smith and wesson - strana 6
Počet nájdených inzerátov SMITH AND WESSON
: 1000 - strana 6

Dobry den.
Predavam tieto spickove rotacne hlavy od znacky MARTIN, typ RUSH MH1 profile.
Su to kvalitne americke svetla, ziadna cina!
Mam na predaj 4ks, popripade viem dopredat 5ty kus.
Krasny stav, vizualne, aj technicky v 100% stave, pravidelne cistene a servisovane
Su vhodne na velke podujatia, vonkajsie akcie, maju velmi silny svetelny vykon.
Su vhodne aj pre divadelne saly, maju regulaciu teploty bielej farby, luc nastavitelny od 16° do 30° (BEAM-SPOT)
Popis svetla:
LED profile moving head
Super bright - efficient optics
Rotating gobo wheel
Fixed gobo wheel
2 x color wheels
Electronic dimming and strobe
Iris and 3-facet prism
3 & 5 pin XLR
•Light source: 180W LED
Color wheel 1: 7 colors plus open, rotation with variable direction and speedColor wheel 2: 7 colors (incl. 1 x UV, 2 x CTC) plus open, rotation with variable direction and speed
Rotating gobo wheel: 7 gobos plus open, wheel rotation, gobo indexing, rotation and shake
Static gobo wheel: 8 gobos plus open, wheel rotation and shakeElectronic 'shutter' effect: Strobe effect, pulse effects, instant open and blackout
Prism: Indexing and rotation with variable direction and speed
Motorized Focus and Iris
Motorized Electronic dimming: 0 - 100%
four dimming curve options
Pan: 540° Tilt: 270°
4ks hlavy, 2ks doublecase, neutrik powercon a omega clampy.. pri serioznom a rychlom jednani sa urcite dohodneme :)
Pre akekolvek otazky ma nevahajte kontaktovat mozete telefonom alebo mailom.
Mozem poslat videa na poziadanie
Pozri moje dalsie inzeraty :)

I offer piano lessons for beginners, adults and advanced players.
As a pianist and piano teacher, I received a master degree at VŠMU music academy and I would like to pass on my experience to other musicians.
I am also professionally engaged in piano collaboration with solo instruments or singers. The lessons take place in my studio on the new grand piano and can be extended by the basics of theory and musical composition.
It is important that my students practise with good technique and skills in sight reading from the beginning, which makes playing the piano easy and pleasant as possible and gives space for musical creativity.
Some of my students placed in international competitions and for some the piano became a pleasant hobby. I speak English and Slovak fluently.
I will be happy if you contact me at this number 9

Dobry den.
Predavam tieto spickove rotacne hlavy od znacky MARTIN, typ RUSH MH1 profile.
Su to kvalitne americke svetla, ziadna cina!
Mam na predaj 4ks, popripade viem dopredat 5ty kus.
Krasny stav, vizualne, aj technicky v 100% stave, pravidelne cistene a servisovane
Su vhodne na velke podujatia, vonkajsie akcie, maju velmi silny svetelny vykon.
Su vhodne aj pre divadelne saly, maju regulaciu teploty bielej farby, luc nastavitelny od 16° do 30° (BEAM-SPOT)
Popis svetla:
LED profile moving head
Super bright - efficient optics
Rotating gobo wheel
Fixed gobo wheel
2 x color wheels
Electronic dimming and strobe
Iris and 3-facet prism
3 & 5 pin XLR
•Light source: 180W LED
Color wheel 1: 7 colors plus open, rotation with variable direction and speedColor wheel 2: 7 colors (incl. 1 x UV, 2 x CTC) plus open, rotation with variable direction and speed
Rotating gobo wheel: 7 gobos plus open, wheel rotation, gobo indexing, rotation and shake
Static gobo wheel: 8 gobos plus open, wheel rotation and shakeElectronic 'shutter' effect: Strobe effect, pulse effects, instant open and blackout
Prism: Indexing and rotation with variable direction and speed
Motorized Focus and Iris
Motorized Electronic dimming: 0 - 100%
four dimming curve options
Pan: 540° Tilt: 270°
4ks hlavy, 2ks doublecase, neutrik powercon a omega clampy..
Cena za ks:600eur
pri serioznom a rychlom jednani sa urcite dohodneme :)
Pre akekolvek otazky ma nevahajte kontaktovat mozete telefonom alebo mailom.
Mozem poslat videa na poziadanie
Pozri moje dalsie inzeraty :)

We offer a charming little studio/1-bedroom apartment in the Old town for rent in a very quiet location, ideal for a single professional or professional couple (proof of employment will be required). Not available to students. It's 28m2 but it's bigger than it sounds.
Location: Martinengova street near Horsky Park (10 min walking distance). Town center 10 min by bus. Buses will take you directly to the Main Train station in 10 min. 15 min walking distance to Sport areal Patronka (tennis and volleyball courts). There are plenty of restaurants around and supermarket is just around the corner, Yeme shop 10 min walking distance and Kaufland below the hill. Free parking on the street.
This place is perfect for people who want to be close to center, but don't want the noise with it.
About the apartment: Renovated and rented fully furnished with sufficient storage space for a couple. Located on 2nd floor of an apartment building with elevator. Apartment consists of fully equipped kitchen (full hob, oven, fridge/freezer, washing machine with dryer), bathroom (walk-in shower) with toilet and room with full size bed, sofa, open closet, and plenty of other storage space. There is no balcony as that has been incorporated into the room for more space.
Internet is strong, great for streaming and working from home, download speed of 200+Mbps, upload speed 20Mbps. The TV has only basic channels, but that can be changed based on an agreement. Building has a room for bicycles and a laundry drying room. Apartment comes with a storage unit of 2m2 with hanging space and shelving.
No smoking and no pets allowed.
Price: 595 EUR with all utilities included. Holding deposit of 890 euros returnable at the end of tenancy. Available from 1st of May. Minimal rental contract is 12 months.
Please message me to find out more information if interested.
No RK please.

Predám gravírovaný exkluzívny revolver - 8 ranový Smith & Wesson Performance Center v ráži 357 Magnum, 2,5 " hlaveň, nastaviteĺné mieridlá, luxusné drevené pažbičky.
Len pre náročných.
Revolver je v 100 % stave, nestrieĺaný.

Japan Sabre 13 eur, Smith+Wesson S.W.A.T. 12 eur, a Extol Premium 5 eur, dýka Acron s púzdrom 10 eur. Pozri ostatné moje inzerá.

Predám celonerezový revolver Smith & Wesson 629 COMPETITOR Performance Center, 44 magnum so 6 " hlavňou, nastaviteľnými mieridlami, gumenými ergonomickými pažbičkami na tlmenie spätného rázu. Revolver je v 100 % stave, stav novej zbrane. Originál kufrík s komplet príslušenstvom a vymeniteľnými závažiami pre nastavenie ideálneho ťažiska zbrane / nerezové + plastové /.
Cena dohodou.

Predám sportovu pištol Smith&Wesson, mod. 41
cal.22lr, v 100% stave, velmi zachovalá ako nová. K pištoli krabica, 4 zásobníky, anatomicka pazba.
Len na ZP a NP.

Predám používané krátke guľové zbrane :
- pištoľ SIG Sauer P320 Compact, 9mm Luger ... 630 EUR (PREDANÉ)
- pištoľ Smith & Wesson 59, 9mm Luger ... 340 EUR (PREDANÉ)
- revolver Smith & Wesson 28-2 (Highway Patrolman), .357 Magnum ... 650 EUR
Prepis OR PZ BA III alebo predajca so ZL v BA (po-ne, 8:00-20:00, poplatok za prepis 30 EUR)
Nutný ZP + NP!

Predam takticky noz SMITH & WESSON Special Tactical. Noz je minimalne pouzivany, nebruseny, kompaktny a vhodny na skryte nosenie, vyrobeny z kvalitnych komponenotov. Orginal balenie. Iba osobny odber. Ponuky prosim sms.

Predám šesťranový dvojčinný revolver Smith & Wesson Mod. 67-1 "The .38 Combat Masterpiece Stainless" v kalibri .38 S&W Special. 4palcová hlaveň
Vyrobený komplet z nerezeu hlaveň aj rám /K frame/ pogumované pažbičky
MONOGRIP HOGUE.. Mikrometrické mieridlá. Stav novej zbrane. Ideálny na
sebaobrannu. Super rozptyl. 4cm/25m Vhodný aj na mierenku.

Predám alebo vymením pištol zn. SMITH & WESSON 9 MM Luger. Pištol málo používaná, stav ako nová. Vymením za Glock alebo CZ.

Kúpim pištoľ Smith & Wesson tactical 45 ACP
Novú alebo použivanú Model 4563TSW
Inzerát platí do zmazania !

plechová cedule - Smith & Wesson (logo)
dopravné od 4 EUR přes Zásilkovna
Velikost: 30cm x 20cm
Materiál: kov
Další plechové cedule viz. další mé inzeráty.

nôž Smith+Wesson S.W.A.T. 11 eur, poľovnícky malý Bowie španielsky nôž M. Nieto, celk. dlžka 210mm 25 eur, a Extol Premium 5 eur, dýka Acron s púzdrom 10 eur, Victorinox 12 eur, multifunkčný nôž 9 eur. Pozri ostatné moje inzerá.

Predám revolver Smith a Wesson 69 combat cal.44mag . Revolver ešte nemá ani rok vystrelených cca. 300 rán. K zbrani je namieru robené kydexové púzdro výborné na skryté nosenie + puzdro na 12 nábojov na opasok+300 nábojov sb SP 44 mag. 15.55g . Cena 1500 eur

Predám revolver Smith Wesson model 60 v kalibri 38 špeciál. Revolver je 5 ranový v nerezovom prevedení - ideálny na denné nosenie.
ZP a NP nutné