zelda breath of the wild - strana 20
Počet nájdených inzerátov ZELDA BREATH OF THE WILD
: 1000 - strana 20

Chilli - semená, 26.november 2022
Cascabel, zber 2021, 20ks/0,50€
Hungarian Black, (čierne Jalapeno ), zber 2022, 10ks/1€
Jalapeno Early, zber 2021, 15ks/0,50€
Jalapeno Jalastar, zber 2021, 15ks/0,50€
NuMex Lemon Spice - Jalapeno, zber 2021, 15ks/0,50€
Jalapeno Purple, zber 2021, 15ks/0,50€
Jalapeno Red, zber 2022, 15ks/1€
Jalapeno spec.Red, zber 2022, 15/0,50€
Jalapeno Yellow, zber 2021, 15ks/0,50€
Monkie Face Yellow, zber 2022, 10ks/1€
Peperone Yucatan, zber 2022, 15ks/1€
Cayenne Red,zber 2022, 15ks/0,50€
DAMIÁN, kajenské červené, zber 2021, 15ks/0,50€
KILIÁN, kajenské oranžové, zber 2021, 15ks/0,50€
KRISTIÁN, kajenské žlté, zber 2021, 15ks/0,50€
Mix kajenské - Damián, Kilián, Kristián, zber 2021, 30ks/1€
Etna, zber 2021, 20ks/0,50€
China Chilli Red, visiace plody, 2020, 20ks/0,50€
Chinese Multicolor, zber 2022, 15ks/0,50€
Fish Pepper, zber 2022, 10ks/1€
Golden Nugget, zber 2021, 15ks/0,50€
Jamaican Hot Red, zber 2021, 15ks/0,50€
Korál, zber 2021, 20ks/0,50€
Lila Luzi, zber 2021, 20ks/0,50€
Machu Picchu, zber 2022, 10ks/1€
Peter Pepper Red, zber 2021, 10ks/1€
Peter Pepper Yellow, zber 2022, 15ks/1€
Pimenta de Neyde, zber 2021, 10ks/1€
Prairie Fire, zber 2021, 20ks/0,50€
Purple Tiger, zber 2022, 15ks/0,50€
Purple Ufo, zber 2022, 10ks/1€
Rawit, Zber 2021-22, 20ks/0,50€
Sangria Ornamental, zber 2022, 15ks/0,50€
Santa Fe Grande, zber 2021, 25ks/0,50€
Tennnessee Teardrop, zber 2021, 15ks/0,50€
Vietnam Fruity, zber 2021, 20ks/0,50€
Zimbabwe Birds, zber 2020, 25ks/0,50€
Aji White Fantasy, zber 2021,10ks/1€
Atomic Starfish, Zber 2021, 10ks/1€
Dedo De Moca, zber 2021, 15ks/0,50€
Jamy, zber 2021, 15ks/1€
Queen Lauri, zber 2021, 15ks/1€
Zvončeky (Bishops Crown), zber 2022, 15ks/1€
Devils Tongue White, zber 2022, 10ks/1€
Fatali Yellow, zber 2021, 15ks/1€
Habanero Chocolate, zber 2022, 15ks/1€
Habanero Orange, zber 2021, 15ks/1€
Habanero Red,zber 2021, 15ks/1€
Habanero Yellow, zber 2022, 15ks/1€
7 Pot Brain Strain Yellow, zber 2020, 15ks/0,50€
BBG7 x Naga Apricot, zber 2022, 10ks/1€
Bhut Jolokia Peach, zber 2022, 10ks/1€
Brown Bhutlah, zber 2020, 20ks/0,50€
Carolina Reaper, zber 2022, 10ks/2€
C22 Peach, zber 2022, 10ks/1,50€
Dragon Breath Stinger, zber 2022, 10ks/2€
Jays Peach Ghost Scorpion, zber 2021, 10ks/1€
Maldavian Heart x Purple Bhut, zber 2022, zber 2022, 10ks/1,50€
Naga Morich, zber 2021, 15ks/1€
Purple Ghost Scorpion, zber 2022, 10ks/1,50€
White Naga, zber 2022, 10ks/1€
T.S.Butch Taylor, zber 2022, 10ks/1,50€
T.S.Moruga Chocolate, zber 2022, 10ks/1,50€
T.S.Moruga Red, zber 2022, 10ks/1,50€
T.S.Moruga Yellow, zber 2022, 10ks/1,50€
Ačokča, zber 2022, 10ks/1€.
Dobierka 1.trieda 3,20€,2.trieda 3€, alebo platba predom na účet poštovné 1.trieda 1,20€, 2.trieda 1€,alebo osobný odber. Objednávky nad 15€ - 5g čili prášok zdarma.

Chilli prášok
Ponúkam doma vypestovanú, tohtoročnú chilli vo forme prášku.
Prášok, cena za 5g ampulku. Ampulka je natlačená najviac ako to ide.
Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Yellow - 1,9€
Habanero Chocolate - 2,7€ (chuťovo najlepšia!)
Trinidad Scorpion Moruga - 1,9€
Dragons Breath - 2€
Mix TSM Yellow & Habanero Yellow - 1,5€
Pri odbere 6 a viac ampuliek pribalím jednu s mixom zdarma.
Foto sú originál moje.
Odber osobne, po dohode pošlem poštou.
Už viac ako 30 spokojných ľudí...

Predam novy/neotvoreny olejcek Air (Breath) od Doterra. 15ml
Esenciálny olej – 100% prírodný, neobsahuje žiadne umelé zložky, prevonia domácnosť jedinečnou sviežou vôňou, má terapeutické účinky, možno pridať do aromatického difúzera, zvlhčovača alebo čističky vzduchu, tvorený špeciálne kombinovanou zmesou uľahčujúcou dýchanie, obsahuje kardamóm, vavrín, mätu, eukalyptus, čajovník, citrón a ravensaru, podporuje spánok, objem 15ml

Predám audio cd: Jethro Tull - A Little Light Music ,
Chrysalis 1992, cd je v super stave.
Originál angl. vydanie UK - Chrysalis z roku 1992. EAN:25.
UK release 14 September 1992
Jethro Tull live from London, Dortmund, Frankfurt, Mannheim, Munich,
Berlin, Graz, Prague, Zurich, Athens, Ankara, Jerusalem & Caesarea May, 1992.
Track listing - spou 17 skladieb
1. "Someday the Sun Won't Shine for You" (Athens, 13/14 May 1992) – 3:59
2. "Living in the Past" , instrumental (London, 2 May 1992) – 5:07
3. "Life Is a Long Song" (Frankfurt, 12 May 1992) – 3:37
4. "Under Wraps" , (Instrumental) (Zurich, 6/7 May 1992) – 2:30
5. "Rocks on the Road" (Caesarea, 23 May 1992) – 7:04
6. "Nursie" (Mannheim, 5 May 1992) – 2:27
7. "Too Old to Rock 'n' Roll: Too Young to Die!" (Ankara, 16 May 1992) – 4:43
8. "One White Duck" (Prague, 10 May 1992) – 3:15
9. "A New Day Yesterday" (Graz, 9 May 1992) – 7:33
10. "John Barleycorn" (Athens, 13/14 May 1992) – 6:34
11. "Look into the Sun" , instrumental (Caesarea, 23 May 1992) – 3:45
12. "A Christmas Song" (Caesarea, 23 May 1992) – 3:46
13. "From a Dead Beat to an Old Greaser" (Munich, 7 May 1992) – 3:51
14. "This Is Not Love" (Caesarea, 23 May 1992) – 3:53
15. "Bourée" , instrumental (Berlin, 11 May 1992) – 6:06
16. "Pussy Willow" , instrumental (Dortmund, 4 May 1992) – 3:31
17. "Locomotive Breath" (Jerusalem, 21 May 1992) – 5:51
Inzerát platí do zmazania.
Teraz akcia, každá zakúpená tretia kniha alebo audio CD , pre Vás len za 1,-euro.
Odber v BA III - Rača.

M.ill.ion -"The first two - No. 1.+ We, ourselves and us"(2CD)47:05 + 36:29 1992 + 1994 A2 Records A2 CD08 400Kč
M.ill.ion -"Electric"43:55 1998 Blue Stone Music BSM 1016 300Kč
M.ill.ion -"Detonator" 52:51 2001 A2 Records A2CD 11 300Kč2008 Metal Heaven 53 250Kč
Magdallan -"Big bang" 56:29 1992 Intense PLD 9098 350Kč
Maggie Reilly -"Echoes" 49:13 1992 Electrola 1C 564-7 98836 2 250Kč
Maggie Reilly -"Midnight sun"59:22 1993 Electrola 7243 8 27351 2 0 300Kč
Maggie Reilly -"Elena" 49:14 1996 EMI 7243 8 37563 2 2 250Kč
Maggie Reilly -"Starcrossed" 52:23 2000 EMI 7243 5 25415 2 250Kč
Magnum -"Kingdom of madness" 39:38 1978 Castle CLACD 126 500Kč
Magnum -"2." 40:33 1979 Castle CLACD 125 300Kč
Magnum -"Chase the dragon" 35:15 1982 Bellaphon 288.07.115 700Kč
Magnum -"The eleventh hour!" 39:32 1983 Bellaphon 288.07.114 350Kč
Magnum -"On a storyteller´s night" 45:50 1985 Polydor 827 609-2 300Kč
Magnum -"Vigilante" 43:36 1986 Polydor 829 986-2 250Kč
Magnum -"Wings of heaven" 44:15 1988 Polydor 835 277-2 250Kč
Magnum -"Goodnight L.A." 48:40 1990 Polydor 843 568-2 350Kč
Magnum -"Sleepwalking" 52:56 1992 EMI 0777 7 80881 2 7 450Kč
Magnum -"Rock art" 55:00 1994 EMI 7243 8 29365 2 7 250Kč
Magnum -"Breath of life" 75:08 2002 Steamhammer SPV 085-72902 CD 250Kč
Magnus Apollo -"Op: 1." 47:50 1994 MAG - LAB Media SBD-0775 500Kč
Mago de Oz -"La leyenda de la mancha" 55:41 1998 Locomotive Music LM-020 CD 500Kč
Mago de Oz-"Finisterra"(2CD)47:43+61:16 2000 Locomotive Music LM-050 600Kč
Mago de Oz -"Gaia" (CD +DVD)72:41 2003 Locomotive Music LM 150 600Kč
Mahogany Rush -" IV." 44:11 1976 Sony Music SRCS 6244 450Kč
Machine Head -"Burn my eyes" 250Kč 55:40 1994 Roadrunner RR 9016-2
Majestic -"Abstract symphony" 51:00 1999 Massacre MAS CD 0185 300Kč
Majesty -"Sword and sorcery" 53:07 2002 Massacre MAS CD 0323 300Kč
Majesty -"Reign in glory" 65:13 2003 Massacre Records MAS CD0399 350Kč
Majesty -"Metal law" (2CD + DVD) 56:17+50:32 2004 Massacre Records MASCD 0430 750Kč
Majesty -"Hellforces" 48.14 2006 Massacre Records MASDD 0496 300Kč
Mallet Head -"Yeah, yeah, yeah" 38:16 1990 Frontier 4624-2-L 250Kč

Magnum Breath of life / Brand new morning (2xCD,nový) 9,00 €
Meat Loaf Bat out of hell pt.2 5,00 €
Melissa Morgan Still in love with you 2,00 €
Meniketti Meniketti 15,00 €
Midnight Oil Blue sky mining 5,00 €
Michael Jackson Off the wall 6,00 €
Michael Jackson Thriller (goldCD+DVD,slipcase) 8,00 €
Michael Jackson Bad 6,00 €
Michael Jackson Dangerous 6,00 €
Michael Jackson Invincible 6,00 €
Michael Jackson HIStory-Past,Present and Future Book1 (2CD) 8,00 €
Mike & The Mechanics Living years 6,00 €
Mike & The Mechanics Word of mouth 6,00 €
Mike & The Mechanics Beggar on a beach of gold 6,00 €
Mike & The Mechanics Hits 5,00 €
Mike Oldfield Tubular bells II 6,00 €
Mike Oldfield Voyager 6,00 €
Mike Oldfield Songs of distant earth 6,00 €
Mike Tramp Stray from the flock (Irond) 7,00 €
Mr.Big Lean into it 6,00 €
Mr.Big Hey man 7,00 €
Naro Glass mountain 10,00 €
Naro Press play 10,00 €
Nelson After the rain 6,00 €
Nickelback Here and now 6,00 €
Nickelback Dead horse 4,00 €
Nickelback No fixed adress (nový) 4,00 €
Nirvana Bleach 6,00 €
Nirvana From the muddy banks of the wishkah 4,00 €
Nirvana Nevermind 7,00 €
Nirvana Incesticide (nový) 7,00 €
Nirvana Unplugged in New York 8,00 €
Oasis Don't believe the truth 4,00 €
Oasis Heathen chemistry 4,00 €
Oceansize Effloresce (digipak) 8,00 €
Only Child Only Child 10,00 €
Papa Roach Infest 4,00 €
Papa Roach Getting away with murder 4,00 €
Papa Roach The paramour sessions 4,00 €
Phil Collins No jacket required 4,00 €
Phil Collins Hello,I must be going 4,00 €
Phil Collins Testify 4,00 €
Phil Collins Both sides 4,00 €
Phil Collins Dance into the light 4,00 €
Phil Collins The singles (2CD) 8,00 €
Pink Missunderztood/Cant take me home (digisleeve,2CD) 5,00 €
Pink I'm not dead 4,00 €
Pink Floyd Meddle 8,00 €
Pink Floyd Dark side of the moon 8,00 €
Pink Floyd Wish you were here (RM) 6,00 €
Pink Floyd Wish you were here (Harvest) 8,00 €
Pink Floyd The wall (2CD) 10,00 €
Pink Floyd The division bell 7,00 €
Pink Floyd The endless river (digibook) 8,00 €
Pink Floyd Echoes - The best of Pink Floyd (digipak,2CD) 8,00 €
klikni na meno a pozri ďalšiu ponuku

Predam olejceky doterra, celu zakladnu sadu.
Deep blue, lemon (citron), lavender (levandula), Air, Zengest, Peppermint, Tea tree (melaleuca/cajovnik), frankincense (kadidlo), oregano, onguard. 10 olejov, vsetky su 15ml, okrem deep blue 5ml
Tak ako vidite na Fotke
Moznost vyberu jednotlivych olejcekov aj jednotlivo
Olejceky su nove/neotvorene, priamo z doTERRA.
Pekne zabalene. Vhodne aj ako darcek
Cena za celu sadu 228€
Moznost osobneho odberu BA-RAČA alebo postou/zasielkovna
Tea Tree (Melaleuca) 15ml - 22€
Lavender 15ml - 27€
Zengest 15ml- 36€
Air (Breath)15ml - 25€
OnGuarde 15ml - 38€
Deep Blue 5ml - 32€
Frankincense - kadidlo 15ml - 72€
Lemon - citrón 15ml - 12€
Oregano 15ml - 27€
Peppermint (Mäta) 15ml 24€

- Predam nasledovne figurky
- Assassins creed Origins Aya - 60 euro
- Assassins creed Origins Bayek - 60 euro
- Assassins creed Origins Apple of Eden - 50 euro
- Assassins creed Apple fo Eden - 50 euro
- Assassins creed Black Flag Edward Kenway s vlajkou - 60 euro
- Assassins creed Black Flag Blackbeard - 80 euro
- Assassins creed Black Flag Edward Kenway - 70 euro predane Honza Plesar
- Assassins creed Black Flag - Edward Kenway Role Play gun - 70 euro
- Assassins creed Maria - 65 euro
- Assassins creed Odyssey Kassandra - 140 euro
- Assassins creed busta Connor Kenway - 45 euro
- Assassins creed busta Altair IBN- LA AHAD - 55 euro
- Assassins creed busta Aveline DE GRANDPRE - 35 euro
- Assassins creed busta Ezio Mentor - 50
- euro predané Los Trageedos
- Assassins creed busta Ezio Auditore - 50 euro predané Los Trageedos
- Assassins creed busta Altair IBN- LA AHAD bronzová edícia - 60 euro
- Assassins creed Unity Elise - 120 euro
- predané Los Trageedos
- Assassins creed Unity Arno - 90 euro
- Assassins creed III Connor The last breath - 120 euro
- Assassins creed Aguilar - 85 euro
- Far Cry 5 The Fathers Calling - 50 euro
- Uncharted 4 Nathan Drake - 45 euro

Predám nový nepouzity olejcek red mandarin 5ml od firmy Doterra.
ostatne oleje na foto:
Tea Tree (Melaleuca) 15ml - 22€
Lavender 15ml - 27€
Zengest 15ml- 36€
Air (Breath)15ml - 25€
OnGuarde 15ml - 38€
Deep Blue 5ml - 32€
Frankincense - kadidlo 15ml - 72€
Lemon - citrón 15ml - 12€
Oregano 15ml - 27€
Peppermint (Mäta) 15ml 24€
Viem Vam ho poslat postou, alebo osobne
Bratislava - Raca

Kvalitne umele vlasy pre babiky, koniky a podobne. V jednom baleni je viac nez dost na jedneho vacsieho ponika (hriva + chvost) alebo pre babiku. Na dlzku maju cca meter.
Su fakt jemne, niesu na dotyk ako tie lacne parochne. Lahko sa aj upravuju.
Unlucky clover, diamond, bluebell su nepouzite - 3€/ks
Atomic turqoise, dragonfly (+ kusok bledej tyrkysovej) a su trocha nacate, ale stale je tam polovica, alebo viacej. - 1,5€/ks
Artic frost, ultraviolet a fairy breath su predane.

Predám mleté chilli korenie
Dragon breath. 7g - 5€
7 Pot Chocolate. 7g - 4€
Carolina Reaper. 7g - 4€
Madballz 7. 7g - 4€
Všetky odrody sú veľmi pálivé

M.ill.ion -"The first two - No. 1.+ We, ourselves and us"(2CD)47:05 + 36:29 1992 + 1994 A2 Records A2 CD08 400Kč
M.ill.ion -"Electric"43:55 1998 Blue Stone Music BSM 1016 300Kč
M.ill.ion -"Detonator" 52:51 2001 A2 Records A2CD 11 300Kč2008 Metal Heaven 53 250Kč
Magdallan -"Big bang" 56:29 1992 Intense PLD 9098 350Kč
Maggie Reilly -"Echoes" 49:13 1992 Electrola 1C 564-7 98836 2 250Kč
Maggie Reilly -"Midnight sun"59:22 1993 Electrola 7243 8 27351 2 0 300Kč
Maggie Reilly -"Elena" 49:14 1996 EMI 7243 8 37563 2 2 250Kč
Maggie Reilly -"Starcrossed" 52:23 2000 EMI 7243 5 25415 2 250Kč
Magnum -"Kingdom of madness" 39:38 1978 Castle CLACD 126 500Kč
Magnum -"2." 40:33 1979 Castle CLACD 125 300Kč
Magnum -"Chase the dragon" 35:15 1982 Bellaphon 288.07.115 700Kč
Magnum -"The eleventh hour!" 39:32 1983 Bellaphon 288.07.114 350Kč
Magnum -"On a storyteller´s night" 45:50 1985 Polydor 827 609-2 300Kč
Magnum -"Vigilante" 43:36 1986 Polydor 829 986-2 250Kč
Magnum -"Wings of heaven" 44:15 1988 Polydor 835 277-2 250Kč
Magnum -"Goodnight L.A." 48:40 1990 Polydor 843 568-2 350Kč
Magnum -"Sleepwalking" 52:56 1992 EMI 0777 7 80881 2 7 450Kč
Magnum -"Rock art" 55:00 1994 EMI 7243 8 29365 2 7 250Kč
Magnum -"Breath of life" 75:08 2002 Steamhammer SPV 085-72902 CD 250Kč
Magnus Apollo -"Op: 1." 47:50 1994 MAG - LAB Media SBD-0775 500Kč
Mago de Oz -"La leyenda de la mancha" 55:41 1998 Locomotive Music LM-020 CD 500Kč
Mago de Oz-"Finisterra"(2CD)47:43+61:16 2000 Locomotive Music LM-050 600Kč
Mago de Oz -"Gaia" (CD +DVD)72:41 2003 Locomotive Music LM 150 600Kč
Mahogany Rush -" IV." 44:11 1976 Sony Music SRCS 6244 450Kč
Machine Head -"Burn my eyes" 250Kč 55:40 1994 Roadrunner RR 9016-2
Majestic -"Abstract symphony" 51:00 1999 Massacre MAS CD 0185 300Kč
Majesty -"Metal law" (2CD + DVD) 56:17+50:32 2004 Massacre Records MASCD 0430 750Kč
Majesty -"Hellforces" 48.14 2006 Massacre Records MASDD 0496 300Kč
Mallet Head -"Yeah, yeah, yeah" 38:16 1990 Frontier 4624-2-L 250Kč

Predám rôzne knihy. Preferujem osobný odber v rámci BA.
5 EUR - Paul Kalanithi - When breath becomes air
5 EUR - Hans Rosling - Factfulness
7 EUR - Jonas Jonasson - Storočný starček, ktorý vyliezol z okna a zmizol
7 EUR - Jonas Jonasson - Stojeden-ročný starček, ktorý sa obával, že priveľa myslí
5 EUR - Nataly Kogan - The awesome human project
5 EUR - Maeve Brennan - Rozvláčna dáma
3 EUR - Shane Kuhn - Zabi svojho šéfa
6 EUR - Arpád Soltész - Mäso6 EUR - Arpád Soltész - Sviňa
6 EUR - Tim Marshall - V zajatí geografie
3 EUR - Simon Kernick - Stay alive5 EUR - Mark Lauren - Telo ako posilňovňa
5 EUR - Richard H. Thaler - Misbehaving
3 EUR - Stephen Hawking - A brief history of time
5 EUR - Tina Brown - The Vanity Fair diaries1
5 EUR - Trilógia - Ben H. Winters - Posledný policajt - Koniec sa blíži - Problémový svet
5 EUR - Richard H. Thaler a Cass R. Sunstein - Nudge
5 EUR - Matias Faldbakken - Reštaurácia The Hills
5 EUR - Robert Greene - The Concise 45 Laws of Power

Helen Dunmore - A Spell of Winter. Rozmery: 111 × 180 × 31 mm
Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email.
Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty.
'I wanted us to wake to a kingdom of ice where our breath would turn to icicles as it left our lips, and we would walk through tunnels of snow to the outhouses and find birds fallen dead from the air...' In the years just before World War One, Cathy and her brother Rob find themselves living alone in a decaying English mansion with their distant, stern grandfather. Abandoned by their mother while their distraught father is confined to an asylum, they roam the grounds freely with little understanding of trespass. Lost in their own private world, they seek and find new lines to cross. But they are not so separate from the outside, nor as alone, as they believe...

Predám originálne CD MAXI SINGLE . Všetky CD sú vo veľmi dobrom stave , prípadne uvedené priamo pri CD. Pre viac info , foto atd... ma prosím kontaktujte mailom prípadne telefonicky.
SuReal - You Taker My Breath Away - 4,00€
MO-DO - Se* Bump Twist - 1,00€
RIMINI PROJECT - Wake Up - 2,00€
MAGIC AFFAIR - Night Of The Raven - 3,00€
2 UNLIMITED - No Limit (Rap Version) (vydané pre madarsko, cd má vlásočnice) - 6,00€
THE SHAPESHIFTERS & CHIC - Sensitivity - 5,00€
THE SHAPESHIFTERS - Incredible - 5,00€
FREEMASONS - Rain Down Love - 5,00€
YELLO - Oh Yeah - 8,00€

Predám licenky MAC buď samostatne alebo spolu:
Plum fooler
Breath of plum
Cena za kus: 10€
Spolu aj s paletou: 60€

Mám k dispozícii semená týchto chilli papričiek:
- Moruga Scorpion Red - 10 ks - 2,50€ (posledné balenie)
- Moruga Scorpion Yellow - 10 ks - 2,20€
- Tasmanian Habanero - 10 ks - 1,50€
- Purple Tiger - 10 Ks - 1,20€
- Puerto Rican - 10 ks - 1,30€
- Jalapeňo Purple - 10 ks - 1,30€
- Jamaican hot yellow - 10 ks - 1,70€
- Habanero manzano red - 10 ks - 1,40€
- Habanero manzano yellow - 10 ks - 1,40€
- Habanero arancio - 10 ks - 1,70€
- Purple UFO - 10 ks - 1,70€
- Bhut Jolokia chocolate - 10 ks - 1,90€
- Carolina reaper red - 10 ks - 2,00€
- Carolina reaper chocolate - 10 ks - 2,00€
- Cheyenne chilli - 10 ks - 2,00€
- Petit marseillaise - 10 ks - 1,70€
- Mini choco bells - 10 ks - 1,80€
- Baraní roh - 10 ks - 1,60€
- Atomic starfish - 10 ks - 1,20€
- Golden nugget - 10 ks - 1,50€
- Dragon´s breath - 10 ks - 1,50€
- Armageddon chocolate - 10 ks - 1,50€
- Bishops Crown - 10 ks - 1,60€
- Kashmiri mirch - 10 ks - 1,70€
- Chinese Chaotian - 10 ks - 1,60€
- Jolokia red - 10 ks - 1,60€
- Chilli de Árbol - 10 ks - 1,70€
- Chilli Serrano - 10 ks - 1,70€
Posledné dva druhy sú priamo z Mexika, bežne používané v tamojšej kuchyni.
Inzerát je platný, pokiaľ ho čítate. Pri odbere 5 balení semienok je + 1 balenie zdarma ako darček.

Chilli - semená, 4.február 2023
Cascabel, zber 2021, 20ks/0,50€
Hungarian Black, (čierne Jalapeno ), zber 2022, 10ks/1€
Jalapeno Early, zber 2021, 15ks/0,50€
Jalapeno Jalastar, zber 2021, 15ks/0,50€
Jalapeno Purple, zber 2021, 15ks/0,50€
Jalapeno Red, zber 2022, 15ks/0,50€
Jalapeno spec.Red, zber 2022, 15/0,50€
Monkie Face Yellow, zber 2022, 10ks/1€
Peperone Yucatan, zber 2022, 15ks/0,50€
Cayenne Red,zber 2022, 15ks/0,50€
DAMIÁN, kajenské červené, zber 2021, 15ks/0,50€
KILIÁN, kajenské oranžové, zber 2021, 15ks/0,50€
KRISTIÁN, kajenské žlté, zber 2021, 15ks/0,50€
Etna, zber 2021, 20ks/0,50€
Chinese Multicolor, zber 2022, 15ks/0,50€
Fish Pepper, zber 2022, 10ks/1€
Golden Nugget, zber 2021, 20ks/0,50€
Jamaican Hot Red, zber 2021,15ks/0,50€
Jamaican Rosso, zber 2022, 15ks/1€
Korál, zber 2021, 20ks/0,50€
Lila Luzi, zber 2021, 20ks/0,50€
Machu Picchu, zber 2022, 10ks/1€
Peter Pepper Red, zber 2021, 10ks/1€
Peter Pepper Yellow, zber 2022, 15ks/1€
Pimenta de Neyde, zber 2021, 10ks/1€
Prairie Fire, zber 2021, 20ks/0,50€
Purple Tiger, zber 2022, 15ks/0,50€
Purple Ufo, zber 2022, 10ks/1€
Rawit, Zber 2021-22, 20ks/0,50€
Santa Fe Grande, zber 2021, 25ks/0,50€
Tabasco, zber 2022, 10ks/1,50€
Tennnessee Teardrop, zber 2021, 15ks/0,50€
Vietnam Fruity, zber 2021, 20ks/0,50€
Zimbabwe Birds, zber 2020, 25ks/zadarmo
Mini Rocoto Red, zber 2022, 10ks/1€
Rocoto Costa Rican Yellow, zber 2022, 10ks/1€
Aji White Fantasy, zber 2021,10ks/1€
Dedo De Moca, zber 2021, 15ks/0,50€
Jamy, zber 2022, 15ks/1€
Queen Lauri, zber 2021, 15ks/1€
Zvončeky (Bishops Crown), zber 2022, 15ks/1€
Devils Tongue White, zber 2022, 15ks/1€
Habanero Orange, zber 2021, 15ks/1€
Habanero Red,zber 2021, 15ks/1€
Habanero Yellow, zber 2022, 15ks/1€
7 Pot Brain Strain Yellow, zber 2020, 20ks/0,50€
BBG7 x Naga Apricot, zber 2022, 10ks/1€
Bhut Jolokia Peach, zber 2022, 15ks/1€
Bhut Jolokia Red, zber 2022, 15ks/1€
Carolina Reaper, zber 2022, 10ks/1,50€
C22 Peach, zber 2022, 10ks/1€
Dragon Breath Stinger, zber 2022, 10ks/2€
Maldavian Heart x Purple Bhut, zber 2022, zber 2022, 10ks/1,50€
Naga Chocoolive JB, zber 2022, 15ks/1€
Naga Morich, zber 2021, 15ks/1€
Purple Ghost Scorpion, zber 2022, 10ks/1€
White Naga, zber 2022, 10ks/1€
T.S.Butch Taylor, zber 2022, 10ks/1,50€
T.S.Moruga Red, zber 2022, 15ks/1€
T.S.Moruga Yellow, zber 2022, 10ks/1€
Paprika Kozí Roh, zber 2022, 15ks/0,50€
Ačokča, zber 2022, 10ks/0,50€.
Kôpor 2022, 3g/0,50€. Ligurček 2022 2g/0,50€.
Ligurček, ( MAGGI ) zber 2022, 2gramy/0,50€
Loboda červená, zber 2022, 2g./0,50€
Tekvica Olejná - bezšupkové semená, zber 2022, 10ks/0,50€
Dobierka 1.trieda 3,20€,2.trieda 3€, alebo platba predom na účet poštovné 1.trieda 1,20€, 2.trieda 1€,alebo osobný odber. Objednávky semien nad 15€ - 5g čili prášok Jolokia zdarma.

Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin (Atlantic 240 031 Europe 1986) 10,00 €
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin (Atlantic 7567-81525-2) 8,00 €
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin (Atlantic 7567-81525-2) 5,00 €
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin II (Atlantic 7567-81526-2) 8,00 €
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin II (Atlantic 7567-81526-2) 5,00 €
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin III 6,00 €
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin IV (Altlantic 1989 Europe) 8,00 €
Led Zeppelin Houses of the holy 8,00 €
Led Zeppelin Presence (Swan Song 7567-92439-2) 8,00 €
Led Zeppelin Coda (Swan Song 7567-92444-2) 8,00 €
Led Zeppelin Mothership (superbox,2CD) 8,00 €
Limp Bizkit Chocolate starfish and the hot dog flavored water 5,00 €
Limp Bizkit Significant other 4,00 €
Linkin Park Hybrid theory 6,00 €
Linkin Park Meteora 5,00 €
Linkin Park Meteora 8,00 €
Linkin Park A thousands suns 6,00 €
Linkin Park The hunting party 6,00 €
Linkin Park The hunting party (nový) 8,00 €
Lou Gramm Long hard look 8,00 €
Lou Gramm Ready or not 8,00 €
Lou Gramm Band Lou Gramm Band 8,00 €
Lynch Mob Wicked sensation 10,00 €
Lynch Mob Rebel (digipak,nový) 13,00 €
Lynyrd Skynyrd Edge of forever 12,00 €
Lynyrd Skynyrd God & guns 12,00 €
Lynyrd Skynyrd Last of a dyin' breed 12,00 €
Magnum Breath of life / Brand new morning (2xCD,nový) 9,00 €
Mark Knopfler Sailing to Philadelphia 6,00 €
Mark Knopfler Shangri-la 6,00 €
Meat Loaf Bat out of hell pt.2 5,00 €
Midnight Oil Blue sky mining 5,00 €
Mike & The Mechanics Living years 6,00 €
Mike & The Mechanics Word of mouth 6,00 €
Mike & The Mechanics Beggar on a beach of gold 6,00 €
Mike & The Mechanics Hits 5,00 €
Mike Oldfield Tubular bells II 6,00 €
Mike Oldfield Voyager 6,00 €
Mike Tramp Stray from the flock (Irond) 7,00 €
Mr.Big Lean into it 6,00 €
Mr.Big Hey man 7,00 €
Naro Glass mountain 10,00 €
Naro Press play 10,00 €
Nelson After the rain 6,00 €
Nickelback No fixed adress (nový) 5,00 €
Nirvana Bleach 6,00 €
Nirvana Nevermind 7,00 €
Nirvana Incesticide (nový) 7,00 €
Nirvana In utero 6,00 €
Nirvana MTV unplugged in New York 8,00 €
Nirvana MTV unplugged in New York (nový) 9,00 €
Nirvana From the muddy banks of the wishkah 4,00 €
Oasis Don't believe the truth 4,00 €
Oasis Heathen chemistry 4,00 €
Oceansize Effloresce (digipak) 8,00 €
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