smiany - strana 10
Počet nájdených inzerátov SMIANY
: 276 - strana 10

Midas 480 overview
The Midas Verona is a large-format sound reinforcement console aimed squarely at the professional concert-sound market. The Verona retains the quality and feature set expected of Midas, resulting in ultra-quiet performance, flexible signal routing and an overall pristine sound quality. The console is an 8-bus unit with a variety of chassis configurations. This console features 48 input channels with balanced XLR microphone preamplifiers and 1/4″ phone line inputs.
All inputs feature direct outputs and inserts for routing audio to external processors, monitor mixers, etc. Group and Master output sections feature balanced XLR male connections. Four-band sweep EQ provides incredibly detailed signal contouring. Eight auxiliary send outputs feature discrete level control and may be used for routing to effects, monitors, etc. The Verona is sure to be all any professional mixing engineer will need for concert sound, theater sound, cooperate events, large-scale presentations, etc.
48 Input Channels
The Verona is available in a variety of channel frames. This console features 48 input channels with balanced XLR microphone and 1/4″ phone line inputs.
Four Band Parametric EQ
All channel inputs feature a four-band parametric EQ section for detailed audio frequency contouring.
Eight Bus Outputs
Eight output buses provide discrete routing to recorders, effects, monitors, etc.
Four Auxiliary Sends
Four auxiliary sends are dedicated outputs for signal routing to effects.
Flexible Routing
Inn addition the Verona features direct outputs on all input channels and insert points.

Condition/stav: 8/10
Size/veľkosť: M
Original 100%
Feel free to ask any questions.
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Condition/stav: 9/10
Size/veľkosť: M
Original 100%
Feel free to ask any questions.
Pre viac info neváhajte ma kontaktovať správou

Condition/stav: 9/10
Size/veľkosť: XL
Original 100%
Feel free to ask any questions.
Pre viac info neváhajte ma kontaktovať správou

Condition/stav: 9/10
Size/veľkosť: M
Original 100%
Feel free to ask any questions.
Pre viac info neváhajte ma kontaktovať správou

Karol Konarik (Spravny smer; Tri slova)
Karol Konarik (Obloha spieva; V srdci lasku mam)
Koledy - Ceske vanocni Koledy,Panton
Kotvald & Hlozek (Holky z nasi skolky; Trapeni)
Lidovky - Cerny cikan; Rybicka
Lubos Svoboda (Tva laska Pane; Rozbij ty chmurne hradby)
Ludovit Nosko+Combo (V tvojich stopach; Mexico)
Marta Kucerova (Ave Maria; Las Mananitas)
Mefisto (I saw linda yeasterday; Midnight)
Michal Docelomansky (Lubim Ta)/ Eva Kostolanyiova (Ruka s kvetom)
Michal Kocab (S cidzi zenou v cizim pokoji; Stari)
Milan Drobny (Oh Larydou; Nebudu uz rikat prislovi)
Milan Chladil (Pinkertonovy ruze;Krasne je zit)
Milan Kristofovic (Usvit)/ Lilka Rocakova (Zajtra rano)
Modus (Cirkusovy kon; Den leti)
Nada Urbankova (Mosaznej Dzban; Bambule bijou bac)
Nada Urbankova (Svita nad velkou louzi)/ Ladislava Kazderkova (Pisnicka sluncem belena)
O.K.Band (Uz mi nevolej; Bydlim na zavetrne strane tovarniho komina)
Olga Szabova (Jarna halabalada; Tarantela z karamelu)
Pavol Hammel (Ucitelka tanca; Blsi trh)
Petra Janu (Uz nejsem volna; Pamatnik)
Petr Spaleny (To vadi; Meciky)
Petr Spaleny (Bylo fajn; Sen o jednom ostrove)
Petr Spaleny (Josefina; Mam rad divky kavovy)
Petr Vasek (Cudny sen; Tvoj styl)
Pisnicky z krabicky - Moravske lidove pisne -Supraphon -
Prvni Pantoniada (ako LP ale v SP formate, rozni interpreti, vid google)
Rene Glaneau (Maly Gonzales)/ Alfonz Jindra (Ruze v okne)
Richard Muller (Stesti je krasna vec; Rozeznavam)
Vera Spinarova (Fernando; Za horou stribrnou)
Vladimit Merta (vybrana slova-Haromonie;Dobrodruh; Antabus blues;Vybrana slova)
Simon&Garfunkel (CBS, El Condor Pasa; Why don’t you Write me)
Standa Prochazka (Andulka; Roztoceny sal)
Standa Prochazka (Jasava; Vltavska)
Standa Prochazka (Hej pani mamo; Az se jednou potkame)
Stepan Matl (Zamaminkou; Kamenny dum)
Stepan Matl (Tulak; Vitr vi sve)
The Rangers (Kral silnic; Balicek kar
Ulrychovci (You dont love me any more; Nechod do klastera)
Uvodni deska k stereo poslechu (Supraphon)
V.Vavra (Holky z gymply; Jsem tvuj suvenir)
Waldemar Matuska (Krysar; Zly trapeni)
Waldemar Matuska (Zem kde zustavas; Zit jen zit)
Waldemar Matuska (Jo tresne zraly)/ Y. Simonova (Santa Anna Maria)
Waldemar Matuska (Prazska devcata)/ Y. Simonova (Amore, amore)
Yvetta Simonova (Deti z Pirea; Vzkazal mne muj mily)

Condition/stav: 9/10
Size/veľkosť: XL-xxl (rozmery na foto)
Original 100%
Feel free to ask any questions.
Pre viac info neváhajte ma kontaktovať správou

Condition/stav: 9/10
Size/veľkosť: L
Original 100%
Feel free to ask any questions.
Pre viac info neváhajte ma kontaktovať správou

Condition/stav: 9/10
Size/veľkosť: XL
Original 100%
Feel free to ask any questions.
Pre viac info neváhajte ma kontaktovať správou

Condition/stav: 8/10
Size/veľkosť: XL
Original 100%
Feel free to ask any questions.
Pre viac info neváhajte ma kontaktovať správou

Predám LCD Sony BRAVIA uhlopriečka 102cm všetky možné vstupy a výstupy nebudem rozpisovať vo veľmi dobrom stave plne funkčný za 130€ plus prijímač tv signálu Mascom + Any
Cast .Len osobný odber.

uplne novy stetec znacky zoeva .
Looking for a brush that has many talents? Then add the 111 Petit Face Finish to your haul. Perfect for applying cream, liquid and powder products, this multi-use brush is the ideal match for blushers, bronzers and highlighter in any formula. The dome shaped design made of ultra-soft synthetic bristles makes it the new must-have addition to add to your makeup kit.
Cruelty free
#makeup #brushes #stetce #zoeva
pozri aj dalsie moje inzeraty, veci vo velmi dobrom stave za symbolicke ceny & nove veci. dakujem:)

This beloved piece sadly has to go as we are moving. It is excellent for storage as well as an attractive bookshelf that would suit any theme of furniture in your home.
Pick up only, we will of course help you load it.
Dimensions : 120x50cm approximately

1kW Triak PWM AC Regulator – Vhodny na regulaciu otáčok motora: Vŕtačky; Uhlovej brúsky; Hoblovačky; Mlynčeka a podobne;
Jasu svetla; Revných telies; Špirál ohrievačov vody a vzduchu a iných spotrebičov. –
1000W SCR Voltage Triac Regulator Box.
- Output regulation range: 50V** to AC mains supply
- For use with 220V to 250V, 50Hz supply
- Maximum continuous load: ≤4.5A (≈1000W)
- Non-repetitive 20 second load: 13Amps (≈3000W)
-**Minimum output voltage adjustable via an internal multi-turn trimmer pot
- Triac, BTA24-600B-CDI; rated current 25Amps
- ABS enclosure, 87 x 57 x 39 mm
- Width including mounting tabs 111mm
- Cable glands accept cable sized 4mmØ to 7mmØ (round 3-core 1.00mm² csa recommended)
Application notes:
- Common applications include: hot plate; water heater; other heating elements; tungsten halogen lamps; other filament lamps;
fan/pump motors***; series wound electric motors, eg. repurposed "universal" washing machine motors.
- Power tools with any built-in electronic safety features, speed control,or soft start are not compatible with this device.
- ***Not compatible with induction (capacitor) motors, except in some applications where the load is a fan or impeller pump.
- Regulator must always be earthed, even if the load does not have or require an earth!
- I can advise you, so please ask if you are uncertain about its suitability for a particular application.
Kontakt: emailom alebo spravou►SMS╍►◄ email: ZME95301@
Osobneho odberu alebo dobierkou 4.20€

Ku knihám sa pripočítava poštovné:
Poučka o podstate predvídateľnosti Katherin - 3€
Ženy z rodu Springovcov - 6€
Bezprsté mesto - 2€
Príď sa so mnou rozlúčiť - 5€
Hľadá sa Audrey - 3€ PREDANÁ
Láskavosť - 4€
More vzpomínek - 4€
Môj sused je božský - 3€
Co delat když prší - 4€
Stačí škrtnúť zápalkou - 4€
Horský hotel Hodváb - 5€
Kráľovstvo - 7€
S*x na mieste činu - 2€
Zlodeji a svedkovia - 2€
Mesto kostí - 8€
Diabolské hry - 6€
Exit západ - 4€
Hlboká pravda - 1€
Inteligencia psyche - 1€
Zahada zjazvenej tváre + Zahada jaskynné ho muža + Zahada morskej panny - 8€
Zahada nebezpečných sudov + Zahada hudobných pirátov + Zahada počítačového vírusu - 8€
Zahada faraónovho odkazu - 5€
Verše Filocolo + Život Danteho - 4€
Mapa soli a hvezd - 5€
Rúže & dyka - 5€
Damska volenka - 5€
Drž me pevne - 3€
Zlaté dievča - 8€
Leah mimo rytmu - 4€ PREDANÁ
An abundace of katherines - 3€
Lov na baziliška - 5€
Nezdárny syn - 7€
Any way to wind blows
Letni dni a noci - 4€
Správa zo záhrobia - 1€
Bezradný duch - 1€
Šťastne az naveky - 4€
Maly zázrak - 5€
Človek a výchova v dejinách európskeho myslenia - 1€
Moja záhrada - 3€
Kapitán Fregát - 3€
Tarzanoce šelmy - 2€
Now 1,2 (komiks) - 9€ spolu
Chlapec, ktorý patril moru - 4€
Sense and sensibility - 2€
Agnes Grey - 2€
Sonets - 4€
Divé klinčeky - 1€

Platne sú vyčistené ULTRAZVUKOM
Basement Jaxx: Fly life extra 15€
New Order: Confusion / Everything's Gone Green / Waiting For The Sirens' Call 15€
Sister Sledge: We are family 5€
the Cure: Close to me 15€
Jason Donovan: Nothing can divide us 5€
Jason Donovan: Any dream will do 5€
A-ha: Manhattan skyline 5€
Nik Kershaw: Wide boy 5€
A Guy Called Gerald: Humanity 4€
Stylophonic: If everybody in the world4€
Defected Presents Def Mix Classics (Part Two)disk 2. 3€
Defected -Hatiras: Spaced Invader 2xEP 7€
Swain & Collingwood: Never Be The Same 4€
Berlin: Like flames 4€
Midge Ure: Cold,cold heart 4€
Rude RKade: Beautiful 4€
Huff & Puff: Help me make it 4€
Nick Jones Acei Carter: Soul movement 4€
Holly Valance: State of mind 4€
Editechnique: Dirty kissing 5€
Lyszak: the Remixes 4€
Back to Back: Remixes pt.2 4€
Was (not Wass): I feel better than James Brown 4€
Beamish & Fly: Stoaked 4€
Robert Armani: Circus bells 4€
Deetron: Fuse Presents Deetron (Sampler 1) 4€
Stunk of Punk: If you feel it 4€
the B 52: Funplex remixes 4€
FC/Kahuna: Nothing is wrong 4€
Frankie Goes to Hollywood: Welcome to the pleasure dome 4€
Frankie Goes to Hollywood: Two tribes 5€
Breathe: say hello 4€
Stylus Trouble: Future child/Voodoo nights 4€
Ralph Sliwinski: Pox box 4€
the EVE of the war 4€
Kyla: Do you mind 4€
Louie Vega Presents Anané – Nos Vida / Mon Amour 6€
Patrick L: Things I Wanna Do 6€
Tom Neville feat.Jellybone: Buzz junkie 4€
Platne sú v dobrom až velmi dobrom stave. Sú vyčistené ULTRAZVUKOM.
Možnosť zaslať na Dobierku,prevod na ucet,aj osobný odber, aj v Rk,Dk,Mt...Viac info ako aj kontakt mailom...
Pokial odomna nedostanete odpoved do 24 hodín,prezrite si aj Spam kôš...niekedy to tam hádže odpovede.
Pozrite si aj dalšie moje inzeráty gramofonových platní ...
Ponúkam tiež ČISTENIE platní ULTRAZVUKOM prípadným záujemcom.

Spectran HF-6065 je prístroj slúžiaci na meranie vysokofrekvenčných signálov v pásme 100 MHz–6 GHz.
Kompletné balenie v kufríku so všetkým potrebným príslušenstvom a anténou. Vrátane návodu a softvéru pre PC/Mac.
100% stav, nevyužitý.
The Spectran HF6000 V4 series of handheld spectrum analyzers are a versatile solution for any RF spectrum analysis application, including field frequency coordination and testing, systems installations, interference tracking, and general RF test and measurement These handheld units are lightweight and durable for on-the-go applications, and offer full featured spectrum analysis with and without the included PC software.
Frequency Range – 10MHz – 6GHz
Peak Power Detector – 6GHz (optional)
Level Min – -100dbm (typical -110dbm)
Level Max – +10dbm (+30dbm optional)
Attenuation – “Auto,” 0, 10, 20, 30dB
Filter Bandwidth Min – 3KHz
Filter Bandwidth Max – 50MHz
Accuracy – +/-2dB
Features: Real Time PC Analysis,
Unlimited Marker Points,
Internal Data Logging, PC Data
Views: Waterfall/Spectrogram,
Spectrum, Histogram
Functions: Peak, RMS, and Hold Functions
Najlepšie osobne v BA, prípadne po dohode SC, ZV, DT.
Možnosť odskúšania samozrejmosťou.

Prenajmem kompletne zrekonštruovanú garzónku v Bratislave na Peknej ceste (Rača/Krasňany). Byt o rozlohe 27 m2 sa nachádza v tichom prostredí na 2. poschodí 7-poschodového zrekonštuovaného a zatepleného tehlového domu. V blízkosti je obchodné centrum, MHD ale aj príroda/les.
Byt má samostatné WC, kúpeľňu s vaňou, kuchynskú linku mimo obývacej izby a balkón. Je plne vybavený zariadením vrátane práčky, chladničky, varnej dosky, MW rúry. V izbe je vstavaná skriňa Rolldoor, dve vyklápacie postele, stôl, stoličky, police.
Cena je 480 EUR mesačne plus energie, voda, služby podľa skutočných nákladov (cca 80 EUR).
Som majiteľ bytu, to znamená, že neplatíte províziu realitnej kacelarii.
Voľný od 1.4.2023
Completely reconstructed apartment to let. Bratislava, Pekna cesta. 27 Sq meters, quiet area, 2nd floor of 7, building is reconstructed. Close to nature/forest, public transport and mall area.
Separate WC, bathroom, kitchen box out of living room. Fully equipped with a new washing machine, fridge, cooking plate, microwave.
Monthly rental fee is 480 EUR plus cost of energy, water and services according to real cost. (approx. 80 EUR).
I am the owner, therefore you do not have to pay any real estate agent fee.
Available from 1st of Apr 2023
Contact details:

Property Reference:
Available July 2022. A stunning 3 double bedroom flat in a highly sought in the middle of the city town Martin. Location is ideal for students walking distance to city Centre as well as universities. The area is 75m2 . Cellar 15m2. Flat is also well connected with frequent bus routes allowing easy to get to the University. The flat is located on the second floor with garden. The property is fully furnished and briefly comprises: Spacious entrance/hallway with storage cupboard, diner and modern kitchen with all necessary appliances, two recently redecorated bedrooms, living room and fully tiled bathroom.
Bills are included. Up to 4 people sharing - joint tenancy. Summary & Exclusions:-
Rent Amount: 600 €/per month -3 people Deposit 600€ .
Rent Amount: 650€/per month -4 people Deposit 650€ .
Minimum tenancy term is 12 months- Maximum number of tenants is 4 . Students welcome to enquire- No Pets.
Contact today to book a viewing to show you round! However if you require any further clarification or information please contact us.

Beautiful spacious appartment in the centre of Košice
2 bedrooms
Kitchen, living room, bedroom, bathroom, closet, 2 x toilet
1200/month + deposit
All fees included
Top Real Košice would like to offer you for rent beautiful spacious 2 bedroom appartment in the centre of Košice. The appartment is situated in Štúrova street, which is walking distance to the historical centre of Košice.
Modern, spacious kitchen is fully equipted with all facilities and dinning table.
Beautiful living room is orientated towards city centre - the view to the St.Elizabeth´s cathedral, Double Tree Hilton and Hlavná street. Bedroom is facing inner coutyard with balconies around the building. There is access to the bathroom with corner bath and toilet right from the bedroom.
Another separate toilet is available in the apartment - accessable from the small room behind the bedroom, which can be used as working space of cothes cabinet.
If you are interested in seeing the appartment by yourself, or should you have any more questions, do not hesitate to contact us on following numbers:
Táňa Sakáčová -