učebnica family and friends 2 - strana 2
Počet nájdených inzerátov UČEBNICA FAMILY AND FRIENDS 2
: 1000 - strana 2

48MP – 9280 X 5220
Video Frame rate: 4K(4:3)@24fps / 2K@30fps / 1080P@60fps
CMOS: SONY 1/2.33 inch
CMOS pixel: 1.33um x 1.33um
Color setting: Auto
White balance: Auto / one button calibration / Manual
EV: Auto / Manual
Camera mode HDMI output: 1080P @60 FPS
Grid line: 8 horizontal lines, 8 vertical lines
TF card: 4GB (Up to 128GB max)
Cross line: Overlap or Cancel
Lens jack: Standard C
Power: 5V-12V/1A
Size: 68x68x35mm
Weight: 180g
Working temperature: 0-70℃
Remote Control Instruction:
1.+ KEY: Zoom in / - KEY: Zoom out
2.UP: EV+; DOWN: EV-
3.OK: Confirm button or Start recording
5.Mode: Camera / Video / Playback mode change button
6.The bottom button is to take photos
7.Left & Right: Not in use.
Function key operation introduction:
POWER: This camera is plugged in and powered on. Press and hold for 3 seconds to shut down normally, and then short press for 1 second to restart. After the red indicator light is on, you hear a beep sound and the system is turned on successfully.
MODE key: Short press for 1 second to switch to video mode after power on, then short press for 1 second to switch to photo and video clip preview mode, and short press again to return to photo mode;
MENU button: Short press for 1 second after power on, enter the menu page, you can select various functions through UP/DOWN, and then press OK to enter the selected menu
a ) Chinese and English language settings: press the UP/DOWN key to select, and then press the OK key to confirm;
b ) Grid line setting: press the UP/DOWN key to select, then press the OK key to enter, and then press the UP/DOWN key to select the cross line ruler on or off, 8 lines on and off, each line Direction position color thickness, then press OK key to change the direction/position/color/thickness of the line, press MENU again to return to the previous level of the menu;
c ) Exposure setting: Press UP to increase/DOWN to select automatic exposure or manual exposure mode, and press OK to confirm;
d ) Exposure value setting: In automatic exposure mode, enter and select +-0.3/0.71.0/1.3/1.7/2.0 exposure value as needed;
e ) White balance: After entering, you can choose automatic/manual/one-key white balance. If the light source is adjusted, the color may be deviated. You can put a piece of white paper to select the one-key white balance to correct the color; in special applications, it can also be passed Manual mode to adjust the value of R red and B green;
f ) Color: color or black and white can be selected according to needs;
g ) Light source frequency: 50Hz and 60Hz can be selected according to the situation of each country;
h ) Sharpness: choose strong/standard/soft three i) Contrast setting: choose high/medium/low according to needs;
i ) Video size: 2K24fps/1080P 60fps/720P 60fps three formats can be selected according to needs;
j ) Mirror function: You ca

Real estate agency RE-MAX EXTRA offers for sale apartment villas in one of the most beautiful picturesque places in Dalmatia surrouned by crystal clear water away from crowded urban areas, in Novigrad. Novigrad is a place where time stops and moments arise. The area is easily accessible by car on highway, approximetly 825km. Distance from Zadar is only 25km, from Nin is only 35km. Novigrad with its clear sea and fine gravel beaches will satisfy not only families with small children, but also handicaped people and seniors with adjusted ramp built for easy access straight into the sea. For more detailed information click on the following link:
The villas are located at the end of the village of Novigrad. The distance from the sea and natural beach is 20-50m. The villas are 1-storey buildings with sloped roofs and sloped ceilings in the interior, i.e. high ceilings, airy and bright spaces.
Each of the villas consists of:
- entrance hall
- living room with a kitchen and dining area = open concept
- bedroom (space for 1 double bed + 1 bed)
- bathroom with a shower and toilet
- covered terrace overlooking the sea + garden
- parking for 2-3 cars (according to m2 of land)
Sold at the stage:
- brick construction, concrete ceiling, red tiles, insulation, white plaster, plastic windows and doors,shutters, terraces with railings and gates, preparations for nets - water, electricity, waste in the kitchen,washing machine in the bathroom, preparation for 2x air conditioning, 2x TV, Wi-fi - according to the project documentation
- possibility to complete the construction according to an agreement
Expected completion: May - November 2023
Price includes 1 villa with an area of 65m2 and half of the land (min. 200m2, according to the plot)
1st and 2nd line from the sea 195.300, - €(including agency commission)
3rd and 4th line from the sea 184.800, - €(including agency commission)
Complete service connected with offer, sale, prevodom nehnuteľnosti, - completion of buying contract and .... by lawyer vyhotovenie kúpnych - payment of fees connected with uhradenie správneho poplatku za návrh na vklad kúpnej zmluvy do katastra nehnuteľností, arranging of financing by loan with the best financial conditions on the market.
For more information and detailed description of the area and villas with projects will be given to you on request in Slovak or English language. Do not hesitate to contact me on or by mail.

Ponúkam na predaj dnes už veľmi málo dostupnú LEGO sériu FRIENDS, všetko v originálnej krabici, minimum hrané + manuál.
OBR 1: LEGO® Friends 41015 Výletná loď za delfínmi - v počte 612 dielikov - cena 63 Eur.
OBR 2: LEGO® Friends 41036 Záchrana na moste v džungli - počte 365 dielikov - cena 33 Eur.
OBR 3: LEGO® Friends 41094 Maják v Heartlake - v počte 473 dielikov - cena 40 Eur.
OBR 4: LEGO® Friends 3063 - Letecký klub Heartlake City v počte 195ks - Cena 19 Eur.
OBR 5: LEGO® Friends 41007 - Zvierací salón v Heartlake v počte 242ks - cena 22Eur.
OBR 6: Lego® Friends 41033 Záchrana pri vodopádoch v džungli v počte 183 ks - cena 18e.
V prípade požiadavky, zašlem ďalšie foto. PRI ODBERE 2 a viac sád - ponúkam zľavu.
Rád odpoviem na emaily, tel. číslo je vymyslené. Pozrite si aj moje ostatné inzeráty. Stačí kliknúť na meno "Paloo" v inzeráte a zobrazí sa Vám celá moja ponuka.

Ponúkam na predaj dnes už veľmi málo dostupnú LEGO sériu FRIENDS, všetko v originálnej krabici, minimum hrané + manuál.
OBR 1: LEGO® Friends 41035 Džusový bar v Heartlake - v počte 277 dielikov- cena 26 Eur.
OBR 2: LEGO® Friends 41093 Kaderníctvo v Heartlake - v počte 318 dielikov - cena 29 Eur.
OBR 3: LEGO® Friends 41099 Skatepark v mestečku Heartlake v počte 199ks - cena 19e.
OBR 4: LEGO® Friends 41118 Supermarket v Heartlake - v počte 313 dielikov - cena 29 Eur.
OBR 5: LEGO® Friends 41119 Cukráreň v Heartlake - v počte 439 dielikov - cena 39 Eur.
OBR 6: LEGO® Friends 41037 - Plážový domček Stephanie v počte 369ks - cena 34e.PREDANE
V prípade požiadavky, zašlem ďalšie foto. PRI ODBERE 2 a viac - ponúkam zľavu.
Rád odpoviem na emaily, tel. číslo je vymyslené. Pozrite si aj moje ostatné inzeráty. Stačí kliknúť na meno "Paloo" v inzeráte a zobrazí sa Vám celá moja ponuka.

Yuval Noah Harari - Homo Deus
Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email.
Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty
Yuval Noah Harari, author of the critically-acclaimed New York Times bestseller and international phenomenon Sapiens, returns with an equally original, compelling, and provocative book, turning his focus toward humanity’s future, and our quest to upgrade humans into gods.
Over the past century humankind has managed to do the impossible and rein in famine, plague, and war. This may seem hard to accept, but, as Harari explains in his trademark style—thorough, yet riveting—famine, plague and war have been transformed from incomprehensible and uncontrollable forces of nature into manageable challenges. For the first time ever, more people die from eating too much than from eating too little; more people die from old age than from infectious diseases; and more people commit suicide than are killed by soldiers, terrorists and criminals put together. The average American is a thousand times more likely to die from binging at McDonalds than from being blown up by Al Qaeda.
What then will replace famine, plague, and war at the top of the human agenda? As the self-made gods of planet earth, what destinies will we set ourselves, and which quests will we undertake? Homo Deus explores the projects, dreams and nightmares that will shape the twenty-first century—from overcoming death to creating artificial life. It asks the fundamental questions: Where do we go from here? And how will we protect this fragile world from our own destructive powers? This is the next stage of evolution. This is Homo Deus. With the same insight and clarity that made Sapiens an international hit and a New York Times bestseller, Harari maps out our future.

Nový, nepoužitý kus. Možnosť kúpiť aj v kombinácii s novou lampou ARRI Comact 6000 Plus.
Osobne v BA.
Pre viac info ma môžete kontaktovať telefonicky, alebo emailom.
"The EB 6/9K High Speed Electronic Ballast with ALF and DMX has been introduced by ARRI to power their ground-breaking M90 6K/9K lamp head. This versatile power source has been streamlined and packed with features like CCL to compensate for power loss over long cable runs and ALF (Active Line Filter) which provides a higher Power Factor resulting in more efficient power use. This is accomplished by shifting the voltage and current waveforms in phase and minimizing harmonics and spikes. ALF also minimizes the current carried back on the neutral leg of the power systems. This is accomplished by shifting the voltage and current waveforms in phase and minimizing harmonics and spikes. ALF also minimizes the current carried back on the neutral leg of the power systems.
This version of the 6/9K ballast allows high speed shooting of sports events, industrial applications, automotive component testing and ballistics or material testing without any concerns about flicker.
Since the M90 can accept either of Osram's 6K or 9K lamps, the EB 6/9 kW features automatic detection of both lamps and lamp heads. There's also a low noise mode and DMX on/off and 100-50% dimming control.To help you monitor the unit while shooting, it has LED indicators for input voltage, protective earth, over temperature, lamp on, detected lamp, and low noise mode as well as an illuminated on/off switch."

REB sk. ponúka na prenájom bývanie v rodinnom dome v pokojnej lokalite Prievozu - Ružinov.
Nehnuteľnosť (dve poschodia) s plochou 150 m2 poskytuje veľkorysé bývanie s výbornou dostupnosťou do centra mesta (cca 10 min.) resp. na diaľnicu (cca 5 min.).
možnosť parkovania pre 4 vozidlá (1x garáž; 1x pozemok rodinného domu; 2x verejné parkovanie pri rodinnom dome)
Rodinný dom disponuje zabezpečovacím systémom.
Dom je ideálny pre rodinu s deťmi, príp. pre študentov / pracujúcich (maximálne 8 osôb). Domáci miláčik akceptovateľný.
- 1. poschodie: vstupná chodba; práčovňa; 1x nepriechodná spálňa + 1x kúpeľňa s vaňou a toaletou; obývacia izba prepojená s jedálenskou časťou a kuchyňou s výstupom na prízemnú terasu a do záhrady
- 2. poschodie.: 4x nepriechodná spálňa + 3x kúpeľňa so sprchovacím kútom a toaletou; z jednej zo spálni je výstup na terasu na poschodí
ZARIADENIE: dom je čiastočne zariadený (v zmysle fotografií); v prípade vážneho záujmu možnosť dozariadenia
LOKALITA: pohodlné a pokojné bývanie v lokalite s rodinnou zástavbou; v blízkosti je kompletná občianska vybavenosť (škôlka/škola s pešou dostupnosťou cca 10 min.; obchod; pekáreň; ...); MHD (trolejbus / autobus)
CENA: 1.800,- EUR/mesiac + cca 350,- EUR/mesiac za energie (vrátane internetu a TV balíka). Pri podpise zmluvy platí nájomca kompletné jednomesačné nájomné vrátane energií, vratný depozit vo výške kompletného jednomesačného nájmu s energiami a poplatok pre realitnú spoločnosť 900Eur.
REB sk. offers for rent a house - quiet location of Prievoz - Ružinov.
The property (two floors) with an area of 150 m2 provides generous housing with excellent access to the city center (approx. 10 min.) or to the highway (approx. 5 min.).
possibility of parking for 4 vehicles (1x garage; 1x plot of family house; 2x public parking next to the family house)
The family house has a security system.
Ideal for a family with children, or for students / workers (maximum 8 people). Pet acceptable.
- 1st floor: entrance hallway; laundry room; 1x separated bedroom + 1x bathroom with bathtub and toilet; living room connected to the dining area and kitchen with exit to the ground floor terrace and garden
- 2nd floor.: 4x separated bedroom + 3x bathroom with shower and toilet; from one of the bedrooms there is an exit to the terrace upstairs
FURNISHINGS: the house is partially furnished, in case of serious interest, the possibility of fully furnishing
LOCATION: comfortable and peaceful living in a locality with family housing; nearby is a complete civic amenities (kindergarten/school with walking distance of about 10 min.; shop; bakery; ...); Public transport (trolleybus / bus)
PRICE: 1,800,- EUR/month + approx. 350,- EUR/month for utilities (including internet and TV package). When signing the contract, the lessee pays a complete one-month rent,

Ponúkam na prenájom kompletne zariadený 4 izbový rodinný dom v Bratislave – Záhorská Bystrica, Brumovická ulica.
Samostatne postavená novostavba RD skolaudovaná v roku 2015 so slnečnou terasou, udržiavanou záhradou a miestom na parkovanie na pozemku.
Podlahová plocha RD 159 m², obytná plocha 107 m². Výmera pozemku 550 m².
Vybavený alarmom, vnútorným krbom, záhradnou sprchou. Prízemie má podlahové kúrenie, na poschodí sú ohrevné telesá. Väčšia časť interiérového zariadenia nová. Vybavenie kuchyne nové.
Prízemie: vstupná hala, WC, kuchynská časť prepojená s obývacou izbou, špajza, hosťovská izba s vlastnou kúpeľňou so sprchovým kútom a WC, dielňa/technická miestnosť, schodisko. Z obývacej izby a hosťovskej izby vstup na vonkajšiu terasu.
Poschodie: 2 spálne z toho jedna s obytnou časťou, kúpeľňa s vaňou a WC.
Pripojenie na mestskú vodu, na pozemku sa nachádza aj studňa. K dispozícií TV a internet/wi-fi cez optické pripojenie Orange. TV a wi-fi router v obývacej časti súčasťou prenájmu. K dispozícií práčka, vybavenie kuchyne novými riadmi, terasové sedenie so slnečníkom.
Tento rodinný dom sa prenajíma na dlhodobý nájom. Domáce zvieratá (pes, mačka) nie sú povolené.
Cena nájmu 1 650 €/mesiac + energie 250 €/mesiac. Pri počte viac ako 4 osoby doplatok za energie 40€/osoba/mesiac.
Obhliadky možné po dohode.
Voľný od apríla 2023.
Nájomca platí vratný depozit 1 900 EUR. Zmluva priamo s majiteľom, bez provízie realitnej kancelárie.
Kontakt: mobil: , mail: antalekova@
We offer for rent fully equipped 4 room family house in Bratislava - Záhorská Bystrica, Brumovická street.
Separately newly built family house schooled in 2015 with a sunny terrace, a well-kept garden and a parking spot on the property.
The floor area of the family house is 159 m², the living area is 107 m². Plot area is 550 m².
Equipped with alarm, indoor fireplace, garden shower. The ground floor has underfloor heating, the 1st floor is equipped with heating devices. Part of the interior equipment is new. Kitchen equipment is new.
Ground floor: entrance hall, toilet, kitchen connected to the living room, pantry, guest room with own bathroom with shower and toilet, workshop/technical room, staircase. Access to the outdoor terrace from the living room and guest room.
1st floor: 2 bedrooms, one with a living area, bathroom with bathtub and toilet.
Connection to city water, there is also a well on the property. TV and internet/wi-fi via Orange optical connection available. TV and wi-fi router in the living room included in the rent. Washing machine, kitchen equipment with new dishes, terrace seating with parasol available.
This family house is rented for a long-term lease. Pets (dog, cat) are not allowed.
Rent €1,650/month + energies €250/month.In case of more than 4 people living in the object, an extra charge for energies is €40/person/month.
Tours possible by arrangement.

Ponúkam na prenájom kompletne zariadený 4 izbový rodinný dom v Bratislave – Záhorská Bystrica, Brumovická ulica.
Samostatne postavená novostavba RD skolaudovaná v roku 2015 so slnečnou terasou, udržiavanou záhradou a miestom na parkovanie na pozemku.
Podlahová plocha RD 159 m², obytná plocha 107 m². Výmera pozemku 550 m².
Vybavený alarmom, vnútorným krbom, záhradnou sprchou. Prízemie má podlahové kúrenie, na poschodí sú ohrevné telesá. Väčšia časť interiérového zariadenia nová. Vybavenie kuchyne nové.
Prízemie: vstupná hala, WC, kuchynská časť prepojená s obývacou izbou, špajza, hosťovská izba s vlastnou kúpeľňou so sprchovým kútom a WC, dielňa/technická miestnosť, schodisko. Z obývacej izby a hosťovskej izby vstup na vonkajšiu terasu.
Poschodie: 2 spálne z toho jedna s obytnou časťou, kúpeľňa s vaňou a WC.
Pripojenie na mestskú vodu, na pozemku sa nachádza aj studňa. K dispozícií TV a internet/wi-fi cez optické pripojenie Orange. TV a wi-fi router v obývacej časti súčasťou prenájmu. K dispozícií práčka, vybavenie kuchyne novými riadmi, terasové sedenie so slnečníkom.
Tento rodinný dom sa prenajíma na dlhodobý nájom. Domáce zvieratá (pes, mačka) nie sú povolené.
Cena nájmu 1 650 €/mesiac + energie 250 €/mesiac. Pri počte viac ako 4 osoby doplatok za energie 40€/osoba/mesiac.
Obhliadky možné po dohode.
Voľný ihneď.
Nájomca platí vratný depozit 1 900 EUR. Zmluva priamo s majiteľom, bez provízie realitnej kancelárie.
Kontakt: mobil: , mail: antalekova@
We offer for rent fully equipped 4 room family house in Bratislava - Záhorská Bystrica, Brumovická street.
Separately newly built family house schooled in 2015 with a sunny terrace, a well-kept garden and a parking spot on the property.
The floor area of the family house is 159 m², the living area is 107 m². Plot area is 550 m².
Equipped with alarm, indoor fireplace, garden shower. The ground floor has underfloor heating, the 1st floor is equipped with heating devices. Part of the interior equipment is new. Kitchen equipment is new.
Ground floor: entrance hall, toilet, kitchen connected to the living room, pantry, guest room with own bathroom with shower and toilet, workshop/technical room, staircase. Access to the outdoor terrace from the living room and guest room.
1st floor: 2 bedrooms, one with a living area, bathroom with bathtub and toilet.
Connection to city water, there is also a well on the property. TV and internet/wi-fi via Orange optical connection available. TV and wi-fi router in the living room included in the rent. Washing machine, kitchen equipment with new dishes, terrace seating with parasol available.
This family house is rented for a long-term lease. Pets (dog, cat) are not allowed.
Rent €1,650/month + energies €250/month.In case of more than 4 people living in the object, an extra charge for energies is €40/person/month.
Tours possible by arrangement.

Ahojte, študujem anglický jazyk na vysokej škole a vypracovala som pre vás všetky maturitné témy, vhodné pre úroveň B1 a B2. Každá téma je vypracovaná prehľadne v odsekoch a je vypracovaná podľa aktuálnych požiadaviek Štátneho pedagogického ústavu. Tém je spolu 25 a ku každej téme je slovná zásoba s cca 100 slovíčkami, ktoré sú potrebné a týkajú sa danej témy.
Tieto témy sú skutočne vypracované mnou a sú skontrolované lektorom a učiteľom angličtiny na VŠ.
Po zaslaní potvrdenia o platbe posielam všetko na mail vo formáte PDF za 7€.
Na fotkách môžete vidieť ukážku ako vyzerajú jednotlivé témy.
V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte e-mailom, odpovedám ihneď. Telefónne číslo je vymyslené.
1. Family
2. Culture and art
3. Sports
4. Housing
5. Shopping and services
6. Health Care
7. Travelling
8. School and study
9. Jobs and employment
10. People and nature
11. Science and technology
12. Human relationships
13. People and society
14. Communication and its forms
15. Mass media
16. Young people and society
17. Food
18. Hobbies,leisure and lifestyle
19. Multicultural society
20. Towns and places
21. Fashion and clothes
22. The book + William Shakespeare
23. Idols and celebrities
24. English speaking countries (Australia, The USA, Great Britain, New Zealand, Canada)
25. Slovakia (+Nitra)

Ahojte, študujem anglický jazyk na vysokej škole a vypracovala som pre vás všetky maturitné témy, vhodné pre úroveň B1 a B2. Každá téma je vypracovaná prehľadne v odsekoch a je vypracovaná podľa aktuálnych požiadaviek Štátneho pedagogického ústavu. Tém je spolu 25 a ku každej téme je slovná zásoba s cca 100 slovíčkami, ktoré sú potrebné a týkajú sa danej témy.
Tieto témy sú skutočne vypracované mnou a sú skontrolované lektorom a učiteľom angličtiny na VŠ.
Po zaslaní potvrdenia o platbe posielam všetko na mail vo formáte PDF za 4€.
Na fotkách môžete vidieť ukážku ako vyzerajú jednotlivé témy.
V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte e-mailom, odpovedám ihneď. Telefónne číslo je vymyslené.
1. Family
2. Culture and art
3. Sports
4. Housing
5. Shopping and services
6. Health Care
7. Travelling
8. School and study
9. Jobs and employment
10. People and nature
11. Science and technology
12. Human relationships
13. People and society
14. Communication and its forms
15. Mass media
16. Young people and society
17. Food
18. Hobbies,leisure and lifestyle
19. Multicultural society
20. Towns and places
21. Fashion and clothes
22. The book + William Shakespeare
23. Idols and celebrities
24. English speaking countries (Australia, The USA, Great Britain, New Zealand, Canada)
25. Slovakia (+Nitra)

Susan Cain - Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking. V perfektnom stave.
Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email.
Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty.
Our lives are driven by a fact that most of us can't name and don't understand. It defines who our friends and lovers are, which careers we choose, and whether we blush when we're embarrassed. That fact is whether we're an introvert or an extrovert. The introvert/extrovert divide is the most fundamental dimension of personality. And at least a third of us are on the introverted side. Some of the world's most talented people are introverts. Without them we wouldn't have the Apple computer, the theory of relativity and Van Gogh's sunflowers. Yet extroverts have taken over. Shyness, sensitivity and seriousness are often seen as being negative. Introverts feel reproached for being the way they are. In Quiet, Susan Cain shows how the brain chemistry of introverts and extroverts differs, and how society misunderstands and undervalues introverts. She gives introverts the tools to better understand themselves and take full advantage of their strengths. Passionately argued, superbly researched, and filled with real stories, Quiet will permanently change how we see introverts - and how you see yourself.

Predám 5-izbovy rodinný dom v obci Chorvatsky Grob.
Dom sa nachádza v starej časti obce, tichá lokalita, v blízkosti školy, všeobecného lekára, pošty a potravín. Miestny úrad a autobusová zastávka je cca 5 minút chodze.
Dom má nové dlážky, podlahové kúrenie, keramická dlažba v celom dome a v hlavnej spálni je plávajúca podlaha. Kuchyňa je prepojená s jedálenskou časťou a obývačkou. Dom má dve spálne a dve kúpelne. Technická miestnosť s práčkou a pripravou na sušičku. Pri kuchyni je komora na uskladnenie potravín s chladničkou. Celé steny zvnútra sú obložené sadrokartónom. Nové dvere a nové okná. Okná do ulice majú protislnečné sklá. Dom je zvonku zateplený, izolovaný strop a má novú strechu. Pozemok má studňu, na ktorú je napojené splachovanie záchodov. Dom má vonkajšíkamerový systém a vnútorný alarm. V kuchyni je dymový senzor a v technickej miestnosti a za umývačkou riadu je alarm na vodu. V každej izbe je senzor na pohyb, plus dom je rozdelený na dve samostatné zóny. Všetko je prepojené cez wifi a na váš telefón prichadzaju upozornenia, vrátane výpadku elektrického prúdu. Úžitková plocha domu je 125 m² .
Záhrada je nedokončená. Dom má malú pivnicu, cca 3x4 m, vchod do nej je zvonku. Rozloha pozemku je 459 m².
Dom sa predáva aj so zariadením. V hlavnej spálni je vstavaná skriňa roldor.
Viac foto pošlem mailom.
POPROSIM nie realitne kancelarie!
Selling a 5-room family house in the village of Chorvatsky Grob.
The house is located in the old part of the village, quiet location, close to the school, doctor, post office and a grocery store. The local municipal office and the bus stop are about a 5-minute walk.
The house has new floors, underfloor heating, ceramic tiles throughout the house and a floating floor in the master bedroom. The kitchen is connected to the dining area and the living room. The house has two bedrooms and two bathrooms. Utility room with washing machine and rough in for dryer. There is a food storage room with a refrigerator near the kitchen. The entire walls from the inside are drywall. New doors and new windows. The windows to the street have anti-sun glass. The house is insulated from the outside, insulated ceilings and has a new roof. The land has a well to which the toilet plumbing is connected. The house has an external camera system and an internal alarm. There is a smoke sensor in the kitchen and a water alarm in the utility room and behind the dishwasher. There is a motion sensor in every room, plus the house is divided into two separate zones. Everything is connected via Wi-Fi and notifications are sent to your phone, including power outages. The square footage of the house is 125 m².
The garden is unfinished. The house has a small cellar, approx. 3x4 m, the entrance to it is from the

Predam knihu Kardashian Konfidential od Kim Kardashian, Kourtney Kardashian , Khloe Kardashian
Confessions of life as a Kardashian sister—stuffed with family stories, advice, beauty tips and exclusive gorgeous full color photos, personal snapshots and the inside scoop on their life growing up into the gorgeous Dash Dolls
The stars of not one but two #1 reality television shows, and frequent cover girls on all the weekly celebrity magazines, Kourtney, Kim & Khloé Kardashian live large and glamorous lives. But not everything is on the screen—how they really live, get along (and feud) as sisters is the subject of the Kardashians’ very first book. Kardashian Konfidential is their sisterhood autobiography, full of fun facts about their childhoods (guess who was the ugly duckling?), their beauty and style secrets, the wisdom they learned from their beloved father, and the street smarts they got from their mother that sustain them in life and in business.
Kardashian Konfidential is bursting at the seams with photos, memorabilia, diary entries, datebook pages, and old Valentines the girls sent to each other, as well as many other artifacts put together just for their book. As glamorous, fun and fashionable as the girls themselves, this is the perfect buy-one-for-me-buy-three-for-friends fan’s book.

Predám učebnice pre čník ZŠ
Všetky po 2,50 eur
Iba ANJ po 6eur. V angličtine je prvých 5 strán doplnených perom ostatné je čisté
Geografia učebnica, Geografia prac. zošit
ANJ - Family and Friends 4
Fyzika učebnica
Biológia ucebnica - predané!!!
Dejepis učebnica
Matematika učebnica
ZBIERKA úloh - iba prvá strana je poškodená kúsok odtrhnutá
ZBIERKA úloh pre 5ročník.
Najideálnejšie odber všetkých kníh naraz ale predám aj po kuse
Pošlem poštou (plus poštovné podľa váhy)
Alebo osobný odber Miloslavov (5km od BA)
Dá sa dohodnúť aj odber v BA

Paperback, raz prečítaný. Vidieť mierne známky na obale. Praktická kniha pre každého, kto hľadá trochu voľného času medzi svojimi každodennými povinnosťami. Kniha je v angličtine. Cena je už aj s poštový, posielam po zaplatení na účet.
In I Know How She Does It, time management expert Laura Vanderkam offers powerful insights from the diaries of successful women. Everyone has an opinion, anecdote, or horror story about women and work. Most believe that a woman who wants a challenging career will have to make huge sacrifices - in family, social life, hobbies or even a decent night's sleep. But what if balancing work and family is actually not as hard as it's made out to be? What if all those tragic anecdotes ignore the women who quietly but consistently do just fine with the juggle? Instead of relying on scattered stories, time management expert Laura Vanderkam set out to find some hard data. She collected hour-by-hour time logs from 1,001 days in the lives of women who make at least $100,000 a year. And she found some surprising patterns: these women worked less and slept more than they thought. They went to the gym, played with their children, scheduled date nights, and had lunches with friends. They could be spontaneous and make time for the things that gave them pleasure and meaning.
With examples from hundreds of real women, Vanderkam proves that you don't have to give up on the things you really want. In I Know How She Does It, she offers specific strategies proven to help you manage your time and build a life that works, one hour at a time.

Úvod do lekárskej chémie - prof.Mudr.Barna
Liekové formy - učebnica pre farmaceutické fakulty
Farmakologie pro lékaře I. - Wenke,Mráz,Hynie
Farmakologie pro lékaře II. - Wenke,Mráz,Hynie
Chemická léčivá - B.Melichar
Léky a jejich použití
Farmakologia antiinfekčných liečiv
Výroba léku - Chalabala,Libický
Zdravoveda - Osveta 1953
Zdravoveda - Osveta 1990
Soustavná anatomie člověka II - SZN
Zdravoveda pre rodinu 1 - Osveta
Zdravoveda pre rodinu 2 - Osveta
Léčime doma - malé i větší neduhy
Stručný lekársky slovník - Kábrt,Valach
BERGMAN,SICARD - Surgical management of the diabetic patient
JAN A.VAN HEERDEN - Common problems in endocrine surgery
MARTIN NEGWER - Organic-chemical drugs and their synonyms
JEFFREY S. GROEGER - Critical care of the cancer patient
Základy lékařské angličtiny - učebnice pro lékařské fakulty
Memorix - vademecum lékaře
Medzinárodná klasifikácia chorôb - príručka
Úvod do patológie - Prof.MUDr.B. Bednář
Patológia - učebnica pre lekárske fakulty, Prof.MUDr.B. Bednář
Patologická anatomie II.
Anatomie s topografií a klinickými aplikacemi - P.Petrovický
Anatomická pitva - učebnice pro lékařské fakulty
Embryologia človeka - Ivan Stanek
Stómie,stomici - Jaroslac Lúčan
Diagnóza pri posteli chorého - Sevard,Mattingly
Psychológia - Teplov
Všeobecné lekárstvo 1 - Fr.Klimo
Základy klinickej biochémie ve vnitŕním lekařství - J. Hořejší
Psychiatrie - učebnice pro lékařské fakulty, Vencovský,Dobiáš
Alergia a antihistaminiká - P.Pružinec
Liečivé a kozmetické aerodisperzie a peny - Calabala,Knap
Reumatológia v teórii a praxi - Siťaj,Žitňan
Dematovenerológia - učebnica pre farmaceutické fakulty, Chmel,Rehak
Zubná protetika - Molnár,Schranz,Huszár
Stomatologická chirurgia - učebnica pre lekárske fakulty, Halmoš,Velgos
Kreslenie a modelovanie korunkových zubov - Blažek,Červený
Základy imunológie - Ivan Roitt
Psychológia - pre gymnázia a pedagogické školy
Anatómia a fyziológia človeka - A.Valachovič
Cukrovka - Finďo,Finďová
Poruchy hemostázy pri diabetes mellitus
Diagnostické a terapeutické výkony v detskom veku - Getlík,Horanský,Černay
Biológia detí a dorastu - Malá,Klementa
Chrápanie u detí - Príčiny,diagnostika a liečba
Gynekologia a pôrodníctvo - učebnica pre stredne zdravotnícke školy, Dlhoš,Pros
Detské lekárstvo - učebnica pre stredne zdravotnícke školy
Ošetrovanie zdravého a chorého dieťaťa - učebnica pre stredne zdravotnícke školy
Fyziologie a patologie novorodenca - Karel Poláček
Zdravé ditě a alternatíní medicína - J.Janča
Nervové dráhy - Jozef Maršala
Cievne prístupy - Gašparec,Koppl,Tomová
Základy diferenciání diagnostiky vnitřních nemocí - K.Bobek
Otorinolaryngologie - Škeřík
Naliehavé situácie vo vnútornom lekárstve - Koller,Nagel,Neuhaus
Jak zmírnit bolest artritidy

Omar El Akkad - American War
Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email.
Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty.
An audacious and powerful debut novel: a second American Civil War, a devastating plague, and one family caught deep in the middle - a story that asks what might happen if America were to turn its most devastating policies and deadly weapons upon itself. Sarat Chestnut, born in Louisiana, is only six when the Second American Civil War breaks out in 2074. But even she knows that oil is outlawed, that Louisiana is half underwater, and that unmanned drones fill the sky. When her father is killed and her family is forced into Camp Patience for displaced persons, she begins to grow up shaped by her particular time and place. But not everyone at Camp Patience is who they claim to be. Eventually Sarat is befriended by a mysterious functionary, under whose influence she is turned into a deadly instrument of war. The decisions that she makes will have tremendous consequences not just for Sarat but for her family and her country, rippling through generations of strangers and kin alike.

Predám slúchadlový zosilňovač Douk-U3.
•Adopting innovative circuit design, DC 5-20V wide input working voltage, the amplifier circuit can always work at a high voltage of 26V, and the background noise index is excellent. With wide frequency response extension, excellent transient response, excellent purity and transparency, and good dynamic range.
•Adopting original TI-NE5532 classical op amp and transistor expanding current circuit, using 1300mA large current output transistor working in class A status, with ultra-low distortion, and the sound is warm and delicate, full and mellow.
•Pluggable op amp socket design, convenient to upgrade different op amps and bring much DIY fun and playability for audiophiles. Smooth and mellow sound, suitable for listening to vocals or string music, classic or pop music, and even with unique charm when playing rock.
•Mini size with exquisite appearance and most cost-effective, brings big surprise for all audiophiles, easily to drive most headphones in the market, providing larger power, better sound field and details, very suitable for home/office desltop audio system use.
•With stong drive power, easily to drive most high-impedance headphones such as:
•Audio input: stereo L/R RCA
•Audio output: 6.35mm headphone jack
•Output power: ≥1300mW (32Ω)
•Matched headphone impedance: 18-600Ω
•Frequency response: 20-30KHz
•Signal to noise ratio: ≥110DB
•Max output amplitude voltage: 25V
•Input voltage: DC 5-20V
•Dimension(W*D*H): 67*93*30mm / 2.64*3.66*1.18in
•Net weight: 169g / 0.37lb
•Package weight: 310g / 0.68lb
Packing List
•1*U3 Headphone Amplifier
•1*USB to DC Cable

Cena 70€ plus postovne.
Posielam z anglicka!
Kontakt Skype: amazonsvk
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