zlava about you - strana 3
Počet nájdených inzerátov ZLAVA ABOUT YOU
: 1000 - strana 3

Typ: 2-izbový byt
Ulica: Lomnická
Mestská časť: Podhradová
Obec: Košice-Sever
NA PREDAJ priestranný - 55 m2 - 2 izbák v obľúbenej lokalite košického Severu - Podhradová.
V bytovom dome dokopy iba 12 bytov - PARÁDA! Žiaden sused nad Vami - ďalšia VÝHODA!
3. poschodie bez výťahu - pre aktívnych jedincov :-) T E H L A !
Zrekonštruovaný zateplený bytový dom.
Nedá sa povedať že sa jedná o absolútne prapôvodný stav, pretože staré okná boli vymenené za plastové a v oboch izbách sú parkety - čisté - bez lakovanej vrstvy, čo si majitelia považujú viac ako tie upravované....
po vstupe do bytu Vás privíta chodba v tvare písmena L - po pravej strane obložená vstavanými skriňami. Na ľavej strane sa nachádza samostatné WC, ďalšie dvere vedú do kúpeľne so sprchovacím kútom a umývadlom. Na konci chodby oproti vchodovým dverám vojdete do izby s balkónom orientovanej na východ.
Na konci chodby vľavo sa vchádza do kuchyne užšou chodbou lemovanou vstavanou skriňou.
Z kuchyne je možné vojsť do druhej izby (do tejto izby je možný vstup aj z druhej izby, takže ju môžete mať priechodnú z oboch strán, pokiaľ sa nerozhodnete zmeniť pôvodnú dispozíciu bytu).
Výhľady z oboch strán sú plné zelene a stromov zabývaného sídliska.
K bytu prislúcha aj pivnica v suteréne bytového domu.
Bohatá občianska vybavenosť na dosah, blízko do prírody - Park Anička je odtiaľ pešou chôdzou 10 minút vzdialená.
Byt je voľný, vyprataný, k dispozícii: IHNEĎ.
CENA: 139.900 Eur.
FOR SALE spacious - 55 m2 - 2 bedroom apartment in a popular location in the North of Košice - Podhradová.
Only 12 apartments in the apartment building - GREAT! No neighbor above you - another ADVANTAGE!
3rd floor without elevator - for active individuals :-) B R I C K !
Renovated insulated apartment building.
It cannot be said that it is in an absolutely pristine condition, because the old windows were replaced with plastic ones and in both rooms there are parquet floors - clean - without a varnished layer, which the owners consider more than modified ones....
upon entering the apartment, you will be greeted by an L-shaped corridor - lined with built-in wardrobes on the right side. On the left side there is a separate toilet, another door leads to the bathroom with shower and sink. At the end of the corridor, opposite the front door, you enter a room with a balcony facing east.
At the end of the corridor on the left, you enter the kitchen through a narrower corridor lined with a built-in wardrobe.
It is possible to enter the second room from the kitchen (this room can also be entered from the second room, so you can have it passable from both sides, unless you decide to change the original layout of the apartment).
The views from both sides are full of greenery and trees of the occupied housing estate.
The apartment also has a cellar in the basement of the apartment building.
Rich civic ameni

Predám kávovar , SIEMENS typ: EQ500, úplne nový, raz vyskušaný . Všetko plne funkčne / spustená prvá inštalácia . Dôvod predaja / darček, no 3kávovary sú zbytočne ! Cena nového ( vid link), možná dohoda na cene . Rychle jednanie vyrazna zlava!!! , ďakujem.
******************************************************Zľava ! Zľava ! Zľava ! Zľava ! Zľava ! Zľava ! Zľava ! Zľava ! Zľava ! Zľava !*******************************************************
Datart -
Nay -

Zdravím všetkých, ktorí sa potrebujú naučiť alebo zdokonaliť v angličtine.
Osobne sa zameriavam na výuku Cambridge English (A1-C2), všeobecnú angličtinu a špecifický obor angličtiny zvolený podľa Vašich potrieb, taktiež príprava na skúšky z AJ.
Učím/doučujem rôzne vekové kategórie.
Možnosť zamerania sa na britskú/americkú angličtinu, prispôsobenie sa prízvuku.
Pre mňa ako aj pre Vás je dôležitá prax, teória prichádza na druhé miesto.
Výuka prebieha on-line poprípade osobne v lokalite Žilina.
Všetko čo potrebujete je počítač, wifi a samozrejme Vy :).
V krátkosti o mne.
Mám dlhoročné skúsenosti z pobytu vo Veľkej Británii (Anglicko-prevažne Londýn, Škótsko, Severné Írsko).
Už 4 roky nepretržite učím on-line, osobne či už individuálne alebo skupinovo, pre firmy, jazykové školy.
Nedávne pôsobisko Praha, aktuálne Žilina.
V prípade záujmu je k dostupe môj životopis, recenzie a certifikácie.
Cena je uvedená za hodinu výuky.
V prípade on-line výuky je platba potrebná vopred na účet. Potvrdenie o platbe je taktiež postačujúce.
V prípade otázok ma môžete kedykoľvek kontaktovať.
POZNAMKA: poprosim kontaktovat iba v pripade skutocneho zaujmu, ziadne plytvanie casu!
Hello guys,
Let me introduce myself a bit.
I've been working as a private on-line English tutor/teacher for alian and domestic clients at the moment and been in this field of work since 2017.
I tutor/teach within the broad age span six to around sixty years either individually or in a group and that is in person or via on-line platforms.
I'm in between C1-C2 level notably thanks to loads of years working and residing overseas in particular in the UK and it's parts like Scotland, England-London, The Northern Ireland.
On the subjects of tutoring/teaching particular English it is all the Cambridge levels (A1-C2), general, business English or majoring on the specific one chosen by you.
I am more empirical than hypothetical tutor/teacher what entirely pays off and the same I offer to you because in the end its not about references and certificates but about possessing the original practice from English speaking countries.
All you need is a good wifi, your drive and of course its you above all :).
In terms of paying if its an on-line tutoring the payment must be transferred beforehand or a statement of the paid amount is sufficiently enough.
Do not hesitate co contact me for any further questions.
References and certificates are available on request.
NOTE: pls contact me only if your interest is real, no time wasters!
Looking forward hearing from you.

1. A-HA - Hunting High And Low; Record Service GmbH. Germany; 1985
(The Sun Always Shines On TV, Take On Me, Train Of Thought,...) - 15€
2. BARRY WHITE - Love Unlimited - Barry`s Gold; Polystar GmbH., West Germany; 1973-1976
(You`re The First The Last My Everything, Let The Music Play, You See The Trouble With Me, Can`t Get Enough Of Your Love Babe,...) - 7€
3. BEE GEES - E-S-P Bee Gees; Warner Bros; New York; U.S.A.; 1987
(You Win Again, Overnight, Backtafunk,...) - 7€
4. BLACK - Wonderful Life; A&M Records Inc. London; England; 1987
(Wonderful Life, Everything`s Coming Up Roses, Paradise,...) - 7€
5. CULTURE CLUB - Kissing To Be Clever; Virgin Records Ltd.; 1982
(Do You Really Want To Hurt Me, White Boy (dance mix), You Know I`m Not Crazy,...)- 7€
Stav LP - platne: výborný, obaly: niektoré s malým ošúchaním hrán/rohov
Osobne: Ml. Nivy BA; Dobierka: +3,50€; Doporučene: +2,50€

Ponukam nosenu paperku čierno-ruzovej farby, sedi na velkost s/36. Bunda je v peknom stave, nezatrhnuta,bez flakov. Čo je na nej super, že máte hneď dve bundy v jednom :)
Popis vyrobcu
You may have a jacket full of the softest down, but if it's in a stiff, bulky shell you can't really enjoy it. Eider solved the problem in the Women's Olan Reversible Down Jacket by using light, supple Pertex to wrap the cozy 700-fill down insulation. You get great drape and feel, as well as protection from wind, snow and light rain thanks to the shell's tight weave and DWR finish. And you get to enjoy it two different ways, thanks to the fully reversible design. Stretchy spandex sleeve cuffs, hem, and hood binding work with the hem drawcord seal out drafts and snow, so you stay toasty and warm in nasty weather. This stylish, functional gem comes with a handy stuff stack, too.

► NOVÉ a ZABALENÉ v originálnej fólii !!!
1-1 Shine On You Crazy Diamond
Written-By – Gilmour*, Wright*, Waters*
1-2 Astronomy Domine
Written-By – Barrett*
1-3 What Do You Want From Me
Written-By – Gilmour*, Samson*, Wright*
1-4 Learning To Fly
Written-By – Moore*, Ezrin*, Gilmour*, Carin*
1-5 Keep Talking
Written-By – Gilmour*, Samson*, Wright*
1-6 Coming Back To Life
Written-By – Gilmour*
1-7 Hey You
Written-By – Waters*
1-8 A Great Day For Freedom
Written-By – Gilmour*, Samson*
1-9 Sorrow
Written-By – Gilmour*
1-10 High Hopes
Written-By – Gilmour*, Samson*
1-11 Another Brick In The Wall (Part Two)
Written-By – Waters*
The Dark Side Of The Moon
2-1 Speak To Me
Written-By – Mason*
2-2 Breathe
Written-By – Gilmour*, Wright*, Waters*
2-3 On The Run
Written-By – Gilmour*, Waters*
2-4 Time
Written-By – Gilmour*, Mason*, Wright*, Waters*
2-5 Great Gig In The Sky
Written-By – Wright*
2-6 Money
Written-By – Waters*
2-7 Us And Them
Written-By – Wright*, Waters*
2-8 Any Colour You Like
Written-By – Gilmour*, Mason*, Wright*
2-9 Brain Damage
Written-By – Waters*
2-10 Eclipse
Written-By – Waters*
2-11 Wish You Were Here
Written-By – Gilmour*, Waters*
2-12 Comfortably Numb
Written-By – Gilmour*, Waters*
2-13 Run Like Hell
Written-By – Gilmour*, Waters*

Nova, neotvarana, 7ml, aj do zbierky. GIORGIO ARMANI EMPORIO STRONGER WITH YOU ABSOLUTELY - Parfumovaná voda pre mužov
Emporio Armani Stronger With You Absolutely je vôňa inšpirovaná absolútnou mocou lásky. Akord rumu, levandule a sladkého drievka sú doplnené o jemný dozvuk ovocných tónov. V kombinácii s cédrovým drevom a vanilkou sa vôňa stáva absolútne neodolateľnou.
Flakón je v ikonickom zaoblenom tvare napodobňujúcim siluetu mužských ramien, jeho povrch je však tentoraz lakovaný a tmavo hnedé odtiene odrážajú intenzitu vône.
Stronger With You Absolutely je dokonalým pánskym náprotivkom k dámskej vôni Because It's You. T.c.

Hide Credits
1 Just In Time
Written-By – Adolph Green, Betty Comden, Jule Styne
2 Where Or When
Written-By – Lorenz Hart, Richard Rodgers*
3 Why Shouldn't I?
Written-By – Cole Porter
4 Just One Of Those Things
Written-By – Cole Porter
5 I Remember You
Written-By – Johnny Mercer, Victor Schertzinger
6 I Get Along Without You Very Well
Written-By – Hoagy Carmichael
7 If I Had You
Written-By – Jimmy Campbell*, Reg Connelly*, Ted Shapiro
8 More Than You Know
Written-By – William Rose*, Edward Eliscu, Vincent Youmans
9 You're Sensational
Written-By – Cole Porter
10 My Buddy
Written-By – Gus Kahn, Walter Donaldson
11 I'll Be Around
Written-By – Alec Wilder
12 Time After Time
Written-By – Sammy Cahn, Jule Styne*
13 The End Of A Love Affair
Written-By – Edward C. Redding*
14 They Can't Take That Away
Written-By – Ira Gershwin, George Gershwin*
15 Alone Together
Written-By – Howard Dietz, Arthur Schwartz*

Typ: 2-izbový byt
Ulica: Štefánikova
Mestská časť: Historické centrum
Obec: Košice-Staré Mesto
INVESTIČNÁ PRÍLEZITOSŤ ! Chcete byť v centre diania? V absolútne historickom centre? Dávam Vám do pozornosti tento veľkorysý 2 izbák na vyvýšenom prízemi košickej Štefánikovej ulice o rozlohe 109 m2. TEHLA.
Byt sa nachádza v meštianskom bytovom dome so starobylým nádychom. Kameninové schody, kovové zábradlia v pôvodnej zelenej farbe, okrúhle okná s mrežami......to všetko patrí do tohto dobového koloritu.
po vstupe do bytu bezpečnostnými vchodovými dverami sa ocitnete v priestrannej chodbe, z ktorej sa po ľavej strane dostanete do rozľahlej obývačky prepojenej s kuchyňou a jedálenskou časťou. Po ruke máte aj 2 kumbály, resp. technické miestnosti neďaleko kuchyne, kam môžete schovať chladničku a podobné potrebné príslušenstvo.
Obývačke dominuje majestátny krb s prieduchmi pokrytý vzácnym kameňom. Je nielen pekný, ale aj užitočný. Počas zimných večerov sa Vám vyčarí romantické chvíle, a zároveň vyhreje celý byt. Kúri sa tu vlastným plynovým kotlom (radiátory) umiestneným v kúpeľni. Tá sa nachádza oproti vchodovým dverám na konci chodby. Jej súčasťou je sprchový kút, toaleta a vaňa. Okná dodávajú tomuto priestoru šmrnc i drahocenné denné svetlo.
Spálňa je nepriechodná, jej súčasťou sú 2 veľké šatníky jeden z nich pochôdzny so svetlom).
Podlahu spálne pokrývajú pôvodné parkety, v ostatných miestnostiach tvorí podlahu vkusná dlažba.
Obe izby sú orientované na východnú svetovú stranu Štefánikovej ulice. Súčasťou bytu je aj pivnica v suteréne domu.
Rozsiahla rekonštrukcia tohto bytu bola realizovaná v r. 2005.
Medzi vychytávky patrí napríklad rozsiahly topánkovník vytesaný do hrubého múru - ušetrila sa plocha na chodbe - múdro využitý priestor.
Bohatá občianska vybavenosť je samozrejmosťou: Fresh na Mlynskej ulici, OC Urban s Lidlom, dm drogerie,.....reštaurácie, kaviarne, Štátne divadlo - veľká i malá scéna - všetko je tu na dosah.
Cena: 299.000,- Eur vrátane zariadenia, ktoré máte možnosť vidieť vo fotodokumentácii.
Do you want to be in the center of things? In an absolutely historic center? I would like to draw your attention to this generous 2-bedroom apartment on the raised ground floor of Košice's Štefánikova Street with an area of 109 m2. BRICK.
The apartment is located in a burgher apartment building with an ancient touch. Earthenware stairs, metal railings in the original green color, round windows with bars ...... all of this belongs to this period color.
after entering the apartment through a security entrance door, you will find yourself in a spacious hallway, from which you will get to the large living room connected to the kitchen and dining area on the left side. You also have 2 pantries, or technical rooms near the kitchen, where you can hide the refrigerator and similar necessary accessories.
The living room is domina

Zdravím všetkých, ktorí sa potrebujú naučiť alebo zdokonaliť v angličtine.
Osobne sa zameriavam na výuku Cambridge English (A1-C2), všeobecnú angličtinu a špecifický obor angličtiny zvolený podľa Vašich potrieb, taktiež príprava na skúšky z AJ.
Učím/doučujem rôzne vekové kategórie.
Možnosť zamerania sa na britskú/americkú angličtinu, prispôsobenie sa prízvuku.
Pre mňa ako aj pre Vás je dôležitá prax, teória prichádza na druhé miesto.
Výuka prebieha on-line poprípade osobne v lokalite Žilina.
Všetko čo potrebujete je počítač, wifi a samozrejme Vy :).
V krátkosti o mne.
Mám dlhoročné skúsenosti z pobytu vo Veľkej Británii (Anglicko-prevažne Londýn, Škótsko, Severné Írsko).
Už 6 rokov nepretržite učím on-line, osobne či už individuálne alebo skupinovo, pre firmy, jazykové školy.
Nedávne pôsobisko Praha, aktuálne Žilina.
V prípade záujmu je k dostupe môj životopis, recenzie a certifikácie.
Cena je uvedená za hodinu výuky.
V prípade on-line výuky je platba potrebná vopred na účet. Potvrdenie o platbe je taktiež postačujúce.
V prípade otázok ma môžete kedykoľvek kontaktovať.
POZNAMKA: poprosim kontaktovat iba v pripade skutocneho zaujmu, ziadne plytvanie casu!
Hello guys,
Let me introduce myself a bit.
I've been working as a private on-line English tutor/teacher for alian and domestic clients at the moment and been in this field of work since 2017.
I tutor/teach within the broad age span six to around sixty years either individually or in a group and that is in person or via on-line platforms.
I'm in between C1-C2 level notably thanks to loads of years working and residing overseas in particular in the UK and it's parts like Scotland, England-London, The Northern Ireland.
On the subjects of tutoring/teaching particular English it is all the Cambridge levels (A1-C2), general, business English or majoring on the specific one chosen by you.
I am more empirical than hypothetical tutor/teacher what entirely pays off and the same I offer to you because in the end its not about references and certificates but about possessing the original practice from English speaking countries.
All you need is a good wifi, your drive and of course its you above all :).
In terms of paying if its an on-line tutoring the payment must be transferred beforehand or a statement of the paid amount is sufficiently enough.
Do not hesitate to contact me for any further questions.
CV, references and certificates are available on request.
NOTE: pls contact me only if your interest is real, no time wasters!
Looking forward hearing from you.

48MP – 9280 X 5220
Video Frame rate: 4K(4:3)@24fps / 2K@30fps / 1080P@60fps
CMOS: SONY 1/2.33 inch
CMOS pixel: 1.33um x 1.33um
Color setting: Auto
White balance: Auto / one button calibration / Manual
EV: Auto / Manual
Camera mode HDMI output: 1080P @60 FPS
Grid line: 8 horizontal lines, 8 vertical lines
TF card: 4GB (Up to 128GB max)
Cross line: Overlap or Cancel
Lens jack: Standard C
Power: 5V-12V/1A
Size: 68x68x35mm
Weight: 180g
Working temperature: 0-70℃
Remote Control Instruction:
1.+ KEY: Zoom in / - KEY: Zoom out
2.UP: EV+; DOWN: EV-
3.OK: Confirm button or Start recording
5.Mode: Camera / Video / Playback mode change button
6.The bottom button is to take photos
7.Left & Right: Not in use.
Function key operation introduction:
POWER: This camera is plugged in and powered on. Press and hold for 3 seconds to shut down normally, and then short press for 1 second to restart. After the red indicator light is on, you hear a beep sound and the system is turned on successfully.
MODE key: Short press for 1 second to switch to video mode after power on, then short press for 1 second to switch to photo and video clip preview mode, and short press again to return to photo mode;
MENU button: Short press for 1 second after power on, enter the menu page, you can select various functions through UP/DOWN, and then press OK to enter the selected menu
a ) Chinese and English language settings: press the UP/DOWN key to select, and then press the OK key to confirm;
b ) Grid line setting: press the UP/DOWN key to select, then press the OK key to enter, and then press the UP/DOWN key to select the cross line ruler on or off, 8 lines on and off, each line Direction position color thickness, then press OK key to change the direction/position/color/thickness of the line, press MENU again to return to the previous level of the menu;
c ) Exposure setting: Press UP to increase/DOWN to select automatic exposure or manual exposure mode, and press OK to confirm;
d ) Exposure value setting: In automatic exposure mode, enter and select +-0.3/0.71.0/1.3/1.7/2.0 exposure value as needed;
e ) White balance: After entering, you can choose automatic/manual/one-key white balance. If the light source is adjusted, the color may be deviated. You can put a piece of white paper to select the one-key white balance to correct the color; in special applications, it can also be passed Manual mode to adjust the value of R red and B green;
f ) Color: color or black and white can be selected according to needs;
g ) Light source frequency: 50Hz and 60Hz can be selected according to the situation of each country;
h ) Sharpness: choose strong/standard/soft three i) Contrast setting: choose high/medium/low according to needs;
i ) Video size: 2K24fps/1080P 60fps/720P 60fps three formats can be selected according to needs;
j ) Mirror function: You ca

Predám originálne CD albumy . Každý kus v cene 1,00€. CD majú známky používania prípadne nedostatok na booklete. Všetky CD sú hodnotené vizualne. Pre viac info, foto atd... ma prosím kontaktujte mailom prípadne telefonicky.
PETER TOSH - The Gold Collection
MIDNIGHT - Diesel & Dust
ANASTACIA - Freak Of Nature
BOB GELDOF - The Vegetarians Of Love
WILL YOUNG - Fridays Child
SHAKIRA - Laundry Service
ROBBIE WILLIAMS - Intensive Care
ROBBIE WILLIAMS - Ive Been Expecting You
BRITNEY SPEARS - Baby One More Time
IRON & WINE - The Creek Drank The Cradle
N.E.R.D. - Fly Or Die
OLLY MURS - In Case You Didnt Know
PAOLO NUTINI - These Streets
DIDO - No Angel
DIE TOTEN HOSEN - Opium Furs Volk
FEEDER - Echo Park
G4 - G4
STOPPOK - Happy End Im la La Land
SUGAR RAY - 14:59
THE CHRISTIANS - The Christians
WATERFRONT - Waterfront
KASABIAN - West Ryder Pauper Lunatic Asylum
A MURDER OF ANGELS - While You Sleep
ARCADE FIRE - Neon Bible
AZ YET - Az Yet
THE ENEMY - Well Live And Die In These Towns
BREATHE - All That Jazz
BOYZONE - By Request
BLUE - Guilty
BLOC PARTY - Bloc Party EP
BOYZ II MEN – Evolution
BRO SIS - Never Forget
BOYZONE - Said and Done
CLIFF RICHARD - Live & Guaranteed 1988
CELENTANO - Arrivano Gli Uomini
COMEDIAN HARMONISTS - Die Grossen Erfolge -
COUNTING CROWS - August And Everything After
DELFINS – O Caminho Da Felicidade
EDDIE M - Eddie M
JONATHAN ELIAS - The Prayer Cycle
LIGHTHOUSE FAMILY - Whatever Gets You Through The Day
KT TUNSTALL - Eye To The Telescope
JACK JOHNSON - Curious George
ROGER WHITTAKER - An Evening With Roger
PERCY SLEDGE - His Greatest Hits - New Recorded
ROGER WHITTAKER - The Collection
ROBSON & JEROME - Robson & Jerome
OST - Gainsbourg
OST - S*x & The City
POP IDOL - The Big Band Album
NAWFEL - Nawfel
NO ANGELS - Now...Us!
ORANGE BLUE - Forever / Best Of
STEFANIE HEINZMANN - Stefanie Heinzmann
VSOP - Vienna Symphonic Orchestra Project
WESTLIFE - Westlife

predám nasledujúce LP platne od zahraničných interpretov,vačšina výbornom stave,pri výbere konkrétnej LP platni pošlem foto aj podrobný popis,
cena v texte
pozri aj ostatné časti
Dassin Joe - 15 ans déja../stav:výborný/cena = 5€
Dassin Joe -/stav:výborný/cena = 5€
Dayne Taylor - Tell it to my heart /stav: výborný/cena = 8€
Debie Harry - KooKoo/stav:výborný/cena = 8€
Démis Roussos - "Souvenirs"/stav:dobrý/cena = 3€
Diamond Niel - /stav:výborný/cena = 5€
Diamond Niel - Song Hits of N.Diamond /stav:výborný/cena = 4€
Diamond Niel - Song Sung Blue /stav:výborný/cena = 4€
Diamond Niel - You dont bring me flowers /stav:výborný/cena = 4€
Diana - And other hits/stav výborný/cena = 5€
Diana Express - Golden Apple/stav výborný/cena = 5€
Dick Bruna - Nintje op vinyl/stav:výborný/cena = 8€
Dietrich Marlene - Hallo Marlene/stav:výborný/cena = 8€
Dirty Looks - Cool from The wire/stav:výborný/ = 11€
Don Johnson - Heart Beat/stav:výborný/cena = 7€
Don Johnson - Let Itt Roll/stav:výborný/cena = 5€
Double Fantasy - Universal Ave./stav:výborný/cena = 8€
Dr.Hook - And The Medicine show/stav:výborný/cena = 6€
Dr.Hook - Greatest Hits/stav:výborný/cena = 6€
Dream expres - Just wanna dance with you /stav:výborný/cena = 4€
Dream expres /stav:výborný/cena = 4€
Duet Katz/stav:výborný/cena = 6€
Dylan Bob /stav:výborný/cena = 9€
Edie and The Tide - Go out and get it/stav:výborný/cena = 6€
Emerson,Lake&Povell/stav:výborný/cena = 7€
Esther&Abi Ofarim/stav:výborný/cena = 6€
Everly Brothers - 2x10/stav:výborný/cena = 5€
Farrenheit /stav:výborný/cena = 6€
Fernandez Luisa - Disco darling/stav:výborný/cena = 5€
Gabriel Peter - Ein deutsches album/stav:výborný/cena = 6€
Gaynor Gloria - Ive got you/stav:dobrý/cena = 4€
Georges Moustaki/stav:výborný/cena = 8€
Gibb Andy - After dark/stav:výborný/cena = 4€
Gibson Brothers - Non stop dance/Come to America /stav:výborný/cena = 6€
Gilbert O Sullivan - Im A Writer,Not a Fighter/stav:výborný/cena = 5€
Glenn Miller and His Orchestra - In The Mood /stav:výborný/cena = 6€
Goldsmith Glen - What You See What You Get/stav:velmi dobrý/cena = 6€
Grant Eddy – At his best /stav:výborný/cena = 6€
Grant Eddy – Can t Get Enough/stav:výborný/cena = 7€
Gréco Juliette - A portrait of
Greenbaum Norman – Spirit in The sky/stav:výborný/cena = 6€
Greenpeace - Breakthrough(dvojalbum)/stav:výborný/cena = 4€ (dvojalbum)
Guillermo Marchena - My love is Tango/stav:výborný/cena = 6€
Harrison George - Cloud nine /stav:výborný/cena = 11€
Herreys - Diggi loo,Diggi ley/stav výborný/cena = 5€
Hot Chocolate - 20 Hottest Hits/stav:výborný/cena = 5€

Potrebujete vymeniť žiarovku, zásuvku alebo potrebujete pomôcť s pripojením internetu, televízie alebo domáceho kina?
Ste na správnom mieste! S radosťou Vám pomôžem s akýmkoľvek technickým problémom a poradím Vám.
Zameriavam sa najmä na elektrotechniku v domácnosti, vrátane elektrických zariadení a spotrebičov.
Môžem Vám pomôcť s opravou počítača, nastavením WIFI pripojenia, zapojením práčky, ale aj výmenou kvapkajúcej batérie.
Diagnostikujem, rozoberám, skladám, inštalujem, spájkujem, vŕtam, režem, zapájam, lepím a natieram.
Do you need to replace a light bulb, socket, or do you need help with connecting the internet, TV, or home theater?
You are in the right place! I will gladly assist you with any technical problem and provide advice.
I specialize in household electrical engineering, including electrical equipment and appliances.
I can help you with computer repair, WIFI connection setup, washing machine connection, as well as replacing a leaking water tap.
I diagnose, disassemble, assemble, install, solder, drill, cut, connect, glue, and paint.
#technik #hodinovy manžel #elektrikar #majster #opravar #itčkar #servis
#technician #Handyman #Electrician #Craftsman #Repairman #IT technician #service

Dobrý deň,
Ponúkam obojsmerný preklad- slovenský, anglický a francúzsky jazyk; zmluvy, abstrakty bakalárskych, či diplomových prác, články atď. Mám vyštudovanú vysokú školu druhého stupňa v odbore Preklad a Tlmočenie- anglický a francúzsky jazyk.
Zameriavam sa najmä na neumelecké texty, no pri ukážke požadovaného textu sa vieme dohodnúť aj na umeleckom preklade.
Cena prekladu je 10€ na normostranu (1800 znakov bez medzier). Po dohode na preklade je potrebné zaslať na účet zálohu, ktorá sa bude odvíjať od veľkosti obsahu textu na preklad ( Záloha sa po zaplatení za preklad buď vráti alebo odčíta od celkovej ceny prekladu).
1 normostrana- 5 eur
2 normostrany- 10 eur atď.
Ak máte záujem, poprosím Vás napísať mi správu alebo zavolať čím skôr, aby bol na preklad vyhradený dostatočný čas a zaručila sa tak čo najlepšia kvalita.
Ďakujem a verím, že budete s prekladom spokojní.
I offer a two-way translation - Slovak, English and French language; contracts, abstracts of bachelor or diploma theses, articles, etc. I have a second degree in Translation and Interpreting - English and French language.
I mainly focus on non-fiction texts, but we can also arrange for an artistic translation if you show me the text you would like to be translated.
The price of translation is 10€ per standard page (1800 characters without spaces). After agreeing on the translation, it is necessary to send a deposit to the account, which will be based on the size of the content of the text to be translated (The deposit will either be refunded or deducted from the total price of the translation).
1 standard page- 5 euros
2 standard pages- 10 euros, etc.
If you are interested, please send me a message or call me as soon as possible to allow enough time for the translation to guarantee the best quality.
Thank you and I hope you will be satisfied with the translation.

Predám knihu 'Spring in Action'. Hodí sa pre niekoho kto sa chce detailne zoznámiť s vývojom Springových aplikácií.
Jazyk: angličtina
strán: 520
Vydavateľ: Manning
Autor: Craig Walls
About the Technology
Spring Framework makes life easier for Java developers. New features in Spring 5 bring its productivity-focused approach to microservices, reactive development, and other modern application designs. With Spring Boot now fully integrated, you can start even complex projects with minimal configuration code. And the upgraded WebFlux framework supports reactive apps right out of the box!
About the Book
Spring in Action, 5th Edition guides you through Spring's core features, explained in Craig Walls' famously clear style. You'll roll up your sleeves and build a secure database-backed web app step by step. Along the way, you'll explore reactive programming, microservices, service discovery, RESTful APIs, deployment, and expert best practices. Whether you're just discovering Spring or leveling up to Spring 5.0, this Manning classic is your ticket!
What's inside
- Building reactive applications
- Spring MVC for web apps and RESTful web services
- Securing applications with Spring Security
- Covers Spring 5.0

Predám HDMI adaptér SPK618 DENON.
Dohoda možná.
Řešení adaptéru SPK618 HDMI je určeno k odstranění problému s kompatibilitou mezi vybranými A/V receivery, které podporují rozlišení 4K/120Hz a 8K a herními konzolemi, které podporují výstupní rozlišení 4K/120Hz a 8K.
The SPK618 HDMI adapter solution is designed to remedy a compatibility issue between select Denon A/V receivers that support 4K/120Hz and 8K video resolutions (specific models listed below) and gaming consoles that support 4K/120Hz and 8K video resolution output. If you experience a black screen and no audio when trying to pass through 4K/120Hz or 8K signals from gaming devices connected to the 8K input of the Denon A/V receiver, this adapter will help you to get a proper gaming experience. You may register below before the 30th of September 2022 to receive the SPK618 HDMI adapter at no cost (while stocks last). Click here to download the Instruction Manual on how to use the adapter.
If your country is not selectable in the form below, please reach out to the dealer where you bought the product.
Update: August 2021
Quick check — Does your product benefit from the HDMI adapter?
Only Denon models listed below with serial numbers below xxxxxxx70000 are impacted by the HDMI incompatibility issue and require the HDMI adapter to output 4K/120Hz and 8K/60Hz video signals. The below listed models with serial numbers xxxxxxx70000 and greater do not need or benefit from the adapter. If you have one of the affected models and serial numbers, please complete the form below to order the HDMI adapter at no cost.
List of affected products

predám nasledujúce LP platne od zahraničných interpretov,vačšina výbornom stave,pri výbere konkrétnej LP platni pošlem foto aj podrobný popis,
cena v texte
pozri aj ostatné časti
Dassin Joe - 15 ans déja../stav:výborný/cena = 5€
Dassin Joe -/stav:výborný/cena = 5€
Dayne Taylor - Tell it to my heart /stav: výborný/cena = 8€
Debie Harry - KooKoo/stav:výborný/cena = 8€
Démis Roussos - "Souvenirs"/stav:dobrý/cena = 3€
Diamond Niel - /stav:výborný/cena = 5€
Diamond Niel - Song Hits of N.Diamond /stav:výborný/cena = 4€
Diamond Niel - Song Sung Blue /stav:výborný/cena = 4€
Diamond Niel - You dont bring me flowers /stav:výborný/cena = 4€
Diana - And other hits/stav výborný/cena = 5€
Diana Express - Golden Apple/stav výborný/cena = 5€
Dick Bruna - Nintje op vinyl/stav:výborný/cena = 8€
Dietrich Marlene - Hallo Marlene/stav:výborný/cena = 8€
Dirty Looks - Cool from The wire/stav:výborný/ = 11€
Don Johnson - Heart Beat/stav:výborný/cena = 7€
Don Johnson - Let Itt Roll/stav:výborný/cena = 5€
Double Fantasy - Universal Ave./stav:výborný/cena = 8€
Dr.Hook - And The Medicine show/stav:výborný/cena = 6€
Dr.Hook - Greatest Hits/stav:výborný/cena = 6€
Dream expres - Just wanna dance with you /stav:výborný/cena = 4€
Dream expres /stav:výborný/cena = 4€
Duet Katz/stav:výborný/cena = 6€
Dylan Bob /stav:výborný/cena = 9€
Edie and The Tide - Go out and get it/stav:výborný/cena = 6€
Emerson,Lake&Povell/stav:výborný/cena = 7€
Esther&Abi Ofarim/stav:výborný/cena = 6€
Everly Brothers - 2x10/stav:výborný/cena = 5€
Farrenheit /stav:výborný/cena = 6€
Fernandez Luisa - Disco darling/stav:výborný/cena = 5€
Gabriel Peter - Ein deutsches album/stav:výborný/cena = 6€
Gaynor Gloria - Ive got you/stav:dobrý/cena = 4€
Georges Moustaki/stav:výborný/cena = 8€
Gibb Andy - After dark/stav:výborný/cena = 4€
Gibson Brothers - Non stop dance/Come to America /stav:výborný/cena = 6€
Gilbert O Sullivan - Im A Writer,Not a Fighter/stav:výborný/cena = 5€
Glenn Miller and His Orchestra - In The Mood /stav:výborný/cena = 6€
Goldsmith Glen - What You See What You Get/stav:velmi dobrý/cena = 6€
Grant Eddy – At his best /stav:výborný/cena = 6€
Grant Eddy – Can t Get Enough/stav:výborný/cena = 7€
Gréco Juliette - A portrait of
Greenbaum Norman – Spirit in The sky/stav:výborný/cena = 6€
Greenpeace - Breakthrough(dvojalbum)/stav:výborný/cena = 4€ (dvojalbum)
Guillermo Marchena - My love is Tango/stav:výborný/cena = 6€
Harrison George - Cloud nine /stav:výborný/cena = 11€
Herreys - Diggi loo,Diggi ley/stav výborný/cena = 5€
Hot Chocolate - 20 Hottest Hits/stav:výborný/cena = 5€

Predám exkluzívny nový nerozbalený Box set - George Michael - OLDER DeLuxe Edition + foto GM v ráme 33 x 24 cm.
Box set je úplne nový , zabalený vo fólii.
Ešte nebol rozbalený !
》3 kusy LP 180gr + 5kusov CD
》Kniha (48 strán) na kriedovom papieri
》3 kusy art poster
》plus jedinečný Extra bonus navyše - Art foto v bielom drevenom ráme
33 x 24 cm ( vhodné aj na stenu alebo na stôl )
》Limited Deluxe Edition, Download Code
1. Jesus To a Child
2. Fastlove, Pt. 1
3. Older
4. Spinning the Wheel
5. It Doesn't Really Matter
6. The Strangest Thing
1. To Be Forgiven
2. Move On
3. Star People
4. You Have Been Loved
5. Free
1. Fastlove, Pt. 2
2. Spinning the Wheel (Forthright Edit)
3. Star People '97 (Radio Version)
4. The Strangest Thing '97 (Radio Version)
5. You Know That I Want To
6. Safe
1. Jesus To a Child
2. Fastlove, Pt. 1
3. Older
4. Spinning the Wheel
5. It Doesn't Really Matter
6. The Strangest Thing
7. To Be Forgiven
8. Move On
9. Star People
10. You Have Been Loved
11. Free
1. Fastlove, Pt. 2
2. Spinning the Wheel (Forthright Edit)
3. Star People '97 (Radio Version)
4. The Strangest Thing '97 (Radio Version)
5. You Know That I Want To
6. Safe
1. Fastlove (A/C Summer Mix)
2. Star People '97 (Radio Edit)
3. Freedom '94 (Live Version)
4. One More Try (Live Gospel Version)
5. Star People (Unplugged)
6. Spinning the Wheel (Radio Edit)
7. Fastlove (Promo Edit)
8. Jesus To a Child (Special Radio Edit)
9. Spinning the Wheel (Forthright Dub Mix)
10. Star People (Forthright Club Mix)
1. Fastlove (Forthright Extended 12" Mix)
2. Star People (Forthright Dub Mix)
3. I'm Your Man (the Jon Douglas Remix)
4. Fastlove Part Ii (Fully Extended Mix)
5. Spinning the Wheel (Forthright Extended 12" Club Mix)
6. Star People (Galaxy Dub Mix)
7. Fastlove (Forthright Remix 7" Version)
8. I Can't Make You Love Me (Studio Version)
1. Desafinado - George Michael With Astrud Gilberto
2. The Strangest Thing (Live)
3. Star People (Forthright Radio Edit)
4. The Strangest Thing '97 (Loop Ratz Mix)
5. Fastlove (Forthright Dub Remix)
6. Jesus To a Child (Radio Edit)
7. Spinning the Wheel (the Jon Douglas Remix)
8. Star People (Galaxy Mix)
9. Older (Instrumental Version)

Typ: 3-izbový byt
Ulica: Bauerova
Obec: Košice-Sídlisko KVP
Ak hľadáte rodinný byt či bývanie s nepriechodnými izbami pre 2 - 3 osoby, práve ste ho našli!
NA PRENÁJOM EXKLUZÍVNE - SKUTOČNE atraktívny 3 izbový byt s rozlohou 70 m2.
Útulný, veľmi vkusne zariadený 3 izbový byt - takéto prívlastky prináležia bývaniu na sídlisku KVP na Bauerovej ulici.
5. posch. z 8 s výťahom, s loggiou, v prípade potreby predmetom prenájmu je aj pivnica na prízemí zatepleného bytového domu.
Všetky 3 izby sú samostatné, nepriechodné - veľký benefit.
Pokiaľ ide o svetové strany, kuchyňa (+loggia) s obývačkou sú orientované na Západ, spálňa s detskou izbou na Východ.
po vstupe do bytu Vás privíta chodba v tvare štvorca so vstavanou skriňou a veľkoryso riešenými úložnými priestormi.
Po ľavej ruke obývačka, za ňou kuchyňa. Kuchynská linka bola len nedávno vymenená za novú, je vybavená plynovým sporákom, el. rúrou, chladničkou s mrazničkou, nachádza sa tu aj práčka z dôvodu šetrenia priestoru v kúpeľni. Tá sa nachádza oproti vchodovým dverám, toaleta je jej súčasťou.
Na pravej strane chodby sú ďalšie 2 izby: spálňa a detská izba.
Váš nový príbytok je vybavený tak, aby ste mali k dispozícii všetko potrebné, zároveň to spĺňa aj estetickú funkciu, napokon, posúďte sami na základe pripojenej fotodokumentácie.
Občianska vybavenosť v tejto časti časti sídliska KVP je bohatá, nájdete tu všetko potrebné, na dosah.
K dispozícii: od 16.05.2023
Cena: 670 Eur mesačne vrátane energií, internetu a TV
Depozit: vo výške 1 mes.nájmu.
If you are looking for a family apartment or housing with non-passable rooms for 2-3 people, you have just found it!
FOR RENT EXCLUSIVELY - REALLY attractive 3-room apartment with an area of 70 m2.
A cozy, very tastefully furnished 3-room apartment - such attributes belong to living in the KVP housing estate on Bauerová Street.
5th floor of 8 with an elevator, with a loggia, if necessary, the cellar on the ground floor of the insulated apartment building is also available for rent.
All 3 rooms are separate, impassable - a big benefit.
As for the cardinal points, the kitchen (+loggia) with the living room are oriented to the West, the bedroom with the children's room to the East.
upon entering the apartment, you will be greeted by a square-shaped hallway with a built-in wardrobe and generously designed storage spaces.
On the left hand is the living room, behind it is the kitchen. The kitchen line was recently replaced with a new one, it is equipped with a gas stove, electric oven, refrigerator with freezer, there is also a washing machine here to save space in the bathroom. It is located opposite the entrance door, the toilet is part of it.
On the right side of the corridor there are 2 more rooms: a bedroom and a children's room.
Your new home is equipped so that you have everything you need at your disposal, it also fulfills an aesthetic function, finally, jud