zľavové kupóny about you - strana 9
Počet nájdených inzerátov ZĽAVOVÉ KUPÓNY ABOUT YOU
: 1000 - strana 9

predam tieto kupony, co mi ostali uz nestihneme vsetky vyuzit, do pierusu su po 13 euro, do permonu za 7, z kazdeho mam este volne 2 kusky, nech sa paci.

Dobrý deň,
darujem zľavu na každý natankovaný liter prémiového paliva na čerpacích staniciach SLOVNAFT… plus prípadné kupóny aktualizujem (kto skôr využije ten berie) …. Viď prípadné foto…
Ešte pár bodov chýba do vyššej úrovne a bude zľava aj na obyčajné palivo :) … (k urýchleniu prechodu do vyššej úrovne oskenujte prosím čiarový kód aj pri kúpe iných veci ako len paliva)
Zľava sa uplatňuje pri oskenovaní čiarového kódu obsluhou z vášho smartfónu.
Odporúčam si titulný obrázok s čiarovým kódom sťiahnuť do vlastnej fotogalérie a užívať si trošku lacnejšie natankované palivo aj v budúcnosti.

Predám vyobrazenú zostavu 15 ročníkov emisie umenie - kupóny horné, dolné, resp. pravé, ľavé + spojka za 50,- € + poštovné. Všetko nepečiatkované, originálny lep, pekná kvalita.

Predám vyobrazenú zostavu 13 ročníkov emisie bratislavských motívov - kupóny horné,dolné, resp. pravé, ľave + spojka za 17,- € + poštovné. Všetko nepečiatkované, originálny lep, pekná kvalita.

Predám vyobrazenú zostavu 11 ročníkov emisie Pražský hrad - kupóny horné, dolné + spojka za 14,- € + poštovné. Všetko nepečiatkované, originálny lep, pekná kvalita.

Česká republika, Růže nad Prahou I, II - rok 2003, brána s pávem I - rok 2005, kupony, + 1 aršík + známka, svěží, bez nálepky - viz scan, ruším sbírku, na známky již nevidím, cena + poštovné dle mezinárodních poštovních tarifů. Levně. K doplnění sbírky. Podívejte se i na další moje aukce. Prodejní cena v ČR vyšší.

Česká republika r.2005 - SL 438 + kupony + spojka + známka - svěží, bez nálepky. Dětem - Křemílek a Vochomůrka Rozprodávám sbírku ČR rok 1993-2011. Na známky již nevidím. Cena 10 euro + poštovné dle mezinárodních poštovních tarifů. Podívejte se i na další

ČR - ST 156+157, kupony viz scan - Praga 1998 Praha stověžatá - z roku 1997 svěží, bez nálepky. Rozprodám sbírku ČR . r, 1993-2011. Jedno poštovné. Na známky již nevidím. Podívejte se i na další naše aukce.

Predám zvukovú kartu Sound Blaster SB0060 5.1 surround sound, Dolby Digital 5.1, s MIDI/GAME portom pre JoyStick. Rozhranie PCI
The Sound Blaster Live!TM brings cinema-quality sound to your movies, music, and games with digital 5.1 clarity.
Driven by the powerful EMU10K1TM Digital Signal Processor, you will experience the highest quality sound reproduction with real-time audio and effects.
The Sound Blaster Live! includes Creative PlayCenterTM with a full 320kbps encoder and 9X MP3 acceleration, making it fast and easy to create, customize, and listen to quality MP3/WMA files.
With the ability to connect to Dolby Digital and multi-channel digital speaker systems or analog audio devices, you can experience true 5.1 surround sound with all PC audio entertainment.
Creative Multi-Speaker SurroundTM (CMSS) mode lets you experience 5.1 audio from a stereo signal, or enjoy movies in Dolby Digital 5.1 audio when connected to digital 6-channel speakers or analog Dolby Digital-ready home stereo receivers.
EAN: 73
Predáva sa s káblikom ako je na obr. za 9€ prip.dohoda. Odber ideálne v KE. Ponuky píšte na e-mail/SMS, lebo hovory nie je možnosť vybavovať ihneď.

Odskusany, funkcny, mini znamky pouzivania.
Vsetky specifikacie na stiahnutie TU:
Faster Wireless Speeds
Dual-Band Wireless for Seamless Performance
802.11 a/b/g/n/ac wireless LAN for a complete range of wireless compatibility
Gigabit WAN and LAN ports for high-speed wired connections
USB port to connect storage drives and printers for sharing
Four internal antennas with 11ac technology to ensure comprehensive home coverage
Remotely view and manage your network over the Internet
Access your network through a mobile app
Mobile Apps
mydlink™ Lite app helps you access, manage and view your network remotely
Shareport™ Mobile app lets you stream and share media files and documents across your network
QRS Mobile app lets you set up your network using a mobile device without a computer
WPA & WPA2 wireless encryption protects the network from intruders
Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) securely adds devices to your network at the push of a button

Fredrik Backman - Us Against You. Je ako nová.
Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email.
Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty.
Can a broken town survive a second tragedy? By the time the last goal is scored, someone in Beartown will be dead... Us Against You is the story of two towns, two teams and what it means to believe in something bigger than yourself. It's about how people come together - sometimes in anger, often in sorrow, but also through love. And how, when we stand together, we can bring a town back to life.

Guns n Roses-Appetite For Destruction: Remastered,Super Deluxe Edition 99€
Manowar-Triple Album Collection 3cd 12€
6 ROCK 6CD BOX 18€
Metallica-Reload 8€
Sepultura-ROOTS 6€
Apocalyptica-Cult 8€
Black Sabbath-13€
Sepultura-Best of 5€
Anthrax-Persistence of time 10€
Dream Theater-Awake 10€
Dream Theater-Dream Theater 10€
Dream Theater-Distance over time 12€
Dream Theater-Six Degrees of inner turbulence 12€ 2cd edicia
Skid Row-Slave to the grind 13€
Testament-The new order 13€
Def Leppard-Hignt n Dry 13€
Deep Purple-In Rock,Fireball 13€/kus
KISS-Hotten than hell,Hot Gun,Double Platinum,Dinasty,Crazy Nights,Creatures of the nights 12/kus
Korn-Path Totality 12€
Black Sabbath 13 7€
Motorhead-March or die 5€
Tyrant –Blind Revolution 8€
Ozzy Ozbourne-Speak of the devil 10€
Ozzy Ozbourne-The Ultimate Sin 10€
Ozzy Ozbourne-Bark of the moon 10€
Tool-Opiate 12€
Urriah Heep-Salisbury 10€
System of Dawn-System off Dawn,Steel Tis Album 2cd 13€
Helloween-Master of Rings 12€,Skyfall 9€,Keeper of theseven keys pt I 12€
Whitesnake-Restless Heart 12€
Alice Cooper-Thrash 9€,Goes To Hell 9€,Brutal Plannet 9€
AC/DC-If You Want Blood You We Go it 9€,Stiff Uper Lip 9€
Kiss-Destroyer 9€ Icon 9€
Nazarteth-Greatest Hits 9€
Orlik-Demise 11€ rezerve
Orlik-OI 11€
Daniel Landa-Valcik 11€,Pozdrav z fronty 11€ ,Chciply Dobry Vily 11€,9MM 11€,Ceskoslovensko Tour CD/DVD Edicia 11€
Jethro Tull-Catfish Risin 90€
Barry Gibb-In The Now 10€
Mick Jagger-Very Best 9€
Rolling Stones-Beggars Banquet,Japan cd 15€
Rolling Stones-Underpoint 10€,Flashpoint
10€,Some Girls 10€ Tatoo 10€,Black and blue 10€,Bridges to Babylon 10€
Rolling Stones-Exile of main Street 10€,Steel Weels 10€,Emotional Rescue 10€,December Children,10€,Dirty Work 10€
U2-All that you can t leave behind 9€,Rattle And Hum 9€
Uriah Heep-Innocent victim 9€,Wonderworld 10€,
Doors-Gold 9€
Sepultura-Best of 7€
CD-Wanastowi Vjecy – Letíme Na Wenuši 7€,Nové
CD-Chicago-Chicago 4€
CD-Genesis – Invisible Touch 5€
CD-Bee Gees – Still Waters 5€
CD/DVD-Argema – Live Concert 7€,
CD-Hyperhity-SK,CZ Rock,Pop vyber 5€,
No Doubt-Singles 1992-2003 9€
Chris Rea-Stony Road 2cdd 9€
Mike Oldfield-Crises 9€
Asia-Alpha 8€
Tublatanka-Tublatanka 14€
Tublatanka-Skusime to cez vesmir 14€
Ghymes-Nebeska Poviedka 8€,Dialkoletec/Messzerepülö 8€,Hejavarazs/Jastrabie caro 8€,kus
Elán-Detektivka 7€,Rabaka 7€,Nie sme zli 7€,Netvor z ciernej hviezdy Q7A 7€,Legenda 1,2,3,5,7€,kus.Elán-Jozo 2cd8€
Elán-Carnegie Hall Unplugged New york+kniha 10€.
Petet Toth-Observatorium Live in Kosice 9€
Info len e-mail+postovné.

Ahoj. Volám sa Daniel a som z USA. Môj prvý (a jediný) jazyk je angličtina. Angličtinu pre jazykovú školu učím odkedy som sa pred 5 rokmi presťahoval na Slovensko. Keďže nehovorím po slovensky, radšej učím ľudí ktorí trochu po anglicky vedia, ale ak si úplný začiatočník a si zvedavý, môžeme vyskúšať pár hodín a uvidíme, ako to pôjde.
V prípade záujmu si môžete zarezervovať kurz na nižšie uvedenom odkaze. Momentálne učím len online a poobede.
Hello. My name is Daniel and I am from the USA. My first (and only) language is English. I've been teaching English for a language school ever since I moved to Slovakia 5 years ago. As I don't speak Slovak, I prefer to teach people with some English but if you're a complete beginner and are curious, we can try a few classes and see how it goes.
If you are interested you can book a class at the below link. I only teach online and in the afternoons currently.

albano and romina power effetto amore
alice gioielli rubati
Alphaville Afternoons in utopia
Alphaville forever young
andy gibb after dark
Anthony Ventura
baltimora living in the background
barbra streisand guilty
barbra streisand emotion
Beach Boys Wipe out
bee gees living eyes
Best of Roger Whittaker
bony tyler secret dreams and forbidden fire
bruce springsteen tunnel of love
bruce springsteen war
Carpenters- Voice of the heart
cindy lauper true colors
Cocteau Twins Stars and topsoil
culture club color by numbers
David Bowie Changes
Dire Straits Alchemy live
Dire Straits Communique
Dire Straits Dire Straits
donna summer donna summer
duran duran notorious
Elton John Greatest Hits
Elton John- Love songs
eros ramazotti nuovi eroi
europe the final countdown
Eurythmics- 1984
Herbie Hancock, Chick Corea Where have i known you before
Joni Mitchell- Dog eat the dog
Julian Lennon- Valotte
Keith Jarrett The Koln Concert
limahl dont suppose
Madness One step beyond
Mark Knopfler Local hero
Modern Talking: 2 album- Lets talk about love
Modern Talking: 3 album- Ready for romance
Modern Talking: 4 album- In the middle of nowhere
Modern Talking: The 1 st album
Motorhead Beer drinkers
Phil Collins No jacket required
Pink Floyd A collection of great dance songs
Pink Floyd Relics
Pink Floyd The dark side of the moon
pointer sisters so excited
Prince- Purple Rain
robin gibb how old are you
Samantha Fox samantha fox
Santana Greatest hits
sheena easton a private heaven
supertramp live in paris
The Police Every breath you take
Tracy Chapman Crossroads
Uriah heep Salisbury
we are the world
wham make it big
Wham The final
Whitney Houston
whitney houston whitney
whitney houston whitney houston
Yazoo- Upstairs at Erics
ZZ Top First Album

Accept- Eat the heat
AC/DC Razors edge
Black Sabbath- Attention Black Sabbath
Blondie The Hunter
Blondie best of blondie
Blondie plastic letters
Bon Jovi slippery when wet
Bon Jovi new jersey
Bruce Springsteen- Born in the USA
Bruce Springsteen- Tunnel of love
Cinderella heartbreak station
D.C. Lacroix crack of doom
D.C. Lacroix living by the sword
Deep purple storm bringer
Deep purple who do we think we are?
Deep purple fireball
Deep purple burn
Deep purple Singles A's & B's
Deep purple perfect stranger
Deep purple the house of blue light
Deep purple Made in Europe
Deep purple slaves and masters
Deep Purple- In rock
Def Leppard Hysteria
Dio lock up the wolves
Dire straits on every street
Doors- Light my fire
Doors- Strange days
Doors- Morrison hotel
Doors- Star Collection
Doors Greatest hits
Doors L.A. Woman
Elvis Presley-Pure Gold
Elvis Presley-Promised Land
Eurythmics- Revenge
Guns and Roses- Use your ilusion 2
Jethro Tull too old to rocknroll too young to die
Jethro Tull A
Jethro Tull Stormwatch
Led Zeppelin- Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin III
Led Zeppelin- Untitled
Metallica- Garage days revisited
Motorhead- Ace of Spades
Motorhead- Death or Glory
Nazareth- Hair of the dog
Nazareth 2XS
Nazareth malice in wonderland
Nazareth- Cinema
Pink Floyd- Wish you were here
QUEEN- The works
QUEEN- Hot Space
Queen- Greatest hits
Queen- A kind of magic
Rainbow down to Earth
REM- Out of time
Rolling Stones Stone Age
Rolling Stones through the past darkly
Rolling Stones Sticky fingers
Rolling Stones Exile on main street
Rolling Stones Goats head soup
Rolling Stones Steel wheels
Rolling Stones Made in the shade
Rolling Stones Rewind
Rolling Stones Lady Jane
Rolling Stones Play with fire
Rolling Stones All together
Raxy music- Country life
Roxy music- Roxy music
Roxy music- Siren
Scorpions In trance
Scorpions- Love at first sting
Scorpions- Lovedrive
Scorpions Live
Slade Slayed
Slade Rogues gallery
Smokie- Bright Lights and Back Alleys
Smokie- Greatest hits
Status Quo Never too late
Status Quo hello
Status Quo Rock til you drop
Status Quo If you can stand in the heat
Status Quo just supposin
Status Quo rocking all over the world
Supertramp- Famous last words
U2- Joshua Tree
U2- Rattle and hum
Uriah heep innocent victim
Uriah heep very eavy very umble
Uriah heep The magician birthday
Whitesnake- Live
ZZ Top Eliminator

Kvalitny a bezpecny Nosic Chicco You & Me, novy
Praktický a jednoduchý nosič You & Me zaručuje maximálne pohodlie nielen pre dieťa, ale aj pre rodičov.
Má dve nastaviteľné polohy: poloha, kedy je dieťa otočené tváričkou k matke a polohu s tváričkou otočenou dopredu.
Pevná odopínacia opierka hlavy poskytuje bábätku ideálnu podporu, keď je nesené v polohe s tváričkou k matke.
Pre polohu, keď je bábätko otočené tváričkou dopredu, môže byť opierka hlavy odopnutia.
Celú prednú časť nosiča možno odopnúť, táto funkcia výrazne uľahčuje manipuláciu s dieťaťom. Medzi nožičkami dieťaťa je nastaviteľný pás, ktorým upravujete veľkosť nosiče, podľa toho ako Vaše bábätko rastie.
Anatomicky tvarované chrbtové popruhy rovnomerne rozložia váhu dieťaťa a tým výrazne uľahčia chrbtici, najmä v oblasti bedrovej chrbtice. Cirkulačný systém vo vnútri zadnej opierky zabezpečuje priedušnosť.
Technické parametre:
Rozmer (v, d, h): 42 × 39 × 18 cm
Hmotnosť: 0,9 kg
Nosnosť: 12 kg
Nosnosť nosiča je do 12 kg.

CD / Zoznam a ceny v texte / No7
Pozrite aj ďalšie naše inzeráty. Ďakujeme AZM.
Foto je ilustračné. Zoznam a ceny dole v texte. Aktuálne v čase podania inzerátu!!
Poštovné na zakúpený tovar účtujeme podľa hmotnosti zásielky.
Tovar posielame aj do ČR.
Newton Faulkner - Hand Built By Robots / CD .. 3.00 €
Nickelback - All The Right Reasons / CD .. 3.00 €
Nickelback - Curb / CD .. 3.00 €
Nickelback - Silver Side Up / CD .. 3.00 €
Nickelback - The Long Road / CD .. 3.00 €
Nina Simone - The Very Best Of / CD .. 3.00 €
Notting Hill - Music From The Motion Picture / CD .. 3.00 €
Oasis - All Around The World / CD Singel .. 3.00 €
Oasis - Live Forever / CD Singel .. 3.00 €
Oasis - Lyla / CD Singel .. 3.00 €
Oasis - Some Might Say / CD Singel .. 3.00 €
Oasis - Wonderwall / CD Singel .. 3.00 €
Ocean Colour Scene - Moseley Shoals / CD .. 3.00 €
Ocean Colour Scene - One From The Modern / CD .. 3.00 €
Olly Murs - 24 HRS / CD .. 3.00 €
Olly Murs - Never Been Better / CD .. 3.00 €
Olly Murs - Olly Murs / CD .. 3.00 €
Olly Murs - Right Place Right Time / CD .. 3.00 €
Olly Murs - You Know I Know / 2CD .. 3.00 €
OneRepublic - Dreaming Out Loud / CD .. 3.00 €
Operation Ivy - Operation Ivy / CD .. 3.00 €
Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark - The Best Of OMD / CD .. 3.00 €
Ottawan - Hands Up / CD .. 3.00 €
Paloma Faith - Do You Want The Truth Or Something Beautiful? / CD .. 3.00 €
Paloma Faith - Fall To Grace / CD .. 3.00 €
Paolo Nutini - These Streets / CD .. 3.00 €
Paul Weller - Hit Parade / CD .. 3.00 €
Paul Weller - Stanley Road / CD .. 3.00 €
Phil Collins - ...But Seriously / CD .. 3.00 €
Pixie Lott - Turn It Up Louder / CD .. 3.00 €
Plan B - The Defamation Of Strickland Banks / CD .. 3.00 €
Prince - Musicology / CD .. 3.00 €
Pulp - Different Class / CD .. 3.00 €
Queen - Heaven For Everyone / CD Singel .. 3.00 €
R.E.M. - Automatic For The People / CD .. 3.00 €
R.E.M. - Reveal / CD .. 3.00 €
Randy - You Can't Keep A Good Band Down / CD .. 3.00 €
Ray Charles - This Love Of Mine / CD .. 3.00 €
Ray J - Raydiation / CD .. 3.00 €
Razorlight - Up All Night / CD .. 3.00 €

Predam pekne cyklo tretry / topanky MAVIC Ksyrium elite, velkot cislo 39 1/3. Dlzka vnutornej vlozky je 25,5 cm. Super stav, cena 50 eur
The Ksyrium Elite is our best seller in the women’s road bike shoe range – a classic shoe that’ll work for 90% of your riding.
In terms of comfort and power the balance is just right. The Endofit™ tongue surrounds your foot, giving you what we call The Glove Effect. And the soles of your feet are perfectly supported by our Ergo Fit 3D Ortholite® inner soles.
Outside, the Ergo ratchet system locks the foot in place, while the composite outersole gives you the same levels of power transfer as much more expensive shoes on the market.
They look good too: thin straps, white soles and two classic colour combinations – black with a textile feel or white leather-look – mean you can stay elegant while still riding hard.