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skate of mind - strana 20

Počet nájdených inzerátov SKATE OF MIND : 1000 - strana 20

Materialy - anglictina, nemcina, francuzcina
Predam materialy vhodne pre studentov alebo samoukov. Project, English in mind, panorama, ausblick, pinpong new, komix darujem zadarmo pri odbere viac kusov. Kontaktujte ma prosim cez formular. Cislo vymyslene.
Wilder Girls
Rory Power - Wilder Girls. Je ako nová. Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email. Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty *** A feminist Lord of the Flies about three best friends living in quarantine at their island boarding school, and the lengths they go to uncover the truth of their confinement when one disappears. This fresh, new debut is a mind-bending novel unlike anything you've read before. It's been eighteen months since the Raxter School for Girls was put under quarantine. Since the Tox hit and pulled Hetty's life out from under her. It started slow. First the teachers died one by one. Then it began to infect the students, turning their bodies strange and foreign. Now, cut off from the rest of the world and left to fend for themselves on their island home, the girls don't dare wander outside the school's fence, where the Tox has made the woods wild and dangerous. They wait for the cure they were promised as the Tox seeps into everything. But when Byatt goes missing, Hetty will do anything to find her, even if it means breaking quarantine and braving the horrors that lie beyond the fence. And when she does, Hetty learns that there's more to their story, to their life at Raxter, than she could have ever thought true.
Knihy - úplne nové alebo 100% stav
Predám tieto knihy v 100% stave za uvedené ceny: Jordan B. Peterson 12 rules for life 2018 12,00 EUR nová kniha Prof Steve Peters The mind management 10,00 EUR nová kniha Catel&Bocquet Kiki de Montparnasse 14,00 EUR Diary of a Wimpy kids Dog days 6,00 EUR E L James Shades of grey 10,00 EUR E L James Shades of grey 10,00 EUR Vian J´irai Cracher sur vos tombes 6,00 EUR Marjane Satrapi Persepolis 6,00 EUR Haruki Murakami Norwegian Vood 9,00 EUR Cena nezahŕňa cenu poštovného. Osobný odber v Bratislave alebo cez Slovenskú poštu ( cena podľa cenníka SP ). Kontaktujte ma telefonicky, e-mailom alebo cez WhatsApp. Na SMS neodpovedám. Na odpoveď na inzerát reagujem takmer okamžite. Skontrolujte si SPAM.
Blu ray David Lynch, Alain Delon, Pulp Fiction a iné
Predám blu-ray disky filmov Pulp Fiction, The Lost Highway, Le Cercle Rouge, Mullholand Drive, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Rashomon, Adaptation. Cena jednotlivo 5 EUR, spolu 25 EUR.
BARCLAY JAMES HARVEST Live tapes LIVE BEACH BOYS Pet sounds Stereo BOWIE David Legacy the best of BOWIE David Ziggy Stardust and the spiders from mars....1972 BOWIE David Lets dance BUSH Kate Lionheart BUSH Kate The dreaming BUSH Kate The sensual world 1990 CLAPTON Eric 461 Ocean Boulevard CLAPTON Eric Behind the sun COLLINS Phil Hallo i must be going COLLINS Phil No jacket requied COLLINS Phil But seriously DAŠEK Rudolf Dialogy DAŠEK+RUYICKA+WEGEHAUPT Mezipristáni-interlanding ELTON John Captain fantastic and the Brown dirt Cowboy ELTON John Breaking hearts Ennio moricone Sound giganten EURYTHMICS Be yorself tonight FLEETWOOD MAC Then play on FLEETWOOD MAC Rumours GENESIS Selling england by the pound GENESIS The lamb lies down on Broadway GENESIS A Trick Of The Tail GENESIS Wind and Wuthering GENESIS And then there were three GENESIS Duke GENESIS Genesis GENESIS Invisible touch GENESIS Abacab Gershwin Rhapsody in blue HARRISON George Cloud nine Hitsarada IRON MAIDEN Piece of mind...1983 JETHRO TULL Minstrel in the gallery JETHRO TULL Heavy horses JETHRO TULL Thick as a Brick 1971 JETHRO TULL Storm watch JETHRO TULL The broadsword and the beast John Kincade When KOCÁB Michal Povídali že mu hráli LEVEL 42 Rumming of the family MARILLION Script for a Jesters tear MARILLION Fugazi MARILLION Misplaced chilhood MARILLION Clutching at straws MARILLION Seasons end MARILLION Holidays in eden MARILLION The thieving magpie LIVE MARLEY Bob and the WAILERS The legend Best of 1972-1981 BEST MATT BIANCO Whose Side Are You On MATT BIANCO Matt Bianco MATT BIANCO Indigo McCARTNEY & WINGS All the best. BEST McCARTNEY & WINGS Band of the run McCARTNEY & WINGS Venus and Mars.....Japan press....... McCARTNEY & WINGS Wings at the Speed of sound McCARTNEY & WINGS London town McCARTNEY & WINGS Back to the egg McCARTNEY & WINGS Tug of war McCARTNEY Paul Pipes of peace McCARTNEY Paul Flowers in the dirth McCARTNEY Paul Press to play MEN AT WORK Bussines as usual MIŠÍK Vladimír & ETC debut LP NENA 99 Luftballons Parker Davis Forderpreis Peter Maffay Kein weg zu weit POLICE Zenyatta mondatta POLICE Synchronicity SADE
Vietnámske prasiatka
Predám vietnámske prasiatka. 3 ks vsetky chlapci, kastrované. Eladó vietnami malacok. 3 darab. Mind fiú, kasztráltak.
English in Mind 1 + CD
Predám učebnicu a pracovný zošit, sú vo veľmi dobrom stave, vyplnené len ceruzkou. Cena spolu 9€, pracovný zošit 3€ a učebnica 6€. Bližšie info:
English in Mind - Starter + CD
Predám učebnicu a pracovný zošit, sú vo veľmi dobrom stave, vyplnené len ceruzkou. Cena spolu 9€, pracovný zošit 3€ a učebnica 6€. Bližšie info:
Podsvietenie vyfuku Monster - Nalepka sports mind zdarma
rozne farby podsvietenia univerzalne na kazde auto
English in Mind
Výborný stav, pracovný zošit je nevyplnený, v knihe sú vyplnené asi 4 cvičenia Obsahuje DVD Cena spolu: 25€+poštovné prosím kontaktujte ma cez mail
Pracovné zošity, učebné materiály, zošity
Predám Pracovný zošit / Workbook Oxford - Maturita Solutions Third Edition (upper intermediate) - predané Pracovný zošit / Workbook Macmillan - Gateway B1+ Knihu - Maturita z matematiky (+ príprava na prijímacie skúšky na vysokú školu) Knihu- Krok za krokom k maturite: Literatúra (predaná) Knihu- Krok za krokom k maturite: Slovenský jazyk (predaná) Čisté zošity 420e A4 - 2x Linajkované zošity 484 A4 - 2x Hudobná náuka pre 1. ročník základných umeleckých škôl (ZUŠ) English in Mind (Second edition) - Student’s book + Workbook 2
Predám NOVÉ PSP PORTABLE  + krabica + 17 hier
Predám NOVÉ PSP PORTABLE v čiernom prevedení. Nikdy nehrané. Balíček obsahuje : - NOVÉ PSP PORTABLE zabalené v krabici. - 17 hier /CRASH, NARUTO a../ - každá hra má krabičku, buklet aj knižku. - pamäťovka. - nabíjačka. - návod. - a krabica. Zoznam hier : 1. AVATAR 2. CARS 2 3. CRASH MIND OVER MUTANT 4. DAXTER 5. EVERYBODY´S GOLF 6. EVERYBODY´S GOLF 2 7. G-FORCE 8. HARRY POTTER LEGO 1-4 9. INDIANA JONES 2 LEGO 10. JAK & DAXTER : THE LOST FRONTIER 11. KINGDOM OF FANTASY 12. MEDIEVIL : RESURRECTION 13. NARUTO : ULTIMATE NINJA HEROES 14. PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN LEGO 15. RATCHET & CLANK : SIZE MATTERS 16. SPIDERMAN 3 17. SURF´S UP Cena za všetko spolu : 199€. Aj pošta aj osobný odber. MT : .
Predám originál hry na SONY PSP PORTABLE - detské
Predám originál hry na SONY PSP PORTABLE- detské. Každá hra ma : krabičku, buklet aj knižku. Zoznam hier : 1. AVATAR – 10€ 2. CARS 2 -10€ 3. CRASH MIND OVER MUTANT - 19€ 4. DAXTER - 10€ 5. EVERYBODY´S GOLF - 10€ 6. EVERYBODY´S GOLF 2 - 10€ 7. G-FORCE - 10€ 8. HARRY POTTER LEGO 1-4 - 10€ 9. INDIANA JONES 2 LEGO - 10€ 10. JAK & DAXTER : THE LOST FRONTIER - 10€ 11. KINGDOM OF FANTASY - 10€ 12. MEDIEVIL : RESURRECTION - 10€ 13. NARUTO : ULTIMATE NINJA HEROES - 19€ 14. PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN LEGO - 10€ 15. RATCHET & CLANK : SIZE MATTERS - 10€ 16. SPIDERMAN 3 – 15 € 17. SURF´S UP – 10€ Cena za všetky spolu : 17 hier len za 150€. Alebo pri väčšom odbere zľava. Aj pošta aj osobný odber. MT : .
Love Your Life - Sophie Kinsella
Predam uplne novu knizku, necitana. Povodna cena 13,40€, predam za 7€. O knihe: I love you... but what if I can't love your life? Ava is sick of online dating. She's always trusted her own instincts over an algorithm, anyway, and she wants a break from it all. So when she signs up to a semi-silent, anonymous writing retreat in glorious Italy, love is the last thing on her mind. Until she meets a handsome stranger... All she knows is that he's funny, he's kind and - she soon learns - he's great in bed. He's equally smitten, and after a whirlwind, intoxicating affair, they pledge their love without even knowing each other's real names. But when they return home, reality hits. They're both driven mad by each other's weird quirks and annoying habits, from his eccentric, naked-sauna-loving family to her terribly behaved, shirt-shredding dog. As disaster follows disaster, it seems that while they love each other, they just can't love each other's lives. Can they overcome their differences to find one life, together?
Anglicke knihy rozne zanre
Sada The Lord of the rings 1,2,3 + The Hobbit (J.R.R. Tolkien) Predane The Children of Hurin (J.R.R. Tolkien) Predane Signs of the gods? (Erich von Daniken) 5 EUR The Time machine (H.G. Wells) 1EUR Tricks of the mind (Derren Brown) 5 EUR Let my people go surfing (Yvon Chouinard) 8 EUR King Solomon's mines (H. Rider Haggards) 1 EUR The dance of reality (Alexander Jodorowsky) 8 EUR Vsetky spolu 25EUR
Anglicke a Spanielake knihy
Lierre Keith - The Vegetarian myth /10€ Osho - Meditation / 6€ Allan Max Collins - Air force one /3€ Tom Clancy / The hunt for red october / 3€ Hal Lindsey - Satan is alive and well on planet earth / 3€ Paul Harrington - The secret of teen power /4€ Paulo Coelho - The Valkyries /8€ Paulo Coelho - Mannual of the warrior of life/8€ Richard Carlson - An hour to live an hour to love / 3€ Robert Louis Stevenson - El extrano caso del Dr. Jekyl y Mr. Hyde / 3€ Mary Sheley - Frankenstein - EN - / 3€ Gabriel Gancía Márquez - Crónica de una muerta anunciada - / 8€ Oxford - Basic English Dictionary / 3€ Francuzsko Slovensky slovnik / 8€ Homer - The Odyssey / 4€ Derren Brown - Tricks of the mind / 10€ Derren Brown - Happy /Why more or less everything is absolutelly fine / 10€ Charles Dickens - A tale of two cities / 3€ Bran Stoker - Drakula /ES/3€ Osho - The book of children / 8€ Joseph Heller - Catch 22 / 6€ Jack London - The call of the wild and white fang / 3€ Ayumu Takahashi - Love and Free/ 20 € Edward O´Thoole - Zen Gnosis / 6€ Abrazoz - / 6€
Knihy v anglictine a spanelstine
Lierre Keith - The Vegetarian Myth / 10€ Allan Max Collins - Air force one /3€ Tom Clancy / The hunt for red October / 3€ Hal Lindsey - Satan is alive and well on planet earth / 3€ Paul Harrington - The secret of teen power /4€ Paulo Coelho - The Valkyries /8€ Paulo Coelho - Mannual of the warrior of life/8€ Richard Carlson - An hour to live an hour to love / 3€ Robert Louis Stevenson - El extrano caso del Dr. Jekyl y Mr. Hyde / 3€ Mary Sheley - Frankenstein - EN - / 3€ Gabriel Gancía Márquez - Crónica de una muerta anunciada - / 8€ Oxford - Basic English Dictionary / 3€ Francuzsko Slovensky slovnik / 8€ Homer - The Odyssey / 4€ Derren Brown - Tricks of the mind / 10€ Derren Brown - Happy /Why more or less everything is absolutelly fine / 10€ Charles Dickens - A tale of two cities / 3€ Bran Stoker - Drakula /SP/3€ Osho - The book of children / 8€ Joseph Heller - Catch 22 / 6€ Jack London - The call of the wild and white fang / 3€ Ayumu Takahashi - Love and Free/ 20 € Edward O´Thoole - Zen Gnosis / 6€ Abrazoz - / 6€
Love and Other Disasters - Anita Kelly
Predam uplne novu knizku, necitana. Povodna cena 12,95€, predam za 7€. O knihe: Recently divorced Dahlia Woodson is ready to reinvent herself and she's found the perfect opportunity: the hit cooking competition show Chef's Special. Falling flat on her face on the first day is admittedly not the best start, but Dahlia isn't going to let it mess up her focus. London Parker is also there to win. As the first non-binary contestant on Chef's Special, they have a lot to prove, and they have enough on their mind without being distracted by the pretty contestant who crashed into them on Day One and hasn't really stopped talking since. After filming a few episodes, Dahlia and London grow closer and things get a little steamy as they spend more time together outside of the show. Suddenly winning isn't as important as either of them thought, but when their relationship starts to feel the heat both in and out of the kitchen, Dahlia and London realise that love doesn't always follow a recipe.
predam 2 knihy Fyzika pre medikov zrozumitelna v schemach
predam 3 knihy: skvela strucna pomocka na rychle pochopenie priebehu fyzikalnych dejov zobrazene vo vzorcoch a v schemach: 1. Slovensko-anglicky subor pamatovych map zakladov fyziky a informatiky, 2. Mind maps zakladov fyziky a informatiky, 3. Dictionary of physical therms in medical praxis [vykladovy slovnik fyzikalnej terminologie] cena: 2 Eura/kus, , prinesiem na LF
CD Queensrÿche – The Art Of Live 2004
cena 9E + (dobierka 5E - zásielkovň) --- USA, Heavy Metal, live album, hrací čas 67:07, originál, výborný zánovní stav.... Mayan Records/Sanctuary – MYNCD024 Tracklist 1 Tribe 6:10 2 Sign Of The Times 3:40 3 Open 4:41 4 Losing Myself 4:08 5 Desert Dance 4:15 6 The Great Divide 4:39 7 Rhythm Of Hope 3:37 8 My Global Mind 4:19 9 Roads To Madness 5:09 10 Della Brown 6:21 11 Anybody Listening? 6:49 12 Breaking The Silence 4:38 13 The Needle Lies 3:15 14 Best I Can 5:30 Geoff Tate Vocals Michael Wilton Guitars Mike Stone Guitars Eddie Jackson Bass Scott Rockenfield Drums