zlava na about you - strana 24
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: 1000 - strana 24

Laura Bates - The Burning
Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email.
Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty.
A rumour is like a fire. You might think you've extinguished it but one creeping, red tendril, one single wisp of smoke is enough to let it leap back into life again. Especially if someone is watching, waiting to fan the flames...
New school.
New town.
New surname.
Social media profiles?
There's nothing to trace Anna back to her old life. Nothing to link her to the `incident'. At least that's what she thinks... until the whispers start up again. As time begins to run out on her secrets, Anna finds herself irresistibly drawn to the tale of Maggie, a local girl accused of witchcraft centuries earlier. A girl whose story has terrifying parallels to Anna's own... The compelling YA debut from Laura Bates, founder of the Everyday Sexism Project and bestselling author of Girl Up.

PEUGEOT PARTNER TEPEE 1,6 HDi r.v. 1/2014, 289158 km, 1560 cm3, 55 kW, manuálna prevodovka 5 st., 5 miest na sedenie, klimatizácia, 2x elektrické okná, ťažné zariadenie, ABS, SERVO, rádio, Batérie sú opotrebované, je potrebné si priniesť vlastné alebo kúpiť nové.Batteries are so damaged, that you have to bring your own or you can buy here new ones CENA: 4.900,- EUR s DPH, možný odpočet DPH
STK do 11.07.2024

predám nasledujúce LP platne od zahraničných interpretov,vačšina výbornom stave,pri výbere konkrétnej LP platni pošlem foto aj podrobný popis,
cena v texte
Afric Simone /stav:velmi dobrý/cena = 6€
Amii Stewart - Knock on Wood/stav:výborný/cena = 8€
Ashford&Simpson - Solid/stav:výborný/cena = 6€
Baccara /stav:výborný/cena = 5€
Chris de Burg - Into The Light/stav:výborný/cena = 5€
Cliff Richard - Clifś hit album/stav:výborný/cena = 8€
Démis Roussos - "Souvenirs"/stav:výborný/cena = 6€
Niel Diamond - September Morn /stav:výborný/cena = 4€
Dolby Thomas – The Flat Earth /stav: výborný/cena = 5€
Exile - All there is/stav:výborný/cena = 7€
Gaynor Gloria - Ive got you/stav:výborný/cena = 5€
Genesis - Abacab/stav:výborný/cena = 8€
Grace Jones - Slave To The Rhythm/stav:výborný/cena = 8€
Hot Chocolate - Going Through The Motions/stav:výborný/cena = 5€
Jon and Vangelis - The fiends of Cairo/stav:výborný/cena = 6€
Mathieu Mireille - Apres Toi/stav:výborný/cena = 7€
Mc Cartney Paul - Broad street/stav:výborný/cena = 8€
Midle of The road - Acceleration/stav:výborný/cena = 5€
Edie Murphy - So Happy/stav:výborný/cena = 7€
Pugačeva Alla - In Stocholm/stav:výborný/cena = 6€
Robin Gibb – How Old are you?/stav:výborný/cena = 6€
Rod Stewart - Camouflage/stav:velmi dobrý/cena = 5€
Shakin Stevens – Shaky/stav:výborný/cena = 4€
Donna Summer - Greatest Hits.Volume one/stav:výborný/cena = 6€
The Holies/stav:výborný/cena = 8€
Tyler Bonnie - Diamond cut/stav:výborný/cena = 4€
Vysotský Vladimir - Songs/stav:výborný/cena = 7€
Wings - Greatest/stav:výborný/cena = 7€
Zadora Pia - Lets dance tonight/stav:velmi dobrý/cena = 5€

Pekný deň,
máme na predaj vaničku a kovový stojan CLICK značky BEBE YOU farba Fabulous Taupe.
Kovový stojan na vaničku má výšku 98 cm, otvor na zavesenie uteráka a miesto na mydlo. Stojan je skladací a je vybavený inovatívnym Click systémom. Len 2 kliknutia a vanička je ľahko a bezpečne umiestnená na kúpací stojan.
Stojan má zalepenú krytku na spodnej nožičke, na funkčnosti to neuberá, vanička je v rovnováhe, ani nožičky sa neposúvajú ďalej. Na prvý pohľad to nie je ani vidieť."
Vanička má rozmery 86 × 44 × 32 cm.
Cena spolu 50€.
Kupovaný 06/22 na
Osobný odber BA Ružinov.
V prípade otázok ma kontaktujte.
Pekný deň,

Predám knihu Me before you po anglicky od autora Jojo Moyes. Kniha je úplne nová, nečítaná. Cena 5€.

Paul Burrell 'A ROYAL DUTY', 396s, tvrdá väzba s prebalom, ako nová, v angličtine, 8 EUR.
'The untold story behind one of the most sensational chapters in the history of the House of Windsor. Paul Burrell fought to clear his own name. Now he reveals new truths about Princess Diana – and presents for the first time as faithful an account of her thoughts as we can ever hope to read. He was the favourite footman who formed a unique relationship with the Queen. He was the butler who the Princess of Wales called ‘my rock’ and ‘the only man I can trust’. He was accused of theft, then acquitted following the historic intervention of the monarch. He was the Princess’ most intimate confidante – and is the only person able to separate the myth from the truth of the Diana years. Now at last Paul Burrell cuts through the gossip and the lies and takes us closer to the complex heart of the Royal Family than ever before.'
Jamier Oliver 'Happy Days with the Naked Chef', 320s, väčší formát, kriedový papier, ako nová, v angličtine, 10€.
Like Jamie's first two books, Happy Days is filled with fantastic recipes for different occassions. Along with his perfect curry for a night in, Jamie gives you his version of some old favourites in 'Comfort Grub' - try his Steak and Guinness Pie or indulge in his to-die-for pancakes! And in 'Quick Fixes' he whips up some really simple, tasty dinners - just right for when you get home late from work. Plus there's a 'Kid's Club' chapter, all about catching kid's attention and getting them interested in food. It's a starting point for children, to encourage them to have a go at other things in the book with their parents. Get them squashing tomatoes, pouring olive oil, pitting olives and making bread in no time - they'll love it. So, enjoy yourself, get stuck in ... happy days!

ZTS UNC 200 4x4 čelný nakladač, r.v. 1988, 6537 MTH, 132 kw, váha 16800kg, max. rýchlosť 35 km/h, lyžica 2,75m, stav pneu 30%, Batérie sú opotrebované, je potrebné si priniesť vlastné alebo kúpiť nové.
Batteries are so damaged, that you have to bring your own or you can buy here new ones. cena: 8900€ + DPH

Predám rôzne platne, 1 kus za 2 Eurá (pri odbere väčšieho množstva platní možná dohoda o cene). V prípade záujmu pošlem viac foto.
Iba na osobný odber.
(Kontaktujte ma prosím cez e-mail, tel. číslo je neplatné).
Zelenáči – Písně větru z hor, Oheň z dříví eukalyptu
Zelenáči – Silnice, Rěky,Tratě a Stezky
Vladimír Mikulka
Moravanka – Podruhé
Nel Santo – Canto Te
Gérard Lenorman – Disque d´Or
Moravanka Jana Slabáka – Horňané, Dolňané
Miroslav Horníček – Jablko je vinno
Ray Coniff in Moscow
Dobro jutro, ljubavi
Písně otce vod 3
Pacifik – Velrybářská výprava
Ricchi & Poveri – I think of you
Povídky Šimka a Grossmanna 3
Šimek a Grossmann – Návštevní Den, Návštevní Den 3,1
Hifi Karajan
Maryla Rodowicz – Sing Sing
Rumpelkammer mit Willi Schwabe – Die Musikalische 3. Folge
Rumpelkammer mit Willi Schwabe – Die Musikalische 4. Folge
Klaus Wunderlich
Lama – Palais Des Congrés 79
Rock House – Rockin´ with rock house
Vlasta Burian
Vzpoura na lodi primátor Ditrich aneb dobrodružství šesti trampú
Emerson,Lake & Powell
Dvorana Slávy 2,3,4
OK Band Disco!
Ray Coniff
George Gerschwin – Porgy Ella & Louis BESS
C&K Vocal - Generace
Ivan Mládek – Moje rodina
Banjo Band Ivana Mládka – Dobrý den!
Banjo Band Ivana Mládka –Ej Mlhošu Mlhošu
Banjo Band Ivana Mládka – Předposlední Leg
Jony Scott – Bumerang
To bylo Osvobozené divadlo 1034-1938
Country &Western Hits
A Portrait of Juliette Gréco 2X
16 Fantastic Golden Latin Hits
Hits of BBC Alaska Records 2
Sound of Music
Mirelle Mathieu á Moscow
Luise Walkerová, Leo Witoszynskyj – kytarový recitál
Karajanúv Johann Strauss
Boogie Nights – Original Hits Original Stars
Ruslan and Ludmila – In the Steppes of Central Asia
50 years of popular hits the BBC presents
Trubadurzy znovu razem
Big Crosby – Season
The Platters – The Great Pretender
Giuliani Rodrigo –Concerto in A Major Op.
Josef Laufer – Dospělým dětem
Malá sváteční hudba
To Mora Da Je Ljubav
Gustáv Offermann – Nočná Romanca
Southern Sunshine – Pod južným slnkomä
Helen Merrill – Rodgers & Hammerstein
Scott Joplin – The Red Back Book
Petra Janú – Jedeme dál
V pravé poledne
Anna Rustkano - Prendimi con te
Pete Seeger
Drupi – Buonanotte
Glen Campbell
Ljupka – The songs of my sea
Rick Astley – Whenever you need somebody
Olivia Newton John
Písně amerického západu
Jiří Melíšek – Dva na Olympu
Jasmin Stavros – More, Vino i ljubav
CHIC – Greatests hits
Morava, Věbr, Skarlandt, Hacker,Friedrich, Třebický - Kto
Písně otce vod 3
40 let s trampskou písničkou
Písničky a povídání ze semaforu
Kto – Kamarádi táborových ohňú
The most famous american marches
Umberzto tozzi – Greatest hits
Greenhorns ´71, ´72
Peter Nagy – Chráň si svoje bláznovstvá
Nestarnúce melódie
Karel Gott ´76

Meet our beautiful F1 standard Bernedoodle puppies! I hope you are ready for a lifetime of endless love?????????
They were born on December 27 so they are our Christmas litter: Blitzen, Vixen, Dancer and Prancer (1 boy and 3 girls).????
They can move in the spring (around April) but they can be booked already. They move with a full vaccination program and a microchip and, of course, we offer a one-year health guarantee. We ship worldwide, we also have our own carrier so everything can be solved????
They will love you and be a part of your family and give a lots of happy moments with extra kisses. We have 2 little kids (5 years and 2 years) so the puppies are very socialized and child friendly. Ask in private message for more info and photos! ????
Only emails - English
(Phone number doesn’t work)

Made of soft and safe EVO foam, the 20 tiles of this wonderful set are here to give your little one a comfy and warm surface to play on. And they are also great to complement your home’s décor!
Each tile measures 35.5 x 35.5 cm and interlocks to the other in various shapes you can create as you wish! Use only 3 or 4 tiles or them all to create a large surface of 178 x 142 cm! Mix and match the 4 colours.
Unlike other similar foam tiles that are only safety-rated for children 3 and up, this one signed by Skip Hop is designed, tested and manufactured for all ages! We used it from 6 months onwards.
Colour: yellow/grey/beige
Include: 20 tiles + interlocks EvoFoam
Measures: 35.5 x 35.5 (single tile); 178 x 142 cm (max surface)
Height: 1,2 cm
Age: from birth
Lots of different possible shapes
Soft and safe surface, suitable also for the youngest kids

Predam vonu GA Because it’s you 100ml edp.
Original tst, nova, ani raz nepouzita.
Cena je 50€ aj s postou.
V pripade zaujmu kontaktovať ma mailom: kalin.marcela@
*tel.cislo je vymyslene

1993 TOMMÜ RECORDS-Veľmi vzácne originálne prvé vydanie piateho albumu rockovej legendy-výborný stav-50e
-Nádherné Vianoce 4cd-10e
každé 5e
-New Kids of the Block
-Stewart Rod- Vagabond Heart
-Dire Straits- Money for Nothing
-Oasis- Wonderwall
-Salt 'N' Pepa – You Showed M
-Madonna– Bedtime Stories
-U2– Pop
-U2 – Zooropa
-AC/DC - Back In Black
-Nazareth- Greatest Hits
-The Rolling Stones
-Mud- Greatest Hits
-ZZ Top – Recycler
-Richard Clayderman– Čarovné Klávesy 5cd
-Boney M- The Best of
-Carl Perkins- The Greatest Hits Of Rock N' Roll
-Rock Romances Vol.1-Elton/Bee Gees/Tina Turner/Genesis
-Saragossa Band – Die Superparty
-Carpenters- Their Greatest Hits
-Volčko/Jurdek- Ja mám rád ľudí...
-Krabathor-Cool Mortification-30e
-Krabathor – Orthodox / Mortal Memories-25e
-GOLDEN BLOOD -"Cum, Coke & Blasphemy"-10e
-ROOT-Capturing Sweden-Live in Falkenberg-16e
-EQUIRHODONT - Black Crystal-14e
-BIGBOSS-Doomy Ballads-14e
-ROOT - Heritage Of Satan-18e
-ROOT - Casilda-12e
-ROOT - Madness of the Graves-15e
-DVD Vzpomínky na hovno 5hod. 10e
CD CD CD nové-cena za kus 5e odber 10ks 40e
1.Pedophile Priests - Dark Transgression Of The Soul-6e
2.Secretum - Happy Happy Killing Time-6e
3.Seeds Of Sorrow - Immortal Junkies-6e
4.Sacrosanctum - Fragments-6e
5.Protest - Have A Rest,Please-6e
6.Całopalenie - Decline/T.S.M.E.D./Aryman-6e
7.Myrkgand - Myrkgand-6e
8.Dan Deagh Wealcan - Fragmented Consciousness-5e
9.Dan Deagh Wealcan - Two Straight Horizontal Lines And The Organized Chaos In Between:Director’s Cut-5e
10.Bloodphemy - Blood Will Tell-6e
11.Locus Titanic Funus - Castus Lacrima-6e
12.Birth A.D. – I Blame You-6e
13.Semper – Kháos-5e
14.Dysanchely – Secrets Of The Sun-5e
15.Embolism – Love Existence-5e
16.Infatuation Of Death – Code Of Impiety-digipack-5e
17.Elimi – Summoned From Ashes-7e
18.Zarin – When the Time Goeth Mad-10e
19.Embrace Damnation – Glory Of A New Darkness-6e
20.Fleshless – Devoured Beyond Recognition-8e
21.Godhate – Equal In The Eyes Of Death-5e
22.Killchain – Where Is Your Saviour...5e
23.Drunkard – Inhale the Inferno-7e
24.Blodskald – Vidundret-7e
25.Gloom – Catharsis-6e
26.Desecration – Cemetery Sickness-5e
27.Chaos UC - Bleed The Walls-7e
28.Criminal Element – Criminal Crime Time-5e
29.Coldblooded – Noise In Your Head-Digipak
30.Clawed Forehead – My Domain-digipack-5e
31.After Rain – The Funeral Marches-7e
32.Putrefy – One Nation Under Gore-6e
33.Sator Marte – Engulfed By Firestorm-7e
-Nádherné Vianoce 4cd-15e
-České Vánoce-4cd-20e
NA SMS NEODPOVEDáM- bližšie info mailom predaj75@-alebo telefonicky

predam stare single 7x HANA ZAGOROVÁ, rozne 40ks =cena 2,50eur/kus
ponukam LP M.Žbirka, I.Bartošová/predana, J.Korn =á 8eur
Mireille Mathieu, Olivia N.John,Louis Armstrong -Lucerna 1965, Glenn Miller-Pure Gold =á 10eur
LP ABBA 13eur
George Gershwin Rhapsody in Blue/ An American in Paris = predana
LP Baccara, Opus 1978=5eur
LP Asoc.HAGAW and A.Rosiewicz /PL 1975=3eur
LP Baden, Baden = 5eur
LP Barry Manilow-BARRY/Arista1980=5eur
LP Barry Manilow-I wanna do it with you/Arista1982=5eur
LP Barry Manilow-Manilow Magic/Arista 1983=5eur
LP Barry Manilow- 2:00AmParadiseCafe=5eur
LP Linda Ronstadt/Supphon1981= 5eur
LP Rudolf Schock singt /Eterna1963=2,50eur
LP Stars on45/Opus1981 Stars on45/vyd.1982=3eur/každá
LP Success-Get up and Boogie/Opus 1977=5eur
LP Superstars GreatestHits-2album, Canada1980 = cena 10eur
1/ LP Drobnosti majstrov, Opus 1973=3eur
LP Hudba pro harfu/Music for Harp, Panton 1973=3eur
LP Romantický klavír J.Maláska (3), Panton 1980 =3eur
MC Rasťo Piško-Rodina Adamsovcov 2.diel=2,50eur
CD Biblia-nový zákon 1+2 slov.herci čítajú 31príbehov = 2eur/kus
CD Barry Manilow LiveonBroadway=17eur
CD Barry Manilow GreatestHits vol.1 vol.2= cena 14eur/kus
CD Barry Manilow summer of´78=13eur
CD LIONEL RICHIE -Just For You. =cena 8eur
Na osmém sólovém albu se Lionel Richie dal dohromady s producenty Paulem Barrym a Markem Taylorem, kteří stojí za hity jako "Believe" od Cher či "Hero" Enriqua Iglesiase a 7 Aurelius (Mariah Carey, Ja Rule, Ashanti). Album se částečně natáčelo v Londýně, kde se Lionel setkal také s Danielem Bedingfieldem, který pro něj napsal funkovou věc "Do Ya", a částečně v Miami, kde se Lionel zase potkal s Lennym Kravitzem a společně si spolu udělali 2 písničky. Jedna z nich "Road To Heaven" se objevuje na tomto albu, druhá na novém albu Lennyho. Není to výhoda mít slavné kamarády.
MC Irish Favourites, vol.1 2=spolu 4eur
MC Scotland the Brave, vol.1 2=spolu 4eur
CD The Drums and Pipesof Scotland =9eur
CD LASICA&SATINSKY Pred popravou(OPUS2011) =4eur

mam na predaj viac ks
The Square ONE range has been conceived by KLARK TEKNIK to offer audio professionals a range of easily accessible, high-performance audio equipment, which combine no-compromise sonic quality with a feature set containing all the essentials. Square ONE processors represent the very best of British design and engineering, combined with modern, efficient manufacturing methods, backed by an industry-leading 3-year warranty. Your Square ONE processor will give you the tools you need for professional results, and many years of reliable service.
High-performance frequency-selective compression and gating with comprehensive control options
Intelligent Threshold Shift (iTS) gate hysteresis to avoid re-triggering by low frequency signals
Flexible channel linking allows multiple combinations of side chain summing to preserve stereo images
Solo bus allows monitoring of the side chain control signals without affecting channel outputs
RMS and “Vintage” peak-sensing compressor modes
Soft or hard knee compressor response
Side chain band-pass filter allows frequency-selective compression or gating for creative and corrective control
External side chain input on balanced 1/4” TRS connector for each channel
Electronically balanced inputs and outputs on Neutrik* XLR connectors
Rugged 3U rackmount chassis for durability in portable applications
Auto-ranging universal switch-mode power supply

predám nasledujúce LP platne od zahraničných interpretov,vačšina výbornom stave,pri výbere konkrétnej LP platni pošlem foto aj podrobný popis,
cena v texte
pozri aj ostatné časti
Shakin Stevens - The Bop Wont Stop/stav:výborný/cena = 7€
Shakin Stevens & The Sunsets/stav:výborný/cena = 9€
Shanon - Do You Wanna Get Away/stav:výborný/cena = 6€
Shanon - Love Goes All The Way/stav:výborný/cena = 6€
Sheena Easton – A private heaven /stav:výborný/cena = 6€
Sheila E. - In Romance/stav:výborný/cena = 5€
Shocking Blue/stav:výborný/cena = 7€
Stern Meissen - Reise zum Mittelpunkt des Menschen
Stern Meissen - Stunden schlag/stav:výborný/cena = 5€
Streisand Barbara – Emotion/stav:výborný/cena = 6€
Streisand Barbara – Tilli loved you/stav:výborný/cena = 6€
Suburbs/stav:výborný/cena = 5€
Summer Donna - All System Go/stav:výborný/cena = 5€
Summer Donna - Bad girls(dvojalbum) /stav:výborný/cena = 8€
Summer Donna - Greatest Hits.Volume one/stav:výborný/cena = 6€
Summer Donna - Greatest Hits/stav:výborný/cena = 6€
Summer Donna - Live and More(dvojalbum)/stav:výborný/cena = 12€
Summer Donna /stav:výborný/cena = 5€
Summers Andy - XYZ/stav:výborný/cena = 5€
Supermax – Fly with me/stav:výborný/cena = 5€
Sympson Spyder – Hello,bye,bye/stav:výborný/cena = 5€
Talking Heads - Stop Making Sense/stav:velmi dobrý/cena = 7€
Teach in /stav:výborný/cena = 6€
The B52-s - Cosmic Thing/stav:výborný/cena = 9€
The Beach Boys - Keeping The summer alive/stav:výborný/cena = 8€
The Beach Boys/stav:velmi dobrý/cena = 12€
The Best of Bread/stav:výborný/cena = 6€
The Buddy system - Chameleon/stav:výborný/cena = 5€
The Cucumbers /stav:výborný/cena = 5€
The Escape club - Wild,wild,west/stav:výborný/cena = 6€
The Holies/stav:výborný/cena = 8€
The love Afair/stav:velmi dobrý/cena = 5€
The Love Unlimited Orchestra/stav:výborný/cena = 6€
The New Seekers - In Moscou/stav:výborný/cena = 5€
The original and best - Hip Hop /stav:výborný/cena = 9€
The Sherbert – Phenomenon/stav:výborný/cena = 6€
The Shorts - Comment ca va/stav:velmi dobrý/cena = 5€
The Silvers - Bizarre/stav:výborný/cena = 6€
The Singers Unlimited –Ctyri z nás /stav:výborný/cena = 7€
The Singers Unlimited/stav:výborný/cena = 6€
The Star Sisters/stav:výborný/cena = 5€
The Steve Miller Band - Abracadabra /stav:dobrý/cena = 5€
The Strenglers – La Folie /stav:výborný/cena = 5€
The Temtations - To Be Continued /stav:výborný/cena = 6€
The world - Break The Silence/stav:výborný/cena = 7€
Thomson Twins - Into The Gap/stav:velmi dobrý/cena = 5€
Tight Fit/stav:výborný/cena = 7€
Time Machine - 20!/stav:výborný

Karol Konarik (Spravny smer; Tri slova)
Karol Konarik (Obloha spieva; V srdci lasku mam)
Koledy - Ceske vanocni Koledy,Panton
Kotvald & Hlozek (Holky z nasi skolky; Trapeni)
Lidovky - Cerny cikan; Rybicka
Lubos Svoboda (Tva laska Pane; Rozbij ty chmurne hradby)
Ludovit Nosko+Combo (V tvojich stopach; Mexico)
Marta Kucerova (Ave Maria; Las Mananitas)
Mefisto (I saw linda yeasterday; Midnight)
Michal Docelomansky (Lubim Ta)/ Eva Kostolanyiova (Ruka s kvetom)
Michal Kocab (S cidzi zenou v cizim pokoji; Stari)
Milan Drobny (Oh Larydou; Nebudu uz rikat prislovi)
Milan Chladil (Pinkertonovy ruze;Krasne je zit)
Milan Kristofovic (Usvit)/ Lilka Rocakova (Zajtra rano)
Modus (Cirkusovy kon; Den leti)
Nada Urbankova (Mosaznej Dzban; Bambule bijou bac)
Nada Urbankova (Svita nad velkou louzi)/ Ladislava Kazderkova (Pisnicka sluncem belena)
O.K.Band (Uz mi nevolej; Bydlim na zavetrne strane tovarniho komina)
Olga Szabova (Jarna halabalada; Tarantela z karamelu)
Pavol Hammel (Ucitelka tanca; Blsi trh)
Petra Janu (Uz nejsem volna; Pamatnik)
Petr Spaleny (To vadi; Meciky)
Petr Spaleny (Bylo fajn; Sen o jednom ostrove)
Petr Spaleny (Josefina; Mam rad divky kavovy)
Petr Vasek (Cudny sen; Tvoj styl)
Pisnicky z krabicky - Moravske lidove pisne -Supraphon -
Prvni Pantoniada (ako LP ale v SP formate, rozni interpreti, vid google)
Rene Glaneau (Maly Gonzales)/ Alfonz Jindra (Ruze v okne)
Richard Muller (Stesti je krasna vec; Rozeznavam)
Vera Spinarova (Fernando; Za horou stribrnou)
Vladimit Merta (vybrana slova-Haromonie;Dobrodruh; Antabus blues;Vybrana slova)
Simon&Garfunkel (CBS, El Condor Pasa; Why don’t you Write me)
Standa Prochazka (Andulka; Roztoceny sal)
Standa Prochazka (Jasava; Vltavska)
Standa Prochazka (Hej pani mamo; Az se jednou potkame)
Stepan Matl (Zamaminkou; Kamenny dum)
Stepan Matl (Tulak; Vitr vi sve)
The Rangers (Kral silnic; Balicek kar
Ulrychovci (You dont love me any more; Nechod do klastera)
Uvodni deska k stereo poslechu (Supraphon)
V.Vavra (Holky z gymply; Jsem tvuj suvenir)
Waldemar Matuska (Krysar; Zly trapeni)
Waldemar Matuska (Zem kde zustavas; Zit jen zit)
Waldemar Matuska (Jo tresne zraly)/ Y. Simonova (Santa Anna Maria)
Waldemar Matuska (Prazska devcata)/ Y. Simonova (Amore, amore)
Yvetta Simonova (Deti z Pirea; Vzkazal mne muj mily)

Na predaj PC hry pre deti:
Atari kids 2006
Dora the Explorer back pack adventure
Freddie Fish: The Hogfish Rustlers of Briny Gulch
Zapper: One Wicked Cricket!
Spy Fox: "Dry Cereal"
Putt Putt Enters the Race
Atari 80 Classic Games in One
Pajama Sam 3: You are what you eat from your head to your feet
Operation: Surgery Has Never Been So Silly!
Na predaj tiež Grafické štúdio, Robin Hood, Dobrý farmár, Ice Land 2 a ďalšie - viď foto. Cena za všetky 10€. Väčšina CD neboli nikdy použité.

David Bowie: the Next day 8€
George Michael: Older 5€
George Michael: Listen Without Prejudice 5€
Jamie Cullum: Twenty some-thing 5€
Bee Gees: Feel The Groove (2xCD) 10€
Rachmaninov piano concert no.4. DECA nove,neotvorene. 6€
Michael McDermott: Out from under,USA 2018-nove,neotvorene 6€
Michael McDermot: Willow springs,USA 2016-nove,neotvorene 9€
Tom Jones: 40 the Gold collection 2xCD 10€
Tom Jones: Delilah 3€
Santana: Supernatural 5€
Eddy Grant: the Best of 3€
Neil Young: Harvest 5€
Neil Young: After the gold rush 5€
Neil Young: Greatest hits 5€
Beatles: "1" 6€
Nirvana: Nevermind forever 5€
Nirvana: Fron the muddy banks of the Wishkah 7€
Stanley Clarke: School days 6€
Red Hot Chili Peppers: By the way 6€
Red Hot Chili Peppers: Greatest hits 6€
Czerwone Gitary: Nie spoczniemy [nova,neotvorena] 5€
Czeslaw Niemen: Czas jak rzeka 4€
U2: the Joshua tree 6€
U2: All that you can't leave behind 4€
U2: the Unforgettable fire 4€
U2: Exclusive CD! promo 5€
Guns n'Roses: Greatest hits 5€
Metallica: Death magnetic 7€
Black Stone Cherry 7€
Cramberries: Wake up and smell the coffee 5€
Marilyn Manson: thebGolden age of grotesque 6€
Clash: the Singles 8€
Clash: London calling (nová,neotvorená) 8€
Foo Fighters: In Your honor 2xCD 5€
Tori Amos: Little earthquakes 5€
Tori Amos: Under the pink 5€
Norah Jones: Come away with me +bonus CD 6€
Norah Jones: Feels like home 5€
Amy Winehouse: Lioness: hiden treasures 5€
Sinead O'Connor: the Lion and the cobra 4€
Katie Melua: Piece by piece 5€
Katie Melua: Call of the search 5€
Joan Osborne: Relish 5€
Shania Twain: Up! 2xCD 4€
Shania Twain: Come on over 3€
Spice Girls: Greatest hits CD+DVD [cierna] 6€
Spice Girls: Greatest hits[biela] 3€
Oasis: Stop the clocks 2xCD+DVD set 7€
Oasis: Definiteli maybe 5€
Oasis: Heathenchemistry 5€
Oasis: Don't belive the truth 5€
Thin Lizzy: the Very best of 5€
Thin Lizzy: Rockers 4€
Thin Lizzy: Live and dangerous 5€
Thin Lizzy: Greatest hits(2xCD) 5€
Coldplay: Parachutes 5€
Coldplay: Viva la vida Prospect's march edition 2xCD 4€
Sinatra: the Sunshine & the songs 5€
Sinatra: Swingin session 5€
Ratpack: Nove,neotvorene 11x 5€/ks
Sinatra: This song of mine 5€
Gold Bob Marley & the Wailers 2xCD 5€
Enya: the memory of trees 5€
Enya: Watermark 5€
Gipsy Kings: the Very best of 6€
Simply Red: Live in Cuba 2xCD 5€
Bruno Mars: Doo-wops & hooligans 5€
Biffy Clyro: Revolutions "live at Wembley" CD+DVD 5€
Billy Joel: River dreams 5€
Saturdays: Chasing lights 8€
Ray Charles: the Great 3xcd 6€
Stevie Wonder: Introducing 2xcd 5€
Clannad: the Ultimate collection 4€
Enrique Iglesias: Love to see you cry 2€

Predám originálne CD:
STONE ROSES: The Very Best of M-/M- 6€
YOU ME AT SIX: Take Off Your Colours 2xcd deluxe M-/M- 1€
YOU ME AT SIX: Sinners Never Sleep M-/M- 2€
ROTEN ROSEN (T.HOSEN): Wir Warten auf Christkind EX/VG 4€
ARZTE: Die Bestie in Menschengesttalt EX/EX 8€
CURE: Mixed Up UK M-/EX 7€
CURE: 4:13 Dream EUR M-/EX 4€
POGUES: Rum Sodomy and the Lash EX/EX 6€
POGUES: The Very Best of EX/EX 4€
R.E.M.: New Adventures in Hi-Fi M-/EX 3€
KILLING JOKE: Laugh? I Nearly Bought One M-/M- 8€
KIM WILDE: The Singles Collection 1981-93 VG/G 3€
CHARLATANS: Melting Pot M-/EX 1€
PRISONERS: Thewisermiserdemelza EX/M- 10€
OCEAN COLOUR SCENE: Moseley Shoals VG+/M- 3€
KEMURI: Senka - Senrui M-/EX 4€
X-CORE: In Hell M/M 2€
PUNK / VOICE OF GENERATION - PUNK COVERS: Anti Pasti Vibrators Vice Squad One Way System GBH A.Upstarts Eater Drones... EX/M- 5€
LOS FASTIDIOS: Ora basta EP M/M 4€
BLITZKRIEG BOYS: Back From Nowhere EX/M- 8€
COCTEAU TWINS: Victorialand M-/M 10€
CHINA CRISIS: What Price Paradise M/M- 9€
CREATURES: A Bestiary of M/M 10€
MORRISSEY: Years of Refusal M/M 8€
SHAMEN: Strange Day Dreams M-/EX 10€
RESIDENTS: God in Three Persons EX/M- 15€
JERRY HARRISON (T. HEADS): Walk on Water VG+/VG+ 2€
GREEN DAY: 1,039 / Smoothed Out Slappy Hours M-/VG+ 6€
BOW WOW WOW: Go Wild - the Best of M-/EX 7€
GOING UNDERGROUND: Clash Undertones Pistols Skids 999 SLF UK Subs Adverts Sham Damned Buzzcocks... EX/VG 5€
MINOR THREAT: Complete Discography M/M- 12€
TRAVOLTAS: The Highschool Reunion M-/M- 10€
HERPES: das Kommt vom Kussen M-/M 6€
Pošlem na dobierku (+ 3€ poštovné).
Alebo doporučene - platba vopred na účet (poštovné 2€).
Alebo osobný odber v Devínskej Novej Vsi (okraj Bratislavy).
Inzerát je aktuálny až do zmazania.
Pozrite aj ďalšie moje inzeráty, je tam viac platní.
M - disk je ako NOVÝ
EX - VÝBORNÝ, s miernymi stopami používania
VG - VELMI DOBRÝ, mnohokrát hraný s výraznejšími stopami používania, ale bez vplyvu na kvalitu záznamu.
Znamienko + alebo - označuje stavy medzi vyššie uvedenými. Napríklad VG+ naznačuje, že menej náročný
poslucháč, by uvedenú platňu mohol označiť EX, naopak EX- by náročnejší poslucháč mohol označiť za VG.