stranger things lego - strana 23
Počet nájdených inzerátov STRANGER THINGS LEGO
: 1000 - strana 23

Predám nenosené body značky Pretty Little Things vo veľkosti XS. Skvelý príjemný materiál na zadku string. Uprednostujem osobný odber v Ba ale viem aj odoslať na adresu. Pozrite aj moje ďalšie krásne veci na predaj.

Predám nenosené body značky Pretty Little Things vo veľkosti XS. Skvelý príjemný materiál na zadku string. Odporúčam pre nižšiu postavu. Uprednostujem osobný odber v Ba ale viem aj odoslať na adresu. Pozrite aj moje ďalšie krásne veci na predaj.

Predám knihy Tiny pretty things a Shiny broken pieces v slovenskom jazyku spolu za 16€ (jedna za 8). Nečítané, vo výbornom stave. Osobný odber.

Paperback, raz prečítaný. Vidieť mierne známky na obale. Praktická kniha pre každého, kto hľadá trochu voľného času medzi svojimi každodennými povinnosťami. Kniha je v angličtine. Cena je už aj s poštový, posielam po zaplatení na účet.
In I Know How She Does It, time management expert Laura Vanderkam offers powerful insights from the diaries of successful women. Everyone has an opinion, anecdote, or horror story about women and work. Most believe that a woman who wants a challenging career will have to make huge sacrifices - in family, social life, hobbies or even a decent night's sleep. But what if balancing work and family is actually not as hard as it's made out to be? What if all those tragic anecdotes ignore the women who quietly but consistently do just fine with the juggle? Instead of relying on scattered stories, time management expert Laura Vanderkam set out to find some hard data. She collected hour-by-hour time logs from 1,001 days in the lives of women who make at least $100,000 a year. And she found some surprising patterns: these women worked less and slept more than they thought. They went to the gym, played with their children, scheduled date nights, and had lunches with friends. They could be spontaneous and make time for the things that gave them pleasure and meaning.
With examples from hundreds of real women, Vanderkam proves that you don't have to give up on the things you really want. In I Know How She Does It, she offers specific strategies proven to help you manage your time and build a life that works, one hour at a time.

2009 Citroen Jumper 2.2 L2H2 Camper van
So first of all, I'm a foreign student here in Slovakia, and can't speak slovak, so please keep communication in english :)
This van is great to experience having a camper van, but on a budget. I've poured a lot of money and love into it, at everything is built by hand by me and helpful people. The whole kitchen is made from 200 year old refurbished red wood, that used to be old floor boards. It's built to last!
I bought this van early 2021 as an empty cargo van here in Kosice, and drove it to England and converted it to a camper during the summer of 2021. When I got it, it had engine problems, so I put a refurbished engine in, changed the turbo, remade the brakes, and switched all the diesel injectors.
Theres a wooden skeleton put in to accomodate all the conversion.
The van is fully insulated with sheets of 5cm normal house board insulation, with rock wool and spray insulation used for the harder to reach areas. There is then reflective radiant barrier insulation roll added everywhere on top of that. Then wooden paneling had been added. Wooden panels with vinyl I added for the floor.
I've put in two 200ah leisure batteries that are connected to a split charge to the engine, so it charges while the engine is on. It would be relatively simple to add solar panels, though I haven't had the need for it, because when I use it I have driven a lot. The whole system is 12v.
Theres a maxxair fan added to the roof, and another vent towards to back, so there can be complete air flow throughout.
The van has a simple sink with an electric pump, that drains from a 20l tank to another 20l grey water tank.
Theres a diesel heater with exhaust and intake exiting in the bottom on the van.
As you can see from the pictures there is also a 12v fridge (20l or 30l, I can't remember exactly) that runs perfectly.
Lights are added for the roof and kitchen.
Storage under the seating/bed, in the kitchen, over the bulkhead, and over the seating on built in shelves. The storage is also accessible from the back. There is also a drawer next to the sink
I built the seating and in a way that the table can be put down so it turns into a bed, as you can see in the pictures. Very easy and quick.
I also have some things that you could probably take over as well if you need them, like a portable gas stove etc.
Please don't hesitate to message me for any questions you might have! There's definitely things I have to forgotten to mention, as this is quite a big project.
Hope to hear from you!
Najazdené km: 280000

Predám perfektnú tecnostrechovú vestu Little Things, veľkosť 98/104. Niekedy sa zasekáva zips pri zapínaní, inak bez poškodení.

predam zopar CD Rock Metal IV
machine head - burn my eyes 5e
biohazard 5e/kus
sepultura - against 5e
system of a down 5e
killer 5e
bush - the science of things 5e
inaura - one million smiles 5e
weezer - maladroit 5e
kaiser chiefs - employment 5e
franz ferdinand 5e
guano apes - walking on a thin line 5e
sepultura - best of 8e
sepultura - the roots of sepultura 8e 2CD
plainsong - on air 12e
the bo-weevils - get on down 10e
the phoids 10e
status quo - the hitmachine 7e
puppethead - lizard land 10e
machine head - the more things change 9e
korn - follow the leader 5e

Predám originálne CD Maxi Single . Všetky CD ako aj booklety sú v dobrom stave . Pre viac info, foto atd... ma prosím kontaktujte mailom prípadne telefonicky.
MARQUE - One To Make Her Happy - 1,00€
MUSIC INSTRUCTOR - Rock Your Body - 1,50€
DUNE - Who wants To Live Forever - 1,50€
D:REAM - Things Can Only Get Better - 2,00€
U96 - Love Sees No Color - 1,50€
TIZIANO FERRO & JAMELIA - Universal Unity - 1,00€
TIZIANO FERRO - Perdono - 1,00€
MARQUE - Electronic Lady - 1,00€
CRAZY TOWN - Butterfly - 1,00€
MODERN TALKING - China In Her Eyes - 1,00€
CHER - Believe - 1,00€ PREDANE
BLONDIE - Maria - 1,00€
CHER - Love & Understandings - 1,00€ PREDANE
CHER - Walking In Memphis - 1,00€ PREDANE
WAMDUE PROJECT - King Of My Castle - 1,50€
JENS - Loop & Things - 2,00€
MABEL - Dont Let Me Down - 2,00€
EAGLE EYE CHERRY - Save Tonight - 1,00€
JOSHUA KADISON - Jessie - 1,00€
SAVAGE GARDEN - To The Moon & Back - 1,00€
YOUSSOU N DOUR & NENEH CHERRY - 7 Seconds - 1,00€
MEAT LOAF - Id Do Anything For Love - 1,00€ PREDANE
THE CONNELLS - 74-75 - 1,00€ PREDANE
M PEOPLE - One Night In Heaven - 1,00€
SPICE GIRLS - Wannabe - 1,00€ PREDANE
KOs Feat. MICHAEL BUFFER - Lets Get Ready To Rumble (písane na booklete) - 1,00€
DOUBLE YOU - We All Need Love - 1,00€
FULL SPEED - Star - 1,00€
SNAP! - Welcome To Tomorrow - 1,50€
UNDERCOVER - Every Breath You Take - 2,00€
LASGO - Something - 1,00€
BLANK & JONES - Beyond Time - 2,00€ PREDANE
CHICANE - Dont Give Up - 2,00€

ponúkam na predaj hry pre konzolu Xbox 360. hry sú originály od Microsoft, testované a plne funkčné, bez škrabancov. Pri väčšom vybere dám zľavu. Kompletný zoznam hier pošlem na vyžiadanie. Sú v ňom aj hry ktoré nie sú na fotkách. Posielam poštou aj cez zásielkovnu - na dobierku. Hry sú originálne, plne funkčné a vo vynikajúcom stave. Zaručená spokojnosť. V prípade akýchkoľvek otázok ma neváhajte kontaktovať.
- rýchle odoslanie
- 100% funkčnosť
- zabalené v bublinkovej folii
- zaručená spokojnosť
Angry Birds Forza Kungu Fu Panda Minecraft Harry Potter How To Train Your Dragon Lego Indiana Jones Lego Harry Potter Need For Speed Fifa 17 Disney Pixar Toy Story Disney Epic Mickey Lego The Hobbit Lego Pirates Of The Caribbean Madagascar 3 Rayman Sonic Unleashed Tomb Rider Transformers The Sims 3 Happy Feet Two Game Of Thrones Lego Marvel Avengers Dance Central 1 2 3 Kinect Sports 2 Disneyland Adventures Kinect Joyride Michael Jackson Experience Power Up Heroes Zumba Fitness Core Game Party In Motion Just Dance Crash Bandicoot Farming Simulator Spiderman Shrek Mortal Kombat Sega Rally GTA5

Dobrý deň.
Predám uvedené hry v koláži. Všetky fotky nevyšli do inzerátu, v prípade záujmu pošlem komplet ponuku cez email, sms, whats up. Ceny nájdete na každej hre. Ohľadom dostupnosti ma kontaktujte.
Osobne BA alebo pošta(podľa váhy)/Packeta. Dobierka od+3,7€ bez dobierky od+2,7€
Pri kúpe:
3-4 hry -5%
5-6 hier -10%
7-9 hier -15%
10 a viac hier -20%
AdvenAdventures! 10 €
Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked 25 €
Carnival Games In Action 14 €
Dance Central 14 €
Dance Central 2 18 €
Dance Central 3 20 €
Disneyland Adventures 15 €
Dr. Kawashima’s Body and Brain Exercises 15 €
Fantastic Pets 20 €
Fighters Uncaged 12 €
Game Party: In Motion 18 €
Get Fit with Mel B 14 €
Joy Ride 14 €
Kinectimals 15 €
Let’s Dance with Mel B 16 €
Marvel Avengers: Battle for Earth 20 €
Michael Jackson The Experience 12 €
Nat Geo TV: America The Wild 18 €
Rabbids: Alive & Kicking 15 €
Rapala for Kinect 30 €
Rise of Nightmares 10 €
Sesame Street: Once Upon a Monster 16 €
Sports 1 12 €
Star Wars 16 €
The Biggest Loser: Ultimate Workout 18 €
The Black Eyed Peas Experience 12 €
The Gunstringer 14 €
UFC Personal Trainer 15 €
Your Shape: Fitness Evolved 14 €
Zumba Fitness: Join the Party 16 €
Zumba Fitness: Rush 18 €
HUDOBNÉ, Udraw (Gitara, mikrofón, bubny, kreslenie)
U Draw: Pictionary ULTIMATE EDITION 14 €
Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock 10 €
Band Hero 8 €
Lips: Number One Hits 12 €
Lips: Party Classics 14 €
The X Factor 12 €
Rock Band 10 €
Rocksmith (All-New 2014 Edition) 14 €
The Beatles: Rock Band 10 €
DETSKÉ, RODINNÉ (12+) (X360)
Xbox Live Arcade 8 €
Angry Birds Trilogy 15 €
Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts 15 €
Crash Of The Mutant 40 €
Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 15 €
Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 2 16 €
Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit 15 €
Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z 22 €
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer 14 €
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 18 €
Child of Eden 8 €
LEGO Batman: The Videogame 12 €
LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes 13 €
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham 14 €
LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga 14 €
LEGO Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars 12 €
LEGO The Lord of the Rings 14 €
Looney Tunes: Acme Arsenal 30 €
Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds 16 €
Mini Ninjas 16 €
SEGA Mega Drive Ultimate Collection 16 €
SEGA Superstars Tennis 12 €
Terraria 14 €
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian 14 €
The Sims 3 15 €
The Spiderwick Chronicles 14 €
Transformers: Dark of the Moon 15 €
Viva Piňata 10 €
Viva Piňata + Forza 2 Motorsport (2Hry) 15 €
Young Justice: Legacy 14 €
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 14 €
Fatal Inertia 14 €
Supreme Commander 13 €
Tropico 3 13 €

Predávam Lego Ninjago Kai’s blade cycle. Lego už je postavené. Lego je v dobrom stave, jediné čo chyba je plán na to lego ale nájdete ho všade na internete. Lego nebude poslané v originálnej krabici. Cena je 15€ na účet.

Predam Tagy na rozšírenie sveta Lego Dimensions. Tagy sú určené pre všetky konzoly Xbox, Playstation a WiiU. Sú to hracie podstavce Tagy, ktoré keď položíte na portál vám dajú postavu do hry aj s príslušenstvom (auta, stroje, lietadlá, ponorky...) ako keby ste si kúpili celé hracie Packy (NETREBA KUPOVAT DRAHE SETY, STAČÍ VÁM LEN TENTO PODSTAVEC)
Postavy odomykajuce nove levely :
PETER VENKMAN - nový level pôvodných Ghostbusters a nový svet Ghostbusters - 15 EUR
ABBY YATES - 6 nových levelov a nový svet Ghostbusters z roku 2016 - 10 EUR
MLOK SCAMANDER - 6 nových levelov a novy svet Fantastických zverov - 8 EUR
MARTHY MCFLY - nový level a nový svet Návrat do budúcnosti - 11 EUR
HOMER SIMPSON - novy level + cely svet Simpsonovci - 8 EUR
CHELL - nový level Portál 2 + cely svet Portal 2 - 7 EUR
Postavy ktore odomykaju nove svety
STARFIRE - nový svet Mladých titamov - 7 EUR
E.T. - PERFEKTNÝ novy svet E.T.- 7 EUR
MICHAEL KNIGHT - nový svet Knight Rider so super autom KITT - 7 EUR
MARCELINE KRÁĽOVNÁ UPÍROV - nový svet Adventure tíme - 7 EUR
STAY PUFT - sladký marchmelow otvára nový svet Ghostbusters - 8 EUR
LEGOLAS - ma vlastnosti ako Sonic - 6 EUR
SCOOBY DOO - celý svet Scooby doo - 8 EUR
CRAGGER - celý nový svet Lego chima - 7 EUR
ZANE - celý nový svet Ninjago - 6 EUR
SHAGGY - nový svet Scooby doo - 7 EUR
KLAUN KRUSTY - nový svet Simpsonovcov - 5 EUR
DOC BROWN - nový svet Návrat do budúcnosti - 7 EUR
BUBLESS - nový svet PowerGirls - 5 EUR
BUTTERCUP - nový svet PowerGirls - 5 EUR
BLOSSOM - nový svet PowerGirls - 5 EUR
BENNY - modrý kozmonaut z Lego Movie - 5 EUR
BATGIRL - otvara nový svet Batman movie - 7 EUR
LAVAL - Lev z Lega chima, otvára nový svet Lego chima - 5 EUR
COLE - nový svet Ninjago - 6 EUR
CYBORG - nový svet Mladých titanov - 7 EUR
BATMAN EXCALIBUR - super Batman s mečom - nový svet Batman movie, super schopnosti ako ma Finn - 6 EUR
EMMET - klasika z Lego Movie - 6 EUR
UNIKITTY - kultova postavička, vie sa premeniť na obrovskú Megaunikity, keď treba obrov- 5 EUR
CYBERMAN - celý svet Dr.WHU, pod vodou vie používať laser- 7 EUR
HARLEY QUINN - celý svet Batman movie, jediná kladivom posúva automaty- 5 EUR
LORD VOLDEMORT - celý svet Harry Potter + hovorí jazykom hadov - 6 EUR
ACU TROOPER - celý svet Jurasic Word, ma Gyrosferu na otvaranie tajných dveri- 6 EUR
OWEN GRADY - celý svet Jursky svet, ma aj Velocyraptora na ktorom sa vozi- 7 EUR
BART SIMPSON - cely svet Simpsonovci - 6 EUR
ZLA ČARODEJNICA - cely svet Carodejnik z krajiny OZ - 5 EUR
HERMIONA GRANGER - cely svet Harryho Potera - 5 EUR
BA BARACUS - cely svet A-TEAM - 7 EUR
TINA GOLDSTEIN - cely svet Fantasticke zvery + ovláda mysel- 4 EUR
BEETLEJUICE - cely svet Beetlejuice + ovláda schopnosti duchov - 7 EUR
GLUM (GOLLUM) - milasik v Panovi prsteňov, jediný dokáže pod vodou prechádzať malé otvory- 4 EUR
WONDER WOMAN - lietajuca klasika - 6 E