zlavovy kupon na about you - strana 17
Počet nájdených inzerátov ZLAVOVY KUPON NA ABOUT YOU
: 1000 - strana 17

We are selling a Ikea Elvarli wardrobe.
The wardrobe was barely used and is in very good condition.
The dimensions are: 216 x 44,4 x 40,5 cm
You can find pictures and also the plan from the ikea website where you can see the current price of each part.
There are 2 shoe racks, I just couldn't find the second one to put in the picture :)
We also have 5 hooks that you can attach to the side of the wardrobe.
Self pick-up in Bratislava Stare mesto.

Predám originálne CD albumy. Všetky CD sú vo veľmi dobrom stave , prípadne uvedené priamo pri CD. Pre viac info , foto atd... ma prosím kontaktujte mailom ,prípadne telefonicky.
ALISHAS ATTIC - Alisha Rules The World - 3,00€
ANITA BAKER - Compositions - 2,00€
ANITA BAKER - Giving You The Best That I Got - 2,00€
CLIFF RICHARD - Wanted - 2,00€
KING LIZARD - Late Night Dynamite - 5,00€
NENEH CHERRY - Man - 2,00€
CRAIG DAVIS - Born To Do It - 2,00€
CARLOS PERON (ex YELLO) - Trance True Mental - 5,00€
CSS - Cansei De Ser Se*y - 3,00€
TOPLOADER - Magic Hotel - 2,00€
WESTLIFE - Coast To Coast / World Of Our Own (2CD) - 5,00€
THE BOSSHOSS - Flames Of Fame - 8,00€ (CD+DVD , nové , zabalené)
KAZIK & KWARTET PROFORMA - Wiwisekcja (2xCD) - 4,00€
MANDO DIAO - Greatest Hits Vol.1 - 5,00€ (CD+DVD)
DJ OTZI – Du Und Ich - 3,00€
GRACE JONES - Hurricane - 3,00€
LEE RYAN - Lee Ryan - 2,00€
TAKE 6 - He Is Christmas - 3,00€
THE ZUTONS - Who Killed ... The Zutons - 3,00€
UNEARTHED - Unearthed - 4,00€
UNITED STATES OF MIND - Silver Step Child - 3,00€
GODDO - In Goddo We Trust - 2,00€
THE REBECCA ASKEW QUINTET - Invisible World - 2,00€
REAMONN - Dream No.7 - 2,00€
GIANMARIA TESTA - Extra Muros - 2,00€
GLASS TIGER - Simple Mission - 3,00€
JANET JACKSON - Design Of A Decade 1986-1996 - 3,00€
KRUPPT - The Spunion Field -4,00€
CHEAP STUFF - Live And Die In The Prison Of Life - 4,00€
MATCHBOX TWENTY - More Than You Think You Are - 1,00€ (cd má známky používania)
MATTAFIX - Signs Of a Struggle - 3,00€
MEAT LOAF - Hits Out Of Hell - 4,00€

Predám nové neodbalene originálne parfemy armani you! 100ml.
Predávam Z dôvodu uzatvorenia prevádzky v ponuke mam aj iné parfemy za dobré ceny.
Armani you - 55
Miss dior- 55
Flora by gucci - 55
Chance chanel- 55
Idole - 60
Nomade chloe -55
Invictus - 55
Aqa di gio - 55
Versace 55
Dolce - 55
Armani Si- 55
Boss for her - 45
Boss for Men- 45
Jadore dior - 60
Scandal - 45

The Mission God's own medicine 7,00 €
The Mission Children 3,00 €
The Mission Carved in sand 3,00 €
The Mission Grains of sand 5,00 €
The Mission Neverland 6,00 €
The Mission Masque 6,00 €
The Outpatience Anxious disease 8,00 €
The Parlor Mob And you were a crow 8,00 €
The Rolling Stones Voodoo lounge 5,00 €
The Rolling Stones Bridges to Babylon 5,00 €
The Rolling Stones A bigger bang 5,00 €
The Rolling Stones A bigger bang (CD+DVD) 7,00 €
The Sisters Of Mercy Vision thing 8,00 €
The Sisters Of Mercy Greatest hits volume one (A slight case of overbombing) 6,00 €
The Who Ultimate collection (digipak,3CD) 9,00 €
Thunder Back street symphony 8,00 €
Thunder Behind closed doors 7,00 €
Thunder Laughing on judgement day 7,00 €
Thunder Rip it up (nový) 8,00 €
Thunder All the right noises (digipak,nový) 8,00 €
Tom Petty Let me up (I've had enough) 6,00 €
Tom Petty Wildflowers 6,00 €
Tom Petty Full moon fever 5,00 €
Tom Petty Into the great wide open 5,00 €
Tommy Lee TommyLand: The ride 5,00 €
Toto IV 5,00 €
Toto The seventh one 5,00 €
Toto Isolation 7,00 €
Toto Kingdom of desire 6,00 €
Toto Tambu 7,00 €
U2 War 6,00 €
U2 The unfogettable fire 6,00 €
U2 The Joshua tree 6,00 €
U2 Rattle and hum 5,00 €
U2 Achtung baby 6,00 €
U2 Achtung baby (nový) 7,00 €
U2 Achtung baby (digipak) 6,00 €
U2 All that you can't leave behind 5,00 €
U2 How to dismantle an atomic bomb 4,00 €
U2 18 singles (superbox) 7,00 €
U2 The best of 1980-1990 5,00 €
U2 The best of 1990-2000 6,00 €
Under Suspicion Under Suspicion 7,00 €
Unruly Child Can't go home 8,00 €
Ultravox Quartet 5,00 €
Uriah Heep Demons and wizards 7,00 €
Uriah Heep Firefly 7,00 €
Uriah Heep Innocent victim 7,00 €
Velvet Revolver Contraband 6,00 €
Whitesnake Come and get it 6,00 €
Zan Clan We are Zan Clan ...Who the fuck are you ??! (nový) 15,00 €
ZZ Top Eliminator 5,00 €
ZZ Top Afterburner 5,00 €
ZZ Top Recycler 6,00 €
klikni na meno a pozri ďalšiu ponuku
![Vinylové platne LP/SP (rôzne žánre a interpreti) [2]](https://www.senzabazar.sk/images/no-photo.png)
Predám vinylové platne, rôzne žánre a interpreti. V prípade záujmu rád pošlem stav, fotky a cenu do mailu (primerná cena jednej platne 5€).
László Imre - László Imre Énekel - Archív Felvételek (Historical Recordings) (VG+/VG+)
Lenka Filipová - Nesmíš (Jesse) / Zamilovaná (Je L'Aime À Mourir) (VG+/VG+)
Lionel Richie - Dancing On The Ceiling (NM/VG)
Lionel Richie - Can't Slow Down (NM/NM)
Ludwig Van Beethoven, Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra, Ladislav Slovák - Symphony No. 5 In C-Minor, Op. 67 (M/NM)
Marcela Holanová - Žárlím / To Zvládnem (Poster) (VG+/VG+)
Michal David - Nenapovídej / Proč Právě Já (VG+/VG)
Michal David, Kroky F. Janečka - Líbezná (Tornerai, Tornero) / Mé Sny (VG+/VG)
Nik Kershaw - Human Racing (VG+/VG+)
Olympic - Osmý Den / Vlak, Co Nikde Nestaví (VG/VG)
P. Kotvald a S. Hložek* - Oh Suzi / Anna Maria (VG+/VG+)
Pavel Bobek - Lásko, Mně Ubývá Sil / Pojď Dál A Zpívej (VG/VG+)
Pavol Hammel, Boris Filan - Divadielka V Tráve (VG+/VG+)
Pécsi Géza - Kulcs A Muzsikához 8 - A Kamaraegyüttesek (VG+/VG+)
Petr Kotvald A Stanislav Hložek - Holky Z Naší Školky / Trápení (VG+/VG+)
Petr Rezek - S Písní Svou Přicházím / Přátelství (VG+/G+)
Petra Zámečníková A Jiří Strnad - Lítáme V Tom • My Dva Se Najdem (VG+/VG+)
Plzeňský Lidový Soubor - České Lidové Písně = Czech Folk Songs (VG+/VG+)
Pointer Sisters - So Excited (VG+/NM)
Rick Astley - Whenever You Need Somebody (NM/NM)
Robin Gibb - How Old Are You? (NM/NM)
Stanislav Hložek A Petr Kotvald*- Taková Je Láska Má (Making Love Of Nothing At All) / Co S Láskou (So Bad) (VG+/VG+)
Szivárvány Citerazenekar Mezőtúr - Szivárvány = Rainbow (VG+/VG+)
Taneční Orchestr Čs. Rozhlasu - Alžbětinská Serenáda / Pár Vzpomínek (VG+/VG)
The B-52's - Cosmic Thing (VG+/VG+)
The Country Family - Clementine (VG/VG)
TOČR V Bratislave - Spomienky (VG+/VG+)
Trio Rio - I'm Still In Love With You (VG+/VG)
Václav Kučera Se Svou Skupinou - Las Maňanitas / Ave Maria (VG+/VG)
Various - Dvanáct Sezón (NM/NM)
Various - Karácsonyi Dalok (Christmas Songs) (G+/VG)
Various - Nejhezčí Dárek (VG+/VG)
Various - Nežná Revolúcia / Dokumenty, Ktoré Hovoria (NM/NM)
Various - Réten,Réten... (VG+/VG+)
Věra Špinarová - Kosmická Láska / Láskou Spálená (VG+/VG+)
Vítězslav Nezval - Manon Lescaut (VG+/VG+)
Waldemar Matuška / Eva Pilarová - Don, Diri Don / Rekviem (VG+/VG+)
Б. Окуджава* = Bulat Okudjava* - Песни - Songs (VG+/VG+)
Владимир Высоцкий - Чужая Колея (VG/VG+)
Жанна Бичевская - Жанна Бичевская поет песни Булата Окуджавы (VG+/VG+)

Predám originálne CD albumy . Každý kus v cene 1,00€. CD majú známky používania prípadne nedostatok na booklete. Pre viac info, foto atd... ma prosím kontaktujte mailom prípadne telefonicky.
PETER TOSH - The Gold Collection
WILL YOUNG - Fridays Child
N.E.R.D. - Fly Or Die
OLLY MURS - In Case You Didnt Know
DIE TOTEN HOSEN - Opium Furs Volk
FEEDER - Echo Park
G4 - G4
STOPPOK - Happy End Im la La Land
SUGAR RAY - 14:59
THE CHRISTIANS - The Christians
WATERFRONT - Waterfront
KASABIAN - West Ryder Pauper Lunatic Asylum
A MURDER OF ANGELS - While You Sleep
ARCADE FIRE - Neon Bible
AZ YET - Az Yet
THE ENEMY - Well Live And Die In These Towns
BOYZONE - By Request
BLUE - Guilty
BLOC PARTY - Bloc Party EP
BOYZ II MEN – Evolution
BRO SIS - Never Forget
BOYZONE - Said and Done
CLIFF RICHARD - Live & Guaranteed 1988
CELENTANO - Arrivano Gli Uomini
COMEDIAN HARMONISTS - Die Grossen Erfolge -
COUNTING CROWS - August And Everything After
DELFINS – O Caminho Da Felicidade
EDDIE M - Eddie M
JONATHAN ELIAS - The Prayer Cycle
KT TUNSTALL - Eye To The Telescope
JACK JOHNSON - Curious George
ROGER WHITTAKER - An Evening With Roger
PERCY SLEDGE - His Greatest Hits - New Recorded
ROGER WHITTAKER - The Collection
ROBSON & JEROME - Robson & Jerome
OST - Gainsbourg
OST - S*x & The City
POP IDOL - The Big Band Album
NAWFEL - Nawfel
STEFANIE HEINZMANN - Stefanie Heinzmann
VSOP - Vienna Symphonic Orchestra Project

Realitná kancelária Svet byvania s.r.o. ponúka na prenájom krásny novozrekonštruovaný 1-izbový byt v Starom meste, byt prešiel kompletnou rekonštrukciou kde máte pocit novostavby. Výhodou je nové zariadenie bytu nábytkom vyrábaným na mieru do jednotlivých miestností.
Súčasťou bytu je kuchynská linka so vstavanými novými spotrebičmi: chladnička s mrazničkou, umývačka riadu, práčka, varná doska, elektrická rúra.
V byte sa nachádza plnohodnotná dvojlôžková posteľ, sedačka, šatníková skriňa a obývacia skriňa.
Kúpeľňa je od toalety oddelená, nachádza sa v nej priestranný sprchový kút, umývadlo s odkladacím priestorom.
Vstupná chodba poskytuje množstvo odkladacieho priestoru.
Byt sa nachádza vo veľmi tichej a vyhľadávanej lokalite Starého mesta, v okolí je kompletná občianska vybavenosť. Príjemnú atmosféru dotvára Mlynský náhon. Lokalita bytu je Tyršovo Nábrežie hneď za hotelom Yasmin. Do centra mesta je to 10 min. pešou chôdzou.
Parkovanie dostupné v blízkosti bytového domu a je zabezpečené rezidenčnou kartou, ktorú máte v cene nájmu.
V prípade že Vás byt zaujal, neváhajte ma kontaktovať, je možné dohodnutie obhliadky.
Cena mesačného nájmu vrátane médii je 550 €.
Depozit je dvojmesačný .
We offer for rent a beautiful newly renovated one bedroom apartment in the Old Town, the apartment has undergone a complete renovation where you feel like a new building. The advantage is the furnishing of the apartment - it is fully furnished with custom furniture.
The apartment has a kitchen with built-in new appliances: refrigerator with freezer, dishwasher, washing machine, hob, electric oven.
The apartment has a full double bed, sofa, wardrobe and living room.
The bathroom is separate from the toilet, there is a spacious shower, sink with storage space.
The entrance hall provides plenty of storage space.
The apartment is located in a very quiet and popular area of the Old Town, there are complete civic amenities. The pleasant atmosphere is completed by Mlynský náhon. The location of the apartment is Tyršovo Nábrežie just behind the hotel Yasmin. It is 10 minutes walk to the city center.
Parking is available near the apartment building and is secured by a residential card, which is included in the rental price.
You can also walk around the apartment through a 3D tour:
If you are interested in the apartment, do not hesitate to contact me, it is possible to arrange a tour.
The apartment is immediately available for a new tenant.
The price of the monthly rent, including media, is € 550.
The deposit is bimonthly.

Predam osobnu zbierku CD vo vybornom stave, citlive zaobchadzanie. Konecna cena bude klesat od poctu CD a druhu skupiny. Rozne styly, pop, rock, art, soft, alternative, electro, new wave, drum and base, breakbeat acid-jazz, soul, experimental, ambient, trip-hop, downtempo, classical, folk, synthpop, post-punk, ballads. Celkovy zoznam aj s coversheet obrazkami a hudobnymi stylmi zaslem na dopyt.
Aloof ~Seeking Pleasure ~Wish you were here (Maxi)
Amos Tori ~Boys For Pele
Apollo Four Forty ~Electro Glide In Blue
Blue Chip Orchestra ~Bolero, Suite
Booth Tim, Angelo Badalamenti ~Booth and the Bad Angel
Brand New Heavies ~Shelter
Clannad ~Magical Ring
Depeche Mode ~Condemnation/paris mix
Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft ~Gold Und Liebe
Dolby Thomas ~Premium Gold Collection
Don Dorsey ~Bachbusters
Doors ~A Film by Oliver Stone
Dubstar ~Disgraceful
Durutti Column ~Fidelity
Everything But The Girl ~The Best of EBTG
Farmer Mylene ~L'autre
Fila Brazillia ~Luck Be A Weirdo Tonight
Flock of Seagulls ~I Ran
Garbage ~Garbage ~Version 2.0
Genesis ~Genesis
Heaven 17 ~Penthouse And Pavement ~The Luxury Gap
Human League ~Dare! ~Secrets
Indochine ~Unita
Japan ~Assemblage ~Tin Drum
Kajagoogoo - Limahl ~Too Shy - The Singles And More
Kosheen ~Kokopelli
Laika ~Sounds of The Satellites
Madonna ~Ray Of Light ~Something to Remember
Mandalay ~Empathy ~Instinct
Minogue Kylie ~Impossible Princess
Morcheeba ~Charango ~Charango (Instrumental) ~Dive Deep ~Who Can You Trust?
Mulu ~Smiles Like a Shark
Nena ~Nena ~?(Fragezeichen)
Ohm Square ~Ohmophonica
Prefab Sprout ~A Life Of Surprises
Republica ~Republica
Roxy Music ~Flesh + Blood ~Heart Still Beating
Sleeper ~Pleased To Meet You
Sneaker Pimps ~Becoming X
Sparks ~Kimono My House
Support Lesbiens ~Tune Da Radio
Tante Elze ~Hmota
Thompson Twins ~The Collections
Trio ~Triologie - The Best Of
Ultravox ~Systems Of Romance
White Barry ~The Unlimited Love Collection
White Town ~Women in Technology
Yes ~The Very Best of Yes

Luxury 1-bedroom apartment of 60 m2 in Rhodes town
The property is located on the 2nd floor from 3 floors apartment building, in a new block which was built in 2022.
It is located in a quiet residential area of Rhodes, not far away from the Medieval Town itself, which is definitely the biggest attraction on the island of Rhodes.
Apartment layout:
entrance corridor
spacious room – kitchen with dining table and living area
Apartment equipment:
-comfortable double bed 160x 200 cm (for 2 people) in the bedroom
-bed linen and towels
-in the living area there is SmarTV 32 in
-corner sofa bed (allows two more people to sleep)
-high-speed internet
-electronic sun shadows
- fully equipped kitchen (Nespresso coffee maker, kettles, pots, washing machine, dishwasher)
From the living room there is direct access to the balcony 10 m2 with sea view
and the opportunity to enjoy a pleasant sea breeze and panoramic views
The apartment is fully air-conditioned.
In the underground of the apartment complex there is a common garage where you have your parking place reserved just for you.
The Greek local market for vegetables, fruits and fresh fish is about 1km away. On Wednesdays and Saturdays you can buy fresh local products or just enjoy the atmosphere.
Within walking distance there are Lidl and My Market supermarkets, as well as bakery with fresh pastries and local Greek coffee.
Nearby is also the new Marina with local cafés and restaurants.
Distance from the airport is 16 km.
Price: from 80e till 110e per unit per night /2 pax/ depends on the date of the season
Cleaning fee: 40Euro
Contact: Diana

Navštívte oázu pohody, relaxu a oddychu. Zabudnite na stres a príďte si vychutnať skvelý tantrický masážny rituál. Príjemné prostredie, tlmené svetla sviečok, hudba a vône exotických olejčekov Vás dokonale uvoľnia na tele i na duši.
Ak si chcete zrelaxovať cez víkend , sú pre Vás pripravené zaujímavé zľavy na Tantra masáže.
Visit an oasis of well-being, relaxation and rest. Forget about stress and come and enjoy a great tantric massage ritual. The pleasant environment, dim candlelight, music and the scent of exotic oils will perfectly relax you on your body and soul.
If you want to relax over the weekend, there are interesting discounts on Tantra massages.

predam knihy v anglickom jazyku, vsetky su takmer ako nove, neposkodene:
- John Christopher - The Possessors, cena 4 eur plus postovne
- Anonymous - A Real Diary - Go Ask Alice, cena 4 eur plus postovne
- Michael Moorcock - The Sleeping Sorceress , cena 4 eur plus postovne
- Mary Shelley - Frankenstein, cena 4 eur plus postovne
- J.R.R.Tolkien - The Hobbit, cena 8 eur
- J.R.R.Tolkien - The Two Towers, 2.cast, 400 stran, cena je 5 eur plus postovne
- Dan Brown - Digital Fortress, cena je 6 eur plus postovne
- Dan Brown - The Da Vinci Code, cena je 6 eur plus postovnte
- Lisa Jackson - You Don´t Want to Know, cena je 6 eur plus postovne
- Augusten Burroughs - Running with Scissors, cena je 6 eur plus postovne
- Faye Kellerman - Stalker, cena je 6 eur
- Jack Kerouac - On the Road, cena je 6 eur
- John Green, David Levithan - Will Grayson, cena je 7 eur plus postovne
- Margaret Murphy - Now you see me, cena je 7 eur plus postovne
- J.R.R.Tolkien - The Two Towers (tvrda vazba s obalom), cena je 10 eur plus postovne
- J.R.R.Tolkien - The Return of the King (tvrda vazba s obalom), cena je 10 eur plus postovne
- Sean Wilsey - Oh, The Glory of it all, cena je 6 eur plus postovne
- Ake Edwardson - Sun and Shadow, cena je 7 eur plus postovne
- George R.R.Martin - A Game of Thrones, cena je 10 eur plus postovne
- Howard Liss - The Giant Book of Strange but True Sports Stories, cena je 6 eur plus postovne
- Robert Daley - Year of the Dragon, cena je 7 eur plus postovne

Josh Malerman - Bird Box
Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email.
Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty.
If you've seen what's out there... It's already too late. Malorie raises the children the only way she can: indoors, with the doors locked, the curtains closed, and mattresses nailed over the windows. The children sleep in the bedroom across the hall, but soon she will have to wake them and blindfold them. Today they will risk everything. Today they will leave the house. Josh Malerman's New York Times bestselling Bird Box is a terrifying psychological thriller that will haunt you long after reading.

Predam 150W aktivny streaming reproduktor Bluesound Pulse 2i. Iba rozbaleny a odskusany, original balenie. Iba osobne v BA a okolie. Poprosim pisat cez kontaktny formular dole.
The most complete powered streaming speaker available, combining Bluetooth, and multi room capabilities the PULSE 2i fills large spaces with rich, clear high-res audio. When it comes to your music, don’t settle for anything less than high-fidelity.
Bluesound’s flagship all-in-one, multi-room speaker.
Top-performing drivers deliver a powerful listening experience greater than other all-in-one speakers.
Bluesound’s innovative amp technology ensures flawless music playback without any distortion.
Dual band Wi-Fi and support for 2-way Bluetooth aptX™ HD ensures music playback without interruption.
Control how and where you listen to your music with the intuitive BluOS Controller app.
Control it with the optional Bluesound RC1 Remote Controller
Stream to multiple Bluesound players throughout the entire home.
Connect Bluesound to your Amazon Echo with the skill in the Alexa app and use Amazon’s Alexa voice assistant to control Players around the home.
AirPlay 2 lets you play music or podcasts from wireless speakers throughout your house — all in sync.

Knižôčky ????????
Simon Sinek - Začni s otázkou prečo - plne nová 6€
Jen Sincero - You are a badass - má pár myšlienok vyznačených, veľmi dobrý stav - 5€
Vex King - Good vibes good life - raz čítaná, niektoré myšlienky sú zvýraznené, top stav 6€
Paul Arden - Whatever you think, think the opposite - ako nová 5€
Pierre Franckh - Ako si správne priať - plne nová 5€

2.GBH-Leather bristles no survivors Neotvorena 17€
5.The boys-To hell with the boys Neotvorena 17€
6.Motörhead-Deaf in Wacken Picture disc Neotvorena 30€
7.The Who-Live at Leeds EX/EX GERMANY 14€
8.The Who-Who are you EX/EX FRANCE 14€
9.Radiohead-NY Radioshow 1997 Nova 20€
10.Cramps-Songs the lord taught us Nova 20€
12.Tool-Live Dallas 1993 nova 19€
14.BLACK SABBATH-Forbidden 25eur
16.Frank Ocean -Nostalgia 23€
17.SEPULTURA - Morbid visions 30eur
18.Blitz-Voices of generation Neotvorena limited Green ed.15€
19.NICK CAVE N THE BAD SEEDS -Live Fuji 1988 23eur
20.Nuns -The nuns limited ed red Neotvorena 15€
21.Nirvana-Unplugged in NY picture disc hrana VG 25€
23.PRINCE-Get wild in Miami live 1994 22eur limited ed farebna
24.DEPECHE MODE-LIVE in Basel 1984 22eur
25.JUDAS PRIEST-Heading out to HOUSTON LIVE 1983 22eur
26.LED ZEPPELIN-Madison square garden 1975 22eur
27.METALLICA -Live at Japan 2lp 25eur
28.CRYPTIC SLAUGHTER-Stream of consciousness 23eur
29.TOOL -Aenima 2lp 40eur
32.THE WHO - WHO ARE YOU ex/ex Germany 14eur
33.KISS-THE ELDER VG/VG+ Germany 15eur
34.EMERSON LAKE AND PALMER-WORKS vol.1 2lp EX/ex,ex Germany 13eur
35.PETER GABRIEL-PLAYS LIVE 2lp EX/Ex,Ex Germany 13eur
39.DEVO-San Francisco 1977 22eur
40.MOTORHEAD-Tales of glory 22eur
41.MARILYN MANSON-Smells like children 28€
Dobierka aj zasielkovna 4.50

Predám hudobný album You Never Walk Alone (pink version) od skupiny BTS. Album bol kupovaný zo slovenskej stránky Martinus. Je to originál!
Album obsahuje:
-1x CD
-photocard (v)
Album ma stál 30€, ale som ochotná ho predať aj za menej, to je 15€. Možná platba vopred (prevodom na účet). Osobný odber je tiež možný. +POŠTOVNÉ

Žehličku som iba rozbalil a 1x použil. Odvtedy som ju nepoužil a skladujem ju v izbe. Je v 100% stave ešte je 1r a 3m v záruke. Kupovaná 20.12.2021. Mám všetky potrebné doklady.
Link na novú žehličku.

V ponuke na predaj !!!
BENEDICTION - "The Dreams You Dread"
1.st press CD Nuclear Blast © 1995
Kultový DEATH METAL album s Dave Ingram!
15,-€ RARITA !!!

PWilliam Paul Young - The Shack. Je ako nová.
Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email.
Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty.
Mackenzie Allen Philips' youngest daughter, Missy, has been abducted during a family vacation and evidence that she may have been brutally murdered is found in an abandoned shack deep in the Oregon wilderness. Four years later in the midst of his great sadness, Mack receives a suspicious note, apparently from God, inviting him back to that shack for a weekend. Against his better judgement he arrives at the shack on a wintry afternoon and walks back into his darkest nightmare. What he finds there will change Mack's world forever. In a world where religion seems to grow increasingly irrelevant THE SHACK wrestles with the timeless question, 'Where is God in a world so filled with unspeakable pain?' The answers Mack gets will astound you and perhaps transform you as much as it did him.

Pre vsetkych turistov, free-riderov a nadsencov outdooru, ktori idu radsej mimo vyslapanych chodnickov. Tieto 4 cierne krabicky vas udrzia v spojeni aj tam, kde uz mobilny signal nie je, resp vam umoznia si vytvorit vlastnu komunikacnu siet, ci dobit telefon.
Tu je vysvetlene ako to funguje
Bezdrotovym pripojenim sa svojim telefonom mozete prepojit s dalsimi predvolenymi nositelmi Beartooth, zaroven sluzi ako lokator ci power-banka.
For all tourists, free-riders and those outdoor enthusiasts who prefer to stay off the beaten paths. Here are 4 black boxes that will keep you connected even where there is no phone signal, or charge your dead phone.
Check the link above for how it works.
Allows contact between people when you’re out of Mobile Signal range, can be used for Voice/Push-to-talk/SMS via Mesh Networking (up to 4 people with both kits can be networked), also provides powerbank for phone, maps and locator function. Works with Android & iPhone (requires Beartooth app)