zlavový kod about you - strana 8
Počet nájdených inzerátov ZLAVOVÝ KOD ABOUT YOU
: 1000 - strana 8

Komplet zoznam poslem!!Datar-B,
Fatboy Schulz-Third of may
Dj tonka-Dont be afraid
Fatboy Slim-The rockafeller skank
Tube Tech-Riders on the storm
Dj 88 keys-Everybody up, /farebne/
Mandy-No stoppin
Narcotic Thurst- i like it
Lemon8- new york new york
Takayuki Higo - Sm 41
Zhane- groove thang
Various - unreleased mixes-bel amour, aprohead,Dajae
Kmc fewt Dhanny- I feel so fine
Trancesetters- the saga
Sergio fernandez- Akuba
Orbital- nothing left
Psycho radio- the underground
Ruff driverz- dreaming
Depeche Mode- Martyr
Numb/06 white label
White label- Wack ass mother fucker
Dj rooster -Shake it
Tom novy -your body
Junior Jack- e samba
Peter Presta-Where is osama
Peter Presta- rock the funk
Bob marley- remix could you be loved 2000
Safri duo- played alive
Dj disco- dirty disco dubs2
Phats and Small- Turn around
Tomi maas- to get down
Karen Ramirez- troubled girl
Moony- Dove
Phil fuldner-miami pop
The drill-the drill
Ms dynamite- judgement day
Eric prydz- come together
Dj rooster Shake it- robbie riviera remixes
Khia - my neck my back
Technotronic-move it
Jx-theress nothing i wont do
Jp-sssshhhh farebné
Xpress 2 - i want you back
Martin h-kombak
Martin gray-spankok to the weekend
Modern talking -the 3rd album
Fun cool eddie j- give me your love
Klea-tic toc
Armand van helden -Koochie
Salt n pepa push it,Double pack Dj tonka remixes
Deep dish-dreams
The phat swede- he belongs to me-Stonebridge remixes
Benassi bros-make me feel/farebne/
Wildchild-renegade master
Chris lake-carry me away
Spin me-Spin me/farebne
Atb 9pm
Morgan page- all i know
Still dre dr dre-Chronic 2001 album/double pack
Layo and Bushwacka-mr c deep south remixes
Danny tenaglia and corvin dalek- the second coming
Kay cee -love simulation
Pascal feos- owerflow
Danny howels-phono corono/double pack
Solar stone-the impression ep
10,000bc -whatever
Marcello castelli- aborigean
Reflekt-need to feel loved/positiva records
Bomfunk mcs-Freestyler
Pj-happy days
Chili hifly- is it love
Gadjo-so many times
Dub deluxe- true houseomatic
Dino lenny -i feel stereo
Bob marley- Jammin
Whitney houston-i will always live you
Stardust vs blaze- ohh baby,
Deepswing-lost in music
Disco diamonds vol.6
Chris source-hugs n kisses
Tom novy-my house
Sampler 2007 ,bob sinclair,sebastian leger
Ultra nate,live is the only drug
G martin-this is my life
Twista feat Faith evans-Hope
Kanye west- through the wire
Dj supreme-the horns of jericho
Seamus haji- big love
Czr- i want you
Madonna -Jump
Coco bongo-burning sunshine
Benassi bros. Pumphonia
Major boys- sunshine on my mind
Paco buggin-

Predám set 3 kníh You, Hidden Bodies a You Love Me (presne v tomto poradí ide seriál "You" na Netflixe prvá, druhá, tretia séria).
Knihy boli raz prečítané (kúpené v Januári 2022), sú v dobrom stave.
Celý set predám za 15€.
Viac info: (Whatsapp)

Do nášho tímu hľadáme kuriérov (food delivery)
pre aplikáciu BOLT Food!
Staň sa pánom svojho času a poď robiť rozvoz jedla cez aplikáciu!
Čo potrebuješ?
- komunikatívnosť
- spoľahlivosť
- orientačná schopnosť
Mzda sa odvíja od vašej šikovnosti a počtu objednávok
v priemere od 300€ až do 550€ týždenne po odpočítaní provízie!
Je nutné mať
- vlastné auto alebo vieme ponúknuť na prenájom!
- motocykel
- bicykel vieme ponúknuť na prenájom!
- skúter
Tak neváhaj a napíš nám!
Пропонуємо роботу кур"'єра.
Працювати можливо в любий зручний для вас час, чудова можливість збільшити свої прибутки після навчання або роботи.
Станьте панами свого часу та обирайте самі коли будете працювати.
Зарплата залежить від зробленої кількості замовлень, в середньому від 300-500 євро після відрахування комісії.
Все що потрібно це
- телефон з інтернетом
- транспорт(свій або арендний) авто/велосипед/самокат/скутер.
Тож невагайтеся та пишіть нам на поштову адресу nazvalpersonalservice@ або за телефоном
We offer the work as a courier for Bolt Food.
It is possible to work at any convenient time for you, a great opportunity to increase your earnings after school or working.
Become master of your time and choose when you will work.
The salary depends on the number of orders you made, on average from 300-500 euros after deducting the commission.
All that you will need for the job is:
- phone with internet
- transport (own or rented) car/bicycle/scooter.
So don"'t hesitate and contact us at the email address nazvalpersonalservice@ or by phone

Predám knihu 'Modern C++ Programming Cookbook: Recipes to explore data structure, multithreading, and networking in C++17 (English Edition)'
Délka tištěné verze: 590 stránek
Jazyk: angličtina
Vydavatel: Packt Publishing
Datum vydání: 15 května 2017
Rozměry: 19.05 x 3.38 x 23.5 cm
ISBN-10: 1786465183
Kniha je ako nová. Na slovensku sa predava za 60-80eur.
Over 100 recipes to help you overcome your difficulties with C++ programming and gain a deeper understanding of the working of modern C++
About This Book
Explore the most important language and library features of C++17, including containers, algorithms, regular expressions, threads, and more,
Get going with unit testing frameworks Boost.Test, Google Test and Catch,
Extend your C++ knowledge and take your development skills to new heights by making your applications fast, robust, and scalable.
Who This Book Is For
If you want to overcome difficult phases of development with C++ and leverage its features using modern programming practices, then this book is for you. The book is designed for both experienced C++ programmers as well as people with strong knowledge of OOP concepts.
What You Will Learn
Get to know about the new core language features and the problems they were intended to solve
Understand the standard support for threading and concurrency and know how to put them on work for daily basic tasks
Leverage C++'s features to get increased robustness and performance
Explore the widely-used testing frameworks for C++ and implement various useful patterns and idioms
Work with various types of strings and look at the various aspects of compilation
Explore functions and callable objects with a focus on modern features
Leverage the standard library and work with containers, algorithms, and iterators
Use regular expressions for find and replace string operations
Take advantage of the new filesystem library to work with files and directories

✅Titogradská ulica, KVP
✅5min drive to city centre or to universities ( Medical, Technical, Veterinary Uni )
✅ parking without any problems
✅ high quality reconstruction designed by designer
✅2 room apt - bedroom, living room, kitchen 52m², balcony - 3m², private cellar 2m²
✅ Sunny apt, air conditioned❄️, 7th floor (lift ) - beautiful view from apt.
✅ Apt is fully equipped, you need to take only a brush and towels and you are ready to stay.
✅ High speed wifi, TV
✅ Dishwasher, washing machine, iron, microwave, fridge, freezer, TV, vacuum, espresso coffee maker is included☕️
✅ This apartment is for 1-2 person, non-smokers and this is not every weekend party-apartment
✅Price is 735 €/month, no more extra fees. Two month deposit is needed - deposit is refundable. Contract in English.
✅good availibity of public transport MHD, big supermarket Fresh only 1 min walk.
✅ Feel free to send me a PM or take a short visit of this APT, and you can decide if you will take it or not☺️

Do nášho tímu hľadáme kuriérov (food delivery)
pre aplikáciu BOLT Food!
Staň sa pánom svojho času a poď robiť rozvoz jedla cez aplikáciu!
Čo potrebuješ?
- telefón z pripojením na internet
- dopravný prostriedok
- spoľahlivosť
- orientačná schopnosť
Mzda sa odvíja od vašej šikovnosti a počtu objednávok
v priemere od 300€ až do 550€ týždenne po odpočítaní provízie!
Je nutné mať
- vlastné auto alebo vieme ponúknuť na prenájom!
- motocykel
- bicykel vieme ponúknuť na prenájom!
- skúter
Tak neváhaj a napíš nám!
Пропонуємо роботу кур"'єра.
Працювати можливо в любий зручний для вас час, чудова можливість збільшити свої прибутки після навчання або роботи.
Станьте панами свого часу та обирайте самі коли будете працювати.
Зарплата залежить від зробленої кількості замовлень, в середньому від 300-500 євро після відрахування комісії.
Все що потрібно це
- телефон з інтернетом
- транспорт(свій або арендний) авто/велосипед/самокат/скутер.
Тож невагайтеся та пишіть нам на поштову адресу nazvalpersonalservice@ або за телефоном
We offer the work as a courier for Bolt Food.
It is possible to work at any convenient time for you, a great opportunity to increase your earnings after school or working.
Become master of your time and choose when you will work.
The salary depends on the number of orders you made, on average from 300-500 euros after deducting the commission.
All that you will need for the job is:
- phone with internet
- transport (own or rented) car/bicycle/scooter.
So don"'t hesitate and contact us at the email address nazvalpersonalservice@ or by phone

Je v ňom pokazené držiatko na disk.
Lovin you sunday morning
Is there anybody here
The zoo
Always somwere
Life is too short
You and I
When love kills me
Tease me please me
Dust in the wind
Send me an angel
Under the same sun
Rhythm of love
Back to you
Catch your train
I wanted to cry
Hurricane 2001
Wind of change
Love of my life
Still lovin you
Posielam na dobierku poštou alebo paketou.
Píšte mail alebo sms.

10 CC Profile. BEST
10CC How dare you
bob dylan greatest hits
bob dylan soundtrack
bob dylan slow train coming
bruce springsteen the river
eagles one of these nights
Eric clapton 45 ocean boulevard
Eric clapton another ticket
guns n roses live
chris rea wired to the moon
joe cocker i can stand a little rain
joe cocker jamaica , say you will
joe cocker one night of sin
joe cocker joe cocker
joe cocker stingray
joe cocker sheffield steel
joe cocker civilised man
joe cocker luxury you can afford
living color vivid
NEKTAR A Tab In The Ocean
NEKTAR Recycled
OLDFIELD Mike Crises
OLDFIELD Mike Discovery
OLDFIELD Mike Five miles out
PHILLIPS Anton Wise after the event
PLANT Robert The principle of moments
REA Chris New light through old windows. BEST
RENAISSANCE Carnegie hall Live
RENAISSANCE Debut album.
RETURN TO FOREVER Romantic warior
Rod Stewart Every picture tells a story
Rod Stewart A night on the town
Rod Stewart Greatest hits
Rod Stewart Out of Order
Rod Stewart Camouflage
ROXY MUSIC Flesh + Blood
RUSH 3 x LP Box Chronicles
RUTHERFORD Mike Smallcreeps day
SAGA Heads or Tales
SAGA Worlds Apart
SANTANA Barboletta
SANTANA Greatest hits 1969-1971. BEST
SANTANA Marathon
SIMON & GARFUNKEL Bridge over troubled water
SIMON Paul Crazy affter all there years
SIMON Paul Graceland
SMITH Patti Easter SKY II...1980 180gr.LP
SMITH Patti Wave
SPIRIT Twelve dreams of. Dr. Sardonicus
SPOCKS BEART Beware of darkness
STEVE MILLER BAND Greatest hits 1974-1978. BEST
STEVENS Cat Mona Bone Jakon
STEVENS Cat Tea for the tillerman
STEVENS Cat Teaser and the firecat
STRAWBS Bursting at the seams
STRAWBS Hero and heroine
STRAWBS Chost STRAWBS Greatest hits
STYX Crystal ball
STYX Equinos
SWEET Fanny adams...1974
SYLVAN Nad The bride saind no.
T.REX & Marc BOLAN 20 century boy. BEST
TALKING HEADS Little creatures
the eagles hotel california
TIKARAM Tanita Ancient heart
TOTO Hydra
TOWNSHEND Pete White city
TRIUMPH Just a Game
U.K. Danger money
U.K. U.K.
VOLENWEIDER Caverna magica
WAKEMAN Rick The six wives of Henry VIII.
WALS Joe / Eagles vois The best of. BEST
WEATHER REPORT Weather report
WINWOOD Steve debut LP
WONDER Stevie Songs in the key of life
YES Relayer
YOUNG Paul No Parlez
YOUNG Paul The secret of association

Predám vinylové maxisingle:Gezabo-I Like Chopin***, Kajagoogo-Too shy***, Fancy-No Tears***,
Dead Or Alive- You spin me..***, Radiorama- Aliens,*** Paula Abdul-Straght up,*** Rob n Raz & Leila K-Got to Get,*** Tiffany -I Thing We Re..,*** C.C.Cath-Soul Survivor+Heave And Hell,*** London Boys-Requem+London Nights,***
Sandra- Hi,Hi,+Everlasting Love,*** Savage-Dont cry Tonight,*** Desireless-Voyage,*** Bad Boys Blue-You' Re A Woman,*** Duran Duran-Wild boys,*** Pet SHOP Boys-Suburbia+Domino Dancing,***
Milli Vanilli-Girl You Know..,*** Falco-Rock Me Amadeus+Wiena cal..,*** Baltimora-Tarzan Boys,*** Sydney Youngblood- Sit And Wait,*** Bass Bumpers-Running,*** Odyssey-Riding on Train,*** Black Box-Megamix,*** Hithaus,*** ICE MC-Easy,*** Scatma John -Everyboody,*** MasterBoy-Fall in Trance,*** TECHNOTRONIC -Move that body,*** OTTAWAN-The Best of.***, Kylie Minogue- Je Ne Sais Pourquoi,***
Hadaway-Life,*** Europe-The Final countown,*** Salt n Pepa-You showed me,Lets talk about sex,*** Soul II Soul-Back To Life,**** Frankie Goes To Hollywod-Relax.***Edelweiss-Bring mě Edelweiss,***Aqua-My oh my,***M.C.Sar-Don't stop(remix),***Supa T-Love&Respect,***Black Box-I don't know...,***No Mercy -Where do tou go,***Charles D.Levis-Soca Dance,***Fan Factory -Take your Chance,***Od 5-14€,Stav výborný NM alebo VG++

Predám LP platne maxi single 12"
Platne sú v minimálne VG++ stave
Cena 7€ kus.
Chris Norman Sarah,Give a Little love
Dino I like it
Shanice I love your smile
Narada Divine Emotions
Mat Augustin Ego ,I'll Rescue you
Robert Palmer Mercy Mercy me/I want you.
Karl Keaton Loves Burn
Love Overboard women and children first remix.
Aswad next to you
Chris Hewitt Delirious
Jon Secada Just another day.
Boris Gardiner you're everything to me.

We Will Rock you
Let me entertain you
Play the game
Somebody to love
Killer qeen
I'm in love with my car
Get down make love
Save me
Now i'm here
Dragon attack
Love of my life
Under pressure
Keep yourself alive
Drum solo
Guitar solo
Crazy Little thing called love
Jailhouse rock
Bohemian Rhapsody
Tie you Mother down
Another one Bites the dust
Sheer heart attack
We Will Rock you (repríza)
We are the champions
God savé the qeen
Posielam na dobierku poštou cez paketu
Píšte mail alebo sms.

Typ: 2-izbový byt
Ulica: Pajorova
Obec: Košice-Staré Mesto
PRENAJMITE SI útulný zrekonštruovaný 2 izbový byt o rozlohe 57 m2 na Pajorovej ul. blízko centra.
Byt sa nachádza na 2. poschodí bytového domu Starého mesta bez výťahu.
po vstupe do bytu novými bezpečnostnými dverami Vás privíta chodba, z ktorej sa po pravej rukle dostanete do kúpeľne, nasleduje veľkorysej kuchyne, nasleduje priechodná obývačka ústiaca donepriechodnej spálne.
Podlaha v chodbe a kuchyni je pokrytá vkusne obrúsenými pôvodnými parketami, v obývačke a spálni je koberec.
K vybaveniu kúpeľne patrí práčka, súčasťou kuchyne sú všetky potrebné spotrebiče.
Spálni dominuje okrem postele užitočný šatník po celej strane jednej steny. Druhý sa nachádza na chodbe.
B L I Z U L I N K O C E N T R A - 10 M I N P E Š I - potrebujete iný benefit k tomuto skvelému bytu?
Všetko potrebné N A D O S A H :-)
Požadovaný DEPOZIT: vo výške 2 M nájmu
CENA: 750 Eur mesačne s energiami a internetom
K dispozícii: I H N E Ď
RENT a cozy renovated 2-room apartment with an area of 57 m2 on Pajorova street near the center.
The apartment is located on the 2nd floor of an apartment building in the Old Town without an elevator.
after entering the apartment through the new security door, you will be greeted by a hallway from which you can reach the bathroom on the right, followed by a generous kitchen, followed by a walk-through living room leading to the separate bedroom.
The floor in the hallway and kitchen is covered with tastefully sanded original parquet, the living room and bedroom have carpet.
The bathroom is equipped with a washing machine, the kitchen includes all the necessary appliances.
In addition to the bed, the bedroom is dominated by a useful wardrobe along the entire side of one wall. The second one is located in the corridor.
NEAR THE CENTER - 10 MINUTES ON WALK - do you need another benefit for this great apartment?
Everything you need W I T H I N R E A CH :-)
DEPOSIT required: in the amount of 2 M rent
PRICE: 750 Euros per month with utilities and internet
Available: I M E D I A T E L L Y
V prípade záujmu ma neváhajte kontaktovať, rada Vám poskytnem všetky potrebné informácie.
Zodpovedný certifikovaný maklér: Mgr. Beáta VUKUSIC, ;
Spoločnosť "bea vukusic, s.r.o." - na jednom mieste (Hlavná 18/1) nájdete:
- realitnú činnosť - predaj & prenájom nehnuteľností, zviditeľnenie Vašej nehnuteľnosti na najsledovanejších portáloch a sieťach
- finančné poradenstvo - radi Vás odborne prevedieme procesom financovania Vašej nehnuteľnosti - máme dlhoročné skúsenosti v tejto oblasti
- zabezpečíme akékoľvek poistenie
- vinkulácie
- právne poradenstvo prostredníctvom advokátskej kancelárie - autorizované zmluvy.
Upozornenie: Popis nehnuteľnosti - text a fotodokumentácia s

Twistshake Baby zlavovy kod uplne na vsetko !!!
Klikni na tento link a nakupuj az v zlave od 50% do 80% na vsetky sety ! Nezabudni pouzit este aj moj kod a mas navyse zlavu ah 30% ????????????????????
Zlavy do 80% platia len na linku nizsie:
Alebo chod na stranku a vyuzi zlavu 50% uplne na vsetko !!! Samozrejme nezabudni na kod ! Aj tu plati moja zlava 30% na cely nakup ✌️

Predám zľavový kupón na 10% do aquaparku Chocholowskie termy. Poukaz použiteľný po cely rok na 1 vstup buď ako rodinný alebo aj samostatne. Cena 10€. Pozrite aj moje ďalšie inzeráty (kliknutím na moje meno pod inzerátom).Keď náhodou nedvíham napíšte sms alebo mail ozvem sa..

Zlavovy kupon z casopisu Zivot na vstup do Aquacity 40% zlava. alebo na wellnes pobyty v uvedenych hoteloch Hotel Hills, Horizont, Seasons, Mountain view. Ponuknite. Kontaktujte telefonicky sms mailom.

Zlavový pokaz , hodnota 30 EUR
Plati pri objednavke nad 60 EUR, pre novo registrovanych zakaznikov
Mozte si bud osobne prevziat voucher, alebo poslem do mailu foto kodu