slepuch had - strana 12
Počet nájdených inzerátov SLEPUCH HAD
: 280 - strana 12

Predám veľmi málo používanú Shimano brzdu hydr. MT501 BLMT501/BRMT520 zadnú +platn. D03S.
Brzda je odvzdušnená, hadica má dĺžku 1500mm. Brzda bola na bicykli len pár týždňov takže platničky sú ako nové.
V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte mailom.

Lonely Planet’s Best of Ireland is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Wander from village to village along Connemara’s coast, discover music-filled pubs in Galway and sample the best pint of Guinness you’ve ever had in Dublin – all with your trusted travel companion. Get to the heart of Ireland and begin your journey now!

Náhrdelníky nenosené
- ružový 4€
- tyrkysový 6€
- goralkové 1,50€/ks
Náramky nosené:
- bodkované 1€/ks
- had 2€ (lebo mu chýba pár kamienkov)
- s hviezdou 1€/ks
- oranžový 2€
Malý náramok ako darček zdarma pri kúpe všetkych naramkov

Možný osobný odber v Bratislave
Allen Carr will help you break addiction for ever in this fully updated edition of The Only Way to Stop Smoking Permanently. This book will help you: - Achieve the right frame of mind to quit - Avoid weight gain - Quit without dependence on rules or gimmicks - Enjoy the freedom and choices that non-smokers have in life - Quit without willpower It's time to begin your new life as a non-smoker with Allen Carr's The Only Way to Stop Smoking Permanently. A different approach... a stunning success, Sun I was exhilarated by a new sense of freedom, Independent His skill is in removing psychological dependence, Sunday Times Allow Allen Carr to help you escape painlessly today, Obvserver A successful accountant, Allen Carr's hundred-cigarettes-a-day addiction was driving him to despair until, in 1983, after countless failed attempts to quit, he finally discovered what the world had been waiting for - the Easy Way to Stop Smoking. He has built a network of clinics that span the globe and gained a phenomenal reputation for success in helping smokers to quit.

Predám tohto krásneho samca , velmi dobrej povahy . Vhodny geneticky aj do chovu , aj ako maznák - kvoli velmi kludnej povahe vhodny aj do detskych ruk pod dozorom.
Momentalne ma 7 mesiacov , a 400g
Genetika pinstripe 100% het. Clown

Automatický espresso kávovar Bravo ROOMA RM-A10 vám pripraví kvalitnú a chutnú kávu. Doprajte si kávu podľa vašej chuti kedykoľvek budete mať chuť. Kombinuje minimalistický dizajn a kvalitne spracované vybavenie. Dokonalý a plne automatický spotrebič pre milovníkov lahodnej kávy.Vlastnosti a špecifikácie:
vie pripraviť voňavé espresso, lahodné cappuccino alebo latté s bohatou krémovou penou
vyberateľná sparovacia jednotka talianskej výroby
čerpadlo s max. tlakom 19 bar
kapacita nádoby na kávové zrná: 250 g
kapacita nádrže na vodu: 1700 ml
kapacita zásobníka na kávovú usadeninu: 8 porcií
kapacita odkvapkávacej misky: 800 ml
menovitá záťaž 1 - 15 káv denne
nastavenie: teploty varenia, varného tlaku, objemu kávy 20 - 250 ml, množstva kávy 7 - 12 g
ovládanie všetkých funkcií pomocou dotykového displeja TFT had a doplnkového informačného LCD displeja
vysokorýchlostný výkonný procesor MCU
funkcia OneTouch - všetko jedným dotykom, ľahko, rýchlo a jedným stlačením
systém Easy Clean
osvedčenia o zhode CB, LFGB, Rohs, Erps, GS, CE
rozmery: 50 x 27 x 35 cm
napätie: 220-240 V, 50/60 HZ
príkon: 1300 - 1500 W
príkon v pohotovostnom režime 2 W
Len osobný odber.
Cena v eshope: 749.00 €

Predám kovové trubky do vycapneho chladiaceho zariadenia na štyri okruhy.
Výška: 28.5cm Šírka: 23.5cm Hĺbka: 23cm
Na cene dohoda možná.
Len osobný odber v Malackách alebo v okolí.
zn.: slimak, had, trubky, pipa, snek

dámska kožená kabelka vyrobená zo 100 % hadia koža vyrobená z pravého pythona - pravý had cca 30x20 cm cena 40 eur vo výbornom stave viď foto
- krásna moderná značková cestovná taška Marylyn Monroe veľkosť cca 46 x 30 x 20 cm cena 25 eur nová nepoužívaná
- kožená taška cross body cez plece vyrobená z kvalitnej 100 % pravej kože veľkosť cca 27 x 35 x 17 cm cena 35 eur vo výbornom stave viď foto
- čierna kožená taška typu crossbody cez plece Porsche Design, model Krokodíl, 100 % pravá koža cena 74 Euro - nová nepoužívaná
- čierna kožená aktovka, diplomatky, brašňa, taška značky Mont Blanc Meisterstuck leather briefcase bag pôvodná cena cez 1 900 eur teraz iba za zostatkovú cenu 99 eur vo vnútri má logá Mont Blanc a je vo výbornom stave viď foto

Predame tento vankus(slengovne had) pre tehotne. Posluzi aj na kojenie popripade ako zabrana pre dieta, aby nespadlo. Stav ako nove

P r e d á m
kompletnú sadu strieborných mincí Lunar II od Perth mint. Lunárna séria je veľmi žiadanou zbierkou mincí a bude obohatením zbierky každého aj hobby zberateľa. Mince sú uzavreté v originálnych kapsulách a sú v 100% stave.
2008 Potkan
2009 Byvol
2010 Tiger
2011 Zajac
2012 Drak
2013 Had
2014 Kôň
2015 Koza
2016 Opica
2017 Kohút
2018 Pes
2019 Prasa
Mince posielam cez . Cena jednej sady mincí je 645€ + 15€ poštovné.
Mám k dispozícii viacero kompletných sérií. K minciam ponúkam dekoratívnu drevenú krabičku alebo etui za doplatok +60 € a tiež zdarma príbalovú kartičku v českom jazyku.
V prípade otázok alebo nejasností ma prosím kontaktujte do správy. Odpovedám do 24h.
I s.e.l.l the complete LUNAR II Series Silver coins as shown on the fotos. I keep all coins in vacuum sealed bags. Pure silver. I have multiple sets.
I ship to all European countries. Payment in advance. Cost of delivery bears the buyer (depends on the country). You can contact me for questions at
m i r o s l a v @ t - o n l i n e . d e

pri objednavke do 20e budem uctovat 1e za balne
maxi single
a-ha – Crying In The Rain //Ger 1990// VG+/VG+ 10e
Blondie / Amii Stewart – Dreaming / Eat To The Beat / Jealousy / He's A Burglar //Spa 1980//spanielske promo VG+/VG+ 20e
Blondie – Denis //UK 1978// VG+/VG+ 10e
Bon Jovi – Wanted Dead Or Alive //Jap 1987//s OBI a 2 insertami VG+/NM 20e
Debbie Harry – Rush Rush //Ger 1986// NM/NM 17e
Jermaine Jackson & Pia Zadora – When The Rain Begins To Fall //Ger 1984// VG+/VG+ 5e
Kim Wilde – Kids In America //Ger 1981// VG/VG 15e
Sandra – Everlasting Love //Ger 1987// VG+/VG+ 7e
Survivor – Didn't Know It Was Love //Ger 1988//modry vinyl VG+/VG+ 10e
Whitesnake – Here I Go Again //Hol 1987// VG+/VG+ 9e
Bangles – Manic Monday //Hol 1985// VG/VG+ 3e
Berlin – Take My Breath Away (Love Theme From "Top Gun") //Hol 1986// VG+/VG 3e
Billy Idol – Eyes Without A Face //Ger 1984// VG+/VG 4e
Bill Medley & Jennifer Warnes – (I've Had) The Time Of My Life //Ger 1987// VG/VG 3e
Blondie – Dreaming //UK 1979// VG+/VG 5e
Blondie – Call Me //Ger 1980// VG+/VG 4e
Bonnie Bianco & Pierre Cosso – Stay / No Tears Anymore //Ger 1987// VG+/VG 3e
Bryan Adams, Rod Stewart & Sting – All For Love //EU 1993// VG+/VG+ 4e
Culture Club – Karma Chameleon //Fra 1983// VG+/VG+ 3e
Dire Straits – Walk Of Life //Ger 1985// mensi skrabanec na A strane,ziaden vplyv na zvuk VG+/VG+ 4e
Ennio Morricone – Der Profi //Ger 1982// VG/VG+ 3e
F-R David – Words //Ger 1982// VG+/VG- 3e
James Galway / Henry Mancini – Meggie's Theme //US 1984// VG/VG+ 3e
Kenny Loggins – Footloose //Ger 1984// VG+/VG+ 3e
Kenny Loggins – Meet Me Half Way //Hol 1987// VG+/VG 4e
Laura Branigan – The Lucky One //Ger 1984// VG+/VG 3e
Motörhead / Girlschool – St. Valentines Day Massacre //UK 1981// VG+/VG+ 8e
Nick Kamen – I Promised Myself Ger 1990// VG+/VG 3e
Ray Parker Jr. – Ghostbusters Ger 1984// VG+/VG 3e
Samantha Fox – Nothing's Gonna Stop Me Now //Ger 1987// VG+/VG 3e
Sandra – In The Heat Of The Night //Ger 1985// VG+/VG+ 3e
Starship – Sara //Ger 1986// VG+/VG 3e
Starship – Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now //Ger 1987// VG+/VG 3e
Survivor – Eye Of The Tiger //Ger 1982// VG+/VG+ 4e
Wilson Phillips – Hold On //EU 1992// VG+/VG 4e

5IVE - 5ive (Instrumental Sludge, Tortuga Recordings 2001) - 5€
BELL WITCH - Four Phantoms (Funeral Doom Metal Cult, Profound Lore Records 2018, nové, zabalené, digipak) - 23€
BLOODY OBSESSION - Husaria (Death Metal, Pařát Production 2017, nové) - 4€
BLUT AUS NORD - Ultima Thulée (Atmospheric Black Metal, Debemur Morti Productions, nové, zabalené, digipak) - 10€
Edícia na čiernom CD disku.
BLUT AUS NORD - Memoria Vetusa I - Fathers of the Icy Ages
(Atmospheric Black Metal, Debemur Morti Productions, nové, zabalené, digipak) - 10€
Edícia na čiernom CD disku.
DEIFICATION – A New God Had Been Created (Death Metal, Brutal Cave Productions 2019, Pro-CDr, nové) - 4€
ENSHINE - Singularity (Atmospheric Death/Doom, Rain Without End Records 2015) - 18€
Pre fanúšikov kapiel Rapture, Slumber, October Tide, Swallow the Sun atď.
FORHIST - Forhist (Atmospheric Black Metal, Debemur Morti Productions, nové, zabalené, digipak) - 11€
FUNERAL TEARS - The Only Way Out (Funeral Doom Metal, Cold Art Industry, limited edition, slipcase, nové, zabalené) - 5€
Pre fanúšikov kapiel Colosseum, Frowning, Evoken atď.
INGROWING - Cyberspace (Grindcore, Pařát Production 2018, nové) - 5€
CD MIDNIGHT ODYSSEY - Firmament (Ambient Black Metal, I, Voidhanger Records 2010, nové, zabalené) - 23€
MOURNING DAWN - Dead End Euphoria (Black/Doom Metal, Aesthetic Death Records 2021, nové) - 3€
Predávam iba ako samotné CD, bez obalu a bookletu!
OLDBLOOD - Possessed By Metal From Hell (Thrash/Black n´ Roll, Hell Productions 2013, nové) - 7€
THRICE - The Artist In The Ambulance (Post Hardcore/Rock, Island Records 2003) - 3€
THRICE - Vheissu (Post Hardcore/Rock, Island Records 2005) - 4€
THRICE - If We Could Only See Us Now (CD kompilácia + DVD dokument, Island Records 2005) - 3€
WIGRID - Die Asche Eines Lebens (No Colours Records 2005, nové) - 10€
Black Metal v štýle Burzum.
YERÛŠELEM - The Sublime (Industrial/Experimental/Dreamgaze/Metal, Debemur Morti Productions 2019, nové, zabalené, digipak) - 7€
Možný osobný odber v CA, poštou zasielam len po uhradení sumy za dobierku (4€) vopred na účet.
Alebo suma za daný titul plus 2€ poštovné, pri platbe celkovej sumy vopred na účet.
Kontakt cez e-mail alebo sms.
Pozrite aj ďalšie moje inzeráty kliknutím na moje meno.

P r e d á m
kompletnú sadu mincí Lunárna séria II / LUNAR 2 SILVER COINS 1OZ od Perth mint.
Jedna sada obsahuje týchto 12 mincí:
2008 Potkan
2009 Byvol
2010 Tiger
2011 Zajac
2012 Drak
2013 Had
2014 Kôň
2015 Koza
2016 Opica
2017 Kohút
2018 Pes
2019 Prasa
Mince sú v pôvodnom stave, nikdy nevyberaná z originálnych plastových kapsúl.
Investícia do drahých kovov je najmä v časoch krízy a neistoty jedinou účinnou ochranou proti inflácii. A nielen to. Investovať do zberateľských mincí prináša pridanú hodnotu a istotu, že ich hodnota nebude v budúcnosti klesať, ale naopak rásť.
Lunárna séria od Perth Mint patrí medzi jedny z naobľúbenejších zberateľských mincí. Táto séria si získala srdcia mnohých zberateľov vo svete a pomaly sa udomácňuje aj na Slovensku alebo v Čechách.
V prípade vážneho záujmu ma môžete kedykoľvek kontaktovať na
m i r o s l a v @ t - o n l i n e . d e
Mince posielam cez . Cena jednej sady mincí je 645€ + 15€ poštovné.
I s e l l silver coin(s) as shown on the photo(s). The coin have always been kept in original capsules. I store all coins in vacuum sealed bags. Pure silver 9999. I can offer you multiple sets of the Lunar II series coins. I ship to all European countries upon request. Payment in advance. Cost of delivery bears the buyer and may vary by country. If you have questions, please contact me anytime at
m i r o s l a v @ t - o n l i n e . d e

Predám dištančné podložky pod betonarsku výstuž:
22ks - Dištančná lišta profilová - zubová PVC 25mm - 2m
14ks - Dištančná podložka oceľová 60 mm (had)
Cena za komplet 30€, osobny odber - Ilava

The Mission God's own medicine 7,00 €
The Mission Children 3,00 €
The Mission Carved in sand 3,00 €
The Mission Grains of sand 5,00 €
The Mission Neverland 6,00 €
The Mission Masque 6,00 €
The Offspring Ixnay on the hombre 6,00 €
The Offspring Conspiracy of one (japan,+OBI) 6,00 €
The Offspring Splinter 5,00 €
The Outpatience Anxious disease 8,00 €
The Parlor Mob And you were a crow 8,00 €
The Rolling Stones Voodoo lounge 5,00 €
The Rolling Stones Bridges to Babylon 5,00 €
The Rolling Stones A bigger bang 5,00 €
The Rolling Stones A bigger bang (CD+DVD) 7,00 €
The Sisters Of Mercy Vision thing 8,00 €
The Sisters Of Mercy Greatest hits volume one (A slight case of overbombing) 6,00 €
The Who Ultimate collection (digipak,3CD) 9,00 €
Thunder Back street symphony 8,00 €
Thunder Behind closed doors 4,00 €
Thunder Laughing on judgement day 7,00 €
Thunder Rip it up (nový) 8,00 €
Thunder All the right noises (digipak,nový) 8,00 €
Tom Petty Let me up (I've had enough) 6,00 €
Tom Petty Wildflowers 6,00 €
Tom Petty Full moon fever 6,00 €
Tom Petty Into the great wide open 6,00 €
Tommy Lee TommyLand: The ride 5,00 €
Toto IV 5,00 €
Toto The seventh one 5,00 €
Toto Isolation 7,00 €
Toto Kingdom of desire 6,00 €
Toto Tambu 7,00 €
U2 War 6,00 €
U2 The unfogettable fire 6,00 €
U2 The Joshua tree 6,00 €
U2 Rattle and hum 5,00 €
U2 Achtung baby 6,00 €
U2 Achtung baby (nový) 7,00 €
U2 Achtung baby (digipak) 6,00 €
U2 All that you can't leave behind 5,00 €
U2 How to dismantle an atomic bomb 4,00 €
U2 18 singles (superbox) 7,00 €
U2 The best of 1980-1990 5,00 €
U2 The best of 1990-2000 6,00 €
Under Suspicion Under Suspicion 7,00 €
Unruly Child Can't go home 8,00 €
Ultravox Quartet 5,00 €
Uriah Heep Demons and wizards 7,00 €
Uriah Heep Firefly 7,00 €
Uriah Heep Innocent victim 7,00 €
Velvet Revolver Contraband 6,00 €
Whitesnake Come and get it 6,00 €
Zan Clan We are Zan Clan ...Who the fuck are you ??! 13,00 €
ZZ Top Eliminator 5,00 €
ZZ Top Afterburner 5,00 €
ZZ Top Recycler 6,00 €
klikni na meno a pozri ďalšiu ponuku

For sale is a 7 year old APH gelding named Magic.
Height: approx. 160 cm
Magic is well-ridden, he happily goes to the fields. Fully healthy. He requires an experienced person who knows their goal and will work with him regularly. Magic is dewormed and has had a dental check-up. The horse is healthy - recent check-up results. He has certification. We are selling him with great heartache, only to loving people who will be able to give him due attention - we are selling him due to personal situation.
Please contact us if you are seriously interested.
Located Poland.

As a young man, Ed Catmull had a dream: to make the world's first computer-animated movie. He nurtured that dream first as a Ph.D. student at the University of Utah, where many computer science pioneers got their start, and then forged an early partnership with George Lucas that led, indirectly, to his founding Pixar with Steve Jobs and John Lasseter in 1986. Nine years later and against all odds, Toy Story was released, changing animation forever. Since then, Pixar has dominated the world of animation, producing such beloved films as Monsters, Inc., Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, Up, and WALL-E, which have gone on to set box-office records and garner twenty-seven Academy Awards. The joyousness of the storytelling, the inventive plots, the emotional authenticity: In some ways, Pixar movies are an object lesson in what creativity really is. Now, in this book, Catmull reveals the ideals and techniques, honed over years, that have made Pixar so widely admired - and so profitable. Creativity, Inc. is a book for managers who want to lead their employees to new heights, a manual for anyone who strives for originality, and the first-ever, all-access trip into the nerve center of Pixar Animation Studios - into the story meetings, the postmortems, and the 'Braintrust' sessions where art is born. It is, at heart, a book about how to build and sustain a creative culture - but it is also, as Pixar co-founder and president Ed Catmull writes, 'an expression of the ideas that I believe make the best in us possible.'