: 9€ WWE 2K22: 22€ Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus: 13€ Sackboy: A Big Adventures: 22€ Driveclub: 8€ Tom Clancys Ghost Recon: Wildlands: 12€ Tom Clancys Ghost Recon: Breakpoint: 7€ Rayman Legends: 12€ Dishonored 2: 7€ Uncharted: The Lost Legacy: 12€ Uncharted 4: A Thiefs End: 9€ Uncharted (The Nathan Drake Collection): 9€ Tom Clancys The Division 2: 8€ DiRT Rally 2.0: 18€ Cyberpunk 2077: 18€ Batman: Arkham Knight: 9€ Tom Clancys Rainbow Six: Extraction: 9€ Bloodborne: 9€ Mortal Kombat X: 12€ Sackboy: A Big Adventures (Special Edition): 29€ F1 2017: 8€ inFAMOUS: Second Son: 11€ Friday the 13th: The Game (Ultimate Slasher Edition): 19€ Worms W.M.D: 12€ Little Big Planet 3: 8€ Injustice 2: 12€ Robinson The Journey: 19€ Hidden Agenda: 9€ MudRunner: a Spintires Game (American Wilds Edition): 16€ The Last of Us: Part II: 17€ Singstar: 5€ Thats You!: 5€ Jump Force: 15€ Destiny: 5€ Destiny: The Taken King (Legendary Edition): 7€ Just Dance 2020: 16€ WWE 2K18: 15€ Dead or Alive 6: 12€ Until Dawn: Rush of Blood: 11€ Farpoint VR: 12€ Just Dance 2018: 15€ Knack: 8€ Bravo Team: 10€ Hitman (T
Predám hry na PS4: Need For Speed Heat: 23€ Project CARS 2 (Limited Edition): 18€ GTA 5 : 18€ Playerunknown's Battlegrounds: 15€ Horizon: Forbidden West: 32€ Elden Ring: 32€ Subnautica: 18€ Watch Dogs 3 Legion: 8€ Watch Dogs 2: 11€ The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt GOTY: 19€ Killzone: Shadow Fall: 8€ Days Gone: 14€ EA Sports UFC 3: 22€ Ratchet and Clank: 8€ Rise of the Tomb Raider (20 Year Celebration Edition): 10€ No Man's Sky: 14€ Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales: 27€ Marvel’s Spider-Man: 17€ UFC: 12€ The Last of Us Remastered CZ: 12€ Gran Turismo Sport CZ: 9€ Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered: 19€ Far Cry Primal: 12€ Assassins Creed: Odyssey: 14€ Assasins Creed: Origins: 12€ Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag: 10€ Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: 22€ Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare (Legacy Pro Edition): 19€ Call of Duty: WWII: 19€ Call of Duty: Black Ops 3: 15€ God of War CZ: 10€ God of War 3 Remastered: 8€ Horizon: Zero Dawn Complete: 9€ WWE 2K22: 22€ Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus: 13€ Sackboy: A Big Adventures: 22€ Driveclub: 8€ Tom Clancys Ghost Recon: Wildlands: 12€ Tom Clancys Ghost Recon: Breakpoint: 7€ Rayman Legends: 12€ Dishonored 2: 7€ Uncharted: The Lost Legacy: 12€ Uncharted 4: A Thiefs End: 9€ Uncharted (The Nathan Drake Collection): 9€ Tom Clancys The Division 2: 8€ DiRT Rally 2.0: 18€ Cyberpunk 2077: 18€ Batman: Arkham Knight: 9€ Tom Clancys Rainbow Six: Extraction: 9€ Bloodborne: 9€ Mortal Kombat X: 12€ Sackboy: A Big Adventures (Special Edition): 29€ F1 2017: 8€ inFAMOUS: Second Son: 11€ Friday the 13th: The Game (Ultimate Slasher Edition): 19€ Worms W.M.D: 12€ Little Big Planet 3: 8€ Injustice 2: 12€ Robinson The Journey: 19€ Hidden Agenda: 9€ MudRunner: a Spintires Game (American Wilds Edition): 16€ The Last of Us: Part II: 17€ Singstar: 5€ Thats You!: 5€ Jump Force: 15€ Destiny: 5€ Destiny: The Taken King (Legendary Edition): 7€ Just Dance 2020: 16€ WWE 2K18: 15€ Dead or Alive 6: 12€ Until Dawn: Rush of Blood: 11€ Farpoint VR: 12€ Just Dance 2018: 15€ Knack: 8€ Bravo Team: 10€ Hitman (The Complete First Season): 16€ Death Stranding: 10€ Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain: 15€ Shadow of the Colossus: 13€ Battlefield: Hardline: 8€ Chimparty: 10€ NioH: 8€ Monster Hunter World: 9€ ARK (Ultimate Survivor Edition): 18€ Watch Dogs: 7€ Let's Sing Presents Queen + mikrofon: 12€ F1 2018: 9€ Star Wars: Battlefront 2: 14€ Battlefield 1: 7€ Just Dance 2021: 14€ Fallout 4: 7€ NHL 21: 18€ Titanfall 2: 7€ WWE 2K20: 10€ Let's Sing Presents Queen + mikrofon: 12€ F1 2016: 5€ FIFA 15: 4€ FIFA 16: 5€ FIFA 17: 6€ FIFA 18: 7€ FIFA 19: 8€ FIFA 20: 10€
Predám hry na PS5 a PS4: Dead Space: 52€ Gran Turismo 7 CZ: 28€ Stray: 26€ Horizon: Forbidden West CZ: 28€ Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2: 52€ Returnal: 28€ F1 2021: 19€ Battlefield 2042: 15€ FIFA 22 CZ: 22€ NBA 2K22: 12€ Chernobylite: 16€ GTA 5: 25€ Sackboy: A Big Adventure: 25€ Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales CZ: 28€ Hry na PS4: Need For Speed Heat: 23€ Project CARS 2 (Limited Edition): 18€ GTA 5 : 18€ Playerunknown's Battlegrounds: 15€ Horizon: Forbidden West: 32€ Elden Ring: 32€ Subnautica: 18€ Watch Dogs 3 Legion: 8€ Watch Dogs 2: 11€ The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt GOTY: 19€ Killzone: Shadow Fall: 8€ Days Gone: 14€ EA Sports UFC 3: 22€ Ratchet and Clank: 8€ Rise of the Tomb Raider (20 Year Celebration Edition): 10€ No Man's Sky: 14€ Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales: 27€ Marvel’s Spider-Man: 17€ UFC: 12€ The Last of Us Remastered CZ: 12€ Gran Turismo Sport CZ: 9€ Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered: 19€ Far Cry Primal: 12€ Assassins Creed: Odyssey: 14€ Assasins Creed: Origins: 12€ Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag: 10€ Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: 22€ Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare (Legacy Pro Edition): 19€ Call of Duty: WWII: 19€ Call of Duty: Black Ops 3: 15€ God of War CZ: 10€ God of War 3 Remastered: 8€ Horizon: Zero Dawn Complete: 9€ WWE 2K22: 22€ Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus: 13€ Sackboy: A Big Adventures: 22€ Driveclub: 8€ Tom Clancys Ghost Recon: Wildlands: 12€ Tom Clancys Ghost Recon: Breakpoint: 7€ Rayman Legends: 12€ Dishonored 2: 7€ Uncharted: The Lost Legacy: 12€ Uncharted 4: A Thiefs End: 9€ Uncharted (The Nathan Drake Collection): 9€ Tom Clancys The Division 2: 8€ DiRT Rally 2.0: 18€ Cyberpunk 2077: 18€ Batman: Arkham Knight: 9€ Tom Clancys Rainbow Six: Extraction: 9€ Bloodborne: 9€ Mortal Kombat X: 12€ Sackboy: A Big Adventures (Special Edition): 29€ F1 2017: 8€ inFAMOUS: Second Son: 11€ Friday the 13th: The Game (Ultimate Slasher Edition): 19€ Worms W.M.D: 12€ Little Big Planet 3: 8€ Injustice 2: 12€ Robinson The Journey: 19€ Hidden Agenda: 9€ MudRunner: a Spintires Game (American Wilds Edition): 16€ The Last of Us: Part II: 17€ Singstar: 5€ Thats You!: 5€ Jump Force: 15€ Destiny: 5€ Destiny: The Taken King (Legendary Edition): 7€ Just Dance 2020: 16€ WWE 2K18: 15€ Dead or Alive 6: 12€ Until Dawn: Rush of Blood: 11€ Farpoint VR: 12€ Just Dance 2018: 15€ Knack: 8€ Bravo Team: 10€ Hitman (The Complete First Season): 16€
Kinect hry pre Xbox 360 Kinect senzor
Predam nasledovne hry Kinect pre X360 a Kinect Sensor Carnival Game in Action - 10 € Dance Central - 9 € Dance Central 2 - 12 € Dance Central 3 - 18 € Fable The Journey - 9 € Fantasia Music Evolved - PREDANE Fighters Uncaged - PREDANE Game party in Motion - 11 € Get Fit With MelB - 12 € Just Dance 2015 - 19 € Just Dance 2016 - PREDANE Just Dance 2017 - 27 € Just Dance 2018 - 32 € Just Dance 3 - 14 € Just Dance 4 - PREDANE Just Dance Greatest Hits - 26 € Just Dance Kids - PREDANE Kincet Joy Ride - 9 € Kinect Adventures - 7 € Kinect Disneylands Adventures - 12 € Kinect NAT GEO TV America The Wild - 12 € Kinect Rush a Disney/Pixar Adventure - 20 € Kinect Sports - 9 € Kinect Sports Season Two - 14 € Kinect Star Wars - 13 € Kinectimals - PREDANE Michael Jackson The Experience - 12 € Motionsports: Play for Real - 9 € Puss in Boots - PREDANE Rabbids - Alive and Kicking - 12 € Rise of Nightmares - PREDANE Sesame Street Once upon a Monster - PREDANE Sesame Street TV Season 1 - 9 € Sonic Riders - 14 € The Black Eyed Peas Experience - 9 € The GunsTringer - PREDANE The Hip Hop Dance Experience - 38 € UFC Trainer - 9 € Winter Stars - PREDANE Yoostar 2 In The Movies - 6 € Your Shape: Fitness Evolved - 8 € Zumba Fitness - 8 € Kinect sensor - 20 € Pri kupe 5 hier, je najlacnejsia gratis. Slovenska posta 2,5€ pri platbe vopred / 3,50€ na dobierku. Packeta 3,3€ pri platbe vopred / 4,60€ na dobierku. Pozri i moje dalsie inzeraty, mozes usetrit na postovnom.
X box kinect Hry
Predám hry na xbox kinect. Kinect sport -14€ Fitness evolved -14€ Disneyland -15€ Kinectimals-18€ Kinect adventures -8€ V prípade ak zoberiete všetky hry spolu ,tak adventures priložím grátis.
Pokemon adventures
Predam manga Pokemon Adventures Gold & Silver 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. Su vo velmi dobrom stave, 14 na mierne chybicky na obale. 10€/kus, ak vsetky spolu dam ich za 40€ + postovne podla cennika slovenskej posty, balne neuctujem prosim piste na EMAIL alebo SMS, nevolat
Hry pre deti na XBOX360 s RGH
Predam 2x64GB USB kluc s hrami pre deti na XBOX360 s RGH. Hry obsahuju vsetky doplnky ako napr. dalsie levely, pribehy, postavy, auta, trate apod. XBOX360 musi mat RGH upravu, teda Aurora alebo Freestyle menu. Ak neviete, ci mate upravu RGH, kontaktujte ma emailom. Samozrejme poskytnem aj nazorny navod ako v Aurora menu skopirovat hry z USB na HDD XBOXu a nastavit pre spustenie. Hry: Crash Bandicoot - Wrath of Cortex\ Crash Mind over Mutant\ Crash of the Titans\ Crash Tag Team Racing\ Crash Twinsanity\ Disney Epic Mickey 2\ Disney Infinity 3.0\ Disney Mickey Castle of Illusion\ Disney Universe\ DuckTales Remastered\ Goat Simulator\ Looney Tunes Acme Arsenal\ MineCraft Complete Edition\ Minecraft Story Mode The Complete Adventure\ Pac-Man Ghostly Adventures 1\ Pac-Man Ghostly Adventures 2\ Rayman Legends\ Rayman Origins\ Shrek Forever After\ Sonic & Knuckles\ Sonic 4 Episode 1\ Sonic 4 Episode 2\ Sonic Adventure 1\ Sonic Adventure 2\ Sonic CD\ Sonic Generations\ Sonic Sega Racing\ Sonic the Fighters\ Sonic the Hedgehog\ Sonic Transformed\ Sonic Unleashed\ Spongebob Heropants\ The Peanuts Movie Snoopys Grand Adventure\ The Smurfs 2\ Turbo Super Stunt Squad\ Where the Wild Things Are\ Preferujem osobny odber, pripadne postou po zaplateni postovneho vopred. V okoli viem aj doviezt. Prosim kontaktovat emailom cez kontaktny formular a nie telefonicky. Cislo je vymyslene kvoli podvodnikom. Dakujem. Due to the new legal provisions, the sale is made without any warranty, guarantee or return. Since this is a private sale, I cannot assume any guarantee under new EU law. The buyer agrees to this and acknowledges this with his purchase! According to the new EU law, this addition must appear under every online sale, otherwise the seller is also liable as a private person for a whole year for the goods sold!
Kinect Adventures XBOX 360
Ponúkam na predaj plne funkčnú hru Kinect Adventures na XBOX 360. Hra vyžaduje KINECT kameru! Cena je 8 eur. Preferujem osobný odber, pošlem aj poštou - cena dobierky je 4€, v prípade platby vopred na účet je cena poštovného iba 2,50€. Kontakt: Volať/SMS na alebo mailom cez kontaktný formulár.
Unlock Uniková hra - Escape Adventures, 19 EUR
Predám Únikovú hru Unlock! Escape Adventures. Cena 19, eur (+poštovné). Ako nová. Osobný odber v Bratislave možný alebo zaslanie poštou cez dobierku (poštovné sa platí vopred prevodom na účet).
Lego Creator
nerozbalene sety: 31025 MOUNTAIN HUT 42,00€ 31047 PROPELLER PLANE 16,00€ 31063 BEACHSIDE VACATION 26,00€ 31065 PARK STREET TOWNHOUSE 59,00€ 31066 SPACE SHUTTLE EXPLORER 29,00€ 31076 DAREDEVIL STUNT PLANE 18,00 € 31079 SUNSHINE SURFER VAN 37,00 € 31085 MOBILE STUNT SHOW 39,00 € 31093 RIVERSIDE HOUSEBOAT 24,00 € 31094 RACE PLANE 24,00 € 31095 FAIRGROUND CAROUSEL 49,00 € 31096 TWIN-ROTOR HELICOPTER 49,00 € 31097 TOWNHOUSE PET SHOP & CAFE 79,00 € 31107 SPACE ROVER EXPLORER 49,00 € 31116 SAFARI WILDLIFE TREEHOUSE 25,00 € 31117 SPACE SHUTTLE ADVENTURES 45,00 € 31015 SMARAGD EXPRESS 10,00 € 31040 DESERT RACERS 7,00 € 31041 CONSTRUCTION VEHICLES 6,00 € pouzite sety: 31032 RED CREATURES 20,00 € - iba navod, bez krabice 5766 LOG CABIN 22,00 € - navod, krabica (7/10) 31026 BIKE SHOP AND CAFE 75,00 € - navod, krabica 5770 LIGHTHOUSE ISLAND CREATOR 49,00 € - iba navod, bez krabice 4993 Cool Convertible 29,00 € - navod, krabica v horšom stave 31053 Treehouse Adventures 27,00 € - navod a krabica 4955 BIG RIG 59,00 € - navod, bez krabice 4956 HOUSE 69,00 € - navod, krabica, kompletnost 99 % 6754 FAMILY HOUSE 65,00 € - navod, krabica, kompletnost 99% kontakt e-mailom.
Rodinné sídlo ⎮ Penzión ⎮ Vysoké Tatry
Vychutnajte si relax, pohodu, hory príjemných zážitkov, spojením Vysokých Tatier a čarovného miesta v nich. To miesto, rodinné sídlo s vlastnosťou penziónu si hľadá nového majiteľa. Popis: • 2437m2 pozemok • 1463m2 Vila • 16 Izieb • 10 Kúpení • 2 Kuchyne • 102m2 Veľká sála • 82m2 Plne vybavený bar • Suterén • Vyhrievaný stan • Výstavba r. 2006 • Lokalita Veľká Lomnica – Vysoké Tatry • Cena v RK Full HD video-prezentácia v tomto inzeráte. Viac informácií o nehnuteľnosti Vám radi poskytneme na t.č. , alebo business@ -------------------------- Experience peace, relax and new adventures in this magical place nearby High Tatras. This real estate mansion is looking for new owner. Summary: • 2437 sq. meters of land • 1463sq. meters Villa • 16 bedrooms • 10 bathrooms • 2 kitchen • 102 sq. meters main Hall • 82 sq. meters Bar • first floor • build in 2006 • Location Veľká Lomnica- High Tatras • 2800 sq. meters of land for sale next to mansion • more information upon request Full HD video presentation in this ad.